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Category: API

Discuss link data, metrics, and all of the calls available through the Links API.

  • Update 5:27pm 8/4 - the data in Open Site Explorer is up-to-date, as is the API and Mozbar. Moz Analytics campaigns are currently loading in the new data, and all campaigns should be fully up-to-date by 4-10pm tomorrow (8/5). However, your campaign may have the new data much earlier as it depends on where that campaign falls in the update ordering. Hey gang, I wanted to provide some transparency into the latest index update, as well as give some information about our plans going forward with future indices. The Good News: This index, now that it's delivered, is pretty impressive. Mozscape's August index is 407 Billion URLs in size, nearly 100 Billion (~25%) bigger than our last record index size. We indexed 2.18 trillion links for the first time ever (prior record was 1.54 trillion). Correlations for Page Authority have gone up from 0.319 to 0.333 in the latest index, suggesting that we're getting a slightly more accurate representation of Google's use of links in rankings from this data (DA correlations remain constant at 0.185) Our hit ratio for URLs in Google's SERPs has gone up considerably, from 69.97% in our previous index to 78.66% in the August update. This indicates we are crawling and indexing more of what Google shows in the search results (a good benchmark for us). Note that a large portion of what's missing will be things published in the last 30-60 days while we were processing the index (after crawling had stopped). The Bad News: August's index was late by ~25 days. We know that reliable, consistent, on-time Mozscape updates are critically important to everyone who uses Moz's products. We've been working hard for years to get these to a better place, but have struggled mightily. Our latest string of failures was completely new to the team - a bunch of problems and issues we've never seen before (some due to the index size, but many due to odd things like a massive group of what appear to be spam domains using the Palau TLD extension clogging up crawl/processing, large chunks of pages we crawled with 10s of thousands of links which slow down the MozRank calculations, etc). While there's no excuse for delays, and we don't want to pass these off as such, we do want to be transparent about why we were so late. Our future plans include scaling back the index sizes a bit, dealing with the issues around spam domains, large link-list pages, some of the odd patterns we see in .pl and .cn domains, and taking one extra person from the Big Data team off of work on the new index system (which will be much larger and real-time rather than updated every 30 days) to help with Mozscape indices. We believe these efforts, and the new monitoring systems we've got will help us get better at producing high quality, consistent indices. Question everyone always asks: Why did my PA/DA change?! There are tons of reasons why these can change, and they don't necessarily mean anything bad about your site, your SEO efforts, or whether your links are helping you rank. PA and DA are predictive, correlated metrics that say nothing about how you're actually performing. They merely map better than most metrics to Google's global rankings across large SERP sets (but not necessarily your SERPs, which is what you should care about). That said, here's some of the reasons PA/DA do shift: The domains/pages with the highest PA/DA scores gain even faster than most of the domains below them, making it harder each index to get higher scores (since PA/DA are on a logarithmic scale, this is smoothed out somewhat - it would be much worse on a conventional scale, e.g. 100, everyone else 0.0003). Google's ranking algorithm introduces new elements, changes, modifies what they care about, etc. Moz crawls a set of the web that does or doesn't include the pages that are more likely to point to a given domain than another. Although our crawl tends to be representative, if you've got lots of links from deep pages on less popular domains in a part of the web far from the mainstream, we may not consistently crawl those well (or, we could overcrawl your sector because it recently received powerful links from the center of the web). My advice, as always, is to use PA/DA as relative scores. If your scores are falling, but your competitors' are falling more, that's not a bad thing. If your scores are rising, but your competitors' are rising faster, they're probably gaining ground on you. And, if you're talking about score changes in the 1-4 points range, that's not necessarily anything but noise. PA/DA scores often shift 1-4 points up or down in a new index so don't sweat it! Let me know if you've got more questions and I'll do my best to answer. You can also refer to the API update page here:

