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Category: Link Explorer

Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Before Moz 2.0 we know that every month DA will be updated but now we don't know. Recently my site DA has 14 after few days working on it Then I check my DA is 17 So now I'm confused that the DA update runs again or Now it working on dynamically. I shall be very thankful to you if you clear this issue.

    | mark7422

  • Hello  guys! Recently I have embedded the bachtuoc  site link on one of other people's more popular sites. But after I checked with Moz, it turns out that there are no backlinks from the site? May I know is there any option to forcefully moz bot to crawl my all site specially. Thanks!

    | yenu

  • Howdy folks, Every time we do an index update here at Moz, we get a tremendous number of questions about Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA) scores fluctuating. Typically, each index (which release approximately monthly), many billions of sites will see their scores go up, while others will go down. If your score has gone up or down, there are many potential influencing factors: You've earned relatively more or less links over the course of the last 30-90 days.
    Remember that, because Mozscape indices take 3-4 weeks to process, the data collected in an index is between ~21-90 days old. Even on the day of release, the newest link data you'll see was crawled ~21 days ago, and can go as far back as 90 days (the oldest crawlsets we include in processing). If you've done very recent link growth (or shrinkage) that won't be seen by our index until we've crawled and processed the next index. You've earned more links, but the highest authority sites have grown their link profile even more
    Since Domain and Page Authority are on a 100-page scale, the very top of that represents the most link-rich sites and pages, and nearly every index, it's harder and harder to get these high scores and sites, on average, that aren't growing their link profiles substantively will see PA/DA drops. This is because of the scaling process - if (currently with a DA of 100) grows its link profile massively, that becomes the new DA 100, and it will be harder for other sites that aren't growing quality links as fast to get from 99 to 100 or even from 89 to 90. This is true across the scale of DA/PA, and makes it critical to measure a site's DA and a page's PA against the competition, not just trended against itself. You could earn loads of great links, and still see a DA drop due to these scaling types of features. Always compare against similar sites and pages to get the best sense of relative performance, since DA/PA are relative, not absolute scores. The links you've earned are from places that we haven't seen correlate well with higher Google rankings
    PA/DA are created using a machine-learning algorithm whose training set is search results in Google. Over time, as Google gets pickier about which types of links it counts, and as Mozscape picks up on those changes, PA/DA scores will change to reflect it. Thus, lots of low quality links or links from domains that don't seem to influence Google's rankings are likely to not have a positive effect on PA/DA. On the flip side, you could do no link growth whatsoever and see rising PA/DA scores if the links from the sites/pages you already have appear to be growing in importance in influencing Google's rankings. We've done a better or worse job crawling sites/pages that have links to you (or don't)
    Moz is constantly working to improve the shape of our index - choosing which pages to crawl and which to ignore. Our goal is to build the most "Google-shaped" index we can, representative of what Google keeps in their main index and counts as valuable/important links that influence rankings. We make tweaks aimed at this goal each index cycle, but not always perfectly (you can see that in 2015, we crawled a ton more domains, but found that many of those were, in fact, low quality and not valuable, thus we stopped). Moz's crawlers can crawl the web extremely fast and efficiently, but our processing time prevents us from building as large an index as we'd like and as large as our competitors (you will see more links represented in both Ahrefs and Majestic, two competitors to Mozscape that I recommend). Moz calculates valuable metrics that these others do not (like PA/DA, MozRank, MozTrust, Spam Score, etc), but these metrics require hundreds of hours of processing and that time scales linearly with the size of the index, which means we have to stay smaller in order to calculate them. Long term, we are building a new indexing system that can process in real time and scale much larger, but this is a massive undertaking and is still a long time away. In the meantime, as our crawl shape changes to imitate Google, we may miss links that point to a site or page, and/or overindex a section of the web that points to sites/pages, causing fluctuations in link metrics. If you'd like to insure that a URL will be crawled, you can visit that page with the Mozbar or search for it in OSE, and during the next index cycle (or, possibly 2 index cycles depending on where we are in the process), we'll crawl that page and include it. We've found this does not bias our index since these requests represent tiny fractions of a percent of the overall index (<0.1% in total). My strongest suggestion if you ever have the concern/question "Why did my PA/DA drop?!" is to always compare against a set of competing sites/pages. If most of your competitors fell as well, it's more likely related to relative scaling or crawl biasing issues, not to anything you've done. Remember that DA/PA are relative metrics, not absolute! That means you can be improving links and rankings and STILL see a falling DA score, but, due to how DA is scaled, the score in aggregate may be better predictive of Google's rankings. You can also pay attention to our coverage of Google metrics, which we report with each index, and to our correlations with rankings metrics. If these fall, it means Mozscape has gotten less Google-shaped and less representative of what influences rankings. If they rise, it means Mozscape has gotten better. Obviously, our goal is to consistently improve, but we can't be sure that every variation we attempt will have universally positive impacts until we measure them. Thanks for reading through, and if you have any questions, please leave them for us below. I'll do my best to follow up quickly.

