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Category: API

Discuss link data, metrics, and all of the calls available through the Links API.

  • While taking a look at our sites on-page reports I noticed some of our keywords with very old urls that haven't existed for close to a year. How do I make sure moz's keyword ranking is finding the correct page and make sure I'm not getting graded on that keywords/urls that don't exist any more or have been 301'd to new urls? Is there a way to clean these out? My on-page reports say I have 62 reports for only a total of 34 keywords in rankings. As you can see from the image most of the urls for "tax folder" have now been 301'd to not include /product or /category but moz is still showing them with the old url structure. BTW our site is 2KdGcPL.png

    | smines

  • Hey Moz Community, I really need someone to help me with Moz reporting. Let's say I have 10 websites on my campaign dashboard. Is there an API or settings in campaign where I can generate a Moz report that has all 10 campaigns into one high level report? Right now I can generate 1 report per 1 website and the plan is to make it more easier to digest the information and have all the information for all 10 campaigns in just 1 report. Is that even possible? Thank you in advance!

    | Josh.B

  • How do I get the most out of follower wonk or how do I even get it to work?  When I type in the name of our organisation, it shows  a lot of mentions of our brand. Which is great but when I go the pages where we are supposedly mentioned we don’t appear at all! Is anyone else having trouble with this function? Regards Pete

    | Hardley111

  • Is there any way I can track over time the movement of a keyword. At the moment I can see if it has improved or declined but I can’t see if there has been a change historically?

    | Hardley111

  • I'm working on a top 100 list for my industry and need a way to pull DA for the list of blogs and then sort them in descending order until it can pull other metrics (Alexa and follower count). Right now I am doing the above manually and was trying to hunt for a way for the table to update on a set date. any help / guidance appreciated

    | ArfanB

  • hello fellow Mozers.  got a question.  is anyone aware of an api coming out to feed individual reports?  We have a crm to manage all of our clients, and I'd love to feed the new moz analytics directly into our system. Please let me know if it already exists, is in the works, etc. Thanks, Stephan

    | Stephan_Boehringer

  • Not sure if this is an API question or a feature request, but wondering if other folks had a way to do this: In OSE there is the dashboard for a specific URL that is entered into the search bar, giving you metrics at a glance on it. But I often find myself going to the Top Pages tab to get a sense of the domain as a whole. First off, wouldn't it be nice/is there a way to build my own "dashboard" based on info from that section? Specifically, I'd love to see at a glance the number of "top pages" that exist (many websites are well under the 10,000 page limit for this section, but there's no quick glance metric showing that) One thing that would be very handy for me would be a breakdown of HTTP Status info across the whole domain, as being able to see the raw total of different statuses (and the percentages of each based on the total number of pages) would be really helpful, giving me a sense if I should dig into any issues before exporting the list to CSV. I've found myself needing this type of info for multiple domains at once, so what would be REALLY cool would be a Google Doc where I could paste in different domains in one column, and this info being returned in other columns. I've searched through the Q&A and didn't find anything like this, and I didn't know how easy/hard any of this would be to do, but I was wondering if anyone else had a sense of how to solve this problem and how feasible it would be to tackle it. Thanks!

    | John-E-Turner

  • Hi, Does any one know if using the moz APIs, I can created a "SEO" dashboard inside my backend? Thanks

    | Felip3

  • Situation:
    I want to create a new account, but i don't want to lose data from my current account. Is there any possibility for exporting my data (to an excel document or something) that i can import in my new account later? If there is an option to export data directly to my new account that would be nice.. Kind Regards.

    | Zanox

  • How can you increase the number of keywords you check for difficulty via the keyword difficulty score tool?  Can it even be done?

    | JQC

  • i love the idea of the api - but need a tool to access it. having seen the seogadget excel addin, but unable to use it with my MAC. Do you have a recommendation for using api without writing my own code? Thanks, in advance!

    | robertdonnell

  • Hi,
    I have a couple trivial questions regarding google search and the way Moz keyword reports are working. 1/ is it true that google moved to ssl encrypted protocol and doesn't release keyword data anymore? 2/ if so than how Moz still manages to collect this data? Is it because of api or some other “deal” with them? Or you're paying for it. 3/ Why is “traffic from organic search” only for one week? Or I am missing something . It would be great to:
    a/ go month by month (my client is requiring monthly reports)
    b/ compare one week/month with another to see if it's getting better or worse. Thanks in advance,

    | jjtech

  • Hi, I have over 1200 back-links in an excel 2010 spreadsheet and I have a trial account at Moz Analytics. I am trying to pull the HTTP Status Code of these backlinks from Moz using the SEOGadget for Excel tool [url:]. I am able to get the status code as 200 for some links but for most its 0. I am able to get some other info correctly so the problem is mostly with the HTTP Status Code retrieval. Could you please let me know whats causing this and how I can fix this so as to be able to get correct HTTP Status Code for for a list of 1200 back-links automatically. Thanks

