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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hello, Currently we are working on a new website. Within this new website we have the option to lazy load the images. My question regarding this: will this cause any SEO problems? Will google detect / see all images properly? If not, how can we make sure that google does? Thanks in advance! Remco


  • ranking issue ranking factors I just published a new article. Keyword is : OneOdio A10 Hybrid Review Before writing the article, I researched that This is Easy keyword. I should rank as soon as I publish the article. After publishing the article my Current rank is #32 Why its not ranking? Any idea

    | NextHeadphone
  • Unsolved

    traffic canonical redirect

    Hello I have a "click rate juice" question would like to know. For example. I created a noindex site for a few days event purposes. Using a random domain like this: Expecting 5000+ clicks per day. Is it possible to gain some traffic juice from this event website domain "" to my other main site "" but without exposing its URL. Thought about using 301 redirecting "" to "". But it will reveal the to the general public if someone visits the domain "". Also thought about using a canonical URL, but it would not be working because the event site is noindex. or it would not matter at all 🤔 Wondering if there is a thing like this to gain some traffic juice for another domain? Thanks

    | Blueli

  • Hi all, what experience do you have with links? Can I use it for backlinking management?

    | Tormar

  • google analytics direct traffic

    Our direct traffic dropped 50% in October. Is anyone else seeing a drop in direct traffic in October in G4? It hasn't shifted to another source or unassigned it's just gone. Has anyone else experienced this and what might be the reasons?

    | inhouseninja

  • schema structured data

    I am working on a schema markup project. When I test the schema code in the Schema Markup Validator, everything looks fine, no errors detected. However, when I test it in the Rich Results Test, a few errors come back.
    What is the difference between these two tests? Should I trust one over the other?

    | Collegis_Education

  • shopify wordpress canonical

    We have pages on our shopify site example - That we want to put a rel canonical tag on to direct to our wordpress site page - We have links form the wordpress page to the shop page, and over time ahve found that google has ranked the shop pages over the wp pages, which we do not want. So we want to put rel canonical tags on the shop pages to say the wp page is the authority. I hope that makes sense, and I would appreciate your feeback and best solution. Thanks! Is that possible?

    | shabbirmoosa

  • I see some PR (press release) sites where they distribute the same content on many different sites and at end they give the source link is that Good SEO Practice or Bad ? If it is Good Practice then how Google Panda or other algorithms consider it ?

    | KaranX

  • I am working on a new home furnishing e-commerce site, and started a couple of link building campaigns. Specifically, I have started a scholarship campaign with outreach going to schools, and a broken link building/content outreach campaign. With both of these campaigns, I am targeting .edu domains first, and some high value blogs in that niche. I am hitting a brick wall with both! These are both the types of campaigns I have tried before, with some degree of success. It seems that the webmasters have been getting so inundated with spam that they simply ignore emails. Does anyone have recent successful experience with these link building methods? I would appreciate any advice on current link building methods if anyone is willing to share. TIA

    | Kevin_Hatanian

  • Dear All, I have personal finance website and the traffic dropped by less than half of what is was before last three months. I am figuring out all the possible issues and doing everything that comes to our mind to improve the quality of our website. I tried the following before posting here:1. Tried contacting website owner which we  think spam and add all such domains to our disavow list2. We found little duplicate content on sites like Quora, we made those answers down by reporting to Quora3. Reported to DMCA on 3 articles articles(partial) from our website.4. We are trying improving user experience5. Removed one of our page that shared by many people but our page was not indexed by Google.6. Checked and modified content if any our articles are having more keywords than what SEO experts recommend.  7. We are working on researching more and figuring our what else can might have gone wrong with our traffic.8. Working on improving EAT I attached our traffic drop graph. I believe this drop is not natural it happened because of some issue at our end and we are not able to figure out the exact reasons.Surprisingly another site with not so high quality content started ranking now in the top.I am here to get community members/experts help on this. I could provide you if you need any further details. Thanks a lot for your time. We really appreciate any tips that you can share with us.Q2S1tlK Q2S1tlK

    | swamyallamraju

  • Since November we migrated our shop from Magento 1 to 2 and our organic traffic has dropped by 50%. We still haven't figured out the cause (or a solution). Are there more Magento users who have the same issue? Charlotte (