    | randfish

  • Hi Guys, i am trying to extract a SERP to a CSV or Excel from googe with moz bar, but it seems to work differently on different computers, even with the same browser (i am using chrome). Can anybody inform on how to configure the type information that i wish to extract. Thanks Dani

    | julirenner

  • Hi, I am unfamiliar with API's in general but never had an issue with being throttled until today. I used the api a lot heavier today which is why. According to the API dashboard I made 5100 "requests" today and 21,000 "rows returned". I am using a MOZ PRO account and have been throttled as a result. I am wondering when does it reset? Is it a daily, weekly, or monthly limit that I hit and what is the limit? Thanks

    | greganderson444

  • Hi
    I have looked but cannot find any reference to this, so I hope someone can help me.
    Is it possible to upload a list of domain URLs and retrieve their MOZ Domain Authority?
    Many thanks

    | SteveWarren

  • I am integrating your mozscape API into a project of mine and I am in need of seeing if I can send and return a variable with an associated call. For instance when I am sending some batch URL's I am requesting the [upa] and [pda] back. I am also requesting the [uu] (canonical URL) but it always seems to come back blank. So the issue I am having is if I send a batch of urls to the API how do I know how to associate a [upa] or [pda] with a link? My thoughts are if I could send a ID with a link and return that ID back then I know how to associate the [upa] or [pda] with that particular link. Anyone know?

    | cbielich

  • Hi all, I'm looking for a solution which will allow me to sort a list of links by pagerank. There seems to be a couple of solutions online but neither work for me due to various updates since they were created. Can anyone give me a solution which will work today - Perhaps using Google Sheets/Excel? I have a Moz Pro subscription. Thanks, Sam


  • Hi All, I came back from work today from a week off to find my site has gone from 681 external inbound links to 202. With this my domain authority, moz trust and moz rank have all also taken a slip. Compounding this, I am seeing a slip most of my keywords rankings. If i try to use the open site explorer to explore my links and see what going on i get the message It looks like we haven't discovered link data for this site or URL. If i check the just discovered links like it suggests I get It looks like there's no Just-Discovered Links data for this URL yet. I know these features worked before the index as i used them. Is this all attributable to the moz index issues that have been noted or could something have happened to my site? Since i started 2 months ago I have made many changes including... Updating the site map that was 4 years out of date and included 400 broken urls Removed blank pages and other useless webpages on the site that contained no content (from the previous administrator) Edited a few pages content from keyword spammy stuff to nicely written and relevant content Fixed url rewrites that made loops and un-accessible product pages All these changes should be for the better but the latest readings have me a little worried. Thanks.

    | ATP

  • Why the Domain Authority of my website decreased? Last month my website domain authority was 32/100. but today I see the result is only 23/100 . What was the reason behind this big decrease !! Your answer is highly appreciated and very valuable for me. Best regards

    | iphony

  • Hello Mozzers, The "Get Keyword Difficulty" button next to the google search bar is not working for me. All it shows is "--%". It used to work fine a few weeks ago.. Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance!

    | grobro

  • I have a spam score of 1/17, any ideas on how I can figure out which backlink caused the spam?

    | sammyn

  • Hello! I'm getting an error for seomoz call using API: {"status":"401","error_message":"Your authentication failed. Check your authentication details and try again. For more information on signed authentication, see:"} Can you help me?

    | leoh

  • Hey there, I am new member with Moz and i have to say that you are doing very good job. Three days ago, i have learnt that the On-page Grader and On-Page Optimization tools are useless for me because i am using no-latin keywords (greek characters) in order to optimize my SEO. From that moment i dont know how to properly use moz pro in order to optimize my SEO score (if this still can be done) so i would like to ask: Without these two powerfull tools how can i use the Moz Pro in order to optimize my (greek) website? Is this possible to do it with out these two tools? should i try to do it manually? if yes what i have to read/learn in order to do it manually? What other tools can i use in order to help me rank my website instead of On-Page grader and optimization? Thanks in advance

