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Category: Keyword Research

Learn about keyword research best practices and how to improve your keyword strategy.

  • Working on doing a massive keyword research project for my sites, one of the things I am trying to figure out is if I should be including plural versions of keywords. For example, should you include yoga mat as well as yoga mats?

    | ShockoeCommerce

  • I'm trying to target one page for one broad 2 word keyword, however, because our niche revolves around this keyword and it's synonyms, the keyword is used on every other page, thus creating the issue of non-targeted pages taking the rank instead of targeted page. I've thought of using synonyms on each page, so that no one page uses the same keyword, but felt this could be seen as spammy or could just hurt overall relevancy towards the main keyword, thus a loss of rank. I understand page authority also plays a part, but also seems that every page other than the page I want get's targeted.

    | Deacyde

  • I have a good sized website with lots of pages. Many pages are designed around specific keywords and for the most part, they rank well. I have many pages packed with good content that don't rank well, but the keywords are related to those pages that score well. Are the under performing pages contributing to the good performing pages and/or to the overall benefit of the website because of the additional content? In short, if i remove under performing pages, will it affect good performing pages and the overall performance of the website?

    | KrisIrr

  • Hi i am in process of optimizing the youtube channels and i like to know which is the best tool for YouTube keyword research which can show search queries and other data something like google keyword planner.

    | NortonSupportSEO

  • Hello, A client runs an Ecommerce store. Doing a "best running shoes" type piece of content in our industry. I (the SEO) want to be 10X better than the first listing and be honest and fit intent by including  all "running shoes" from all internet suppliers (including nofollow links). It's about 8-10 names. We could list us first when we carry a product. like 6 other site's products 4 of ours, listing who carries the product with our site listed first if we do. We have some of the best. The meta description and top of the article would be like. We analyzed 23+ sites and made some hard conclusions.... But wait, one of the owners doesn't want to list competitor site names even if they are nofollow or even just text. She only wants to include items from our store. I would have to rename the content "Our Top 5 products" and it would be a mismatch in intent and keywords for "best running shoes" and just be for our customers. What is the most proper SEO thing to do to attack "best running shoes" (if appropriate)keeping in mind long terms sales? The owner wants to hear your suggestions as well. And is a "best" keyword sometimes competition? Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • Hello, Here's how I'm gathering keywords for my new website. I'm using a hrefs to gather (through looking at 50 competitors) many top content topics in the industry. I will make a list of hot keywords. Then I'm going to look at keyword planner and Google and add to the list. What else can I do? Tips/Articles/Videos welcome.

    | BobGW

  • Hi everyone. I'm noticing that when searching the same web, but from different queries the description shown in the snippet is different.
    I've attached 2 images to clarify this topic.
    Searches done:
    2) Also, I do know that google indexes the text from description that seems more accurate for the search. But, I've understood that the text should be the same on every search.
    Can anyone enlighten me in this subject?
    I'm starting to believe that it's becoming useless the meta description Thanks!
    GR. ac59298975.png 8cda20bc60.png

    | Gaston Riera

  • Hello, I'm starting an informational website. The topics that will be covered will be conspiracy theory orgone spiritual awakening kundalini Ancient Knowledge. and related topics The problem is that a lot of people coming in on conspiracy theory topics might not like a domain like, yet that's what I lean to. I want it to be clever. Eventually there will be products and ads. Looking for a way to tie everything together. Thank you.

    | BobGW

  • Hi, I'm trying to figure out how I can efficiently get search volumes for large quantities of keywords. Unfortunately Keyword Planner has reduced their limit of keywords:
    "You entered too many keywords. Please limit the number of keywords to 1,000. You can also upload a file with up to 800 keywords." Weirdly, the file upload's limit is now even lower than the normal limit. A 1000 keywords a time will be a real chore when you want to retrieve search volume for 50.000 keywords. I tried SEMrush, but it does not suffice due to the fact that a lot of keywords in my language (Dutch) are not in the database. I also looked into the Adwords API, but this does not yet seem to have any implementation in Google sheets? Ideas are welcome!

