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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

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  • Hey I am new to SEO and I have a completely brand new domain can anyone suggest me a way to get high quality backlinks to improve my site ranking ??

    | tupwi
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  • Out of curiosity if for legal reason you or a client were forced to change their domain name, what happens to all of your domain authority once you lose the old domain? While you still own the domain you can easily redirect any old links to your new website, but what happens if you no longer own that domain and someone else purchases it? Do they steal all of your domain authority? Or is it possible to keep those old links pointing toward your website?

    | SteveKettig

  • This is my Site  its showing 20. Im commenting on other sites since 10 days and still my DA didnt increase yet

    | azadbahi

  • Hi, we have some links that have definitely been removed from a website but are still showing in our moz reports, and are not showing a date lost... They were removed months ago Why would be still be showing in Moz reports?

    | Antdxb

  • Hello, My team and I have been trying to get high-quality back-links by seeking other sites and blogs. We were ranking really well and then all of a sudden, our rankings dropped dramatically. We were only using backlinks and good ones at that, yet, our rankings have dropped. Is it possible for google to punish us for getting too many too fast? If not, what could be some of the other problems?

    | scottgray0620
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  • Hi, I'm new in SEO field and I started my new project, my website is a fresh domain just 4 months old, I have a different post on my website, my site's DA is just 1 and PA is 8 and all pages have different PA, I'm confused in DA and DA metrics, kindly guide. Thanks

    | GetYoWhatsApp

  • Hi, I have my site here but it shows no backlinks (have got some from other sites.) Moz is not showing any data about inbound links. Thoughts? Thanks,

    | ManyaRoy

  • hello I do white hat SEO on my site and I Don't do any spamy job on my site but my spam score is 2%. 
    please look at my site and tell me what can I do to decrease it to 0. this is my site.

    | nangmbahkoeberaspp

  • Hey all. SEO noob here, trying to check my understanding. In competitive analysis, is ranking power at the domain level really all about DA? And is DA basically a count of unique inbound follow links, modulated by the authority of the referring source and spam scores? In other words, is ranking power basically a function of DA and PA? I realize on-page and technical factors can also play a role, but authority seems to be key. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    | AndyKubrin

  • Hi,
     I would like to discuss my issue as my site's some backlinks are generated but DA is still there. Can anyone make me understand the reason?

    | p4pakao

  • The term is tim hallbom The new website is I was under the impression that someone could take over rank for their own name. Let me know what we're doing wrong. Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • I Create backlinks for my website to Increase DA But Backlinks are indexed and Ahrefs Show that backlinks but MOZ is showing backlinks. I am confuse Can you explain?

    | Seogamesokay1a

  • Our company gets pitched on linking to other websites nearly constantly. Recently, we received an offer to guest post on several sites managed by the same person. These sites aren't really relevant to our website, so my instinct is that we should ignore the offer. However, I would really like more backlinks and maybe I shouldn't turn away this offer.

    | GreatLegalMarketing

  • Hello Moz community, I’m following one of my competitors on Moz, and I noticed a huge bump in his domain authority overnight, going from 8 to 53. I figured there must have been a reason for that, so I checked their links overview, and noticed they got tons of new external followed links, followed linking domains and total linking domains (see screenshot 1). I clicked on the external followed links to see what they are, and I saw tons of redirect notices (see screenshot 2). The links are from google: And .fr is just an example, they have tons of other cctlds like .it .ca .es… the list goes on (see screenshot 3) Do you know where these redirect notices are from? It may be worth noting that some of these redirect to the http version of his website, while others redirect to the https version. I’m guessing this must be a bug on Moz’s end or some sort of SEO trick, but did his DA really go up that much, and does it positively affect his website or will Google penalize this? Thank you in advance for your answers! f9pZoJ3.png M0Z0s9x.png BNQryzR.png

    | Gael_Regnault

  • I'm a newbie here and my head is spinning because I don't know where or how to start the backlink building process. My website is 1 month old and I don't have any backlinks yet. what is the best way to go about it? Should I study my competition's backlinks and go from there? I'm so confused I need help! Please help! Any information will be greatly appreciated!!

