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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • help canonical

    We are hosted by visual soft and it is a proprietory platform so we dont have full control of our site.
    in comparison, 3 of our main competitors, two of which are way way bigger than us have 1.4m & 4.7m - another one still probably double or perhaps triple our size is @ 2.5m Should i worry?
    Should i post my website url on here?
    I would like to start working on canonical links on my site but not sure where to start, does moz pro have some sort of check or rating, i have no idea if even the basics mentioned in the tutorials have been done....

    | Russell-Gorilla

  • Ciao tutti, Should I include 300 characters for all my customers' page meta descriptions? Some colleagues told me about this but I'm not really sure. Thanks in avance Marco

    | BestSEOItaly

  • seo rankings

    Hi Guys,
    We had a consistent page ranking for a specific keyword between 5 and 8 positions on google. This week all of a sudden the page which was ranking for that keyword no longer ranks for it and another page has started ranking for that keyword that too at 20th position. I am so confused why has this happened? I didn't do any changes to that page or to the now ranking page. Can anyone help why could this be happening?

    | Slideuplift123

  • Suppose two of my webpages from the same site are having 30% to 35% common content. The reason behind this common content is that I put same data and images (in the main content area) since both pages are partially related. But, title tag, meta description, h1 tag, urls are different.
    My questions are Can Google consider it as duplicate content?
    Can it hamper the ranking of my pages ?
    How can I deal with it?


  • wordpress

    I'm facing a issue with our website. Our site is on WordPress, We are using Elementor Pro & Elementor Hello Theme for our website!
    The problem is, with desktop it's totally fine but but in Mobile Device it's showing Error. "Largest Contentful Paint" 2021-07-27_111351.png

    | kacey.meier

  • I have run lighthouse reports multiple times today, and they have bounced up and down 20 points within hours of each other. A coworker ran hist test that returned a 90 while I scored a 68, my next test was an 88? Is this a common issue. I can understand a few points, but this is insanity!


  • I think there is no point in indexing service request pages for a service site. And it causes the indexing of the main pages to be done with a delay. Does anyone have experience with indexing service request pages and their results?

    | sora.ya0468

  • I have some sites with a lot of categories (category, sub-category, sub-subcategory) and locations (country, state/territory, city). To avoid listing pages really deep in my hierarchy I used wildcard subdomains for the locations, but lately I have been told that might be hurting my overall SEO efforts. I have a lot of URLs like on one side of the domain and on the other. In the middle you see stuff like and everything in between. Would I be better off moving the locations to the right side of the domain name? Then you might find stuff like and everything in between. I think I could do the new rewrite rules fairly easily since every country slug is just two characters long.

    | PostAlmostAnything

  • I work on education websites, and our sites are being flagged by SEO and accessibility checkers for having multiple H1s. The home pages have the site name as an h3 in the hero image, and an aspirational headline (think: Be Like Mike) as an H1. The sub-pages have two H1s: one on the site name in the banner image, and the other on the page title. Note that the site name is very keyword-rich. If we were to remove the H1 and H3 tags from the hero/banner images, would it do any SEO harm? At the same time, we’d rewrite the H1 on the home page to be more keyword-focused. Any other options? I also read that it’s OK to have multiple H1s as long as it’s clear which H1 belongs to the heading area and which one belongs to the body area of the page. Thanks in advance!

    | UWPCE

  • Hi,
    I'm wondering will my site be impacted with some of the primary links in our primary menu being moved into a burger Menu? Many Thanks,

    | robhough909

  • Hello I want to know and Little help to deduce ss of my one of the website Can anyone give help to deduce Spam Score of my Website?

    | studio45ca

  • I am facing issue regarding to my website  ** As some pages are not indexed by google yet. Can Anyone help me out how to indexed those pages to improve my ranking. **

    | qwaswd

  • I have run lighthouse reports multiple times today, and they have bounced up and down 20 points within hours of each other. A coworker ran hist test that returned a 90 while I scored a 68, my next test was an 88? Is this a common issue. I can understand a few points, but this is insanity!


