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  • Hope everyone is doing well! Long story short, we have been getting a lot of customer testimonials. We started putting them on Facebook and then we decided to start adding more details into the articles section of the site. The problem is many of our customers do not go to the articles section or the FB page. We purchased a plugin to integrate most recent Facebook posts into our website. We were going to use it on our homepage as well as our top category pages. I always run content changes through the MOZ scoring utility. After integration into the home page  it dropped my score from a 99 to a 91. The first issue is consistent.... to many links... the second issue we got Rand's WTH are you doing face with a warning that we are stuffing keywords.... Not our intent, but the FB posts do have keywords in them. So for now we are testing the integration on just our garage floor tile category page but I am wondering the following: 1. In general does this type of utility improve UX 2. Does Google make some concession for 'keyword stuffing' when it is because of social media posts being displayed on the page? 3. Given that we post daily, does the 'fresh content' outweigh the increased keyword density. We are ranking top 10 for several major national keywords and we don't want to screw that up. But we want to continue to improve our layout and UX

    Social Media | | GFLLCCO

  • Should I be worried , and if so what to do, if affiliates are linking from shady / gaming/adult websites? or dost the fact that the links are nofollow solve this issue completely ?

    Affiliate Marketing | | KSafer

  • Hey, Wondering if anyone can help. There are a few things within this query, specific to our site, so thought I would group it all together in one post, as they are no doubt all connected. I’ve been working on SEO for my price comparison website for the last year or so. However, our rankings have not noticeably improved since we first started ranking in Google around 6-9 months ago. I have been building high DA links to the site, getting the on-page SEO perfect according to Yoast, Squirrly and Moz on-page checker, site speed for the pages I want to rank for is better than the competition on page 1 etc. I can see things like our Protein Calculator on page 1 of Bing, and Exercise Bikes on page 4. So the work I am doing seems to be having an effect there at least. However, in Google it just seems static. In fact, January should be the best time for our site. Searches on our keywords double around now. Since 2<sup>nd</sup> January there has been a huge drop in organic traffic to our site according to Google Analytics. Checked Search Console, and as suspected, massive drop. Lowest average position and impressions for the last 3 months. We were having around 1,200-2,000 impressions per day with an average ranking of 35-45. Now 600 impressions per day with ranking of 75. I thought I would leave it a few days before posting on here to see if there was any improvement but unfortunately there hasn't been. We had our 3 best days in a row at the end of December, in regards to organic traffic before the drop off. Thought this was a sign of what was to come in January, so needless to say I am gutted that our visibility in the search engines seems to have gone at the most important time of year for our site. We have no manual penalty, I have looked to see if there are any algorithm updates and have not seen anything, nothing fundamentally has changed with our site. The only potentially significant thing that happened at the start of January was that we released our first press release. This was done through PRWeb, and has been published in a few places, so there was a jump in links back to our site – all no follow links. Our DA according to Moz actually increased a couple of days ago from 23 to 25. This does not take into account a lot of recent backlinks which Google Search Console is showing from high DA sites – one of which is a .gov directory with Moz DA of 100, and some bloggers I reached out to with DA's ranging from 40-50. So, if anything, I would assume our rankings would increase and then even more traffic to arrive at our site due to the time of year. On Ahrefs, the number of organic keywords we rank for was 1,800 about 4 months ago and now 2,200. We were ranked 18,000,000 or so a few months back, we are now 4,700,000 based on our backlink profile. So while there has been an increase in keywords we rank for, it is not substantial given the amount of work on the SEO side of things I have been doing. Interestingly, the only thing we rank for is our article on top personal trainers for 2017. And the ranking for this seems unaffected during the recent drop: This article was produced with the intention of securing links back from those we listed. However, it is now ranked page 1 of Google for numerous keywords – regardless of the fact that on page SEO was non-existent, there are no links back to that page, the page authority is terrible etc. By all accounts, this page should not be ranking like it is - especially given the keyword difficulty (25) compared to most of the other "low-hanging fruit" keywords we are looking to rank on (0-20). Needless to say, after thousands of hours of link building, on page SEO, research, learning, and investment into tools such as Moz, Ahrefs, Squirrly, Yoast etc, investment in developers to help improve page load speeds, I am feeling defeated. Any advice on the following would be much appreciated: Why might this page for personal trainers be ranking so well? Page speed is horrendous – 40 on mobile and 38 on desktop. Much lower than any other on page 1. The only thing I can see which is different about this page is the number of social shares. This page also links out to lots of external “relevant” site, so maybe that is having a strong effect. There is about 1 external link per 150 words or so. If we were to receive a manual penalty for some reason from Google, would this be issued before/at the same time as the drop in rankings, or could this have happened but we have simply not been notified yet? Why, after nearly a year of link building has there been very little increase in traffic? I would have expected to rank significantly better with the amount of high quality, high DA sites we now have linking to us which were not there 6 months ago. Our domain is nearly a year old. From what I read, domain age doesn't play a huge role, but maybe this is a reason why we are still not ranking for very much. I am hoping that this is the main reason - that we are less than a year old, and that once we've been around more than 12 months there will be an improvement. Is there something fundamentally wrong with the site, or what I am doing which is negatively affecting it? I’ve disavowed a few spammy sites that link back to us, but maybe I should be doing more? I’ve tried just about everything with link building that I have read up on – guest blogging, directory listings, forums, producing valuable "linkable" content, resource pages, ego bait etc. Do I continue in this way and just keep chipping at it and rest assured that rankings – at some point – will improve? What would your advice be, regarding what I should prioritise to start seeing results? Many thanks in advance, Robin.