    | tsalatzi

  • I cannot access open site explorer since past 5 hours although I have signed up for Moz Pro account. Can anybody let us know if there is any issue with the moz tool. TIA

    | jaintechnosoft

  • Hi, I would very much like to include the on-page grader output into my SEO tools. Is there an API for that? thanks James

    | KMdayJob

  • Hello Guys, I've a list of of 390K domains which will be available to register until 02/22. Those are expired domains and they are all available at 10.59USD each. I want to check all domains for DA, mT and mR. hahaha 😛 Any suggestions? If any good soul with a API subscription wanna try it, if we find any gems on those domains, I can share, 3 to 1. 3 for the person using the API and 1 for me. Anyway, I'm just trying. 😄 Thanks 🙂

    | strongmedia

  • Howdy y'all. I wanted to give a brief update (not quite worthy of a blog post, but more than would fit in a tweet) about the latest Mozscape index update. On January 27th, we released our largest web index ever, with 285 Billion unique URLs, and 1.25 Trillion links. Our previous index was also a record at 217 Billion pages, but this one is another 30% bigger. That's all good news - it means more links that you're seeking are likely to be in this index, and link counts, on average, will go up. There are two oddities about this index, however, that I should share: The first is that we broke one particular view of data - 301'ing links sorted by Page Authority doesn't work in this index, so we've defaulted to sorting 301s by Domain Authority. That should be fixed in the next index, and from our analytics, doesn't appear to be a hugely popular view, so it shouldn't affect many folks (you can always export to CSV and re-sort by PA in Excel if you need, too - note that if you have more than 10K links, OSE will only export the first 10K, so if you need more data, check out the API). The second is that we crawled a massively more diverse set of root domains than ever before. Whereas our previous index topped out at 192 million root domains, this latest one has 362 million (almost 1.9X as many unique, new domains we haven't crawled before). This means that DA and PA scores may fluctuate more than usual, as link diversity are big parts of those calculations and we've crawled a much larger swath of the deep, dark corners of the web (and non-US/ domains, too). It also means that, for many of the big, more important sites on the web, we are crawling a little less deeply than we have in the past (the index grew by ~31% while the root domains grew by ~88%). Often, those deep pages on large sites do more internal than external linking, so this might not have a big impact, but it could depend on your field/niche and where your links come from. As always, my best suggestion is to make sure to compare your link data against your competition - that's a great way to see how relative changes are occurring and whether, generally speaking, you're losing or gaining ground in your field. If you have specific questions, feel free to leave them and I'll do my best to answer in a timely fashion. Thanks much! p.s. You can always find information about our index updates here.

    | randfish

  • Hola! I've been optimising a site since October and our hard work has yielded a sizeable increase in organic traffic, revenue, quality, relevant links and Search Metrics scoring since commencing the campaign. After yesterday's Moz update, the DA has dropped slightly and a number of pages' PAs have dropped significantly (i.e. from 27 to 17). So here are my questions: My 'white hat' optimisation is clearly working. The site is enjoying more than 100% year-on-year increase in organic traffic and we're currently pulling in more organic visitors than ever before. Why is Moz's score not reflecting this? Some of the pages that have seen sizeable PA drops have had their URLs changed since the last Moz update. For example, I've optimised a URL from to to coincide with search volumes. I've added optimised content to this page too, but the PA has dipped from 27 to 17. A 301 redirect has been correctly added, and this is evident by a PA of 17 and not zero, which is what a brand new page would have. Am I paying too much attention to Moz's scores? It's a bit disheartening to see a drop after a lot of hard work. However, I guess the only thing that really counts is an increased volume of search traffic and revenue, right? Cheers, Lewis

    | PeaSoupDigital

  • I am using the MOZ API to make calls for the top pages for a particular URL. However, when I pass in any limit value greater than 3 the API only returns 3 results.  I have even tried to put in URLs like '' and still only 3 results.  Sample call to the API below:

    | solodev

  • my analytics dashboard always says i have only 1 or 2 visits to my site.  i know today i had over a 100 visits to my site.  is my google analytics causing this misinformation. how can i fix this?