  • I have a content-rich page about one of my offerings. Will Google knock down the ranking if I include a contact me reply form on the page vs including a link to a standalone reply page?  My concern is that including the form will cause Google to downgrade the page as being "too commercial".

    | Lysarden

  • there are customized pages on the client's site, they contain brand pages related to Samsung, iPhone, ZTE, LG, Motorola, and HTC Mobile phones.
    For Example:
    Should I recommend them to change the URL structure. ?

    | dietsuave

  • I'm working with a client attempting that competes in the highly competitive anti-virus market with a very limited marketing budget. They are currently ranking well for only a few terms - one is "Free Antivirus trial" - currently position 11 on Google. The top ranking sites have a page SEO'ed for this term. My client's SERP is their homepage, seemingly based primarily on the meta description tag. For SEO and PPC purposes I would like to create a new page specifically for the "Free Antivirus trial" but I'm afraid of messing with the second page listing that currently exists. My question for SEO folks is... Should I create a new, properly SEO'd page or attempt to improve the home page ranking?

    | DenverKelly

  • I recently took on a website design client and ran his website through a battery of tests using Pro to take a look at the crawl errors. One that seems to stump me is the error "Too many On-Page links" concerning his blog. ( This is the first time I've seen this error and am rather confused. The report says there are 104 links on this page. However, I'm having trouble grasping this concept or finding the 104 links. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support!

    | WebLadder

  • core web vitals algorithm update

    We are redesigning our WordPress site (over 1300 posts and pages) and are on schedule to launch in May of 2021. Should we wait for after Google's Core Web Vitals & Page Experience algorithm update?

    | opiates

  • When an ecommerce site has 200 product pages, this is fine. It's time consuming, but I can write 200 unique paragraphs describing the product and it's not an insane amount of work for one person. But when there are 10,000+ product pages... what is the best way for one person to go about this? Risk the page being thin and just bullet point a couple of "need-to-know" info bits, or take the time to prioritise what products could benefit the most from the unique content and get cracking with a paragraph for each? Or do you just forego having truly unique copy on each product page and just aim to optimise the category pages for the longtail? Just wondering how you guys deal with thousands of product pages really. Starting to feel as if I should re-evaluate my strategy and wanted to get some idea on what others are doing... Notes: Product pages already have reviews, helps with adding more unique user-generated content to each page. There's dynamic content e.g. "You may be interested in...", "Related products", etc.

    | Ria_

  • I am looking for advices on how to best start adopting for an apartment rental site with more than one apartment per address. I would like to get feedback and suggestions on my initial thoughts. Here are the obvious ones: for the address of the building an apartment is in. for the unique page for each apartment. Any thoughts or experiences you would like to share? Thanks, Adrien O'Leary

    | AdrienOLeary

  • Hi there, I noticed in Bing Webmaster Tools that we get the following for the home page.These pages have 400-499 http status code. Ensuring http status 200 might help improve SERP performance and gain user traffic.I haven't seen this before, nothing comes up in Moz or Google Webmaster Tools about it.Is it worth spending time on resolving the issue, I don't see how it affects us as the page loads up perfectly but I don't understand the error.The error shows up for our home page, https : // wwww domainname comWhen checking here we get green ticks for everything

    | IvanaDaulay

  • Hi I am working on a project in which I have a local services website <a target="_self"></a> I want to be sure its links are getting indexed or not. Please help me.

    | Jioiebytt

  • I have external links coming into my site going to 404 pages, but i cant seem to find a way to search all broken links pointed at my website.

    | NickJPearse

  • We have some URLs that are being flagged as poor inside Search Console in the Web Core Vitals report. For example, the report is saying that some pages have too many CLS issues. When looking into things we can do to update we have noticed that when we run the same page using the PageSpeed Insights tool we are not getting the same bad scores. This is making it hard for us to actually know what needs to be addressed. Nor can we tell if a change actually fixed the issue because in PageSpeed Insights there is not an issue.  Has anyone else had similar issues. If so have you found a way to fix it?


  • With the thought of improving user experience, as well as rankings in Google, I'm considering changing our main category pages to product listing pages (with sub-categories remaining, still).  These main category pages are very standard and don't link to any informational content, such as buyers guides, etc. What's driven this is the latest Google core update. I've noticed our main competitor (who we were out-ranking before... but not now) now uses this approach. I can see the benefit from a user perspective, i.e. less clicks to reach products. What's the pros/cons from an SEO point of view, please?  Could the potential duplication of content be an issue? For context, we have about 2,000 products and website is on Magento 2.

    | alifeofjoy

  • how to change my page URL to customize it myself?

    | amenkhan

  • In Australia, I hear it over and over again that Wix is literally the worst site builder you can use due to it's poor site build for SEO. Has anyone here got some tangible reasons for why this is? As I am constantly getting asked this by clients who are using Wix and want me to help with their SEO.