    Affiliate Marketing | | Fitnesssavvy

  • I have a new client whose rank is jumping around a lot.  I took over the account 7 weeks ago, but they'd been doing SEO with a decent provider. They switched to me because they thought he wasn't working very hard and he's not very nice. I just took them on in December and they started out at #18. On Dec 24 they were at 9, Jan 1 at 12, Jan 2 at 14, Jan 3 at 24, Jan 12 at 19, Jan 15 at 28, Jan 16 at 25, Jan 19 at 28 and today at 24. Some of the really bad black hattish providers have bounced up to the top. Any idea what's going on?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | julie-getonthemap

  • I've been working on local for a client, and it looks like the partner's name and one review is outranking the firm name and it's 20 reviews. The firm's GMB profile is better, but they're still buried. Any advice?

    Image & Video Optimization | | julie-getonthemap

  • one of my websites is showing a constant drop in rankings. Earlier the website was ranking for major keywords like resume writing services etc. I used Ahrefs site audit to find issues. According to Ahrefs there was a huge issue of duplicate pages, which is now resolved by proper canonical tag insertion. The site is built on Angular. Fetch report in Google shows perfect code and Sitemap is also perfect. Manual action reporting in webmaster shows no warning. Please suggest what steps should I take to fix this issue.

    Technical SEO | | mayyaa4

  • Hello all, I have been working hard on my SEO (and SEM) to the point where I'm getting plenty of traffic from my targeted keywords. The only problem is that none of this people are becoming leads (the goal for our business). Anything jump out about these pages in terms of how to get people more likely to get to the form page? Anything on the form page that could be optimized to drive more form completions? Any insights would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    Web Design | | Enertiv

  • Quick question. In regards to linking to products from your blog. I've read recently that linking excessively between your site can be a bad SEO habit. So, I was curious if anyone else has heard of this. Plus, if you have a blog, how many internal links should you have going to you pages on your site - other blogs, products etc? Thanks.

    Content Development | | Kdruckenbrod

  • I have a quick question to ask you guys,
    I have my site ( It used to rank very well for all my target keywords. But recently all keywords dropped massively. I can't seems to find a good reason of this drop. We have not change anything which may have caused such drop.
    Any suggestion or advice to get into the problem. I would appreciate your kind responses.

    Technical SEO | | Mustansar

  • Hi there, Wondering how to deal w/ about 300+ pages on our site that are autogenerated & considered thin content. Here is an example of those pages: The pages are auto generated when a new security researcher joins our team & then filled by each researcher with specifics about their personal experience. Additionally, there is a fair amount of dynamic content on these pages that updates with certain activities. These pages are also getting marked as not having a canonical tag on them, however, they are technically different pages just w/ very similar elements. I'm not sure I would want to put a canonical tag on them as some of them have a decent page authority & I think could be contributing to our overall SEO health. Any ideas on how I should deal w/ this group of similar but not identical pages?

