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Category: Getting Started

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  • I was wondering if anyone knows when the previous month is available in the custom reports for a campaign. Specifically, on the 'Add Modules' page my date drop-down has Weekly (Aug 22 - 28) and Monthly (July 2017). I just need to know when Monthly (August 2017) would be available. Thanks.

    | VandalsSmile

  • I've created a campaign, and realized I left keywords off the list that I want to add. I can't figure out how to get back to the list of keywords I entered to update it.

    | troy.brophy

  • I used the page key word grader and got an "F" Moz said that my keyword employee handbook was not in my title nor was it found in the body of my page.  But when I look at the page and double check everything it is there all over the place. I am not blaming moz this is a wiz site and while I am a beginner and very well could be wrong could anyone just take a look and tell me if I am nuts or what. The web page is!employee-handbook/co0h  I now have the font so big I will have to fix that. Thank you

    | redsman944

  • Hi, Our new website is about to launch. We would love to have SITE CRAWL our site before launch. For issues like "missing meta description" and everything else that checks. We would love to do it before we launch. The new site is currently on a different domain than our live site. <-- this is our live site. <-- this is our "staging" server with the new site. We have a long running campaign for Do we need to create a new campain for ? Or is there some other simpler way? When we launch we will switch the site from to .. will be the address for the new site.. Any ideas or suggestions? best practices? edit Forgot to say thank you for your help and input 🙂

    | tandvarden

  • I have a simple question.  How many characters can a URL be before Moz flags it as too long?

    | BuyMachineryNow

  • Hi, For the second week in a row MOZ is finding duplicate titles crawling my website. 
    But as you see in the attached screenshot it doesn't seem it's a clear duplicate title thing, as it's mainly due to the different pages having the same title. 
    What should I do? Is it really affecting my SERP positioning? ZANRT

    | AlessiaCamera

  • Hey guys, forgive me... brand new user of Moz. Moz is telling me I have duplicate url's - a lot of them. Investigating I see that it is classing as a duplicate of even though there is a canonical tag in head as follows I'm not quite sure what I am doing wrong. Any advice would really be appreciated 🙂 Mike


  • Question:  Is the " http:// " included in the character count when figuring the length of a URL? (I am asking this as a separate question because the other URL question is shown as answered)

    | BuyMachineryNow

  • I don't know why, but since a week ago I'm not receiving moz point for my activity on moz forum. Example
    Today I posted 3 answer in the Question section but in my moz profile does not show the 3 moz point that normally I receive for that. I week ago suddenly I received 20 moz point, why I dont have any idea, maybe someone mark one of my asnwer as good answer. So my point is where I cant found the exact tracking record of my activity

    | Roman-Delcarmen

  • Hi There, We've got two crawl issues for pages that don't exist (and never existed). The links are strange and judging by the code in them, appear to be coming from our own CMS. How can we see which pages the links are on in Moz? Cheers Ben

    | cmscss

  • Hi there, the social visits in the dashboard look like are collected just from facebook social network. In fact if I check the social report in Google Analytics the number of facebook referrals sessions is the same of the number of Social visits from MOZ Dashboard. What's the reason why? How can I resolve this problem including visits from Linkedin, Pinterest and other social network in the Social visits in Moz Dashboard? Thank you

    | vanGoGh-creative

  • I would like to know where the data in the keyword recommendation tool comes from.  Specifically, from what sources is SEOMoz referencing to compile the keyword recommendations and analysis? Thanks!

    | FilterEasy

  • Hi, I'm new to MOZ API, used their sample code and tested by changing some constant values, but it is generating following error when tried to access link metrics sample code. http://localhost/moz/php/complete/examples/ Undefined variable: postParams in C:\wamp64\www\moz\php\complete\services\links_service.php Screenshots attached for reference. ev5f5d ev5fwn ev5gpy ev5h9q

    | Estukune01

  • Hey folks, in our page crawl errors we are getting 1000's (literally) of missing description errors on our search page - see attached image for what I mean. I have no idea how these are being generated as crawled links? Any help would be appreciated as it would really clean up our errors! qAzah


  • Not sure if it completely disappeared or just moved somewhere else. Would be curious to hear!

