Maintenance & Outages
Scheduled Maintenance
Below is the current list of upcoming scheduled maintenance which may impact your ability to use the Moz tools.
Most scheduled maintenance activities will complete within 24 hours. If we have to roll back or delay, we will update this page to reflect the changes.
During scheduled maintenance, you will notice a dismissible banner in advance of the scheduled activity. Once the scheduled maintenance activity begins, you will notice a new and non-dismissible banner, once you are logged in. Lastly, a banner will appear once maintenance is complete informing you that the tool should be accessible, as normal. This banner will be automatically removed within a few hours of maintenance completion.
For more information regarding what to expect during scheduled maintenance, please see our status page.
Current Outages
Any unscheduled incidents that affect the availability of the Moz tools will be noted below.
Once an incident has been resolved, it will be marked as resolved and later removed from the outage page.
If you are experiencing an issue with the tools and it is not noted below please contact the Help Team via
List of Incidents
Please see below for a list of scheduled maintenance & outage incidents. If no events are listed, all tools are functional and no maintenance is currently scheduled.