    | SexyLeggings

  • The items in the "insights" section of the Moz report have an "x" which can be clicked in the designer to dismiss this data from the report.  However, these items still shows up in the report anyways.  Buggy.  How can we work around this bug?

    | Webformix

  • This morning, just before trying to meet with a client, I cannot access Moz Pro. Here is the page I get: This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
          <error>NoSuchBucket<message>The specified bucket does not exist</message><bucketname></bucketname><requestid>DC68738B494D30A1</requestid><hostid>r13H1pVq04vKGcKkAD9AUCTRXNdZAhUOULNwv4/TB74e0utcat2mV3PT7dXOtnuG</hostid></error> What can I do to access my information?

    | jessential

  • I just got started, but got a 902 error code on some pages, with a message saying there might be an outage on my site. That's certainly not the case, so I'm wondering if the crawlers actually respect and use the escaped_fragment query parameter. Thanks, David.

    | CareerDean

  • Hi i'm looking to pull large amounts of data from the moz and semrush api. I have been using seotools addon for excel to extract data but excel is slow, sometimes crashes and not very reliable. Can anyone recommend any other tools i can use, to pull huge amounts of data? Any suggestions would be highly appreciated! Cheers, RM

    | MBASydney

  • Hello everyone,
    I noticed that most of the traffic we receive on our website comes from "Direct visits", and after doing further research it seems very difficult to gauge where these direct visits come from.  What I was looking to do is find some kind of survey provider that can track visits from direct traffic visitors and poll them specifically on how they heard about us.  Does anyone know of a service like this? Thank you for your help!

    | SarahVonnegut

  • The new MozPRo reports do not give me the same level of data as my previous reports on the old platform, including detailed keyword reporting.  I recently discovered that even if I schedule a monthly report, I still only get weekly data.  Is it just me or is anyone else struggling with these new reports?

    | Discovery_SA

  • How would I go about embedding a tool like a simple seo audit in my own website, while of course giving full credit to the developer and paying to use it. I'm talking about using it for conversions, but I'd think it would benefit the developer as well. thanks, JMM

    | Jmat

  • Hi, Problem: I try to create a new campaign but when i put keywords in it, the « next » button stay “gray” and is inactive… I can’t press it. I’m using chrome. I deleted my history in my browser. I did some campaigns  yesterday and it was ok. Please tell me what wrong. Martin Lapierre

    | mlapierre

  • Hi All - We have a large client who's website when down for a few hours the same day we crawled the site with Moz. They are asking if we can get a log file with the details of what and when Moz crawled on their site. Have any of you ever experienced this issue before? Is that data out there? Really appreciate the help.

    | NobleStudios

  • Hello everyone, The company I work for had Google Analytics for all of our websites, dating back at least 4 years. Because of our email infrastructure, we accessed Analytics through a temporary account. Now this account worked fine for 4 years, until over the last two weeks where at some point Google deleted that account, and the Analytics connected to it. I've had no response from Google regarding this, but that's by the by. Anyway, I've made the decision to bring the analytics in house and hold the data ourselves. I've chosen Piwik for this, and it's been running fine for the last few days. However, I know Moz integrates with Google Analytics, but at the moment this is useless to me. Is there a way, or are there any plans, to integrate Piwik with Moz? If not, what benefits will I lose if I discontinue using Google Analytics with Moz?

    | theponyclub

  • Hi guys! Our site appears to have been punched in the face by the latest Moz update. It's claiming our #linking root domains has dropped from 225 to 135 and has subsequently hit our DA from 38 to 35. We haven't disavowed any links and our off-site strategy has been going well the past 2 months. Search performance has increased by around 15% (around 5k sessions) and rankings have improved week on week. Any idea if this is a Moz error? That's almost a 50% drop in linking root domains. Thanks, James

    | Matt.Carwow

  • Links are showing up in the HubSpot link tool within a couple of days. OSE has our site showing zero backlinks. ahrefs is finding them too but that makes more sense. Does the API update more frequently than OSE? Any thoughts? Thanks!

