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Category: Branding

Explore the topics of branding and brand awareness and why they’re important for any business.

  • Currently I'm looking at a competitor who owns a site with the following metrics: Domain Authority - 39 /100
    Page Authority - 49 /100
    Spam Score: 1 /17
    93 Root Domains
    2,199 Total Links
    Page Social Metrics
    Facebook - 431 Shares, 17 Likes I'm thinking it would take 12 months+ to become a viable competitor, but thats a complete guess. What are peoples thoughts on undertaking something like this?

    | chrisjimallen

  • Hello, We're doing a $5/day like campaign with our cover photo on this Facebook page. What tips do you have in getting more likes, we're only getting like 2 a day. We need lots. Themes: Healing with alternative healing methodologies (orgonite - healing devices, MMS - a powerful supplement) Helping wolves Helping bees I know we're an interesting niche and hard to advise. Here's our site. What tips do you have, just for Facebook?

    | BobGW

  • I'm looking at embedding a short 20 second autoplay video to show as the background in a Jumbotron (I'm using Bootstrap) right below my navbar. This looks great and works well for branding ect, however I'm concerned the loading speed will be hit after crossing over from a static image (perhaps 300kb) to a video (perhaps 2MB) which could detrimentally hit my SEO (I also can't help but notice not many SEO minded websites have these autoplaying videos - Perhaps for this reason!) Does anyone have any experience with a similar issue? Is there anything I can do to compress the video right now to a similar file size to an image? I've set it up using a media query to not show on mobile/tablets. Sam


  • Hello all, I fear this may be a bit of newcomer question but maybe you can help me out. My business is in a highly competitive market, and when you search for our branded name many of our competitors show up in search results well before us (who don't contain, or even reference, our brand name on their site). We're trying to take a proactive approach to content development and site enhancement, but I am wondering if there's anything on the defense-front that we can do to better own our brand ranking in SERPs. Thoughts? Suggestions? Should I be reading SEO 101? Thanks

    | J-Me

  • Hi guys, A coworker of mine was quoted on behalf of our financial firm in an article for Reuters a few months back. The article itself has taken off and has been posted several times on different websites. I've reached out to a few requesting they back link to our site when mentioning our business, but so far I'm getting a lot of rejection e-mails. The last one I received says they won't hyperlink to a company unless it's for a "specific reason". Anyone have any suggestions on how to better request these links--or communicate the "specific reason" I apparently need to have? I tried explaining in my initial message that it was beneficial for the reader, etc. etc, but all these outlets still seem to be against the idea. Thanks!

    | LMcLaughlin

  • Hi there, a disgruntled ex-employee requested that my company (a large publisher) unpublish a large number of at this point fairly dated articles. We're going to honor his request. The traffic numbers to these articles aren't significant, but I wanted to understand the SEO ramifications. Two questions: 1. These articles in sum account for 0.51% of site traffic. Will removing them outright cut off just that chunk of traffic? Or will it also affect search rankings for all of our remaining articles? 2. How should we handle unpublished URLs? Is it better to redirect the user to our homepage or a friendly, recirculation-oriented 404?

    | TheaterMania

  • We have had the ODDEST thing happen to our Branded search. Last week we started seeing our Women’s subdomain ( outranking our main Duluth Trading domain ( on searches for “duluth trading co” and “duluth trading company”. Sample of odd results page: As you can see- our Women's sub domain is ranking #1 then our main domain, THEN what used to be our organic site links are now listing 3-6. If you search for "duluth trading" though, you will get the typically results page: We have been trying to figure out how or why this has happened. Our website went out for 30 minutes on January 4th. We thought maybe that is what happened but it has now been 7 days. Any help or suggestions would be great!