    Moz Pro | | ChrissyOck

  • Hi, I'm having a strange problem from past one month. My website gets about 10k pageviews a month with an average bounce rate of 50%. Lately, I observed a strange thing. The avg time on page of visitors from selected countries is less than 1 second and the bounce rate is zero!! How is this possible? This is happening from past one month and it would be really helpful if you guys could tell me what exactly is happening?? Ive attached a screenshot for better understanding. website url : fIAXXgF 3zQuBAN

    Reporting & Analytics | | ganesh1

  • Has anyone noticed an unusual shift in ranking fluctuations starting around 20 hours ago? I have noticed some fairly major positive shifts on two different websites, interested if anyone else has seen the same thing.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoman10

  • Hi All, Recently I've added different regions ( etc) to Google search console and pointed them to their relevant countries, but only half are working when I search from a regions IP with a VPN and use the correct Google search ( etc ). Will this correct over time? or is something else causing them not to be indexed up correctly? Thanks in advance <colgroup><col width="81"><col width="104"></colgroup>
    | Country | Appear in SERP 17/12/2018 |
    | AU | TRUE |
    | CZ | TRUE |
    | DK | TRUE |
    | HK | TRUE |
    | IE | TRUE |
    | IT | TRUE |
    | KR | TRUE |
    | NL | TRUE |
    | NZ | TRUE |
    | SE | TRUE |
    | SG | TRUE |
    | US | TRUE |
    | ZA | TRUE |
    | AE | FALSE |
    | AT | FALSE |
    | CH | FALSE |
    | CN | N/A |
    | DE | FALSE |
    | EE | FALSE |
    | ES | FALSE |
    | FI | FALSE |
    | FR | FALSE |
    | GB | FALSE |
    | GR | FALSE |
    | JP | FALSE |
    | NO | FALSE |
    | PL | FALSE |
    | RU | FALSE |
    | SI | FALSE |
    | TR | FALSE |

    International SEO | | WattbikeSEO

  • Hi, I have a series of websites that have been offline for seven years. Do you guys have any tips that might help restore them to their former SERPs glory? Nothing about the sites themselves has changes since they went offline. Same domains, same content, and only a different server. What has changed is the SERPs landscape. I've noticed competitive terms that these sites used to rank on the first page for with far more results now. I have also noticed some terms result in what seems like a thesaurus similar language results from traditionally more authoritative websites instead of the exact phrase searched for. This concerns me because I could see a less relevant page outranking me just because it is on a .gov domain with similar vocabulary even though the result is not what people searching for the term are most likely searching for. The sites have also lost numerous backlinks but still have some really good ones.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | |

  • Hi there, I'm new to Moz: great tool so far! I just tried the page optimization feature and see that (for instance for this article) page titles are often too long. Now it's tempting to just shorten the title straight away, but I have a memory of someone once telling me changing the title will change the URL. And changing the URL is something not appreciated by Google. Could someone please explain if and why this is/isn't the case? And if there are any downsides/things to consider before changing the article's title? Thank you in advance!

    On-Page Optimization | | RaoulWB

  • Hi.
    I have been creating backlinks for my website since 2 months. The backlinks are from different linking domains. The issue is that moz is not showing me all the backlinks that i have created. It is displaying only 10% of all the backlinks of my domain homepage. Is there any way to tell moz about all the backlinks i'm building?

    Link Explorer | | rajas2019

  • hey moz community i want to ask something i have blog on guitars.this blog is 7 months old and i created backlink on it.but today i am checking DA of my website its 7 how can i increase it

    Link Explorer | | waqazolqa

  • I selected an affiliate keyword .now the next step is to analyze the SERP and look for competitor .if my current search setting is US and google trends show that my product is trending in Australia ,so should now i change my search setting to Australia or go with US?

    Keyword Research | | Niu843jr

  • content development content optimization

    Greetings to all Moz Fellows! Our organization specializes in digital dentistry, and we aim to establish a thriving blog focused on this subject to attract a wide range of clients from all across the United States. We would greatly appreciate any advice on the most effective strategies for achieving this goal.

    Content Development | | SEOBrandBoca

  • Some pages in Search Console have troubles in indexing. Although Google Index says url is on google and indexed , Live test shows something different( image is attached ). My performance has badly been affected(image attached). Anybody knows what the problem is? R5iCT20

    Technical SEO | | ehsanamel

  • I know I should only use Organization schema on one page of my site, but I'm not sure if I should use it on the Home page or use LocalBusiness schema on the home page. I was thinking of adding LocalBusiness schema to home page, Organization schema to About Us page and Corporate Contact Schema to Contact us page. Thoughts? Is there a best practice? I can't seem to find much information on what's best to use where.