    | KLEANTreatmentCenter

  • Hi dear moz Team! Currently I´m building a Java application accessing your API. But there are some metrics I urgently need which I can´t get out of the API until now: The total number of internal links to a page The total number of internal links to a page with partial anchor text match MozRank passed by all internal links w. part. match anchor text (would be nice) For example, if I try this by your links endpoint, my idea was:
    &SourceCols=4 (or any other value)
    &Limit=50 If I try this, the API says: {"status": "400", "error_message": "Cannot set a source domain when filtering for internal links."} Is there any way to get the data I need by your API endpoints? I´m currently writing my master thesis and it is very important to me to solve this somehow. Thank you very much in advance! Best, Andreas Pollierer

    | pollierer

  • Hello Team, I have moz pro account. I'm getting following error for seomoz call using your API: {"status":"401","error_message":"Your authentication failed. Check your authentication details and try again. For more information on signed authentication, see:"} The link that we are using is: And following bits are requested during the call: 68719476736 34359738368 32 2048 16384 The error is intermittent. It comes and goes. There were no issues with results 3 days ago. I suddenly started getting this error. Could you please investigate into it and let me know the cause of issues and its correctiveness. It will great if you can provide us a support email Id for immediate response. Thanks,

    | eBrandz

  • MOZ API signed authentication is getting expire after particular time, and coming up with the error "Authentication has expired , Re-send your authentication". **right now we are getting new authentication details using ** after doing login. but, how do we get new credentials (authentication details) , by doing MOZ API call using c# or any other programming language, we are using this API in .NET. Also, How we can increase the session expiry time. i think it is concerned with the Sample Expires of Signed authentication , but we are unable to change it , as it is coming with the authentication failed.

    | BenuAggarwal

  • Greetings: When I try to use the on page grader and enter my URL, an error message appears stating: "Sorry But This Page Inaccessible". The URL is and it works fine when I enter it on my browser. Any page from this domain generates this error. Is there a bug with this tool? How would I go about tracking ranking on various keywords? I see it is possible to tag keywords, and I have done so for about 250. But I don't know how to generate a ranking report for these keywords; ideally I would like to do so filtering them by the label I have applied. Any suggestions? Thanks,

    | Kingalan1

  • I keep getting the following message on a number of my campaigns. Our connection to your Google Analytics account was lost. Don't worry, you won't lose any data. Please reauthorize now. Is anyone else having the same problem? I have tried reauthorizing it but I keeps happening. Has anyone got any advice?