    | CB0001

  • Hola all, So I'm having an issue where I have two important pages (homepage and page that lists products) that seemingly take turns ranking for an important keyword phrase. One day the homepage is in the top 20, one day the other, one day neither. And it's gone on like this for a couple of months. Both are optimized for keyword phrases that contain a shorter keyword phrase. So for example, let's say the homepage is optimized for: "Get paid to take polls" and the other page is optimized for "Earn cash for paid polls and more." Both contain: "paid polls." Is there cannibalization happening here? Should I completely remove "paid polls" from one keyword phrase? Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Roman

    | Dynata_panel_marketing

  • How to determine CTR opportunity [Paid & Unpaid]?

    | rohanbhargava

  • What is the best way to search across my entire sub domain for a keyword? Any good tools out there?

    | absoauto

  • Hi, What the the most useful long tail keyword tools you use for your adwords? Thanks for any insight.

    | LauraHT

  • So there I was looking through my rankings like every other day, when I see a lowercase and uppercase version of a keyword. Most times I see this, I see them with the same rankings, and even researched this about 5 months ago, when I came to the conclusion that google treats them the same way. However, this day I saw them as different ranks, same keyword, only capitalized 1st letter of the 2 word keyword. I asked moz staff about this, as I felt it was an error. But was met with the answer that google does indeed treat these keywords differently. My line of thought was that the rank checker didn't check both the lowercase and uppercase keyword at the same time, and SERPs happened to change when the second word was checked for rank, returning a different rank. So now, I am in doubt again, as to uppercase and lowercase keywords being different or the same in google's eyes? I honestly don't know why a uppercase keyword would have different motive from searcher than a lowercase when many time not, searchers can't even spell the keyword correctly.

    | Deacyde

  • Hi I read in most of the SEO blogs that using longtail keywords can help us in our search rankings. But how can we actually get a traffic from longtail keyword if that particular longtail keyword is not having any search volume. For example, if I wanted to rank for the keyword "SEO" which has a huge search volume of 5,500 per month and if I wanted to concentrate on one of its longtail keyword "SEO basics for beginners" which has average search volume of only 40 per month, how can it help me?

    | sandeep.clickdesk

  • My site had been ranking well but recently it's started to fall in the ranks. I don't know why but I've fallen 4 places on the last 2 months for the keyword 'artificial grass'. anyone willing to take a look and throw me there thoughts?

    | Easigrass

  • I'm looking to find demographic information on certain keywords. Is there a tool that does this?

    | renalynd27

  • Can anyone recommend a good bulk search engine keyword position checker.
    I need to check a few hundred keywords against our own domain. Thanks in advance.

    | seoman10

  • I am working on a campaign with someone and have been talking back and forth about some keyword usage thoughts. More precisely multiple keywords that are similar and how to use them on the page for best results in ranking without diluting our own work to rank well. Example: Keywords:
    Vehicle Wraps
    Vehicle Wraps Phoenix
    Phoenix Vehicle Wraps
    Car Wraps
    Car Wraps Phoenix
    Phoenix Car Wraps One thought is that the keywords are so similar that it would best benefit us to target one page to the grouping of like keywords and long-tail keywords, and not making separate pages as to create competition for the same keyword within the site itself. Also that Google is "smart" enough to see that car wraps and vehicle wraps are like keywords, and that car wraps when linked to a site from Phoenix, will also pull as Car Wraps Phoenix. The other thought is we target one page for each separate keyword although the keywords are so similar. What are your thoughts? I wanted to ask all of your thoughts as I am sure your feedback will be enlightening. (Always helpful!!) Thank you!

    | allstatetransmission

  • Hi there, I have been burned 3 times with shonky/bad SEO experts so was nervous about paying another company, so I am trying to learn SEO myself. My rankings are going up, but my traffic is at an all time low. This doesn't really make sense to me. Can anyone help me? Thanks, Astrid

    | Lilala_Kids

  • I would like to understand how to search for all instances where Johansens is on the 1st page of Google (US/UK) for any keywords that have Portugal, Lisbon or Algarve in them i.e. "luxury hotels portugal". Is there an easy/automated way to do such a search? Many thanks for your support, Doug

    | CN_Johansens

  • We have  (homepage) and pages whenever there is a inverter battery online keyword search happens in google, google shows only homepage in the results, even we have seo optimised the inverter battery page,seperately above.. Not sure, why this happening?? Any SEO expert ideas, wht should i do to make inverter battery page is displayed in google result..instead
    of homepage... Appreciated your ideas.. Thanks