    | Joe.Robison

  • I have installed the moz toobar. I have signed up for free pro account which expires march 7th 2017. The toolbar is installed and visible. However only the bar that ask you to create an account or sign in. I am signed in. Toolbar does not recognize that I am sighned in and so does not return and data for the search results. Please help. Thank you

    | John1912

  • [deleted]

    | ronenteva

  • Hello I am tearing my hair out! I re-launched my site over a month ago and have been working hard on getting good backlinks. I even got one from a daily UK newspaper. But my DA is not budging from 1. Is there something fundamental wrong with my site? I have checked the loads speed and its better than average. I have taken off all duplicate content in the re-launch. The mobile optimisation is good. Everything looks good in the Google Search Console (ie. there are no red flags or warnings) my site is fully https. The only that raises our eyebrows is that there are 179,000 links coming to our site from a client site - however we have checked these are no-follow and it appears to be so. I was also prepared to wait a while to see a change in the DA ranking for my new site (because we only relaunched a month) ago however now I am particularly concerned about it as I launched a new client site last night (I am a web designer) and that site has had NO SEO work done on it all, has hardly any words, is slow to load and it definitely does not have any backlinks BUT this site appears to have a DA of 9 already. This does not make any sense to me at all. I am very concerned and confused. Please help. I just want to know that the work I am doing is the right work and that i am not fundamentally undermining myself in some way that I am unaware of. Thank you in advance for your help. Yours, 

    | Systemyzed

  • Hey Forum, I have a quick question. So I have added in my keywords to track etc and want to then add the keywords to a specific landing page how do i do that? Is it manage and track and add the keywords and URL there then they appear on the landing pages? Thank you,

    | TAT100

  • Hey community, This is our first topic on Moz, great to see the community growing and growing! We do have a question and can't figure out the reason(s). We hope you can help us. We are watching the "compare link metrics" for the domain and see strange details. See our report on: Page Specific Metrics
    Internal Equity-Passing Links = 0
    Total Internal Links = 0 Subdomain Metrics: Internal Equity-Passing Links = 0
    Total Internal Links = 0 We do have more than 30K pages indexed by Google, do have a great site structure and a well structured internal linking. We think these stats are not correct. Are we right? And what could we do to improve it? uUyQT


  • Hi, I've just had my initial report from Moz and it says my pages are missing rel="canonical". I'm using the Yoast SEO plugin on my WordPress site which adds these automatically. I have also checked the source code for my pages and can see rel="canonical". What has gone wrong please?

    | Barn2Plugins

  • Hi, my site has a green padlock and no SSL errors but Moz are reporting an 804 error. I use CloudFlare with fairly complex settings. I've read this thread but it's quite old and I don't understand which parts of it are still valid. I'd love to know whether this can be sorted before I spend hours setting up Moz's features as if they can't crawl my site then I would obviously need to cancel my subscription. Thanks

    | Barn2Plugins

  • Hi, Does anyone know if I can just pay to use Moz for one month and not carry on? I'm aware that there is monthly payment options, but it's not clear if we can pay for just a month use (after free trial). Thanks

    | bambinomio

  • Hello, So i keep getting this message and I went to and I get 200 response. But it appears its not my actual homepage bc it says the body is empty and in the title it says "COMING SOON" which is not what my actual homepage says. Does anyone know what this means?? Thank you in advance! Rena

    | Palila-Studio

  • Hi all, I'm having a problem with Moz crawling our site. We use Cloudflare and I'm getting the 804 SSL error. What should I do? If anyone can advise that would be great.

    | Naomi_AE

  • I was just wondering if MOZ PRO is the tool that SEO agencies and specialists are using to SEO my website? Is it possible for a new guy in the SEO to optimize his web site by himself using MOZ PRO and rank on the top? What is the best material to learn from outside the sources? Thank you! Kaloyan

    | Prabuinc

  • Question on the exact definition / relationship between the summary of your rankings in the top 50 and the number of keywords that have moved up or down for your selected time frame. To me, I would expect the number of keywords that have moved up (or down) to be more than the sum of any upward movement for the top 50 For example, if it says we had (7) keywords that moved up to 1-3 and (5) moved up to 21-50 and then to the right of that it tells me we have had 5 keywords move up - what does that mean

    | rder

  • Hello, Could you please tell me if there is a fixed time for report update? Is it possible that the metrics change, but it shows that report is not updated.

    | OpsGenie

  • Hi! I'm newbie and I really don't know which info is best to dial in with the keywords. Google tells me that my keyword is in high competition, but Moz suggests that I have very high opportunity and potential with low difficulty with the same keyword... Maybe I need some sleep and come back later :-). Many thanks!

    | PapaMilicia

  • Much of my reporting process relies on data directly from Search Console. Is MozPro integrated with Search Console? Can metrics such as impressions be built into custom reports? How can I aggregate organic avg time /session duration and bounce rates? I see major inbound link data discrepancies between Search Console and Moz - is this normal? Where can I find indexed page volumes?

    | Juanne_C

  • Hi everyone, I've started tracking some speciifc keywords here, but I'd also like to get a global overview of all the different keywords we're currently ranking for and in what positions. When I used Ahrefs it offered this sort of report. Does Moz offer such a report?

