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Category: Keyword Research

Learn about keyword research best practices and how to improve your keyword strategy.

  • Hi everyone! I am pretty new to SEO so all the help would be great. Does every webpage on our website need a focus keyword for example like the about us page. We have webpages for every location in the UK - Would it be helpful if the location webpages had a focus keyword also? Just to note that I am using Yoast on Wordpress. Many thanks,

    | SMCCoachHire

  • My website is a collection of educational games for children.  We are currently in the process of doing all the onsite page optimization for the individual game pages (they currently have no title tags, meta descriptions, H1, etc.) We created several different games to teach each particular skill.  For example, there are 4 different games children can play to learn vowels.  While offering several different games is good for the user, I am concerned as to how best to target a keyword for each particular game page without creating keyword cannibalization. Being new to SEO, I am not sure how targeting on each page different variations of  related terms would affect SEO.  For example, if one page were to target the term "vowel games", and another the term "learning the vowels" are these keywords similar enough to cause keyword cannibalization?  If yes, would a proper solution be to use a canonical tag and designate one game as the "primary" game page for vowels? Ideally, I realize that the best SEO solution would be to have a landing page created just for "vowel games."  Yet we created our landing pages based upon school level (preschool, kindergarten, first grade, etc) thinking of the user experience where a child only has to navigate to a single page to find all of the games for their age range. I greatly appreciate any help in better understanding the best way to avoid any potential problems with cannibalization.

    | bza100

  • I have a project to work on product and landing pages for a website with 5000+ SKU's. I am looking to hire a content writer to do this but I want a strategy in place to develop these pages. I have googled a bit and they mostly talk about the body of the page.  I am looking for best practices for the entire page, Title, H1, Meta and body. Any good tutorials for this type of project anyone can recommend? Anyone with experience doing this type of project? Thanks, Mark

    | mcg1103

  • I have a home page of a website that ranks well for multiple keywords and is the main source of conversions for the site. Obviously I would like to optimize the page to increase its rankings and click through rate on search results. But I cannot optimize for all can I? If I optimize for one or two then it seems to me the others will suffer. What is the best strategy here? Should I focus on creating new pages for each individual keyword and work on those instead?

    | Azam_Khan

  • I had thought the answer to this was no with the way Google search corrects mispellings. But in Google webmaster tools queries for a page I see the page ranking for a misspelled keyword. And looking at Key Word Finder it tells me the search volume for that keyword is high. But, when I search for the keyword myself it Google it auto corrects the results to the correct spelling. Is it worth creating a page for misspelled keywords?

    | Azam_Khan

  • Hi, I work for a gifting company, and so Christmas is hot on the agenda right now. I was wondering what you would recommend when it comes to gifting categories for keywords such as 'Christmas gifts for Mum'? I have a 'gifts for mum' category for all year round, but to rank for Christmas related keywords I will have to include these keywords on this page as soon as possible and this would make the content on the page seem slightly irrelevant. I do not really want to have separate pages, but is this the only way to rank for this?

    | Lisaangel

  • Hi, I've began doing some keyword research, the terms I am after are yielding "11-50" Volume in Keyword Explorer. Should I bother optimizing for such a low volume? Looking for existing member / community feedback. Thank you.

    | idlwebinc

  • Hi, How to check the competition value of a keyword in 2017 and how to get the low competitive keywords.

    | green.h

  • My coworker and I are both connected to the same company's paid keyword planner account but are using our own individual google accounts to log in. When I look up the keyword "joint bank account" I get a search volume of 9,900, while she gets a search volume of 2,900. Does anyone know why this might be? Do we know which might be more accurate? This doesn't seem to be connected to Google lumping semantic variations together. I've seen it happen way before that update. It's hindering our headline pitching since the volume she sees does not meet our minimum search threshold. Any insight would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Laira

    | CTI

  • Hi! I have a question that is the best described by an concrete example: When I use Google UK and search for a keyword "wood floor" why the top 100 search results show pages for "wood flooring" instead? Is it because that keyword is simply more popular and pages are in general better optimized for "flooring"?

    | KAN-Malmo

  • I'm trying to use better keywords on my Squarespace website but can't quite figure out how to plug in my own using the site. I'm trying to improve my ranking on my google listing. Any help would be very much appreciated! (Sorry, I'm new to this!)