    | Rahim119

  • Hi, I read that you should give up on using exact keywords on a page if it means that the written content flows better. I just want your thoughts on this please because I don't want to miss opportunities. The keywords used are an example: SEO LONDON is the high vol./popular keyword that I want a page to rank for. Would I use that as the main keyword throughout the page, even though it doesn't really make sense (by this I mean you'd never really use this term other than typing it into google)? Or should I use something that makes more sense such as, 'SEO IN LONDON' or LONDON SEO? Would Google overlook the 'IN' in 'seo in london' so it's seen as 'SEO London'? (Same sort of question for LONDON SEO). If this is the case then why does google still show 1000 hits for SEO LONDON and just 100 for SEO IN LONDON? This makes me think that I should just target the exact keyword that people are typing even if it doesn't look natural. Best, James

    | CamperConnect14

  • Hello, I'm baby and family photographer. I have done my keyword research. Used Keyword tool. According to the research tool it says that highest local search traffic for baby market would be keywords like cute babies, baby pictures. I asked many of my clients what they would enter in search box if they were to look for baby photographer. Pretty much everyone has said that there would be some form of photographer word in search term with baby word. So like baby photographer, photographers, baby photo studio etc. Unfortunately these type of terms are under 10 searches per month. I have only two relevant pages to target these baby keywords. I'm really wondering who actually uses terms like cute babies, baby pictures. I have a feeling that those searches are made by like photo agencies, newspapers, stock libraries etc. I don't think mum who looks for photographer is suing these search terms. When you do your research, do you take in account metrics or go by more human element and try to look at it from clients perspective. What they would be searching for? Thank you guys, Just don't want to mess up with this and make sure I do the right thing.

    | A_Fotografy

  • Seems like a stupid question, but one that I never really gave much thought about before. How exactly does Google treat special characters in titles? Do they all get seen as spaces? e.g. Does Awesome Product - OptionA/OptionB/OptionC available get seen the same way as **Awesome Product - OptionA, OptionB, **OptionC available ? Or even **Awesome Product - OptionA OptionB **OptionC available ? Or will Google see the first title as **OptionA/OptionB/OptionC **being a whole "keyword" due to there being no space between them? Like I've always just assumed that with apostrophised words will be seen as keyword s. And when using commas, there's always a space after the comma anyway. Are all "special characters" treated the same?

    | Ria_

  • I am trying to discover what users are searching for and what keywords drive traffic to our site.

    | Sable_Group

  • I've maintained a blog on my website for quite a few years for my side business, which recently became my full-time gig.  Since 2003 I worked as at IT Specialist at a technical school and I blogged about everything from tech support and IT issues to web design and development. Now I'm a full-time web developer.  I get a lots of traffic from some of these blog posts, but it doesn't seem to be useful traffic.  For example someone whose searching for a solution to a super-specific windows error (one of my most popular posts) isn't going to be interested in hiring me for web development. Furthermore I have a concern that these pages might be doing a disservice to the primary message of the  website, which is small business website design and web marketing. When I look at my top search terms in Google Search Console, these random terms from old blog entries are the top 30 terms... website design-related content doesn't even rate. Any thoughts? Should I keep that content? Remove and 301 redirect it? Figure out a creative way to use it to my advantage?

    | reichconsulting

  • Hi, This is an example but if I enter 'architect This is an example but the same thing happens with most keywords - if I enter 'architect cornwall' into Google Planner it tells me there's 90 searches per month. If I enter this into SEMRUSH it tells me there's 320 searches per month. Can anyone explain the difference here - and is one more accurate than the other? Better still is there tool that's more accurate than either of these? I'm completely new to this by the way and the answer is probably obvious. Thanks!

    | CamperConnect14

  • We are looking for an ideally free suitable rank checking tool to perform a keyword analysis. Previously we used Firefox Rank Checker but currently this is not working effectively as it once did. We use Authority Labs as a paid tool to track rankings but this is a rank tracking platform and not so effective for a once-off rank check to perform a keyword analysis. Any thoughts, help or ideas here would be super appreciated!