    | sderuyter

  • Hi all, I've been asked to put together a presentation as part of an internal series for marketers within the company that don't know much about SEO, but want to learn the basics and contribute. My topic for this one is on-page SEO/content marketing's role in SEO. I have lots of ideas for this already, but I thought I'd turn to the Moz forum to get some feedback and help me prioritize the points I hit. So, if you could give SEO newbies working on content for a company site, blog, etc. just one piece of advice, what would it be? Looking forward to seeing your responses. Thanks, Andrew

    | SafeNet_Interactive_Marketing

  • Hi MOZ friends. Last week, when i was following up the backlinks linking to my domain, i detect that a new website from an unknown administrator copies the content of an entire section of my website. The administrator of that webpage did not remove the internal links on the post, so i could find.
    My website has a better domain and page authority and we focus every day on create new content, but when we found people that only copy content from another, i feel disappointed. But then I got to thinking that could be good that people copy our content, although they did not quote us. If they do not remove the links either by mistake or on purpose, we receive new backlinks. ¿What do you think about this? ¿Is really good that a website copy our content? If they remove all backlinks, Is risky that Google detects that the content owner is another? ¿What do you do in this cases?

    | NachoRetta

  • I am purchasing several websites from the company I work for and starting my own company. 1.The websites have not been updated in several years
    2. The websites have poor SEO rankings
    3. Though bad inbound links have been removed, there may still be some added by a black-hat SEO company I would like to start a new website and move all the content to that site. My questions are: 1. Will it hurt my new website rankings if I redirect the old site content to my new site and delete the old sites--due to possible bad inbound links, losing rank due to redirects (I have lost rank from redirecting in the past)? 2. If related, isn't it better to put all the content on one website? Thank you.

    | RoxBrock

  • Which domain will perform better on or ?

    | Web3Marketing87

  • Hello, We recently launched our facebook page found here. Our website is here. We give away 30% of our products and we donate to help bees, wolves, and people discovering themselves. I am wondering how, without spending too much money (we have some money) or for free to improve our Facebook campaign. We sell orgonite, art-like devices that absorb negative electromagnetic waves and help heal people with health conditions. We also are soon launching a little known powerful mineral supplement campaign (MMS - Master Mineral Supplement) to help people with cancer in return for donations if and only if it helps a lot. Our budget for that post is $100. Let me know how we can, for free or little money, improve what we're doing. Any advice is appreciated. We're trying to do a lot of good for the community. Thank you.

    | BobGW

  • Hello, A client of mine really wants to go with a 3 keyword EMD .org The other option is to buy a non EMD .com with 2 of the keywords in it. I am leaning towards the .com, I don't think .org's are very professional, and EMDs seem to be going out of style, but please give your honest opinion now and what will happen in the coming years. Thanks

    | BobGW

  • Our brand name is being bid on by out competitors.  If we bid on our own brand name, for which we rank #1 for all our profiles and website, will we make our competitors cost per click higher?

    | Catherine_Selectaglaze

  • Hello! Does anyone have any experience with the pros/cons for where to host storefronts as an ecommerce solution provider. I'm looking for a recommendation on where to house the stores/websites people create with our software (think of us like a shopify/squarespace). What are the pros & cons of creating stores on the main domain name “” versus buying a new top level domain name who’s only purpose will be to hold all the subdomains, such as “”, or even “”. <— subdomain our our primary domain <— subdomain of a subdomain <— subdomain of a throw-away domain Weebly/Squarespace/Tictail go with the first option (store**** and Shopify goes with the 3rd option ( Are there any advantages or disadvantages to one or the other? Am I missing any other options? Thanks in advance!

    | andrewmeyer

  • Hi all, hoping someone can help. We have a landing page that ranks quite well for a number of keywords that send us a nice amount of organic traffic. We understand the importance of Meta tags, as Google will be the users first interaction with our site we want to stand out and be noticed and also show we provide information on their search query. The problem is this, while we have optimised the title and description tags for the landing page, this is only appearing on specific search results. If you were to search a different keyword, you would still get the same landing page, but the title tag and description would not pull through, it decides to pull through the page name and first few lines of text instead. Is there anything we can do to sort this issue?

    | Ben_Malkin_Develo

  • Can a non ecommerce site become a Google Trusted Store, the company sells items but offline. How can we become one?

    | aliciaporrata1009

  • I'm having trouble getting a new logo in search results.  My company, RealSelf, updated our logo over a year ago and both Google and Bing continue to show our old logo in image results.  Worst of all, this means that when people look for our logo, they find the wrong one and include that in new, external content. Here's a list of what we've tried: We've modified all the logos on our site with the new one (not including a few PDF whitepapers from before the redesign Added logo and organization markup Featured a high resolution image on our "Logos" page (top result for "RealSelf logo") Verified wikipedia has the proper image Modified all social profile logos: Twitter, Facebook, G+, etc.. Begun outreach efforts to have high ranking image results update our logo I'm wondering if there are other ideas besides getting more creative/successful with our outreach tactics?