    | allie74

  • Hello , I have two website in the same domain but for 2 differents country. Can I put a link in both of them? If yes, should the links be NO follow? here is the two websites : , Thanks in advance

    | islam2france

  • We have seen two large drops in backlinks (10% drop twice) after the May 4th Google Core update. What can be done to "get them back"? And what is the best way to identify them. We are talking tens of thousands. Any help or insights are greatly appreciated!

    | PascalvandenBerk

  • Hi I am having problems with the spam score of my links. Although I have removed the "bad ones" and disavow them in many cases, it is still showing a bad score. My site is Is there any way to improve this faster? Thanks!

    | way2netseo

  • Hello all, We are using a tool called backlink booster that works in the following way: you view a page with a backlink to your site click on a boost link saved in favourites the link is pinged to rss directories and web 2.0 sites The idea is to get your links indexed faster. Has anyone used this or something like this and had any benefit from it? Thanks Shehzad.

    | Gareth_Cartman

  • Hi guys, So looking at my competitors in my city a lot of the people ranking on 2nd, 3rd pages and so forth have little or no quality backlinks, instead, their links are all from business directories, forum profiles and blog comments. I saw google employees saying easy to create links hold very little value and it's easy for the algorithm to distinguish been easy to obtain backlinks and difficult ones. From what I see on my competition backlink profiles, they may not get them to the front page but they do get them to pages, two three and four.  I was wondering if creating say 20-30 easy links per week and also focus on obtaining high-quality backlinks. Would they be any penalties for 20-30 easy to make links a week from Google? Cheers

    | sydneygardening

  • As a general rule of thumb, what MOZ domain authority are considered bad links? Ie., is it for sites that are 20 and below? What is the DA floor where you should target links from?

    | jspinder15

  • A number of sites that link to mine have high spam score. I went to Google console to disavow them but they don't appear in the console. How can I get rid of these? Thanks.

    | wonderdome

  • I am having 7-8 Sites there were no spam score on my sites before today, But Now When I Logged in today I got that there is lots of spam score on my all sites, and I did not do  nothing like spammy content, or get spammy links. Why This Increased? Can anybody here Describe it.

    | Nishantkumarss

  • We have a blog post about the fitness equipment names The content of our article is very helpful and comprehensive. However, the current search for fitness equipment names only appears in the first place on the second page of GOOGLE Natural Search Results. One page. How can we improve our ranking? What we hope is SEO white hat practice

    | ahislop574

  • After I switched to 301, will the backlinks obtained by the previous domain name be transferred to the new URL? our  Weight Machine new URL

    | ahislop574

  • I need some advice... I've noticed our link profile has increased with many comments links --- something I certainly have not pursued manually. I'm new to disavowing links. However, before I go ahead and disavow them, I'd like to ask how harmful these links are and would you recommend this is something I can do myself (relatively novice SEO) or if you'd recommend someone who could do this for a reasonable cost. In one instance, the link from this comment thread is with the anchor text, "porn"... Certainly not something we want to rank for, haha! I look forward to your advice

    | LukeBTDT

  • Hi there, Any advice on how best to build a backlink profile for a new website - I'm very keen to avoid penalisations or throttling from Google. Any advice on DA ratios to procure & frequency of procurement would be welcome. Please & thanks

    | jasongmcmahon

  • Has anyone used youramigo or know what technics they use?

    | totalvac

  • Hi friends. What could be the best strategies for article publishing with links and anchor text. I did the next. I published original article in my website blog section and then next day published the same article in few news portals with links and anchor text to product landing pages.  But google indexed only article from my blog. News portal in my country is with highest DA. Is it ok to do this way or better is make uncial article for every news portal and do not publish in own blog so there is no duplicates? I am afraid that doing my way is waste of time and money. Thanks for help.

    | netcomsia

  • Hi Normal Web 2.0 websites like, have very High DA and PA. But when we create a subdomain, DA and PA falls to 1 as Google treats subdomain as new websites. Does it make any sense then to get backlinks from web 2.0 websites? will it help in Google rankings?