    | randfish

  • Hi! Is there an easy way to check if a certain domain has a link to my domain. Is there something similar to "checking outbound links" on a website?

    | AnnabelH

  • domain authority metrics historical data spam score mozscape

    Is it possible to get historical data of DA/SS through link explorer? what about the mozscape api?
    i have seen the "Metrics over time" page, but it only shows 1 year of data.
    There is a website which provides DA history for 2+ years but i'd like to use moz or it's api directly
    Thanks in advance

    | dtesmino

  • is any body here who tell me how to index backlinks fast

    | Arenapile12314

  • Does anyone know if I can see a report on linking domains for a date in the past? We have seen a big drop. Screenshot 2021-10-24 at 10.09.43.png

    | damianedwards

  • Currently i can only download 50K links, but we have around 350K links, how can i download all the inbound links.


  • Is there a tool (in MOZ?) that lists all the links on our website that point to external links (vs internal links)?

    | analytics-moz

  • Hello Moz community, I have created a lot of high domain authority backlinks for my official service website but my DA still less than 15, why my site DA does not increase as I have created huge backlinks.

    | Ijiubu768

  • I have waited for three days to index my backlinks on moz but still they are not indexed in moz backlink index 😞 How to index backlinks in moz so that I can track all are ok ?

    | esdda8111

  • Open Site Explorer is reporting "0" value under "Total Internal Links" as well as "Internal Links" metrics for my website. I have a good interlinking of pages throughout the site.
    Is there an issue with OSE (Open Site Explorer) crawler ? OR There are some crawling problems with our Website's structure ?
    Can anybody please give an idea or recommendations on this ?

    | anupjain

  • I've been seeing a large decline in internal followed links over the past couple of months and am trying to figure out the cause. My developer says there have been no changes to the site that would cause this. Is there a way to find what internal links have been lost?

    | rgibson100

  • my question is that in Moz what is speed of Backlinks indexed, while ahref show indexed backlink after 2 or 3 days, but still Moz does not show that backlinks index or not Ahref has already increased site DR, while Moz still not increase Domain Authority or PA, I want to know the procedure how DA increase while I have high authority backlinks for my site [] Homepage

    | younus_5111
  • This question is deleted!


  • hello I found 200 links Linking Domains to my site! But in moz, the number of my Linking Domains is 0 . How can I send these 200 links to moz to analyze them?

    | pic98

  • Hello, Linking Domain section in Link Explorer is not working fine for When I put this domain to analyze for backlinks it says, "You entered the URL which redirects to Click here to analyze instead." In fact, this domain is not redirected to any third domain or URL. I personally checked it and can access this website without any redirection.

    | Jacksmorrin

  • I am using the Link Tracking List to track new backlinks that I have achieved. However, the report still shows about half of them as not found... even some that have been there for several weeks. I thoroughly tested a couple of them to make sure the links were coded in html, there were no nofollow/noindex rules, the bot was not blocked etc, but still found nothing. What can I do now?

    | Zambezikid

  • hi, moz show me that my backlinks lost every day in my some important keywords like: ثبت تغییرات شرکت ، ثبت شرکت ، .... but , i think that's not correct. can you explain to me that is for what? my website is: thank you....

    | alirezatrade0123

  • The Top Pages report only includes the Title tag. Is there any way to also include the meta-description, and and tags? I generated a Top Pages report and was surprised to see that it also includes image files. How come?

    | MedicalSEOMarketing

  • I've been getting this same 404 Error for a ton of pages on my blog ( out of nowhere and I can't figure out how to fix it. I have about 500 of them that are experiencing the same issue (as shown in the image I've attached/linked to). It has the correct link, then the part that gets flagged as 404 adds a / at the end, which is apparently the issue. Is there a reason these have just now appeared even though the blog posts are from years ago? Is there an easy way to fix it? Thanks, Sawyer dF6mUJQ

    | AllChargedUp

  • I uploaded a couple of link lists to Moz about a week ago and have been tracking them. Most of the links on the list are from significant 90+ DA domains such as Wikipedia, Medium, etc. So far, Moz only seems to have discovered about 4 the 200 or so links I loaded. Do we know how long it takes for these to be discovered by Moz? Quite new to this, so any help understanding timelines for this would be appreciated.

    | RobertPhillips18

  • Hey, My website Spam score increased suddenly. We had 1% spam score, Now it's 50%, We don't have many spammy website links, spammy links already disavowed. Why the spam score increased. After checking the 27 signals we found we blocked Google Fonts API, Is this the issue? When is the date of the next update in the spam score? Waiting for an Expert opinion. Thanks in Advance Neethu

    | seofarahat001

  • I want to know how PA works in MOZ? Like I have a website its DA is same on all posts but when I see PA of IESCO Bill Page and LESCO Bill page. Both are different. Why PA is different of many posts when DA is same. Is there any specific reason?

