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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • On my blog (which is about writing), I have a recurring monthly feature where we all share excerpts of our work in progress. The title is always the same: "WIP Wednesday – Share What YOU Are Up To!" I've been doing this on the blog for about 4 years. Is the recurring title giving me a higher spam score? If so, will it help if I add the date on the end, as I've started to do? " WIP Wednesday – Share What YOU Are Up To! January 2020" etc.? Or would it help if I made all the posts from before 2020 private? Or does this actually have nothing to do with my spam score (which is 9%, and I'd like to bring it down)? Thanks!

    | bryndonovan

  • should every site have meta keywords or is this not used anymore? I don't use yoast and prefer rank math but there is nowhere to insert it. when I look at moz bar it shows meta keywords as a field so maybe it is important...

    | Mosaj

  • My homepage has an authoritative guide with long form content. As a result, my main keyword is mentioned 40+ times. It's not forced, but natural, and the frequency of it is a function of the length of the article. Is that okay? Any suggestions or advise?

    | ntaparia17

  • I'm trying to optimize my home page and need to add external links. I'm planning to link to other authoritative sites. Should they be follow or no follow links?

    | ntaparia17

  • title too long But we have two keywords Hip Thrust Machine and Glute Bridge Machine it 's ok?

    | ahislop574

  • We have short video posts on twitter.   Embedded twitter post is good for SEO?

    | ahislop574

  • Hi Guys!
    I have an animation website which loading speed is too less. Due to too many videos, i want it to load fast.
    Please help me increase my website speed i,e,


  • I work for a travel company and I have a 'tour page' targeted for pre-booking and a 'booking pack page' post-booking page, with some similar content but with details such as hostel locations, meeting places and times etc. I want to make sure the tour page keeps the authority as this is what I want to rank on SEO.  I've got a couple of similar problems to this across site, there are a few pages on site that are post-sale and don't really need to rank on Google but it would be great if they could contribute to other pages' rankings. Thanks!

    | nicolewretham

  • We did a new site launch on Feb 7th this year - It changed from Magento 1 to Magento 2.  We had some launch issues around SEO but now we've solved most every crawler issue in Moz reporting - according to Moz we're in better shape on-site than ever. But our organic search is just dropping daily - we expected a drop after launch then back to normal, but over 2 months on something just isn't right. A good example, on Google UK for keyword 'home automation' we've always been about position 10, but now we're out the top 50... Forget about off site for now - what's wrong with our site itself to have caused this? Can anyone help with insights please as this is killing our sales

    | dbsmtec

  • Hello Experts, Is it good idea to add special characters while writing meta title and descriptions? Characters such as $ # Check Marks % If yes, will it help increase the CTR of page? Thanks in advance!

    | jhakasseo

  • How to replace the keywords of our Google Site  's TITLE Our new google site  page title:  Gym Equipment for Sale - Buy Commercial Fitness The site name is Gym Equipment for Sale.  But we need the title like this Buy Commercial Fitness  - Gym Equipment for Sale How to fix it?

    | ahislop574

  • Our article about Hip Thrust We have sex tips about how to hip thrust. that use h2. but Final Words use h3 or h2?

    | ahislop574

  • I was making updates to the content on the following page, and a few days later dropped from #2 SERP ranking to 50+. Things I checked: Yes, 301 redirect was implemented right away. After publishing, I manually requested indexing in search console. Right after publishing I re-submitted the  sitemap manually and Google said they had not crawled it in 9 days. My question: should I change the URL back to the old one, or give it a little more time (especially since I re-submitted sitemap) Original URL: New URL:

    | DamianTysdal

  • In our blog, about Leg Press Feet Placement []( we have added a lot of youtube videos to enrich the content of the article but we found that youtube videos affect the speed of the website, how to solve it

    | ahislop574

  • I'm looking for the fundamental things to concentrate on when trying to improve my Domain Authority as it is's poor for my area and I want our business to compete with other businesses in our county. We're an automotive company - we need to compete with other automotive companies in our areas.

    | CGroup123

  • Hello, We're a physical therapy practice and rank high for our physical therapy clinic and those type of keywords; however, how do I rank for keywords such as: back pain treatment? herniated disc treatment? We have pages specific to these keywords but aren't ranking. Thoughts?

    | scottgray0620

  • Can anyone please share some guidelines regarding how to write the H1 subject of the post which can generate the maximum CTR.?. I noticed even when i able to rank on the featured snippet with good enough search volume the CTR is too low. Anyone share some expert advice please?

    | Asifseo596862

  • I'll try to keep this brief. The URLs of my posts keep snapping back to exactly match their post titles, no matter how often I try to change them. e.g. title: How to Tie Your Shoelaces desired URL: tie-shoelaces BUT actual URL: how-to-tie-your-shoelaces Anyone come across/ resolved this issue before?

    | GerardAdlum

  • Hi, I've had a message from Google search console to say the sitemap for the http version of my site is tagged as no index. As the https version is indexed, do I need to change the http version to be indexed as well? Do I need to keep the http version of the site in search console alongside the https version, or should I remove it? Advice appreciated!

    | Robingoodlad

  • I can't really see any third party reviews of this software. Does anyone rate it?

    | AL123al

  • Should these pages be redirecting to a login page? Or does there need to be something other than an Access Denied message?  I feel like these are bringing the overall site score down.