    | UndergrndMarketing

  • A great web page (for organic search) needs more than great copy. Tons of articles tell us how important it is construct a web page. Others beat the drum of content, content, content. Who are these unicorns who understand on-page SEO and are great writers to boot? I'm imagining a "content developer", or I might call it a "technical SEO writer. Neither really captures the need. I don't need a copywriter to deliver some text, nor an SEO who can't write their way out of the paper sack. I need an "SEO content specialist" who can craft an on-page experience; someone who thinks about things like SERP features and understands the concepts of semantic content. The problem is that I have no idea how to find this person. "Content Marketing" is the buzz right now, but that's not it either. I'm not talking about a blogs and social media. I'm talking about building great, core web pages. Does anyone else have this challenge? How have you been successful? Where do unicorns live?

    | Jason-Rogers

  • Hi - Can you use something like "save £££s" in the title tag. Have looked but can't see an answer. Thanks.

    | StevieD

  • This is my page The metaDescription is |   |
    | name="description" content="Master's degree in Museum, Museology and Curatorial Studies is offered by 49 American universities. New York University had highest number of international students receiving a Master's degree. Johns Hopkins University had the most women graduates in this program. Job outlook for Museum, Museology and Curatorial Studies Museum, Museology and Curatorial Studies is projected to grow 13 percent from 2016 to 2026, faster than average for all occupations. Median pay for Museum, Museology and Curatorial Studies in 2018 was $53,360. The number of jobs were 11170. Check out best universities offering online Master's program in Museum, Museology and Curatorial Studies "/> |
    |   |   | But when I see the page in google search results for (museum studies graduate programs), This is how it appears in the search results. It is showing the breadcrumbs from the page. I am not sure why is google is treating the page like this. It was not like that 5 months back. Nothing much changed in page and google is displaying the page content like this . How can I fix this?

    | etattva

  • Hi: I have activated FAQ schema from ( for this page of my website “  رزین “  , but now when I search (رزین) in google I cant see it. I don’t know what to do please help me. here id my page address : also u can find it by searching "رزین" in google.

    | mobtakeran23

  • hi this is my site
    and i want to remove google fonts and use system fonts 
    what is the best plugin to do that 

    | Moshako

  • Hi all, Wondering if I could get the opinions from other Moz user's on this issue please... A client is building a new online store, it is in the flooring niche, using the drop shipping model. The plan is to launch the site with about 1,000 products and then add more as we go. All good so far (the site is magento based) However, the issue we are facing is down to product descriptions. The client needs to get the site up and running asap to start generating sales but the wholesaler has not provided any product description information for the products - save the size, shape and colour. Can anyone foresee a major issue in launching the website with no product descriptions, from a seo point of view, and then adding the descriptions as we go. Have been trying to establish what Google defines as being a thin site and all the information on the topic is suggesting it is more due to duplicate content where, for example, retailers are all still using the default manufacturer description or have spun the content. I cannot find much which would suggest that product pages missing a description would classify as thing. I am happy to be corrected though. I accept that it would be easier to rank with a good product description but the client is a two person business and it is pretty hard to find things to say about 1,000 different kinds of rugs! Any thoughts would be most welcome please. Thanks.

    | daedriccarl

  • Hi. I'm trying to get my website; , to rank for keywords relevant to "HR Software" in the UK.  It's a highly competitive industry and we rank ~mid to low on page one for some of our ideal keywords that are highly relevant and high volume. Years ago we took the decision to blog about topics more loosely related to the world of work. One of our blog posts, about plants in the office   is popular. It gets decent traffic and consistently builds backlinks to the post without any further effort on our part. The specific page has a PA of 46 and DA of 55 with >500 domains linking to it.  This compares to our home page with a PA of 47 and 700 linking domains. It is typically the home page that ranks for our money keywords "HR Software" "HR Systems" in the UK. Because this blog post is so loosely related to our actual business, the traffic it generates is highly unlikely to  turn into a customer of ours. I am considering redirecting the blog post to the home page to pass link juice to the home page. The concern I have is that, based on the anchor text and contextual signals from linking pages, Google might then infer that our home page is less relevant for our money keywords and more relevant for "plants". Are my concerns unfounded? What are your thoughts? Should I redirect the blog post to the home page? Another internal page?  Keep the blog post live? Thanks

    | crichardson1992

  • Hey guys i need know whether targeting homepage for local SEO is good or creating separate page for locatin

    | moz12pro

  • Hi everyone I have sports website. My website DA, DR is good. I have created good quality  backlinks. But still my website ranking is not improving. Can you guide me how to improve my website ranking. Thanks in advance!