    | JoolsStoneCTM

  • Hi, We are getting Error Code 612: Error response for robots.txt in our crawl but everything looks to be ok with the robots file. Can you confirm what is wrong? Thanks

    | david.weston

  • Hi, I'm just setting up my first campaign and would like some advice please. I have a website and also within it a a number of pages in a sub folder. These are technically a different business to the main website and I would like to track them separately in Moz so they can have their own keyword lists and competitors etc. How do I do this? Do I set up two separate campaigns I understand the first one might still report on the subfolder but I guess I could just ignore this. Thanks

    | craigramsay

  • I am new to using the Mozbar and maybe I have missed a setting someplace, but in search results under the individual results only the page links are showing - no referring domains, no links or referring domains for the site. Here is what I am getting: Here is what I would like to see (with all 4 results showing) Is there a setting I might have missed?  I have reinstalled the extension, oh...about ...5 times or so hoping that would solve the problem, but still getting the same results. Any suggestions or how to get all 4 results to display? Thank you for your help or suggestions

    | Dbs

  • Hi,For some reason, on my tracked keywords summary page, the URL shown to the right of each keyword appears to default to my homepage and not the page I want that keyword to rank on. How do I resolve this? I've tried looking around but can't see how to change it so that the correct URL is shown against the correct keyword. Many thanks! Bob

    | SushiUK

  • If want to manage my website I will need moz pro;  butwhere can i find training touse moz pro for my website?

    | prostene1359

  • Hi Moz, Our free subscription expires today and I cannot see if it has already expired? I have sent a few messages in the chat but recieved no reply. Is it too late for cancellation and to recieve a refund if a payment has already been made? Thanks

    | csie

  • I've just added a keyword and URL in Page Optimization. It gave me a 98 score - all good so far. But then when it added this page to the list of earlier pages it shows the keyword and URL but the title is [No Title] - and without a title I can't select it to edit it. Is this familiar to anyone?

    | swbaxter

  • Hi Moz community!I've just joined and am getting to grips with SEO basics. Right now, I'm looking at the Competitive Link Metrics in Moz Pro, and I'm curious about the following- Of the three competitors that we're following, I'm trying to figure out some differences between two of them - we'll call them A and B. 'A' has 3.6k external followed and total links, with 5 total linking root domains. 'B' (a more prestigious and established company with a much higher DA) has 2.2k total external links, with 180 root domains. So my question is, how can A have nearly 1,000 more links, but only from 5 domains? Any feedback much appreciated! Thanks!

    | thegildedteapot

  • I started receiving an 803 error last week for two campaigns and our web dev team has not done any updates to trigger this. Any help on getting this fixed would be greatly appreciated! Paul

    | paul_pm

  • Hi, I'm just watching the set up video and the screen they use is different to what I can see under moz pro. Can anyone tell me (or send a link) to where I find the brand and mentions section.

    | VillageGuide

  • Can I enter a blogger's product review URL and see what other bloggers have either shared that review on social media or written their own reviews on the product?

    | PerfectTD

  • I dived into the Search Visibility metric and what it actually says. In short, I believe it to be an aggregated score for all keywords targeted. However, our list of targeted keywords also include specific 'branded' keywords (and e.g. names of company leaders), which (presumably) aren't targeted by our competition. So what does the comparison with our competitors (i.e. Search Visbility x Competition graph) actually tell us? Isn't it giving a skewed impression? (Or are keywords labeled as 'branded' not taken into consideration in the Search Visibility metric?)

    | BentoPres

  • URL Page Authority Linking Root Domains Status Code | Error Code 804: HTTPS (SSL) Error Encountered |

    | alleninv

  • I signed on for a free trial and found out today that you've billed me in June and July.  Check my history as this is only the second time i've logged in and it's just to request you refund.

    | Completebanker

  • Can someone tell me where the page is that had links to the 3 SEO study guides on here?

    | Connect4Web

  • Recently we bought SSL and moved our site to https. ( where all link are https even after I see an error "Error Code 804: HTTPS (SSL) Error Encountered". Can anyone help me out? What steps can I take to troubleshoot this error?

    | torbett

  • Can I not perform a manual update? I setup a campaign without GA as I did not have access, I got access, added the GA account to the campaign but no data is showing as I think I require an update, but have to wait 7 days? Is that right? Thanks

    | SJMDT

  • also for search engine select theres 2 for united kingdom english - en-gb and english en-uk whats the difference.

    | Carrotpower

  • Our site gets, when scanned with MOZ tools no links detected. <a href=""></a> Does someone know why?

    | SEMODU

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