    | aliasgarbabat123456789

  • Hi everyone, I've just joined the Moz community and after completing our first site crawl I've discovered that we have approximately 200 links with a spam score of over 50%. Should I just disavow all these links or is their a formula to deciding which links to disavow? Thanks in Advance Steve

    | StevenWalley

  • I did a link page on my website 13 years ago and never took it down. Should we scratch that page all together? Is it ok with Google to do a page on Recommended local service providers. Maybe I can keep some of those reciprocal links if that's the case...

    | FVLMS

  • I'm submitting my site map via search console and the site map is waiting for approval. I've been taking this error for two or three months. my site is not getting index. Therefore, I have experienced a decline in many words. Can the new search console solve my error? help please . for this Ekran Fiyatları

    | netfocg

  • Hi, I know this is kind of an amateur question. I just created my first feedburner account here and I noticed that all the links to my blog articles are do follow and from a PR7? Will this boost my PR or SEO? Thanks Carla

    | Carla_Dawson

  • my site name is lyricsfowl  which have some major problem

    | bajwamohitgroup

  • Does anyone have experience of 301's in connection with SEO or more specifically passing authority? Recently purchased a small business that had three small websites. My main concern is all three websites do rank for some fairly important key phrases, but there is very little direct overlap. I was hoping by using 301's I would be able to refocus the authority to get the main site ranking.

    | seoman10

  • My DA is only 22. I got a beautifully crafted dofollow backlink from a site with a DA of 94 and an AHrefs rank of 98 (the 98th most valuable domain in the world) 2 parter- 1. How much do you think one link like that will affect my DA and rankings? (i understand this is subjective - looking more for opinions) 2. How long before MOZ and Google Search Console see the link? It has been 10 days and the link is not showing up on either yet. I know the best thing to do is put my head down and keep building links rather than focusing on "when" and "how much" but I'm getting antsy and curious for the community's opinion. Thanks, Ryan

    | RyanMeighan

  • We are a UK business and if we have links mostly from US based blogs and websites does this penalise us.  The links are from relevant websites and topics.  Should we be focusing on sites

    | Caffeine_Marketing

  • anyone with a wordpress blog knows what i am talking about. but why do they do this? my theory is that it is for backlinks, but aren't all wordpress comment links nofollow? i am just curious as to what these robots think they are gaining by flooding my blog comments section. Thanks, Ryan

    | RyanMeighan

  • Heya  my domain Spothd  Has DA 5 as per moz how much time it will take to get high athority so that my keywords get ranked in google 1st page

    | Spothd

  • I was looking at the website and there are links on the homepage that rotate at the bottom. Do such links have SEO value even though they are not static text links?  Are they still counted as links by Google if they are in that rotating carousel?

    | RandyHT

  • I can understand my website age is a big issue but now I want you to help me. I have been doing guest posts for increasing the domain authority but no good result. I just want you to let me what should I do next? AmazeInvent

    | alexmurphy1122

  • I found out a website i manage recently lost a link from Business Insider - DA 90+ ... after losing this link my DA dropped 5 points! I read the article and it is absolute GIBBERISH. the link that replaced my link actually links to a site that contains pornographic ads ( link: my questions: 1. how would a company this reputable with a DA 90+  be building pages like this without major penalties? (i realize it is from .au (australia) but from research they own that site too) 2. how exactly does this work? are they selling links to people? did my competitor pay them to replace my link with theirs? why create a page that sounds like robots wrote it 3. would it be a good idea for me to try to get the link back? it certainly was helping considering i lost 5 DA points when i lost the link, but it goes against everything that makes sense in what i've read about toxic links and keeping things clean Curious to learn a little more about these dark arts!!!

    | RyanMeighan

  • I want to know how long it will take by MOZ to update the PA for certain webpage??

    | arpitibs

  • My website’s ranking, content as well as data are very good, but the DA number is low. Is this normal? Can someone tell me how MOZ evaluate a website's domain authority? Or what kind of adjustment can improve the DA ranking? How often does MOZ adjust a website's DA?

    | Jane090987

  • Hi, I would like to know how bad is the long URLs that I have on my website. At the moment we have 543 long urls and I was wondering how big is the impact in my SEO. Thank you

    | Blind_Foundation

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