    | ehtishamkhan

  • Hello Moz communication, please how can I analyze my site with moz tool and  also run a link audit? So that I can see spammy backlinks?

    | loadedroms

  • Hi, I've the query related to backlinks of my website. Some of the high authority sites give backlinks to my website but these links are still not showing in Moz. My website is 6 months old and also continuously getting backlinks from high authority sites but still these are not showing on Moz and also not improving DA and PA of my website. I've also attached the screenshot of Moz link explorer results please check and guide me what to do with website so Moz will consider it and give some authority. And also guide me How much Moz takes time to crawl website backlinks and shown in their link explorer. Website URL: Moz Expert Suggestions needed. Thanks, overview?⌖=domain

    | KOidue

  • We have a site that we ran in On-Demand Crawl and Keyword Explorer. On-Demand Crawl revealed some information. However Keyword Explorer did not. We know there are ranking keywords for the site but no such keywords were detected by Moz. However, when we ran Link Explorer, 12 ranking keywords were detected and associated with the site.  Why is there a discrepancy between these two reports? Thank you in advance.

    | chrisesh

  • I have done work on my site for 6 months, and still, I cannot find any progress because the DA in the MOZ is not increasing, and of course, I'm not getting rankings. What should I do now? I have been producing unique and new content too.  Check my Site:

    | ndjkiu77

  • Our Google-created trackable campaign URLs are appearing in site crawls and often triggering error warnings.

    | K.Reeves

  • Respected Team, I am facing new links indexing issue for one of my site, Is there any known indexing issue which is already addressed by Moz? Please help.

    | red-dr5

  • Hello There I have a site health related..the problem with this site is I have taken countless backlinks but it is not reflecting on Moz. Is there any way to help Moz find my links?

    | thelancethealth

  • Does anyone know how to export more than 50 keywords at a time from Link Explorer? I'm trying to extract the keywords from a competitor domain to do some analysis/big data queries. I'm using the link Explorer but I can't see any way to export more than 50 keywords at a time! The total I can export seems to be around 100k but it's going to take a very long time if I've got to do 50 at a ago!

    | seoman10

  • Hey! I am running a blog named Today DA of my blog decreased what could be the reason Please help me what about issue?

    | TOFHA054515

  • DA, PA, I knows it. But what is Spam Score? How does it work? For example in my website: tructiepbongda, the score is 3%. So is this factor evaluated by GG in terms of rankings? How to control this indicator well?

    | yenu

  • why some of my backlinks are not showing on moz. These backlinks are profile and web 2.0 backlinks, i have tried many solutions but none of them worked for me. my  site is solution4people is there any way to show all the backlinks  of my site on moz . Thanks alot.

    | tzoubaier

  • Hello, I am trying to use the On-Page grader and i keep getting Page Optimisation error: The url is : The page seems to load fine in multiple browsers. I also dont have any rogerbot user-agent related errors on other pages. Please help resolve. Regards, Neeraj

    | Neeraj-Khanna

  • NO metrics is displayed for any websites I type in.

    | fffffw552335

  • Hey, I am Sajjad Azizzadeh and my website is and it is  not showing my backlinks I do not know why! The anchor text was سئو سایت، سئو and سجاد عزیززاده  but it seems it is not crawled yet! my former domain was

    | sajjadaziz.92

  • Hi, Is there a defined file format for Google disavow file name? Does it has to be disavowlinks.txt or can we do this like domain-name-date.txt ? Also, since Google does not share their data with Moz, how does MOz updates its spam score after we disavow the bad links? Do we need to connect Google search console with Moz?

    | Sunil-Gupta

  • I was searching for a keyword in google and I had moz extension installed. The keyword I searched was "lesco bill online" and after searching MOZ extension shows DA and PA for each result in SERP.  now I cheeked a site In SERP it was show its DA as 7 but when I open it up and look in explorer it showed DA as 4. Now is the because few backlinks removed from site and MOZ extension haven't picked them up yet ? what could be the reason behind this ?  Just wanted to clear my doubt

    | AliCrunchi

  • What's happening to moz, my spam score is just fluctuating from 1% to 66% now to 67% and back to 66% can't you guys help me reduce my spam score back, why giving me this new stress

    | Dahboss

  • As at last week, my spam score was 1% but today I checked and it was 67% how come? I haven't built any backlinks for months now,  so I don't understand why it increased...some one please it could reduce back to 1% or even 0% spam score....

    | Dahboss

  • hi, On ahrefs it's showing me that my web Fit Food has 1.2k backlinks and 140 referring domain. while on Moz it's totally different stats which making me confuse to understand. So is Domain rating is different than Domain Authority?

    | SophiaRPereira

  • my links are not looking in moz and showing in ahref.

    | Muhammadalmurr1

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