    Local SEO | | RoxBrock

  • Hello everybody. I marked all of my tags in a WordPress site as "noindex,follow". Because my tags were made a lot of low-quality pages. Am I did it right? my website is:

    Content Development | | dannybaldwin

  • Hi all, Does anyone know if there's anywhere where I can see what keywords are used in search engines to land on a specific page? I have access to the Google Analytics account and linked it to Moz as a campaign, but I can't find this data. I'm curious about this because a very uncommon word is used in a page title for a page I try to optimize. It's the Dutch translation of 'malicious'. And now I wonder if it's better to switch to a word that's used more often. Or if it's better to 'win the battle' on this (probably) rarely used word. I've used Google trends to see how many people use it, but it says there's not enough data to show the interest over time.

    On-Page Optimization | | RaoulWB

  • I've discovered that one of the sites I am working on includes content which also appears on number of other sites. I need to understand exactly how much of the content is duplicated so I can replace it with unique copy. To do this I have tried using tools such as and with mixed results, nothing so far is able to give me a reliable picture of exactly how much of my existing website content is duplicated on 3rd party sites. Any advice welcome!

    Technical SEO | | HomeJames

  • What is the deal with the search reports in the Google My Business app?  I downloaded this app so prospective customers could message my business, and when I look at the search reports on the app, the results seem nonsensical.  According to google analytics my business receives pretty steady traffic every day.  Why does the report say that I receive zero visitors one day and 400 the next? (See the screenshot below) 4yLRCHG

    Reporting & Analytics | | RandyHT
  • Unsolved

    api url metrics v1

    Hi! On one of our servers we get the message "The account does not have access to that quota" when pulling data for v1 URL Metrics endpoint in the API.
    This only happens on one specific server, others have worked flawlessly. Any idea of what might be going on? Thanks

    API | | aheitzman

  • I manage multiple websites and want to start new ones but want to know if one blog post a month is acceptable for SEO since I'm worried about rank.

    Branding | | hssm2019

  • seo gmb googlebusiness googlebusinessprofile

    Hi all! I have a question. I have a client who is a lawyer and has a personal listing ( The listing has around 70 reviews. However, they also have a listing for their office which is Nowlan Law ( This one only has 28 reviews. That said, the client wants to change the name of the Steve Caya listing with the great reviews to Nowlan Law so the firm can benefit from the greater number of positive reviews. Everything I see discourages it. Thoughts? Goal is to benefit from Nowlan Law's reviews.

    Community | | simplydonetech

  • homepage homepage seo strategy homepage keyword mapping

    The USA Glitz I search the exact title & keyword but still its not showing though there is no related websites in this term. What can i do ? What kind of strategy needs to follow ? Kindly help me out . Thanks 😢

    On-Page Optimization | | henrichjrr420

  • As in the title, we have a site with around 40k pages, but around a third of them are showing as "Indexed, not submitted in sitemap" in Google Search Console. We've double-checked the sitemaps we have submitted and the URLs are definitely in the sitemap. Any idea why this might be happening? Example URL with the error: Sitemap it is located on:

    Technical SEO | | TTYH

  • I am having a website Suddenly I am noticing the website showing around 42% spam score. I simply cannot understand the reason behind it. The website contains only one backlink and that too it is guest posting backlink. Please explain to me why this is occurring with my site.

    Link Explorer | | stay.hungary

  • Hi guys, We just discovered that our website got a 16% Spam Score based on MOZ reports, while less than 1 year ago we had a good 1% if I'm not mistaken. Therefore we ran an audit of the external links to our website and discovered that about 60% of them are irrelevant such as: referral page not available anymore (or not found, or domain not accessible) irrelevant web directories for our business Impossible to contact the owner of these pages or remove the links towards our website.
    Is the Disavow tool an acceptable option in this case? Could this lower our Spam Score and make a better impression in "Google's eyes"? 60% seems quite a lot of backlinks, but they are also not relevant, and we want to focus on creating better quality referrals in the next months. I would really appreciate an opinion on this, and how would you proceed in this case.

    Link Explorer | | Andreea-M

  • I unsure how my page got backlinked on this "passive DNS" website: This looks to be my only inbound link, so I am  worried this is negatively affecting my site ranking. Is this 56% spam score link negatively affecting my website? If so, any suggestions? Any feedback or insight would be greatly appreciated as I am very ignorant to what this person's webpage is about and why my page was linked.. Sincerely, Hayden My website:

    Industry News | | CashFlo_Trading

  • Does owning / buying an exact domain match help or not necessary? For example our main website ranks for nearly 14,800 Keywords but one KW we are trying to get in the top spot for we are currently at the bottom of page #1. We do see an exact domain match available so we purchased it but i don't know if it would actually help us or distract us. I was thinking we could create an article about the keyword on that exact domain then do some on page seo and back linking. But would that be more of a distraction VS. just focusing on getting more high quality back links to the main website we have ranked on Page 1 at the bottom? Any ideas or benefits to use an exact domain match to help boost also?