    | RealSelf

  • Hi I work in ecommerce selling mainly B2B - I wanted to find out if anyone could recommend one social channel they've found worked well. We're a generalist, so sell a huge amount of different products, like office supplies, furniture etc to companies. We currently aren't really present on social and this is something I want to push - however with resource I think we'd only be able to focus on one at this point. I was looking at Facebook or Pinterest? Thank  you

    | BeckyKey

  • My website ranking dropped on Google. I am Searching that why its dropped, But cannot find a solid reason why its dropped. Anybody in community can tell me reason why its dropped, and how to rank again on google Url    Check Chart for my traffic dropped Traffic dropped chart VujrDTg

    | Getmp3songspk

  • We have an issue in that when someone enters our new brand name "68 degrees creative" into, the following results show: The second result is the Linked In page for Hiroshi. This is a person that was part of our old business but is no longer part of the new business (68 degrees creative). And therefore, his LinkedIn profile should not be appearing for this search as he has nothing to do with the new brand. In his LinkedIn profile, he has made no mention of our organisation 68 degrees creative. He also does not feature on our website: We can therefore only conclude that the reason he is appearing for the search "68 degrees creative" is that Google has somehow connected him with the new organisation due to previous online ties and relationships which Google has determined by virtue of that associated him with the new organisation. We are ultimately unsure what their algorithm is in establishing this. Is there any way in which we can change this? We don't want his LinkedIn profile appearing when our company name is searched when he has not part of the company. Any help here would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

    | Gavo

  • I am curious if this has happened to others and if so if you were able to resolve it. Today a client forwarded an email that went to a client account and we were in no way copied on it. This is a client that spends in the 6 figures with us and I was shocked to read (Any bold or italics I have added): Hi *****, My name is Jimmy Morrow and I am an Account Strategist at Google on our Agency Team. Your account was recently selected for free dedicated support this quarter and I will be your new point of contact at Google for all things AdWords. We can go over a few housekeeping things I noticed, broader strategy, and some betas that would be a good fit. Please let me know when you have time for a 20-30 minute phone call when we can go over the accounts and make a plan for working together this quarter. Thanks and just let me know a time that works best for you! Best, Jimmy To me, they have essentially gone around us and with the "housekeeping" and "beta" comments sought to make us look either incapable and/or uninformed. We are Google Partners, etc. and we have clients in our MCC for Adwords. I have never seen an occasion where Google blatantly tried to steal the client as it appears is happening here. This is a client who heretofore had NEVER used Adwords and they have been in business since before there was a Google or an Internet. We brought them to Adwords about 6 - 8 months ago!!! They are spending 6 figures on Adwords and I am ready to pull them out and spend the money elsewhere. We sent emails from our UK and our Houston office and no response from lil ole Jimmy. Our UK team has tried calling Google and nothing and then Chatting with them and we can get nothing. This is a client who has a lot of faith in our abilities based on many things we have done for them that worked and they are the kind of client that let's us know when issues arise. So, they are not going to switch and that is not the issue. The issue is Google acted as if they wanted to embrace agencies and if that is so, why then try to back door them? I hope to hear from others who are handling PPC with Google. Thanks a ton. Robert

    | RobertFisher

  • Hello Moz Community! We are building a separate hospital related to a single service line that is currently part of our main website. Traditionally all our hospitals are folded into one website with the same brand. Problem: Our organization's leaders want to market the new hospital as "Brand Name X" nationally, and not use our locally strong brand name at all. Therefore is the smarter long-term decision to begin building content on a new website with the new "Brand name X" even though it will take longer and be harder, than building it on our big, established website with a 60+ DA site? What I fear is our current website's DA won't matter much if people nationally are using Brand X, which isn't part of our traditional brand name? And they won't be using the traditional brand name at all. Example Scenario: We create a new hospital just focused on heart-related issues. Do we move the bulk of information for this new hospital from,  to a new website that will better rank with the new brand X and for just heart-related keywords? Or is it still better to try and stick with the same domain in a subfolder?