    | nameen

  • Hi I've created a script that I'd like to use to check a list of domains using the Moz API. It works totally fine on my local machine. However, when I run it from my EC2 instance, it fails every time. To be specific, the response is always empty (the response is an empty json array) when the request is sent from EC2. Is, for some reason, EC2 blocked by the Moz API? Many thanks for your help, Andrew

    | csandrew

  • Hi I've created a script that I'd like to use to check a list of domains using the Moz API. It works totally fine on my local machine. However, when I run it from my EC2 instance, it fails every time. To be specific, the response is always empty (the response is an empty json array) when the request is sent from EC2. Is, for some reason, EC2 blocked by the Moz API? Many thanks for your help, Andrew

    | csandrew

  • Hi guys I’ve just checked my online campaign and I see errors  in my crawl diagnostics have almost doubled from the 21<sup>st</sup> of October to the 25<sup>th</sup> of October going from 6708 errors to 11 599. Can anyone tell me what may have caused this? Also I notice we have  a lot of  issues with duplicate page  titles   which seems strange as no new pages have been added, can anyone explain why this might be? I look forward to hearing from you

    | Hardley111

  • Hi Everyone,I'm  having some on pa duplicate URLs issue .I have spoken to our web company and they have corrected the issue last week  and I noted the amount of duplicates dropped  significantly. Ive just checked t i see it's back up (I'm following this up with our web company). Are you able to offer any insights as to why this problem seems to reoccur I was of the understanding  this is a permanent fix so once the change has been made, I cant understand why it then seems to reoccur?. Any insights would be much appreciated. Regards Pete Dupeissue.jpg.html

    | Hardley111

  • Moz & GA were playing nice, now their not... everytime i login to my dashboard i see the " you need to re-link your moz & GA" message near the top of the page. it links up fine, i press the i accept button, i get the green all went well now its linked button... may se a gap blah blah, then if i refresh or do anything in moz i see the red banner telling me i need to re-link moz.... any help here?

    | EarGear

  • Hello, I am going to develop an iOS application that uses MOZ APIs. While using these APIs i'm getting the problem regarding "Authentication". I think here is problem in encoding the signature key. Could you please help me out on this by sending proper encoding process and API call format? Looking forward for your positive response and thanks in advance.! Regards and thanks.

    | Digital360

  • I have been trying to download my keyword rankings history to csv, and nothing happens. If I am in chrome, a page pops up with the url nothing happens.  I tried in firefox as well, and absolutely nothing happens there at all.  Thank you!

    | level6

  • Hi, Every time I log back in to Moz my Google analytics connection breaks. I have to reconnect it every time I want to look at something. Thanks, Amelia

    | CommT

  • We want to change the text of the reports in order to have them in Spanish rather than in english. Anyone knows something about this? Thank you so much

    | etnykasem

  • I'd like to feed a list of keywords into the Moz API and get back a list of the websites that appear on the first page for that keyword. Can anyone tell me if this is possible?

    | amchapel

  • I have a list of links 500 in excel that I would like to get the number of backlinks, PA and DA for the relevant link, is there a pre-built excel sheet that utilises the Moz Api that can pull this data easily? Thanks!

    | ChrisClayts

  • Hello, i am using the free mozscape api to get the domain and page authority of urls. i am batching the url as shown in the sample code however i have over 500 URL i need to check and when running the request i get the following: stdClass Object ( [status] => 413 [error_message] => Too many urls in batch. Batches must be less than or equal to 200 urls. ) When i change it to 200 urls the request works fine, now is there a way to enable me to batch all 500 urls at once? i did read that the beta api is capable of batching urls in one request : Has this been implemented yet into the current api? Thanks

    | pauledwards

  • will the MOZ API display rank, social and page data So I can create my own dashboard? We are looking to head off the 100% not provided and need to add to our reporting program. I was hoping the MOZ API would allow us to integrate the page views per url with ranking data that the campaigns provide. We are also interested in adding the social metrics for twitter and facebook to our client facing portal. any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    | OPM

  • Hi Moz Fans, Can you recommend someone who can develop an app/tool as similar to Hubspots Marketing Grader Functionality using MOZ API? I appreciate all your help guys Thanks, Tony

    | chickenjoy2013

  • Hi All, I was wondering if there is any chance of getting dates out of OpenSiteExplorer, either via the API or the web menu. This would be hugely useful for competitor research to see how strategies were shifting over time, etc, and I can't imagine it would be that difficult on the development end: just time stamp when writting a new link/domain to the database. Any chance I am missing this, or getting this? Brian


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