    | CloudJammer

  • I'm a newbie and I'm a little embarrassed to ask this question, but here it is. Let's say I've done my keyword research and have 200 keywords. How do I use that for on-page/site optimization? Or do I not use it for on-page/site optimization? I guess I'm unclear about the relationship of keyword research and on-page/site optimization. Thanks.

    | swolock

  • For example, I'm optimizing for multiple industries and services. Should I add location keywords on each industry and service page? Construction CPA, Construction Accountant or Construction CPA, Construction Accountant, location, location, location I'm including location keywords on homepage and will have a unique contact us page for each location.

    | StacyDr

  • I have a question about the best way to optimize a photographer's homepage for SEO. It's a simple answer if you specialize in one or two things but in my experience many beginner (and even seasoned photographers) will shoot whatever they can get their hands on. Perhaps you mainly shoot weddings and engagement sessions but you also shoot newborns from time to time, family photos, high school seniors and generic head shots. Granted the short answer may be to simply suggest that they specialize however coming from the photography world that isn't always feasible. Of course we'd suggest that they should create a page for each specialty to optimize for that specific keyword, but I'm talking mainly about the home page. Dallas Wedding Engagement Family Newborn headshot photographer looks pretty spammy and I'm sure Google won't like that either. In some cases you can definitely group things together, like family, senior portrait and new born could feasibly be grouped into "Dallas family portrait photographer" etc, but in other instances where you shoot everything not so much. So with that being said, in terms of optimizing both the title tag and content on the page (easier to separate out) what would your advice be?

    | GNeil

  • When searching Condor Voucher on Google US where our business operates the SERP results show results on the first page that do not contain the keyword Voucher at all but instead Condor Coupons and Condor Promo Codes. Is this due to relevance of the other sites(higher search volume keyword), their domain authority, page authority, better authoritative content? Or does Google recognize that voucher is not often used in US and uses more common keywords such as Coupon and Promo Code? Therefore we cant rank for a term with such a low search volume?

    | MyVoucherCodes

  • Hi to all, If you can share your ideas on how to do a proper setup, it would be great. Cheers

    | joel.cortez

  • I need your help to settle an argument here in our office. It boils down to improving our ranking for “driver education course Michigan.” One guy is convinced that if we want a site to rank for a multi-word keyterm like that, we need to use those exact words, in that order. He keeps creating pages with really awkward H1 titles and H2 subheadings using that exact phrase. H e claims appeal to search engines, but I think the cumbersome syntax is off-putting to any potential people who come to our site. Another guy claims that search engines are more sophisticated than that. He says we don’t need those exact words; it’s enough that the text on the page include “Michigan,” “driver education,” and “driver education course” a few times each. Even related terms like “drivers ed,” “driving school,” and “driver education classes” will help us to rank higher for “driver education course Michigan,” according to this guy. Neither of them can convince the other, and meanwhile I don’t know which to believe. Can you help?

    | dbcooper

  • Hello everyone, My Insurance agency ranks high in searches, but the key words in our Title Tag aren't very well optimized at all. It's too long, in the wrong order, there's duplicate's and the Key words aren't even in there?! So, I want to update the home page, as well as all the other pages that are having the same problem. I'm hoping that because we've been ranked in the top 3 for over 3 years and I blog 3-4 times a month, and all my Off-page seo is on point, I shouldn't see to much of a drop? I'm changing my title from this: General liability, Commercial building, Workers Comp, Truck, Auto Insurance in Dallas, Texas - - Thumann Agency **To this: **Business & Home Insurance Dallas, Texas | Thumann Agency. Please share you thoughts with me, good idea or not? Many thanks in advance! )

    | MissThumann

  • Many of the keywords for which I'm trying to find volume information in Moz's Keyword Explorer have "no data." This makes it difficult to determine the value of the keyword compared to other options. What tools / techniques do you use as a stand-in for this data?

    | Kevin_P

  • hello friends I have a problem in a special keyword like "Travel tour" my web site in this keyword some times ranking #1 in google results and some times ranking #40 ! now special page of this keyword forgot in google results and when i search this keyword google showing me my home page! another keyword of my website doesn't have this problem.