    | Patrick_at_Nebraska_Medicine

  • This issue is about website properties' information showing on Google's search index with brand keywords. We have 8 different domains that operated separately in 8 countries. All are responsible for their individual domain. When I Google it with our brand name 'Flight Centre' in, Google's search index shows company website link with and detects all information, social profile etc..  from Flight centre Australia. Please see the screenshot. How to change this information that Google shows or detects website link and all other properties from Anybody about with a quick answer would be awesome? IqWeymZ

    | flightcentre20

  • I would like to see if you have any recommendations on a unique case that you might be able to advise me on. I have a high profile client who has the knowledge graph appearing for her keyword. This client is from another country originally - Denmark .  She now lives here in the USA and is working on her acting career with very well known actors. On her knowledge graph, her birthday is displayed incorrectly. I have proof of identification of client. Based on my research, it looks like Birthday typically is tied to Wikipedia Page. Client does not have a wikipedia page in but previously had one in Her page was taken down on because of users (journalists) adding gossip and false information to her wikipedia page as well as false stories - all in another language.  After being attacked online by gossip magazines and journalists, they have posted (jealous women)  content making my client seem as if she is much older than she is. At this time, what is displaying on the knowledge graph makes her 20 years older than she is.  Any ideas on how we should approach this.  She reached out to google and provided documentation but nothing has changed.  Based on what I can see this information is directly related to the information formally posted online.  Since wikipedia is now down, her birthday still appears incorrectly. Any recommendations on how to resolve this issue with Date of Birth.  Thank you

    | InternetRep

  • I work for a large healthcare system and we have an initiative to populate 2,500 of our our provider bios on WebMD. The proposed method for providing content is to supply it via API, in exactly the same way provider bio content appears on our site. When my colleague and I pointed out this would be an anti-practice as it would be disseminating duplicate content, we were asked to weigh: The penalty of the duplication The time and resources necessary to provide an alternative method (i.e., is there a programmatic way to supply unique content to WebMD) A few other questions we are investigating is if we can include links to each provider bio from WebMD to our main site. If this is the case, we can include a very short intro and direct users to our site if they want to learn more. The benefit of being included on WebMD is showing up for searches pertaining to expertise/specialties, as this will open our system to new users who likely won't search our providers by name. Any advice on how to measure the potential effect of displaying duplicate content on WebMD, considering their impressive domain authority?

    | Account-Owner

  • After changing my complete site, citations, etc to a certain brand spelling--capitalize the first letter, I am being asked to add another capital in the spelling. Could this affect customer usability or ranking in any way? i.e. Mozcon to MozCon Thanks.

    | RoxBrock

  • Hello,
    We have a website of a furniture company that runs an Adwords campaign. This company has a lot of distributors. They have several objetives: people explore the online catalog people visit the distributor page (where they can find the nearest distributor in his/her area) people share the pictures and info in social media. (For example: pictures in pinterest) people watch videos new distributors contact them to be a new distributor and so on. As this is not an eccommerce website they can not buy We have created objectives in analytics to meassure those engament results.
    My question is how to measure this in Google Adwords...
    If I import GA objetives into adwords, I get conversions rates of 350% and even more, and the number of conversions is to high. For example. If one objetive is to visit Distributors page (the one where users can see a map and search for the nearest distributor), I find with a lot of conversions of this type. I was thinking in importing some objectives and giving them a value in $ and instead of evaluating conversion rates, evaluate ROAS. But I really would like to know, what you are doing with this kind of companies. How do you measure the campaign success when most of the objetives are measuring engagement. Please, could you give me any advice? Thank you!

    | teconsite

  • I am new at my company. I was brought on to generate more leads via their websites. Although, they aren't letting me do what I think is best. So I need help convincing them. Can you please help me prove them wrong? We are an online reseller/distributor. We sell our products under one brand. We sell a wide variety of widgets that are manufactured by several different companies. We have 9 unique web properties and 50 landing pages. Each website and landing page is on a unique domain, design, and purpose. I would like to consolidate everything to one robust, e-commerce website that will reside on our primary domain. My bosses are convinced that more websites are better because it will prevent our competitors from ranking above us. We can "block" them from ranking on all the main keywords. They are also convinced that domain name plays a major role in SEO. But I've got that part covered What do you think?

