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Category: Keyword Research

Learn about keyword research best practices and how to improve your keyword strategy.

  • WE are using the best keywords all over our eStore: Furnace Filter and Furnace Filters. Is it abusing when we list items like: 10x20x1 furnace filter 10x20x2furnace filter 10x20x4 furnace filter and so on... we have almost 100 different filters on sale. see example: Thank you for your help BigBlaze

    | BigBlaze205

  • When selecting which Keywords to optimize for, should I choose all words that I want us to move up for? Like that my company appears ranked for 5, 10, 42, 44, etc.? Or should I select a mix of some that rank well (top 1-2 pgs in Google) /rank near pg 5/ and some that aren't showing up in the top 50 yet? I don't want to waste my time optimizing for words I don't need to. Thanks!

    | aircyclemegan

  • Hi, can anybody tell me if it is useful to optimize the following keyword in all 3 Versions?
    As I know google separates the 2 words as if using a hyphen - so it would be the same as if just using a space between the words.
    But if you search for the different Versions in google there are different SERPS for every of this versions? Not many users will search using a hyphen between the words I guess - butt I saw some few keywords tipped in with hyphen in my google analytics report. And I want to be on top 😉 Piloten Ausbildung Piloten-Ausbildung Pilotenausbildung thx!

    | mbase22

  • If a keyword works really well for two pages on your site, is it OK to optimize both pages for that keyword?  Is it possible that Google will rank both pages? For example, one of the companies I've worked with is a software developer.  They want to use the keyword phrase “simple project management software” for both the home page and for the product page  (I’ve got other alternatives that I can use, but optimizing both pages for the same keyword would be the path of least resistance).

    | EricVallee34

  • In Google Webmaster Tools for my site, the #1 keyword is "ago", probably because we format datestamps like "3 days ago".  Is there a way to tell google not to count the word "ago"?  Seems like a common enough word that google should be ignoring it. I have a feeling the answer to my first question is "NO!", so my follow-up question is: is there a best practice for formatting dates for SEO? Thanks!

    | RobotCo-op

  • I watched a tutorial on about keyword research. And they said to use the All In Tittle trick to see how many pages on google are optimized for that keyword - do you reccommend using that method as well? In google, you type allintitle:"key word phrase" and the results show how many page titles are optimized for that phrase. Should I use this technique as well when choosing keywords?

    | aircyclemegan

  • I've done all of my keyword research, and now I'm selecting the KW's. In a previous question, seomoz had answered to pick a mix of easy, medium, and difficult words to rank for. How do I know which are easy, medium, difficult? The KW Difficulty Tool is not very specific. Is the level of difficulty related to where the phrase pops up for my company in search results? Are hard words ones that you do not already rank in the top 50 search results? When selecting KWs should I choose words that rank already in the top 50 that I'd like to try to move up? Or look for NEW phrases/words not in the top 50 results? Also, when entering KW phrases int the KW Difficulty Tool, Rank Tracker, and in Campaigns - do I need to use quotation marks if it is a phrase? I noticed that the KW difficulty tool has different results if you use quotation marks. Lastly, The person who did SEO before me has a list of KWs he optimized for, would it be valuable for me to include his words in my On-Page optimization efforts?

    | aircyclemegan

  • Looked in the FAQ in the Keyword Difficulty tool but it didn't mention whether or not a higher % or lower % is better. I'm assuming that a higher % means that the keyword is more competitive, is that correct?

    | kylesuss

  • I own two domain names, and I set up my site at Initially I wanted to keep the full "business" in the domain name as I thought it would be good for SEO. I'm now thinking it would be a lot better to have a shorter domain and I do own the domain (which is currently forwarding to If I flip that around, forward with a 301 redirect to, what are the implications? How long will I lose link juice with the 301 redirects? Does shortening business to biz help for URL length or usability? Thanks for any input!