    | Iran.Dehkadeh

  • We started blogging aggressively 3 months ago to bolster our organic search. We are building a new website and wonder if hosting our blog directly on our site is better than Is a better choice - what percentage of SEO value would it be? We are building a new WordPress website. Our blog is currently hosted on a subdomain with HubSpot software. WILL OUR SEO BE SIGNIFICANTLY MORE EFFECTIVE HOST THE WEBSITE DIRECTLY OUR DOT COM? It won't be as convenient with HS tool but we want the best possible SEO.

    | Joseph.Lusso

  • Hi, another newbie question on keyword research and selection (can't find any information on-line with this low level of detail)... If I've decided that my primary keyword for a given product page is the product name, something like 'AquaPower wet and dry cordless vacuum cleaner', can I assume that it isn't worth additionally optimising the page for 'cordless vacuum' as this has a phrase match in the primary keyword? Is it still worth additionally optimising for 'wet and dray vacuum' which has a broad match within the primary keyword or is Google bright enough to drop the intervening word 'cordless' when deciding whether to rank my page? Thanks for any guidance on this.

    | Alli7

  • Hi, new to keyword research and have a question on branded search terms. I'm optimising the product pages of a manufacturer's site and assume that the primary keyword for each product page (and therefore the H1 header) should be a detailed product name e.g.'Aqua Power wet and dry cordless vacuum cleaner'. Is it good practise to add the manufacturer's name to the beginning of a product title? I can't determine this by looking at search volume or competition for the two versions of the keyphrase as they are too low to get stats in both cases. Previous SEOs have set up the product titles on my pages without including the brand name but this seems to me to be loosing out on the opportunity to rank for both '[brand name] [detailed product name]' and '[detailed product name]' with the one keyphrase. On the other hand, this site only sells products from one manufacturer so maybe it looks fussy to include the brand name on every product title. I would of course add the manufacturer name to the page title e.g.'Aqua Power wet and dry cordless vacuum cleaner | cordless vacuum cleaner | [brand name]' so Google would be able to associate a brand with the product even if I didn't include it in my primary keyword. Thanks for any guidance on this!

    | Alli7

  • I'm doing KW research for a new business. My understanding from KW research guides: Use tools to create a list of thousands of keywords Analyze difficulty and search volume Reduce your list and do on page optimization for your select KWs My dilemma with this approach is that it seems "keyword based" rather than "intent" or "category" based. e.g. Let's say I have a grocery store. Ignoring SEO, I know that these are my main categories: Produce Meat Dairy Canned Goods Baked Goods In other words, the above categories are the general "intents" and "categories" that I'd really want to rank for. Keyword tool shows that they have high volume and high difficulty. Let's say that after doing keyword research, I discover "Low Fat Chicken Breasts" and "Turkey Sausage" and "Cheap Meat Wholesale" have decent search volume and low competition. I don't quite understand how I'm supposed to utilize these fringe keywords in my on page SEO plan because it doesn't make sense as a human to categorize my site that way. Not sure if this is clear. Basically I'm trying to figure out if I should really be getting this granular on keywords to help guide my store categories or if I should just be picking broader terms.

    | clarasboutiqueusa

  • Hi Moz community, I need your insight into what would ensure better rankings. Some of the pages that I am optimizing are dedicated to niche products targeting specific verticals and the main keywords have really low average search volume (below 50). I'll give you an example (these are not the exact keywords, just an example to illustrate my dilemma): if my long-tail keyword is "student information management software" with search volume of 20, when do I stand better chances to gain search visibility: by optimizing the page for this long-tail keyword and incorporating it in the title tag, or by pursuing more generic keywords with higher search volume: "student" and "information management software"? If I am targeting short-tail keywords, will the page also rank for long-tail searches that are a combination of these keywords? In other words, which scenario gives better chances to rank higher: 1) pursuing short-tail keywords with high search volume in the title-tag 2) pursuing fewer long-tail keywords with lower search volume that are a combination of those in scenario 1? Thanks in advance for your help!