    | reusabletranspack

  • Our company is developing a web-based tool that will provide good value for its users and generate leads for us. The tool is large enough in scope and different enough than the main service that we provide that we're considering putting it on its own domain. I have two questions: 1. Does it behoove a company to put their online tool on a separate domain if the tool is large enough in scope and different enough from their website's core function / business's core service? (Examples of this would be Hubspot's Marketing Grader or Open Site Explorer before Moz rolled it back into its domain.) 2. If yes, should the domain name a) describe the function of the tool or b) build a brand for the tool itself? Thanks for your help!

    | APM-SEO

  • Is it possible to make a re-marketing list in Adwords at Impressions level. Let's say i have a placement campaigns running at a particular site & my banner shows up on that site. Irrespective of whether the user clicks it or not the re-marketing list tracks it. Is it possible?

    | welcomecure

  • This is not really an SEO related question but because we are all marketers here I'm hoping someone will have the answer I'm looking for. I want users to be able to defer answering an exit survey until they are finished their visit to our website. We will invite them on entry, but give them a check box that says "Ask me when I'm finished this visit" or similar. We currently launch using "exit intent" detection, but users keep complaining that we're asking them too early (before they've had a chance to do anything). And this with 30 second delay and minimum two page visit. The question I have is, how do we get a deferred survey back in their face at the end of the visit? Back in the days before tabbed browsers, we'd have pre-loaded the survey in a "pop under" window and it would have been there when ever they finally closed the browser window. With tabbed browsers, this doesn't really work any more. We can open the survey in a new tab but leave focus on the active tab, but will the user ever really go to the new tab? Is there a way to force focus to the new tab with the survey in it when the user leaves the website or closes the active tab? We don't want to change survey platforms (we've just done that), we need a solution that will allow us to deliver the survey within our own platform even if the browser handling happens somewhere else. Anyone been able to do something like this? Does your solution also work for mobile devices?

    | Gavin.Atkinson

  • Currently we have one US website that we built on a new SaaS platform last year. We want to move forward with adding subfolders for three other countries. Based on previous discussions, we believe we can easily copy the content of our US website and put it into a subfolder and then make localization edits from there. If we build out brand new sites with new domains, I would expect to pay licensing fees. But if we just do subfolders, are there usually licensing fees involved?

    | TCF-Kari

  • Hello, There are many articles and from our personal experience we can say that you can rank a page without backlinks with high DA but we cant figure out if DA of domain help to rank as the link juice ( so the link juice going from home page thru all pages to specific page)  or it will rank a page even if its not linked in any way from homepage or any other pages and even if it not linked in any way from other pages and still ranks just because of high DA, does that DA value will spread even above all indexed pages if you have lets say 100,000 pages, i mean if domain has 100 indexed pages and DA of 50 and another domain has 100,000 and DA of 100, if both pages are the same on those domains and have no backlinks to it from my understanding page on domain with 100 indexed pages and DA of 50 suppose to rank higher ? Please share what you think

    | maxdelop

  • Hi Folks, I'm in the process of drawing up some detailed step by step marketing and content strategy guidelines and I'm currently researching LinkedIn as a platform and the potential benefits for B2B marketing on it and building brand authority. I'm coming across some conflicting data regarding how useful it is. Does anyone have any experience or opinions on the viability of LinkedIn for B2B marketing and building brand authority? A couple of questions would be: Is it a viable B2B marketing platform? Is it a good place to build brand and industry authority? What techniques would you concentrate on over others? Any advice on the subject would be great. Thanks, folks. Regards Gareth

    | PurpleGriffon

  • We have recently launched a new website, (domain has been registered to us for a time - just never got round to developing the website). Any suggestions on kickstarting quality traffic to get the ball rolling? Basic on page SEO work has been done and a little bit of link building, although the latter has been rather difficult to find bona fides sources. So far most of the traffic comes via referrals from bot's no actual valuable referrals or organic traffic (According to GA). And by the way, I'm NOT interested in people offering traffic bots 🙂 I'm just looking at ways of getting the site established organically, not interested in PPC at the minute. Thanks in advance for any suggestions. P.S. Please keep your answers as short as possible, I will request if I need any more information.  Also please note down if you had a positive experience of your suggestion actually working.  Many Thanks