    Link Building | | Cfarcher

  • Hi there, One of our website can't be crawled. We did get the error emails from you (Moz) but we can't find the solution. Can you please help me? Thanks, Tamara

    Product Support | | Yenlo

  • As our content can be quite long at the top, we introduced js anchor scroll going straight to the products, by passing the banner and the content at the top. Can this have an issue on seo?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | JH_OffLimits

  • Hi, How long do the link tracking lists take to update? It's been over a week and each is still showing a red cross. The reason I created it was because I migrated to a new domain name and Moz is still showing the backlinks on the old property and not the new (the domain swap happened in December 2020). I can see that Ahrefs has picked up all of the links - Both new and redirected - but Moz has not. When will this be reflected in Moz as it has already been over three months? Is there a reason for the above questions? I appreciate any response here. 🙂

    Moz Pro | | Smarter_Finances
  • Unsolved

    local seo

    So, this is probably one of the most challenging questions for SEO agencies likes ours to answer. That is how long does it take for a business to see an increase in sales, because of the business investing in organic or local SEO. It ultimately comes down to how competitive the business sector is, we do know that. We are just wondering what various SEO companies tell their clients. Is it for example, they have to wait a minimum of six months of paying for SEO, before they can get the business on page one of Google? Or, instead, do you carry out an SEO audit at the start, and then make an estimate for how long it will take to get the business on page one of Google?

    Moz Local | | sarahwalsh

  • Hi Guys Is REACT SEO friendly? Has anyone used REACT and what was the results? Or do you recommend something else that is better suited for SEO? Many thanks for your help in advance. Cheers Martin

    Algorithm Updates | | martin1970

  • seo consulting

    Moz Community, The most talented people that are SEO experts are part of this community, so that is why I came here to find assistance. I am a Partner at, we are an executive search firm based in San Francisco. At 3FORTY3, we work with the top VC firms in Silicon Valley serving venture-backed and growth-stage clients. We placed marketing executives at 8 of the top 25 Forbes Cloud 100 companies. We are looking for an SEO consultant to help us with our website. Our phase 1 budget = $5K - $10K, but that would grow after phase 1. If interested, please email me directly at Thanks,
    Jon Schepke
    Partner, 3FORTY3 Executive Search

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | eTownKid

  • my website is activate in egg incubation industry . Level of this site spam score is 11% . now how can i reduce that ?

    Moz Bar | | HeidiMaryAyuningtyas

  • Hi Guys, We have a blog for our e-commerce store. We have a full-time in-house writer producing content. As part of our process, we do content briefs, and as part of the brief we analyze competing pieces of content existing on the web. Most of the time, the sources are large publications (i.e HGTV, elledecor, apartmenttherapy, Housebeautiful, NY Times, etc.). The analysis is basically a summary/breakdown of the article, and is sometimes 2-3 paragraphs long for longer pieces of content. The competing content analysis is used to create an outline of our article, and incorporates most important details/facts from competing pieces, but not all. Most of our articles run 1500-3000 words. Here are the questions: NOTE: the summaries are written by us, and not copied/pasted from other websites. Would it be considered duplicate content, or bad SEO practice, if we list sources/links we used at the bottom of our blog post, with the summary from our content brief? Could this be beneficial as far as SEO? If we do this, should be nofollow the links, or use regular dofollow links? For example: For your convenience, here are some articles we found helpful, along with brief summaries: <summary>I want to use as much of the content that we have spent time on. TIA</summary>

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | kekepeche

  • From what I understand, Googles no longer has a "Duplicate Content Penalty" instead duplicate content simply isn't show in the search results.  Does that mean that any links in the duplicate content are completely ignored, or devalued as far as the backlink profile of the site they are linking to?  An example would be an article that might be published on two or three major industry websites.  Are only the links from the first website GoogleBot discovers the article on counted or are all the links counted and you just won't see the article itself come up in search results for the second and third website?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Consult1901

  • I'm working with a US client on the SEO for their large ecommerce website, I'm working on it from the UK. We've now optimised several of the pages including updating the meta-descriptions etc. The problem is when I search on the keyword iin the UK I see the new updated version of the meta-description in SERPs results. BUT when my client searches on the same keyword in the US they're see the old version of the meta-description. Does any one have any idea why this is happening and how we can resolve it? Thanks Tanya

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | TanyaKorteling

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