    | gregalam

  • I'm almost sure there is an article on SEOmoz explaining how to get good traffic estimates by running an adwords campaign but after an hour of research I still can't find it. Some help would be much appreciated. Thanks a lot.

    | EndeR-

  • I've been focusing on the long tail for one of my websites. I've been getting good traffic that has been converting well for me. So far i've mostly been using wordtracker and google keyword tool to find long tail keywords. I did try hitail for a few months, but it gave me very few extra keywords. Does anyone know of some other tools out there to find more long tail keywords? Thanks

    | PeterM22

  • In the case of an e-commerce website, can you optimize multiple pages using the same keyword ‘root’ but including different long-tail variances of that ‘root’?  For example, say I’m optimizing for a site that sells wallpaper. I found search traffic for the keyword “buy wallpaper online,” but no traffic for “Blue Tinted Wallpaper” (or its variants) and no taffic for “Yellow Plaid Wallpaper” (or its variants). Could I effectively optimize both of these pages using the root “Buy wallpaper online”, yet distinguish the pages by using long-tail variants such as “Buy Blue Tinted Wallpaper Online” and “Buy Yellow plaid Wallpaper Online”?   Any examples of this you can point to?

    | EricVallee34

  • I'm working on an e-commerce site and I'm having trouble determining how to find keyword targets for similar product pages.  The company sells posters and they have three posters for Babe Ruth: Babe Ruth Winning, Babe Ruth Attitude and Babe Ruth Desire.  After doing keyword research, I found there is a good amount of traffic for "Babe Ruth Posters" but none for "Babe Ruth Winning Posters," "Babe Ruth Attitude Posters" and "Babe Ruth Desire Posters." How can I differentiate these three product pages?  Can I optimize them for a term that doesn't have traffic, hoping that one or more of these pages will come up when someone enters the search term "Babe Ruth Posters."

    | EricVallee34

  • I'm just starting out in SEO and would like some pointers as to where to start with things. I have a few sites that I've been passed to do some SEO stuff on and was wondering where people find the right keywords to optimise for.

    | Tinderbox

  • Is it possible that the google keyword tool is wrong? It's the first time I realize that for many keywords the google keyword tool reports a big volume of searchs for a keyword as if it were tiped two times. In some cases, as the attached image, it's the same volume, in other cases is even bigger the one with the duplicated string What should I think of that, that, "champagne champagne" has really 4 million searchs? if were an available domain name, should it be a good idea for a microsite? Thank you! t9Jwn.png

    | gvnns

  • I have a specific question regarding keyword grouping. Whenever I've have compiled a (long) list of keywords, I create smaller groups of keywords that can be targeted by a category or page. However, I find this to be quite labour-intensive as I'm doing this work manually through filtering in Excel. To illustrate what I mean, here's an example of a keyword list: baby shirt
    t-shirt for baby
    pregnancy shirts
    pregnancy gifts Normally I would create a list of root words, like this: baby
    gift I would then manually filter the list on each root word and copy the filtered list to separate tabs, which would result in lists like this: baby
    baby shirt
    t-shirt for baby shirt
    baby shirt
    t-shirt for baby
    pregnancy shirts etc. As you can imagine, this is a lot of work. So my hope is that you can help me out with a smart tool / Excel formula / ??? to automate this process. Thanks for any suggestions!

    | DeptAgency

  • If I choose: Blue Wide Widgets vs. Wide Blue Widgets vs. Widgets Wide Blue Are these considered 3 different keywords that show up on 3 different SERPs?