    | fktos.tam.906n

  • I am in the process of truncating many of the URLs using a plugin installed on Wordpress. The question is does google penalize or have issues with too many 301 redirects on your site. I have many many products I want to do this with.   I thought I read somewhere that 301 redirects should be held to a minimum. Would appreciate any assistance

    | xinar

  • Hi. I'm a long time ecommerce guy and starting a third business. The main site URL is the name of the new business but I also purchased a .com URL that is our #1 keyword to target. So I need to know the best strategy to use the keyword url for helping with getting a top ranking for that keyword. I'm curious if I can or should build out the keyword URL site for the search engines and use a 301 redirect. Can you get top ranking for a site that just redirects? Anyway, I guess you get my question. This keyword gets a ton of perfectly targeted traffic so seems like a goldmine if I work it right. Thanks very much.

    | jimmyseo

  • I have been following advice for improving the SEO of my YouTube videos, for instance by having the keyword early in the title and description. Do I then need a plugin like Yoast Video SEO for my website where the videos are embedded to increase the chance of showing the videos for that keyword?

    | AudunBK

  • Hello great Moz contributors, I'm working on a 4-months-old site, which I didn't see improvement after the Google December core update. What I'm facing right now is that my newly published posts take a lot of time to index on Google search results and it affecting my performance. While my competitor's sites index in less than a minute. I could've used the Google index tool which they removed a few months ago assumed they bring the feature back. Meanwhile, my site passed test perfect what happens very rarely. Is there any other thing needed to be done so that my posts will be indexing in less than a minute? Any help will be appreciated!

    | mmesoma

  • Hey all! I work for a large healthcare company. We're in the planning stages of redesigning our website, and the question came up of whether we needed to continue with the patient-focused blog at all when we could simply incorporate the blog articles into the service lines they best fit with (i.e. an article about feeding babies solid good would go under the pediatrics section of the website instead of the pediatrics section of the blog).Anybody have an opinion/insight on whether the articles would get better rankings being dispersed to the services sections of the website instead of concentrated on a blog? Or would good internal linking make the whole question moot?Thanks!

    | MartyIHC

  • Hello, I'm new member here, hoping to get some help

    | Mel_macallan

  • Hi, I have an ecommerce site with several categories that I consider good landing pages. In order to get better search results I add content to these pages, usually above the fold, then after the content products are listed. Example: I worry that customers get to the page and since they don't see the products above the fold, they move on. Should I be putting content in the footer instead of the header and if so how does that effect SEO? This has been bugging me for a long time. Thanks

    | MikeCarbs

  • I have seen many people are concerned about increasing DA and PA of their websites. While I am very curious why do people focus on increasing DA and PA? Does DA and PA effect the rankings of the website? Because I have recently launched my website regarding men beard trimmer and it is ranking on 1st page but not on number 1 position. Will increasing DA/PA of the site help me in occupying 1st position?

    | RyanAmin

  • _ I analysis my domain ( on Moz domain analysis. But there is not data show and show the message "No data here". What should I do?_

    | MelissaDooley

  • Hello good time Is it recommended to use SEO plugin for dedicated sites? Or do you think we should change the dedicated CMS to WordPress based on the convenient user interface that WordPress has.

    | falamakmachine

  • In this situation, how can we make our pages be fetched by google?

    | supporthandle

  • I have implemented a star rating from jetpack on my website. But google stubbornly refuses to display stars in the snippet. 2 months have already passed. Maybe I did something wrong? I must say that I did not cheat artificially.

    | WayneM.

  • I have updated the title tag but not showing, Please have look at the view source for this website- I want to show this title and description- <title>Online Bus Ticket Booking | YoloBus India</title> But showing the wrong title and description on google SERP- Title - YoloBus :: Home Description - Delhi Lucknow; Lucknow Delhi; Delhi Gorakhpur; Varanasi Lucknow; Gorakhpur Delhi; Delhi Delhi; Bangalore Bangalore; Manali Manali; Chennai Chennai 7mHsdmu

    | AnkitS.1990

  • Hello our websites offers prayer times in the US and UK. The problem is that we have nearby towns where the prayer times are the same and the pages (exp : and are in duplicate . Same issue for this page How can we solve this problem

    | Zakirou

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