    | seoman10

  • Dear friends,  I have a question. How google decide bounce rate? For an example- I open a website through organic keyword from Google. Now I have tab of landing page in browser I do not close this tab for 10 minutes and continue doing my other things after some time I come back on that tab and close. Can Google know? This page has been read till 10 minutes. Can Google decide the bounce rate for this session? If I do some click boost for my negative reviews can I do same thing in my website? Is it useful? If I open one tab and come back after one day than what happen? Silly question but confusing me so please help me. I will be very grateful to you! Thanks all

    | docbeans

  • Hey Guys, So I have heard about this thing called blogger outreach lately, but I was wondering, what was the point of creating good quality content, if the content can no be found? Is there some sort of way that we would need to go about making the content seen?  Sorry about the ignorance around this stuff, I'm completely stuck for how to market our content.  I have read through the backlink guide by moz I have also read other articles about blogger outreach. Any advice would be great.  Is there some sort of approach that anyone else uses that could shed a bit of light for me. Thanks

    | edward-may

  • Hi guys, Recently I started to receive via Google Alerts a lot of brand mentions on obviously spammy pages/websites like this Where Every Matrix (EveryMatrix) is our brand name. It have first noticed it a few weeks ago but I started to receive this kind of alerts almost daily. There are no links pointing back to our website so I can not disavow them at least. Since it could be a negative SEO attempt, my feelings are that this kind of mentions ( will hurt on the long run and I'm concerned that I can not control it or at least I don't know how to do it. What is you take on this? What can we do?

    | EveryMatrix

  • Our Facebook is titled NJ & PA Personal Injury Attorney Richard P. Console Jr., and the url is, and our website is Because of the different names, we put social schema on our site which we thought would help Google associate the two. It doesn't seem to be working as we are not showing up in the serp's when searching for "Console & Hollawell Facebook" and even "Richard Console Facebook" Could anyone give any insight as to why? Thank you!


  • Hello Friends I verified my site in Google News but all articles are not coming in Google News. When I type in Google news then only few stories shows but not coming on daily basis. What to do my fellow members ?

    | sourabhrana

  • A colleague noticed a few major brands have labels like "official site" in their Bing listings and they also seem to get a "Customer Service phone number" included as their rich snippet under the meta title. My guess was they possibly have schema mark-up on the page, but I was wondering if anyone else knows how else they could have landed this extra snippet? Thanks in advance! mveXoj7

    | ATShock

  • Hi Moz'ers, I work with primarily medical practices and have had a huge issue with remarketing. AdWords no longer allows remarketing to the medical industry per their policies, not even branded. I've tried working with Ad Roll, and they only permit "branded" remarketing ads, meaning no specific call outs on procedures. Has anyone worked with a remarketing service with less restrictions in the medical industry? Thanks!

    | Red_Spot_Interactive

  • In SERPs the brand drop down doesn't seem to be appearing for any brands. Is it something which needs to be set up and registered, or automatically rolled out by Google? And if so is Google just slow rolling out in this part of the world? Thanks

    | seanfhutchinson

  • Hello, I don't really believe in spending a lot of time link building (and maybe that's a limitation of mine). I believe, at least for the small businesses I've been running, that producing targeted, thorough, very very helpful, useful, unique, authority based, knowledgable, transparent content is what most of the time should go into. I'm sure there are many exceptions in industry and company size. We use a blog and feature it really big and solid on the home page. So we're making a blog that has the qualities above (useful, unique ... transparent). How, while we're doing the writing, can we make the content also be good link bait? We need an awesome link profile. Also, what free easy afterward social or email outreach am I not including to maximize exposure (The only content marketing I do is posting blog posts right now on Facebook and Google+)? What would you do with the first $100 in this context? The first $300? (We're low budget always) Thanks, Bob

    | BobGW

  • I have read that gateway pages are frowned upon by the search engines? If you have multiple domain names that are related to your main website what is the best way to get the greatest use from those related domain names? Thank-you.