    | 13375auc3

  • As I mostly work with Belgian/Dutch customers, my keywords are often in Dutch. We have a lot of composite words such as "hooikoortsklachten" or "hooikoortverwachting". If i were to create a Page Title with content: Hooikoortsklachten | hooikoortsverwachting Is this parly duplicated (because of the word hooikoorts x2)? or does Google only consider the entire word? Insights would be much appreciated! Thanks

    | Jacobe

  • Hello Does the Google traffic estimator include the impact of instant? For example, if I type the phrase "London restaurant", instant may provide a list of search results for the phrase "London restaurant guide" prior to me confirming whether or not I just want to search using the phrase "London restaurant". Is this registered in any way as a search for the phrase "London restaurant guide" (i.e. does Instant impact upon the search volumes presented in the Google traffic estimator)? In addition, is there any up to date assessment on how reliable the revised traffic estimator is? The tool currently suggests that for a well known brand we are working for does not have any search volume (over a whole year) for the brand keyphrase when used in isolation (there is traffic for various combinations of the brand and a generic term). However, as one would expect, our analytics data is showing that there are in excess of 1 million annual visitors that use the brand keyphrase in isolation to access the website via natural search and nearly 1.5 million via PPC. Is anyone else getting these problems? Thanks in advance for any assistance. Rgds Neil

    | mccormackmorrison

  • I am only just realising that the Google Keyword Tool I use is aimed at Adwords customers and where competition is stated as low, they mean competition for adverts. When I have a ridiculously low amount of links and  an equally low Domain Authority finding keywords is not easy.     I presume there is some correlation between the SEOMOZ Keyword Difficulty score and the amount of Adwords traffic,  but even very low Adwords Traffic Search Terms still seem to be moderately competitive. I guess its a case of plugging away with the Keyword Difficulty tool.

    | jp_cp

  • i am trying to start add arabic keywords to my campaign  and its not working , can you help me on this ? thanks in advance

    | omarfk

  • I am planning on a new self help site in German language. I almost died from a skin disease and had to learn how to heal myself. I now I teach that to anybody interested. I am tech savvy but internet marketing is new to me and I need some practical help in how to research my market niche and the best keywords. Thank you for your help, Guido

    | Guidowalter

  • I work for a media company that owns 4 magazines.  Our company is constantly producing new content. How do you do Keyword Research when the subject of your content is constantly changing?  Do you need to do Keyword Research or do you simply optimize every article that you write for the web?  Any ideas?

    | DerekSwanson

  • Many times I have wondered whether building sites on expired domains, which are sold at popular domain auction websites like TDNAM(Godaddy),SEDO etc. Is it of any worth ? Buying domains with existing parameters such as PR,Alexa ranks etc. and already indexed pages where these expired sites rank on keywords which one is looking forth and then building sites on these domains to promote your other sites. How successful would this trick be?

    | 99fusion

  • I haven't done my homework on this, so I'd like to ask, if I am interested in launching a website in multiple languages. Let's say an Urdu version (that will have different content) of our English News website then how do I conduct some keyword research for popular keywords used by people searching the net in Urdu. Furthermore, how can I get an estimate of how many people are actually using the web in a particular language and from which geographical regions? Cheers!

    | RishadShaikh59

  • the google keyword tool gives me those results: 5 x 1000             60500 5 per mille          49500 cinque per mille 49500 5 per 1000         49500 5per mille          49500 5permille           49500 The google results are different for every typing. Let's say I decide to bet first on "5 per mille". should I neglect the other ways of typing, or shoul I use them all while writing the content and the metadescription of the page?

    | gvnns

  • This may sound a little basic, but i'm going to ask anyway. On Googles keyword tool Ive always used broad match, knowing that they are never 100% accurate, and obviously inflated by other SEO's searching for their keywords, but used it all the same to get an idea of global monthly searches and potential targeted traffic. I have seen recently, on SEOmoz, and a post fromJill Whalen not long back, that unless you change the match to "Exact" your data is useless? Could somebody explain why this is the case? My initial thoughts were,  a search for SEO on broad shows 6,120,000 per month Yet a search for the same keyword in exact match shows 673,000 per month. I had presumed that the broad match would include "learn SEO"  "What is SEO" etc etc, where as 673,000 just search exactly for SEO. Is this correct? 3 points go to Richard Q&A answering animal dude Getz if he gets this first! Thanks in advance

    | Yozzer

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