    | Gavo

  • Hi all, I have spent few last days reading here in community and watching Moz videos about keyword research. I used keywords planner tool. Here is the question. When I researched keywords I took into account search traffic nationwide UK rather then my local search volume. My photography business operates more for local customers rather then nationwide. Does it mean that I need to concentrate on my local city/region search volume rather then nationwide. After I have done Nationwide keyword research I realised that most of those keywords which are with really high search volumes are pretty much non existent in my local search results. I meant to the point that keyword search volume is under 10. Considering that I have small number of pages i could use them for, my guess is that it is no point to target those high search volume keywords as most likely those won't be my clients anyway. I might be getting all this wrong, but wanted to ask here. Thank you all, Regards, Armands

    | A_Fotografy

  • Hi guys, I'm a newcomer in the world of SEO. I'd like to rank for the keyword "therapy toy" but I'm used to name my product "therapy smart toy". Is a slightly different designation of my product can affect my ranking position in the short or long term? Thank you for your help 🙂

    | JulienLeka

  • So I have 6 big selling item types for our company, it's our bread and butter, now we have subsections for these different types, from cleaning to instructions. We rank number one for various longtail keywords, however, for the two word keyphrase we want to rank for, we don't seem to get passed rank 30 / page 3 for. Am curious since the long tail keywords for the subpages seem to not garner that much traffic if we should be combining all the subpages to just one item type page and optimize from there for the item type keyword ( a 5 word phrase ) This is for a niche industry, and the major keywords we want are two word phrases that have around an average of 48% keyword difficulty with. They're really no other synonyms to use for these, none that customers are using, and figuring out a plan to rank on page 1 for this phrase is proving difficult to say the least. Progress is achieved, however it's just dropping back once we see the change, without much interaction from myself. I understand this is due to the bottom of the bucket characteristics but there must be more I can be doing. Besides being as general as possible when posting questions here. 🙂 Thanks for any feedback and even crystal ball guesses.

    | Deacyde

  • My client has multiple office locations around the US. Each location has it's own subdomain for maximum local visibility. For example: "" Each subdomain has it's own blog, and has, up until now, all posts have been key-worded: "product + city" followed by the blog title
    For example: "Life Insurance San Fransisco | 5 Facts to Know" So on each subdomain (location), there are many blog posts done on the same product, in the same city. So they have a series of blog posts with the pattern below (hypothetical examples): "Life Insurance San Fransisco | Insurance Myths"
    "Life Insurance San Fransisco | Which One is for You?"
    "Life Insurance San Fransisco | Getting Your Policy Reviewed"
    "Life Insurance San Fransisco | Buying From a Reputable Agent"
    "Life Insurance San Fransisco | Cancelling Your Policy" The issue I am running into is how do I properly keyword/key-phrase all future blog posts for each location. The same keyword has been used so many times that it seems almost meaningless to continue to use it ("life insurance") even though it's the target product and location the client is trying to rank for. I don't plan on using the formula "product+city," but it would be nice to use the term "life insurance" somewhere in a key phrase or two. The client's goal, to rank high for their product in each, individual location. I am looking for guidance and advice on what would be the best course of action to achieve the client's desire for increased visibility in their target areas. An added challenge is the number of cities. Following their current blog posting needs/schedule, they want to do 60 posts a month, one for each city each week (14 cities), so I'll be on the hunt for how to write this many posts without writing duplicate content, but that's for a different question. So considering the above, if this were your client, how would you proceed?

    | KristyKK

  • Hello, My product sells in both USA and UK, childrens sleepwear.  I am not quite sure whether my onsite optimisation should be for "pajamas" or "pyjamas", or do I need both terms? Can someone please advise the best option? Thanks Astrid

    | Lilala_Kids

  • Hi Does anyone have any useful tools or ways of looking for long tail phrases apart from Google Keyword Planner? Thank you

    | BeckyKey

  • Hi, I'm looking for a tool which can pull keyword idea data from Google Keyword Planner at landing page level for multiple URLs at once. Right now with Google Keyword Planner you can only manually do one URL at once. Which will give you 800 keywords. I'm looking to pull landing page keyword ideas for about 10 URLs at once, so in total i should get about 8,000 keywords. Any tools which can automate this with Google Keyword Planner? Cheers.

    | jayoliverwright

  • I am wondering how do I create landing pages with differing domains? We recently acquired some other domains that will hopefully help with our SEO, Key Word targeting. I understand how to create the landing page but I don't know how to link it to our other domain. I was thinking about a  rel canonical but will that defeat the purpose of the landing page, in terms of ranking? I guess the issue that I am facing is when we start up these new domains they will not have the Domain Authority or the Page Authority of our main site. I would like to try and get them ranked organically as well as PPC. Thanks.