    | Scratch_MM

  • The keywords on my page are moving up, except for one.  I have routinely ranked between 13-15 for one particular keyword.  I am aware that it is a broad term, however, at one point, I showed up on page one at #6, and then dropped right back down to where I was. The website it "" and, don't worry, it's for addicts so you won't find anything but help and resources there.  The keyword is "sex addiction." Thanks, Ryan

    | drdougweiss

  • Hi all, I really hope you can help with this one! My brand/domain name "oboem" is nowhere to be seen on the Google rankings (france) but is number 1 on Bing and Yahoo. We are a young art crowdfunding start up and a full page article about us getting published in a magazine that will come out in december. "Oboem" is not a real word and no one else exept us should rank for it.  😞 I'm a bit out of ideas here. Thanks for the help 

    | Oliver33

  • I am doing keyword research for a dental blog and wanted to get the forum's opinion about these SERP results: if the Google algorithm will always favor something like Amazon since someone searching "electric toothbrush" probably doesn't want info -- they probably want to buy...right?

    | catbur

  • This has been bugging me for a while now and I'd like to know what you guys think. I often find what I can only described as 'oddities' in our rankings for certain search terms.  For example, we might rank top 5 for 'A5 week view diary' and then second page for 'Week view diaries A5'.  (Not an actual example, I just find stuff like this all the time across our various pages) They are basically the same query, so I don't understand why so often there is such a discrepancy.  I can only put this down to exact match keyword phrase still being an important ranking factor. What do you guys think? Are exact match phrases still an important part of the SERP results? Thank you. Isaac.

    | isaac663

  • Hi all, I’m really running into a challenge internally lately in that we have a lot of teams redesigning or building new pages (specificially one team) that do NOT loop our teams in. When we finally get them to work with us, to drive traffic to the pages, they disagree that there must be other ways of optimizing the pages than focusing on keywords with search volume that are relevant to the page. We usually land that they will choose a keyword or two they think a user will search for, we do keyword research and pick something close (because they don’t want to utilize a term that doesn’t make much sense, as they have written the content without involving us from the beginning, but then our search volume is declining). They keep saying there are other ways than changing the paired down content on their page and adding in keywords to the H1 headers, content on page. they mentioned semantic search at one point. For example, currently ranks around #10 for "single sign on solution."  This keyword was on the previous page quite a few times in headers and body copy.  Now it appears on the page 3 times after the redesign and is not in the h1.  The team does for example want to optimize for this term, but there’s lots of pushback as they want a page with minimal content and little design. Just wondering your thoughts on this. IS this a common challenge you deal with too and any idea on answers as I've tried many with the teams? Thanks, Laura

    | lauramrobinson32

  • Hello, i have a question about keywords in Single page website. For how many keywords should i focus in single page website? For example: In my industry are important 2 different keywords - cabinet making and **made to measure furniture. **Should i focus on both keywords or its better to pick better keyword and focus only for that one (of course including different forms of that word and so on). Thank you for help.

    | Reyzer

  • I want to focus on these 4 keywords. E-waste management
    E-waste recycling
    E-waste solutions
    Brand name Do I need to create a separate page for each or can focus them from home page itself, With title tag like this E-waste Management and recycling company in _Cityname _| Brandname:

    | themesh

  • Has anyone experienced  the recent  limiting of data in the Google Adwords keyword tools -- Monthly average search volume? The average monthly search volume data used to be nuanced and precise. When searching for the average monthly volume for a keyword like "Chicago Heating and Colling Companies"now results in the vague 1K-10K . Does anyone know what it will take to get more specific ranges? I am new to AdWords and creating my first campaign. Thanks!

    | HectorCortes

  • I've also seen that you can get some data about this in Search Metrics but can't see where? Thanks for your help!

    | lakestar

  • hi We're having a debate about the best way of rendering years in SEO terms. We have a new report that covers both 2016 and into 2017. To get the most juice should we title it: XXX Report 2016-2017
    XXX Report 2016/17
    XXX Report 2016/2017
    XXX Report 2016 and 2017 Which one is best read by Google?