    | DocHorse

  • migration seo ranking

    Hello everyone, I'm currently facing a challenging situation and would greatly appreciate your expertise and guidance. I own a website,, primarily focused on the digital agency niche. About 3 months ago, I created a subfolder,, dedicated to job listings which is a completely different niche. The subfolder has around 120 posts and pages. Unfortunately, since I created the subfolder, the rankings of my main site have been negatively impacted. I was previously ranking #1 for all local digital services keywords, but now, only 2 out of 16 keywords have maintained their positions. Other pages have dropped to positions 30 and beyond. I'm considering a solution and would like your advice: I'm planning to purchase a new domain and migrate the content from to However, I want to ensure a smooth migration without affecting the main domain rankings and losing backlinks from pages. Is moving the subfolder content to a new domain a viable solution? And how can I effectively redirect all pages from the subfolder to the new domain while preserving page ranks and backlinks?
    I wish they did, but GSC doesn't offer a solution to migration content from subfolder to a new domain. 😢 Help a fellow Mozer. Thanks for giving a hand.

    | davidifaso

  • migration seo ranking

    Hello everyone, I'm currently facing a challenging situation and would greatly appreciate your expertise and guidance. I own a website,, primarily focused on the digital agency niche. About 3 months ago, I created a subfolder,, dedicated to job listings which is a completely different niche. The subfolder has around 120 posts and pages. Unfortunately, since I created the subfolder, the rankings of my main site have been negatively impacted. I was previously ranking #1 for all local digital services keywords, but now, only 2 out of 16 keywords have maintained their positions. Other pages have dropped to positions 30 and beyond. I'm considering a solution and would like your advice: I'm planning to purchase a new domain and migrate the content from to However, I want to ensure a smooth migration without affecting the main domain rankings and losing backlinks from pages. Is moving the subfolder content to a new domain a viable solution? And how can I effectively redirect all pages from the subfolder to the new domain while preserving page ranks and backlinks?
    I wish they did, but GSC doesn't offer a solution to migration content from subfolder to a new domain. 😢 Help a fellow Mozer. Thanks for giving a hand.

    | davidifaso

  • Just  just implemented SSL with a wild card cert and I got an email from google that my non-www cert is not valid. Any ideas ? SSL/TLS certificate does not include domain name To: Webmaster of, Google has detected that the current SSL/TLS certificate used on <a></a>  does not include <a></a>  domain name. This means that your website is not perceived as secure by some browsers. As a result, many web browsers will block users accessing your site by displaying a security warning message. This is done to protect users’ browsing behavior from being intercepted by a third party, which can happen on sites that are not secure.

    | ThomasErb

  • Hi Mozers, I though a while ago I heard that buying backlinks was a no go, until I seen and read this article:  I notice the guy that wrote the article suggested that you can buy backlinks from fiverr, and also just make sure they are do-follow backlinks.  Can someone please correct me and perhaps clear my confusion over this.  As far as I knew it was best to build backlinks by doing guest posting and engaging in relevant forums? Heres the article: Thanks guys

    | edward-may

  • Hi, One of our clients have a website specific to a place, for eg. California Tourism in which they publish local information related to tourism, blogs & other useful content. I want to understand how useful is to publish Organization Schema on such website mentioning the actual Organization, which in this case is a Travel Agency? Or any other schema would fit in for such websites?


  • Hi, I’m looking  to add Schema markup to my company pages’s webinar page (recording past webinars) and data sheets, infographics, product videos, eBooks/white papers. For eBooks, I am primarily referring to a landing page with a gate to download a PDF document. I’m trying to determine the best markup type: For Webinars, I’ve seen suggestions to use “Event” type but that seems appropriate for future events, not something like a recorded webinar, which is not time-sensitive, unlike a live event. However, I see a StackOverflow forum to use for recorded webinars. For eBooks and White Papers, I see a few potential schema types: (or and then book format type of Ebook)

    | WhiteHat1

  • when plugging ALT tags into images, does Google prefer spaces, hyphens, or underscores?  I know with filenames, hyphens or underscores are preferred and spaces are replaced with %20. Thoughts? Thanks!

    | BrooklynCruiser

  • Hi, First post here. A few months back (before they were my client), my client updated their site to include a language tunnel. It looks like some other updates were made as well to "prettify" the site's URLs. Unfortunately, after this update, lots of well-ranking landing pages are now completely gone with no redirects in place. Normally, I would just give them a list of these old pages and say "301 Redirect" to X page. However, as part of this site update, they added country code into the mix. So now, instead of just 6 or 7 languages, we are looking  at 30-40 permutations of language and country (with some countries having multiple languages). The functionality of the new site is fine, but all of the old 404s are not being kind to the search engine traffic. My question is: what's the best way to resolve this problem? These old pages usually specify a language code (but no country code). So, for example, I am thinking of redirecting all of the Spanish 404 urls to a Spanish "country tunnel". However, this is obviously not the same as what we had before, where the actual pages were indexed. Since my old pages no longer exist and I've got this country problem now (to stand in the way of a straightforward redirect), is there any way to appease the SEO gods on this?