    | Road

  • What is your take on using PPC to be the "first" result in an informational search when your goal is truly to deliver information, educate, and affect public opinion? I'm following a large bureaucratic non-governmental organization who has a mission to get accurate information to the public -- they have nothing to literally sell, not even donations -- they're a membership NGO, and this is part of their charity mission.  They have sat at about 6th place in the organic rankings for years, while other non-profits and for-profit companies on the other side of the issue (that do have something to literally sell to the traffic they generate off this search) rank in the number 2 and 4 spot.  Wikipedia ranks number 1. An site generally ranks #3. On related long tail keywords the bureaucratic NGO often doesn't even rank at all in the organic searches -- it's all the opposing non-profits and for-profits dominating those long tail informational searches. Now I'm seeing the bureaucratic NGO is doing PPC to be the first result on the main search and a bunch of long tails.  I am seeing some changes in their website, too, to make it less bureaucratic, more user-friendly, less technical and boring, and more visual and interesting.  I'm not privy to what they're doing internally, and I'm not sure if they are doing link-building for climbing in the organic rankings.  I'm a newbie to SEO - most of my understanding is based on Moz Beginner's Guide, Moz Link guide, discussions on here, and what I find from googling about SEO concepts.  I gather from the google searches that I've done that you don't normally try to use PPC to buy first place in informational searches -- that with informational searches, you should be emphasizing quality link building.  I'm also not sure how sustainable it would be to stay at the top position by buying the top position through PPC -- although its conceivable to me that this organization could do that indefinitely, because they're not trying to make a profit off these searches, and they're big and got the bucks. Any insights on PPC in purely informational campaigns?

    | scienceisrad

  • Doubleclick how to get static banner ADs. Its been a week and all my attempts have failed Until last week i have been using adsense and now got a direct AD space sold and tried to add a static image banner in Double click so in specific pages it shows just this clients AD banner and not ADsense banners. But what ever i do i can see just Adsense banners. What settings can i change in Doubleclick that tells to show just my Static AD and not adsense Thank you

    | bsharath

  • My company is in the midst of a brand transition and is experiencing some difficulties in migrating web content to a parent company domain. When content from the old domain was migrated to the parent, there were rel-canonicals set on top level pages of the old domain referencing its equal on the parent destination. Then each sub-page was redirected to the parent company. What I have found is that the only pages that indexed on the partent domain were the top level pages. I am having a hard time figuring out why the sub-pages won't index. Does anyone have advice on how to handle this? Would reactivating the old URLs and setting rel-canonicals help? Also when should 301 redirects be implemented?

    | Lexmark_Web_Strategy

  • There is one question that keep bugging us and for which we are looking for a logical answer – to put it short, in which context(s) is it preferable to publish original content on a company website vs on a dedicated external platform with its own URL? To give a little more details: we an education company that provides languages course abroad and that functions like a specialised travel agency. Each trip is very specific – it depends on people's language level, objectives, budget, etc. – so we provide tailor-made advice for each of our students. Our site is not an e-commerce site, and a typical call-to-action is a request for a 1-to-1 interview with one of our agents, or a quote request for a language trip project. The top conversion for us is an enrolment for a language course abroad. We have a corporate websites structure where we have 1 website per locale where we operate, which means 14 websites in 7 different languages. We produce smaller pieces of content for these websites in a dedicated section – the rest of the website being mostly a presentation of our products, services and destinations – but here we intend to create a very large Quiz which will be based on multiple audio files. The content will be translated into multiple languages (likely 10 different languages) and will require some rather heavy development. We intend to add sections for scoreboards, stats, a log-in section (probably Facebook), etc. This sounds to us like something we should host on a specific URL, but then how can we make the most of the SEO benefits that we will (hopefully) get with such content? We plan to have an about section where we explain a little bit who we are, where we will probably link back to our corporate websites, but of course we want our project to live for itself and to be as far from commercial as possible – while still making the most of the SEO benefits. How can we do this in the most subtle / logical way? Would it be better to host our Quiz on our corporate domains? Thanks in advance for your advice. Maëlle

    | ESL_Education

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