    | cbarron

  • delete

    | LaSalitaCafe

  • Hello Mozers, Moz analytics doesn't work already more than a week. I've tried on Mozila Firefox 29.0.1 and Chrome Version 34.0.1847.137 and getting some nasty errors. Firefox Firebug console: TypeError: freya.getApp is not a function
    ...mpaign_owner_id:app.getParam('campaign_user_num'),campaign_id:app.getParam('camp... applic...23b3.js (line 223) Chrome Firebug console: Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function <a class="console-message-url webkit-html-resource-link" title="">application-c42010fe6b0d425aca7cad19e29223b3.js:223</a> freya.RoutesUtils.applyDefaultParams<a class="console-message-url webkit-html-resource-link" title="">application-c42010fe6b0d425aca7cad19e29223b3.js:223</a> freya.RoutesUtils.make<a class="console-message-url webkit-html-resource-link" title="">application-c42010fe6b0d425aca7cad19e29223b3.js:223</a> freya.Routes.settingsCampaignPath<a class="console-message-url webkit-html-resource-link" title="">application-c42010fe6b0d425aca7cad19e29223b3.js:227</a> freya.views.NavSite.freya.View.extend.renderData<a class="console-message-url webkit-html-resource-link" title="">application-c42010fe6b0d425aca7cad19e29223b3.js:713</a> freya.View.Backbone.View.extend.render<a class="console-message-url webkit-html-resource-link" title="">application-c42010fe6b0d425aca7cad19e29223b3.js:231</a> (anonymous function)<a class="console-message-url webkit-html-resource-link" title="">home:213</a> fire<a class="console-message-url webkit-html-resource-link" title="">jquery-b68cd156547e7de90502ecf7becf0beb.js:60</a> self.fireWith<a class="console-message-url webkit-html-resource-link" title="">jquery-b68cd156547e7de90502ecf7becf0beb.js:66</a> jQuery.extend.ready<a class="console-message-url webkit-html-resource-link" title="">jquery-b68cd156547e7de90502ecf7becf0beb.js:22</a> DOMContentLoaded<a class="console-message-url webkit-html-resource-link" title="">jquery-b68cd156547e7de90502ecf7becf0beb.js:53</a>

    | juris_l

  • Hi, I am not sure what this error message is: "Error.aspx?aspxerrorpath". It immediately follows pages that are given at 302 status in Moz's crawl report. The same pages have never had this error before: | | | | | | Each page has a 100% score with WC3.  Could you give me more insight as to what Moz may suggest I do to give the page a 200 HTTP status as before? Thanks.

    | jessential

  • Is it possible to get general information (refdomains, mozrank etc.) out of the API on path level? If so, what is the best way to do this? Example  -> Combined data (for example, total refdomains etc) for all URL’s indexed by Moz that include -> like and

    | MerkleNederland

  • Does any one know if there is a tool out there built with the Moz API where you can feed in a large list of URLs and get back Domain Authority? Has anyone used the API for something like this before? Thanks! Max

    | Porch

  • I used Moz local and it only successfully created 3 listings.. the rest all require I manually add the information. Seems like a steep price for 3 listings. I was under the impression it would do more than that. And on top of that, it created a google+ page and I already have one which now I cannot find a way to update. Same for facebook. I have a page, I even had it in the CSV file, but it didn't load it. Some help would be appreciated.

    | agirlcreative

  • The new Moz Analytics are terrific. However, I don't know what this error means. Could anyone offer me further insights? Thanks,

    | jessential

  • I am getting the duplicate description error from Moz. I use both the og:description and  .  I am not sure if that is going to get me penalized by the search engines or my pages somehow discounted if I have meta description and og:description on the same page. What does Moz recommend? NOTE: for years I have followed this in the best practices format put out from other sources. Found at: Short Answer: Use both! Long Answer: The OG stands for Open Graph which is apart of the Open Graph protocol of which works on platforms such as Facebook. The meta description element is for search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. Since these are two separate tags that kinda do the same thing but they are designed for different types of platforms, one for Facebook and the other for Search Engines. The reasoning behind this is that the Open Graph protocal is more rich in what content can be feed to Facebook without scrapping the full page, think rich snippets. So images, description and more information is feed to Facebook via the Open Graph. Using both is a good idea.

    | jessential

  • I'm looking for a way to track the rankings of a single keyword per domain for about 100 domains. What would be the best way to accomplish this? It's just internal tracking in excel right now, which I'm fine if it stays that way. I would just prefer not to have to hand update it every week. My initial guess is Moz API? If so, are their sample scripts? If not, then is there another tool that can handle this better? example: Domain             Keyword           Rank         ACME                 3           cars                    2

    | AhlerManagement

  • Hi everyone I have just been going through the online page I see that I have quite a few words that have an F rating I was wondering if I have all the keywords with an A ranking would that improve our Moz rating? Also of the below elements can anyone tell which, if any are more important than the others? Title URL Meta Desc H1 H2-4 Body B / Strong IMG ALT