    | navdm

  • technical seo getting beaten sites with no seo ranking 1

    I'm new to SEO, and am stubbornly trying to educate myself. I have a telescope shop in Canada, it's a small business that we run on the side. We're driving lots of traffic through FB and our outreach programs but I really want to increase our presence on search. We released a new website back in January and it killed some of our rankings. We're working our way back with a very specific set of efforts on regular SEO: Metadata and titles, although it seems that's not super relevant Building high quality backlinks and eliminating any spammy backlinks Rewriting product listings so that they are original content though I'm not sure how important this is in e-commerce Writing high quality articles and blog posts Working relevant keywords into our product pages and titles I understand that good SEO is about pushing on all the levers, and trying to make sure that your site is as valuable to the end user as possible. We're making some good progress, but I'm puzzled by the #1 shop in Canada. They don't put any apparent effort into SEO and they still rank #1 on every key product we compete with them on. I've worked with two separate, highly ranked and regarded SEO firms on this and neither has been able to tell my why this other site ranks so highly. Here's a specific example on a popular product that we both sell, the Celestron NexStar 8SE. Here’s the link to Telescope Canada’s page for their Celestron 8SE: Here’s a link to the Celestron 8SE page from the manufacturer website: Telescopes Canada has just copied and pasted. There is no original content aside from adding the shipping and return policy to the tab, and having some options for selecting accessories on the page. Here is our page: We have higher page authority, higher domain authority, and they keyword analyzer in moz says that our page is higher quality than the Telescopes Canada page. I can’t find a single metric on any tool (ubbersuggest, Moz, ahrefs, semrush) that says Telescopes Canada is a better site, or has a better NexStar 8SE product page. But they keep ranking ahead of us, and right at the top of google search. Our titles are good, our metadata is good (but I don’t think that’s been a serious ranking factor for about ten years). Our text is original, it’s relevant, we have healthy internal links to the page. According to Moz's page ranker it's 20 points higher than Telescope Canada's page. We have invensted in some excellent blog content, we’re adding new products to the website so that we rank for more keywords. All of those things are helping, but I fundamentally don’t understand why Telescopes Canada is #1 almost across the board on every key product in our market. There is something that I’m not seeing here. Can you see any metric, any tool in your toolbox that indicates why they rank at the top, or even higher than we do for in these search terms specific to that product: Celestron NexStar 8SE
    NexStar 8SE
    Celestron NexStar 8SE Canada
    NexStar 8SE Canada I have a feeling it's something technical that I'm missing, but I'm not sure how obvious it is with two 'professional' firms not finding it. I'd really appreciate any help or insight that you can offer.

    | nkennett

  • Can any of you guys please help me I have alerts on links coming in and it looks like recently someone did this, it looks maliciously done as it is only our domain mentioned and most are brand new posts? Should I try to disavow these and submit to google or will google know our site which has been up for 5 years is not doing this? Should I do any of these

    | BobAnderson

  • redirect chain 301 redirect

    Most products on our site have redirects to them from years of switching platform and merely trying to get a great and optimised URL for SEO purposes. My question is this: If a product URL has alot of redirects (301's), would it be more beneficial to me to create a duplicated version of the product and start fresh with a new URL? I am not on here trying to gain backlinks but my site is tn nursery dot net (proof:)
    I need some quality help figuring out what to do.

    | tammysons

  • seo audit seo rankings

    Over the last few months my rank has dropped by around half and for the life of me I can’t see why. There are no warnings on Google Console. Am I missing something? Website:

    | moon-boots

  • Hi mozzers, I  discovered that Amazon is crawling our site and exploring thousands of profile pages. In a single day it crawled 75k profile pages. Is this related to AWS? Is this something we should worry about or not?  If so what could be a solution to counter this? Could this affect our Google Analytics organic traffic?

    | Ty1986

  • on page optimization

    Hi, We have good google reviews. (4,8) Can we get this rating stars also on our organic search results ? Best remco

    | remcoz

  • indexing crawling noindex

    Our staging website got indexed by google and now MOZ is showing all inbound links from staging site, how should i remove those links and make it no index. Note- we already added Meta NOINDEX in head tag

    | Asmi-Ta

  • Hi mozzers, If you are rental company, is it useful to add both the product and auto rental schemas or auto rental schema on its own should just be enough? Finally, on the auto rental schema, you have to add an address. Could we just add a city instead of an entire address and avoid receiving a warning message on the strutured data testing tool? Thank you.