    | QSTopMBA

  • I believe Google stopped reporting search terms for privacy reasons. All my searches show as "unknown". I found a video that showed how to get around this but it's not current. Is there any way to get your Google terms search information? Thanks, Jo-Ann

    | VinJGirl

  • Hello all, I am currently trying to get the company I work for ranking better (surprise, surprise) in the search engines. We operate in the Internet Services sector and I'm having a little trouble with some of the sections on our website.
    I suspect that some of the problem is that certain pages are trying to sell the same product while being optimized for different things. An example of this is our ADSL Broadband - The product itself has a rolling contract (so basically a no contract service) so I have optimized a page for short term / no contract terms. This page is not the 'main' page for the product (more of a gateway page / an attempt to catch people in the SERPs) and as such, one of the main benefits (probably the better of the benefits) of the product has been used for a 'No Contract Broadband' page. This leaves me slightly stuck for optimization for the main page so I suppose the short version of my question is... Should I optimize one main page or split the benefits out into multiple gateway pages - each focusing on a different benefit? Is it wise to dilute content in this way? Does that make sense?

    | GetDotted

  • I'm trying to do marketing content SEO with an acronym and it looks like the keyword search results (ideas, volumes, bid, competition) come back with lower case "abc", But obviously in a piece of content, most people would use ABC. Is this lazy typing by the searcher? Does the keyword planner tool use them interchangeably and report it assuming either upper or lower will work and be weighted equally? thank you! I'm very new to this

    | mariaburpee

  • Hi there, I am having some big issues when it comes to getting accurate SERP results for a client The keyword in question is "air conditioning installation" Moz is giving me a result of 47 Incognito chrome is giving me anywhere between 8-12. Same when I changed it to Australia search as well. Firefox is giving me 8. Incognito is >100 Now my workmate who is next to me, same network and setup and he is seeing Incognito Chrome - 54 Firefox Incognito - 8 And a third computer in the office on a different network is throwing out different results again. This is real confusing as I can't get a clear idea of where this keyword is situated. Results are varying from 8 - >100 Has anyone else seen or had this problem? It  is a 1st for me. I know that keywords fluctuate each time they are searched but this is a huge fluctuation.

    | JoelMolloy

  • Hey i found a product to sell with 11 of difficulty, 92 of opportunity , 32 of potentiel, 6600 local search by months according to adword and longtailpro , 130 000  results on google but only 0,20 cent for the advertising,   do you think its a good  niche ? file:///Users/rouillerromain/Desktop/Capture%20d’écran%202016-08-05%20à%2013.28.45.png thanks ! WhZyx

    | rouillerromain

  • On my furniture e-commerce website, most of my product pages have a name of a colour that no user would naturally search for, such as: Duck Egg Chesterfield Sofa Kingfisher Velvet Queen Anne Armchair If I switched all the product names to simplified names such as Blue Linen Chesterfield Sofa there would be a lot of duplicate page titles, as there are many different shades of Blue linen chesterfield sofa's on my website. I am therefore thinking that I should change the name of each of my products to something like: Duck Egg Blue Linen Chesterfield Sofa Kingfisher Blue Velvet Queen Anne Armchair I would then be able to rank for terms such as "Blue Chesterfield Sofa" and "Blue Velvet Queen Anne Armchair". My question is, will I have a better chance of ranking if the keyword I'm targeting comes at the start of the page title? for example Blue Linen Chesterfield Sofa, Duck Egg Blue Velvet Queen Anne Armchair, Kingfisher

    | heffalump

  • i have found proper keywords for my site. The site is what is the proper way to have them in my site? Make articles in my site and link them from the homepage like: and put all those links in the footer of my homepage? Which is the best way? thanks in advance

    | anavasis

  • hello, i am using google adwords search terms to find keywords, first of all is that a good practice? If it is then i have the below question: What is most important to take into consideration when thinking of a better keyword: a) impressions b) Most conversotions c) Both in a combination i want to import that keywords in moz pro to see search visibility is that the right way? Which keywords are the most important and how can i chase them? i have to mention here that my adwords account is from 2010 so the data are very much!! Please be specific in for answer thanks in advance

    | anavasis

  • Hello, Is it possible to see keyword performance for all keywords that contain a specific phrase? Then see which landing page each keyword is most likely associated to? Thanks!