    | LovingatYourBest

  • Hi guys, Looking for tools which can scan content and identify keyword opportunities. I know you can use Google Keyword Planner or tools like Semrush. But was wondering what else there is on the market? Specifically looking for tools which can pull relevant keywords by scanning the content, exactly the same as Google Keyword Planner. Cheers.

    | jayoliverwright

  • Does anyone know of any tools to aid organising keywords? I'm currently using Excel extensively in an effort to bring some organisation, however it is very labour intensive.

    | seoman10

  • How long does it take for historical data to show up (and rank and score) when optimizing a new keyword?

    | DigitalFunctionalism

  • I need to optimise for multiple keywords, on the same page? Mainly thinking of the H1 and title.

    | seoman10

  • I need ideas for finding long tail keywords, I do have a few tools that I make use of but I guess I'm just getting the same results as everyone else will be getting. Ideas please?  (And thank you!)

    | seoman10

  • For example, "wives" and "brides" They're often interchangeable, but given context they can still mean fairly different things. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks

    | CupidTeam

  • Hi Mozzers,This is probably a nooby question, but I was wondering how you guys end up deciding if a Keyword is too hard to rank for?  Also vice versa, when do you decide that a keyword is too low volume to rank for so you try to rank for a harder keyword? Eg.
    Deciding that ranking for "Dell Computers" is too hard and then deciding to rank for "Dell Small Business Computers" Post-question: Do indirectly rank for Dell Computers if you try to rank for Dell Small Business Computers? If so, how much?  Also, how many words inbetween Dell & Computers would there have to be to stop indirectly ranking for Dell Computers?

    | steve45058

  • We are in the process of on-page optimization for a site that sells one kind of software. We are trying to optimize each page for a target keyword and variations of the keyword, however we have more pages than keyword variation types, so I'm looking for feedback on whether the below plan would be keyword cannibalization. Examples: URL:  
    Tarket Keyword: device imaging software
    Title Tag: Device Imaging Software | Company Name URL:
    Target Keyword: device imaging solutions
    Title Tag: Device Imaging Solutions | Company Name URL:
    Target Keyword: dis (acronym)
    Title Tag: DIS Software | Product Name | Company Name My question is are these keyword too closely related for each of the pages? Will they be considered duplicate title tags? Keyword cannibalization? etc. Thanks!

    | seo_1234b

  • I have a main site for real estate that works fairly well.  There's city pages within the site.   I have been able to get the specific domain and now I'm back to the old question of whether to build out a high traffic niche site to capitalize on the exact keyword match or should I just link it to the directory ( Thanks!

    | Jarvatar

  • I've found an expired domain name with the words Electrical Inspection. its a domain. Apparently this key word has a search query of over 1000 per 12 month. I was thinking of purchasing it and having it redirect to one of my pages which is for electrical installation condition reports which is basically an electrical inspection. Is it worth purchasing and pointing to the page on my website (redirect) and how can I go about making it known to google? submit to webmaster tools and create a blog to do with EICR's? thanks for any help and advice Kev ps I found it on

    | Peo1987

  • So we have a landing page that is ranking for a few of our targeted keywords but we are thinking about splitting the page into two and moving some of the content onto its own page. Our page at the moment has allot of content for keyword A and a little bit for keyword B, we are ranking for quite a few search terms around keyword A and a couple (but allot less) around keyword B, so we want to create a new page with content for keyword B ...hopefully that makes sense... So my question is are there any best practices around this sort of thing? We obviously dont want to negatively affect the rankings we are already gaining for keyword A and I'm worried that moving content around will do that. Thanks!

    | O2C

  • We updated some pages to try to improve our site. We kept the same URLs and changed the page title and meta description to target specific key words. Our page authority has dropped to 1. This is one of the pages What have we done wrong?

    | CostumeD

  • We work for a doctor who has a common name that she spells differently than the way most people spell it. So when you put it in Google Search, Google keeps trying to say "do you mean this spelling instead?" and it corrects it, but the name I'm putting in IS the correct spelling of the name. I'm worried this is going to affect how people will find her when they type in the correct spelling of her name in Google Search. Any solutions of how we can avoid this problem?

    | SEOhughesm

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