    | Ty1986

  • Hi there! I was just wondering if the granular options of the Organization schema, like Educational Organization ( and CollegeOrUniversity ( schema work the same when it comes to pulling data into the knowledge graph. I've typically always used the Organization schema for customers but was wondering if there are any drawbacks for going deep into the hierarchy of schema. Cheers 😄

    | Corbec888

  • Hello, This is more of a technical question but does anyone know if it’s possible to allow embedding on YouTube videos only for specific sites? We want to restrict embedding on our videos but still be able to embed them on our domain. I’m already listed as the primary owner and have the channel linked to my personal email (same email used to upload videos) but when I go to the below link mentioned on Google's Page for Restrict Embedding ( it says I don’t have permission to access that page for both my personal account and channel. The documentation states it's possible to "Block embedding on all sites or apps except for those URLs or app package names you enter in the text box." but I can't seem to find it. I can only find the option to turn it off/on completely. I noticed my personal email hasn't been verified; would that make a difference here? Any help or insight on how to approach this would be very much appreciated. Looking forward to hearing from all of you!
    Thank you in advance.

    | Ben-R

  • A client (see example above) has accidentally place region codes into the hreflang when the content is intended for all audiences that speak the language.  So "fr-fr" should really just be "fr" since those that are "fr-be", "fr-ca", and "fr-ch" should all be getting to the French version of the website too. And there isn't a specific subdirectory  for French speakers in Belgium or France or Switzerland, etc. However, when looking at Google Analytics, these region codes don't seem to be stopping those from other regions from getting to the correct landing page. So a user from Belgium is still getting to depsite the "fr-fr" in the hreflang. So question: is it worth adjusting the hreflang to be non-region specific (from

    | SearchStan

  • We have created two category pages, in which we are showing products which could be delivered in separate cities. Both pages are related to cake delivery in that city. But out of these two category pages only 1 got indexed in google and other has not. Its been around 1 month but still only Bangalore category page got indexed. We have submitted sitemap and google is not giving any crawl error. We have also submitted for indexing from "Fetch as google" option in webmasters. (Indexed - Bangalore page - 2. (Not indexed - Hyderabad page - I tried searching for "hyderabad" in google but there also this link is not coming, instead of this only is coming. Can anyone please let me know what could be the possible issue with this?

    | abhihan

  • Hello, I am creating an overlay on a image. Is it ok to write on this overlay in html or it is better to have the text not on a image for google and other search engines ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • duplicate content

    I just want to confirm something about duplicate content. On an eCommerce site, if the meta-titles, meta-descriptions and product descriptions are all unique, yet a big chunk at the bottom (featuring "why buy with us" etc) is copied across all product pages, would each page be penalised, or not indexed, for duplicate content? Does the whole page need to be a duplicate to be worried about this, or would this large chunk of text, bigger than the product description, have an effect on the page. If this would be a problem, what are some ways around it? Because the content is quite powerful, and is relavent to all products... Cheers,

    | Creode

  • seo 301 redirect rankings

    Hi, Our website is 10 years old, but I only noticed last night we had a page which has some badly formatted copy on. I redirected (301) to the home page Then I had a slight panic that maybe this was the wrong thing to do and it should be like it was with the home page and the /main page. Should I have left it or did I do the right thing?

    | curveballmedia

  • What is the best tool to check for the google penalty, What penalty hit the website. ?

    | Michael.Leonard

  • Dear Moz members, I m currently working on schema optimizations of my website which review online casino websites. I have a doubt which schema itemReviewed type I have to use in the review pages. Currently I m using type as "Game" but I m not sure it is correct. "description": "",
    "itemReviewed": {
    "@type": "Game",
    "name": "LeoVegas Casino",
    "url": ""
    }, Thank you

    | CongthanhThe

  • duplicate content international

    I have a client that currently has a .com domain (not using hreflang) . They have a new partner in the UK and they want to replicate the website and use a domain. It will be a different brand name. Will this cause any SEO issues?