    | Hardley111

  • This is really a suggestion (and debate to see if people agree with me), with regard to including "citation links" within Moz tools, by default, as just another type of link NOTE: when I am talking about "citation links" I am talking about a link that is not wrapped in a link tag and is therefore non clickable, eg Obviously Moz have released the mentions tool, which is great, and also FWE which is also great. However, it would seem to me that they are missing a trick in that "citation links" don't feature in the main link index at all. We know that Google as a minimum uses them as an indicator to crawl a page  ( ), and also that they don't pass page rank  - HOWEVER, you would assume that google does use then as part of their alogrithm in some manner as they do nofollow links. It would seem to me that a "Citation Link" could (possibly) be deemed more important than a no follow link in Googles alogrithm, as a "no follow" link is a clear indication by the site owner that they don't fully trust the link, but a citation link would neither indicate trust or non trust. So - my request is to get "citation links" into the main link index (and the Just Discovered index for that matter). Would others agree??

    | James77

  • Hi we a starting a new web which will be optimised for key words. What can we expect in terms of Domain authority when it comes to starting a brand new website? We will be devoting quite a significant amount of money in our AdWords campaign budget to promote the site and the products.

    | Hardley111

  • I am sure everyone is aware at Moz, that although the Moz link metrics ( primarily I am talking about DA & PA) are good, there is a lot of room for improvement, and that there are a lot of areas where the metric values given to some types of site are well out of whack with what their "real" values should be. Some examples  (Link Directory) - DA 72 (Article Directory) - DA 89 (Article Directory) - DA 91 I'm sure everyone would agree that links from these domains are not as powerful (if of any value at all), as their DA would suggest, and therefore by definition of how moz metrics work, the sites these have links from such sites are also inflated - thus they throw the whole link graph out of whack. I have 2 suggestions which could be used to singularly or in conjunction (and obviously with other factors that Moz use to calculate DA and PA) which could help move these values to what they should more realistically be. 1/. Incorporate rank values.
    This is effectively using rank values to reverse engine what google (or other engines) as a "value" on a website. This could be achieved (if moz were not to build the data gathering system itself), by intergrating with a company that already provides this data - eg searchmetrics, semrush etc. As an example you would take a domian and pull in some rank values eg  - where you could use traffic, traffic price, traffic history as a metric as part of the overall Moz scoring alogrithm. As you can see from my example according to SEMRush the amount of traffic and traffic price is extreamly low for what you would expect of a website that has a DA of 72.  Likewise you will find this for the other two sites and similarly to pretty much any other site you will test. This is essentially because your tapping into Googles own ranking factors, and thereby more inline with what real values (according to Google) are with respect to the quality of a website. Therefore if you were to incorporate these values, I believe you could improve the Moz metrics. 2/. Social Sharing Value
    Another strong indicator of quality the amount of social sharing of a document or website as a whole, and again you will find as with my examples, that pages on these sites have low social metrics in comparison to what you would normally associate with sites of these DA values. Obviously to do this you would need to pull social metrics of all the pages in your link DB. Or if this we to tech intense to achieve, again work with a partner such as searchmetrics, which provide "Total Social Interations" on a domain level basis. Divide this value by the number of Moz crawled pages and you would have a crude value of the overall average social scorability of a webpage on a given site. Obviously both the above, do have their flaws if you looked at them in complete isolation, however in combination they could provide a robust metric to use in any alogrithm, and in combination with current moz values used in the alogrithm I believe you could make big strides into improving overall Moz metrics.

    | James77

  • HI All, I was wondering if Moz has something that allows me to "Bulk download of crawl diagnostics csv files for multiple campaigns"?  Or are there APIs out there? I am trying to download all the campaigns diagnostics (High & Medium crawl-issues) on a regular basis, then with these cvs files then run some bulk extracts etc etc ... Appreciate any hint? Thank heaps 😉 Amy

    | LabeliumUSA

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