    | STP_SEO

  • I have a client with 2 websites - one is a trucking and rigging company that specializes in installation / moving / removal of safes (site #1), the other offers a product line of safes (site #2).  I originally designed / implemented site #1 and was able to get "safe installation New York", "safe moving New York", and "safe removal New York" in the top 3 search results in.  A little over a year ago, client was approached by another marketing company to create the site #2, who also provided commercial services that I don't.  It was a business decision, and we remained in good relations.  As a result Site #1 went to the new marketing company and they built Site #2. Fast forward to about 3 months ago - Site #1 was infected with malware, client wasn't happy with new service, and asked me to take back the Site #1 ( and remove malware), and take Site #2, and re-work the SEO.  SEO had dramatically fallen off for Site #1, so I've been working the SEO once I was able to get the malware completely removed and reviewed by Google. Site #1 had been redesigned by the other marketing company, essentially retaining the content that I created.  Site #2 has mostly new content, but under "Services", it references the same services that Site #1provides, but the content is exactly the same, except that references to the company for Site #1 also link to Site #1.  So there is duplicate content for 5 pages on both sites.  As it happens, Site #2 that SELLS safes, is ranking #2 for "safe installation new york" for exactly the same content as Site #1 that provides the services.  Site #1 ranks >50 for the same keyphrase. Why would this be?  Has Site #2 taken the lead on this keyphrase because of the malware situation and now Site #1 is being penalized for duplicate content? One other major change on Site #1 is that the web technician used Wordpress's built in page nesting (page is set as child to parent page - nested 3 deep in some cases).  What are the consequences (if there are any) of having a page listed as (for example) vs.  The reason I ask this is that when I Moz page optimize for the first one for "safe installation" I get a lower grade then when I Moz page optimize for the second one.

    | chill986

  • I use the search volume found in keyword planner to score and weight my keywords in a similar way as Rand showed us in this WBF. This week I've found that in many cases suddenly the singular and plural version of the keyword have the same search volume. This seems crazy to me as singular and plural is not the same, the intent is different but more importantly they behave very differently from each other when looking at their track record in Adwords (impressions, clicks, conversions, CTR, CVR etc...all different). For example, here's a screenshot of 4 keywords (singular and plural versions of 2 phrases) with search volume captured a couple of months ago. Now here's another screenshot of the same keywords taken from Keyword planner today. Any ideas why this would be happening? Does it makes sense to you? It just seems buggy to me. Thanks!

    | E_F

  • Hi Guys, Currently doing KR brainstorming for a client, specifically for a modelling website (where people can hire models). I'm currently using Google Keyword Tool, Competitive Research, and brainstorming to identify new categories/sub-segments of the market like the examples below. Just wondering does anyone know of any good tools or other ways of doing this? Models + City
    Models + State
    Model Gender
    Model Types e.g. promotional models, sports models, youth models
    Models + Nationality
    Models + Hair Colour
    Models + Experience
    Models + Eye Colour Cheers.

    | jayoliverwright

  • Hello All Mozzers (that makes us sound like fans of The Smiths), Is there a tool that shows if a keyword triggers a knowledge graph panel/box/result. I have a quite a few (100's) of informational searches I need to check and don't really want to do in manually. It would be good if the tool returned the knowledge graph answer and the URL. Thanks in advance and have a good weekend 🙂

    | highwayfive

  • I am trying to rank for the long tail keyword "Personal Injury Lawyer Vancouver". If I want to still rank for this keyword can I add an "in" in between lawyer and Vancouver and can I make Lawyer plural? Will this give me the same results? THanks, Jonathan

    | H1_Marketing_Solutions

  • Trying to improving my website's ranks on google for a specific keyword (e.g. Samsung S6), I'm thinking about doing some experiments. I've a wordpress based blog. Now, I've the category "Samsung S6" (url:, with only the latest 6 news (with excerpts) + pagination. This ranks good, but it's a bit ugly as a landing page and I want a better rank. I could improve this page by customizing the template and adding some static text, but it could be a time-consuming solution considering that I'm using a third party theme and I should check this every update. Also, it's harder to customize this page then the next solution: I'm thinking about creating a new page Samsung S6 (url: This page will contain a product overlay (e.g. RAM, HD, screen size etc.), + product description with features and a small review of it's elements (e.g. camera description with results, suggested applications etc.) + some images/youtube videos + latest 6 news (without excerpts) + some links to other relevant pages in my website for that product, including a link to the category page. What will happen in terms of SEO? Any idea if the new page could rank better than the category page, considering that it has more static elements? Not sure if google could detects duplicates, or two page comepting for the same keyword on the same website is a bad thing. Which are your ideas? Is it ok to have two pages competing for the same keyword on the same website?

    | daimpa

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