    | bedynamic

  • Hi guys, I am trying to submit the most recent XML sitemap but the sitemap generator tools are only crawling about 20% of my site.  The site carries around 150 pages and only 37 show up on tools like My goal is to get all the important URLs we care about into the XML sitemap. How should I go about this? Thanks

    | TyEl

  • serp features site title site name

    Hello! I am looking at a site that has its site name displayed incorrectly in the SERPS. The site name is showing as a company from the airline industry while the site in question provides hypnotherapy services. This issue is on every page except the homepage. I have checked source code and the structured data. Local business structured data with the correct company name - I can't find anything at all in the source code that refers to this random airline! Thank you for reading this and for any ideas or suggestions! Here is a screenshot that illustrates the issueUntitled.jpg

    | sean.e

  • serp features structured data

    Hello SEO friends, I am looking at a site that has a completely random site name displayed in the serps. The site in question is a hypnotherapy service and the site name is displaying as a commercial cargo airline! See the screen shot. Any ideas? There is 'local business' structured data on the site and it IS showing the correct business name. Is this a hack? Negative SEO attack? Random Google stuff up? Help! Very confused! Thank you for any advice! Sean!Untitled.jpg

    | sean.e
  • Solved

    hreflang hreflang tags japanese hreflang urls

    Hi all, I have searched in vain for a concrete answer to this question. If you're dealing with the hreflang tags yourself (i.e. don't use automation plugins etc.), is it okay if the URLs (e.g. in Japanese) remain unencrypted? Example (not encoded):
    <link rel="alternate" hreflang="ja" href="https://domain. com/エグザイルリンク/" /> The same encoded:
    <link rel="alternate" hreflang="ja" href="https://domain. com/%e3%82%a8%e3%82%b0%e3%82%b6%e3%82%a4%e3%83%ab%e3%83%aa%e3%83%b3%e3%82%af" /> When checking the unencoded tags in hreflang checkers, they don't seem to have a problem with this (they don't flag any issues). Also on other websites I see both approaches with unencoded and encoded hreflang variants. What is your opinion on this, could there be conflicts and/or is there a best practice? Thanks all

    | Hermski

  • I note practitioner listings are in place for certain professionals, so you can list your business address and then your individual name - one under a "practice listing" - the other under a "practitioner listing". As detailed here: But can a self-employed tradesman do the same - for example a carpenter may have their workshop and be available for onsite work, so can they list their "carpentry business/brand name" and then their "personal name" they are also known by? Even if it is the same address.

    | LukeRow

  • keyword rankings keyword explorer keywords

    Curious how some of you are able to target several keywords on one same page, for instance for the page we aim to rank first on Google for keywords such as "Arabic tutor" and "Arabic teacher" but also for "learn Arabic" or "learning Arabic". How do you rank up number 1 for several phrase keywords without jeopardizing current rankings?

    | nicolasvhe

  • Hello, I hope you are doing great. I am working on a website that is related to flea collars for cats and dogs. And I want you to make a quick audit of the site where am I lacking. It could be great if you can help ASAP. You can view my site here :

    | Request4peace

  • shared hosting to vps www to non www

    Hi SEO gurus,
    I am trying to move my site from shared hosting to VPS hosting and also moving from www to non www version.
    What is the best possible way to avoid any issue and without losing the backlinks.
    Is it good or bad to do? URL:

    | SeoBlogs61

  • Is it alright to make use of Schema for a questions and answer structure if they questions are all brand specific? Like common Q&As about your products or company ? Are will Google potentially consider this spammy?

    | SearchStan

  • canonical google webmaster

    In Google Webmaster Tools, I have a coverage issue. I am getting this error message: Alternate page with proper canonical tag Status: Excluded. It gives the below blog post page as an example. Any idea how to resolve? At one time, I was using handl utm grabber, but the plugin is deactivated on my website.

    | Alancito

  • Hi all, I have got a specific SEO challenge. 6 months ago, we started to build an eCommerce site (located in the UK). In order to speed up the site launch, we copied the entire site over from an existing site based in Ireland. Now, the new UK site has been running for 5 months. Google has indexed many pages, which is good, but we can't rank high (position: between 20-30 for most pages). We thought it was because of content duplication in spite of different regions. So we tried to optimize the pages for the UK site to make them more UK-related and avoid content duplication. I've also used schema to tell google it's a UK-based site and set up Google my business and got more local citations. Besides, If you could give me any suggestions, it'd be perfect.
    Thank you so much for your time and advice.

    | Insightful_Media

  • Hi I am working on a site that for search terms such as 'best washing machine in india' appears near the top of the 2nd page of Googl for url When looking at what is listed on the 1st page for 'best washing machine in india' I would appreciate any advice/guidance on what else could be done to give the site a final push to get on the 1st page of search results. I have made more than 60 backlinks along with sites from competitor analysis via moz for this page Looking at the sites that are on the 1st page I cant understand why many of them are ranking higher than me? Any insight and plan of attack would be most appreciated from any  search experts on the forum. My website is 2.5 months old. Many Thanks

    | Pank0077

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