    | CaraMc

  • Lets say i sell louisville hockey sticks if i have a page url as louisville-hockey-sticks-canada is this better than louisville-hockey-sticks I have a .CA domain

    | garmatinc

  • Hello We've been around a very long time, and I have a long running pet set of core terms and pages tracked using Moz and other tools.  With no changes to the content or site or htaaccess or robots.txt or sitemap, insignificant backlink changes etc, we saw a ton of important product pages drop out of the index the week ending December 22 2019.  We are still ranking for many of the terms associated, but at far worse positions since the pages G is choosing instead for those terms are not as focused. I need to be clear that this has not happened across the board, but seemingly at random. When I look in G Search Console, the pages are  submitted and indexed (last crawl yesterday), mobile friendly, have breadcrumbs, and the only warning are product level for lack of optional fields under offers (nothing new, not particular to the dropped pages in question here). So, what happened the week ending December 22???? Should I expect the dust to settle and the pages to return? Extremely strange. Thx

    | jamestown

  • I wrote a blog article targeting a long-tail KW - "[primary KW] pricing revealed". the article is performing so well that is actually ranking 2nd nationally for my primary KW. I would rather have my conversion page rank for my primary KW obviously. I'm considering cutting and pasting the content from my blog page onto my conversion page with a 301 redirect from the blog to the conversion page. What are your thoughts on this? Thanks, Ryan

    | RyanMeighan

  • I noticed that Moz flags a lot of redirect chain issues on my site. I realized that this is mostly because the site automatically redirects http to https, and when I create a new URL (when a URL changes, for example) it is automatically flagged as a chain. Example: http://www.example-link Auto directs to: https://www.example-link Which is then redirected to: https://www.example-link-changed (when the address actually changes) I don't seem to have any control over changing where the initial http redirect goes. Any advice on fixing this problem?

    | baystatemarketing

  • A site fell off Page 1 organic listings but now regularly appears in the right-side “See results about“ SERP. How valuable are such results, especially compared to the 1-10 organic result listing? And, are “see results about” SERPs national?

    | PKI_Niles

  • Hello, I want to add LocalBusiness mark up to our store pages. I recently read this article One piece of advice I wanted to confirm is this section: It might seem counter-intuitive, but organization and LocalBusiness markup should only be used on the pages which are actually about your business (e.g. homepage, about page, and/or contact page). I am working on an e-commerce site that has multiple stores and a store page for each. Currently there is Organization Mark Up (with the head office contact information) on every single page. Am I right in saying that we should remove the Organization Mark Up from every page except the homepage, then add LocalBusiness mark up to each store page with the relevant contact information for each store? Many thanks in advance.

    | kbm3

  • Should an internal link open in a new tab or in the same window? Seems like this is an issue that has never had a definitive answer one way or the other. But I couldn't find any recent articles from reliable sources taking a stance and answering this question. Does anyone know if user engagement metrics (time on site, bounce rate, pages per visit) are impacted if a user clicks a link that opens in a new tab? Thanks!

    | NicheSocial
  • This question is deleted!


  • if i show my website to robots with less code  (robots version ) is it harmful for my website ? my website is wordpress and i can't optimze it more plz help me

    | rhesti328

  • I just found another copy of my old website and have no way to take it down.  Unfortunately, it's ranking so he didn't place it as a nofollow.  (My boss hired someone to redevelop our website before I came on board and never finished the project). So, could this be hurting us?  I tried to look to see if we were being penalized and couldn't find that we were. Also, ever since we migrated to a new domain name,  our ranking is tumbling.  I've redirected properly and tested to make sure they're resolving correctly and they are.  I have no idea what is going on.  We've virtually lost all ranking.  Any help would be much appreciated.

    | npuffer79

  • I've been working on increasing CTR my changing the title tag & meta descriptions. Has anyone ever noticed a drop in organic SERPS from doing so? Even if CTR goes up? It seems to me that if the CTR goes up and user experience in that way is improved these changes should yield an increase in the average position. Would you agree? Thank you!!

    | leslieevarts

  • I hope you are well. Mostly moz send me a notification that your website can,t be crawled and it says me o check robots.txt file. Now the Question is how can solve this problem and what should I write in robots.txt file? Here is my website. need your help brohers.... and Thanks in advance

    | matee.usman

  • Hi all, Recently came across some authority blog (quicksprout to be precise) which stated that apart from main page, contact page, about us and some other generic pages, site name should be removed as it might produce duplicate content. example "How to blog | Example Site name" This mostly is the issue with tags and categories pages as it shows on Moz issues. Is that really a problem and site name should be taken off them? Thank you.

    | Optimal_Strategies

  • In the last year we've made a few significant changes to the structure of our site - namely adding translations for a few languages. We have historically been gaining in organic search by about 10% each month, but in the last two months we've leveled out and seen a slight dip. I am wondering if this has something to do with the addition of the second language, and namely if there's a chance we've been penalized due to duplicate content. We have almost all pages / content on the site translated by a translator, but the way the development works the site will grab the english version if a translation hasn't been added - potentially adding some duplicate content? The URL structure remains the same, other than the addiion of the language  - vs We also haven't translated the tour name itself, so that remains the same. Just wondering if anyone has any feedback on best practices here or things I should be looking out for. Thanks in Advance.

    | mkgreyound

  • For the last few years, a particular blog post on my site has gotten 3 times as much traffic than any other page, even the home page; however, the topic of the post is only moderately related to the website topic and I'm wondering if all that unrelated traffic is negatively effecting SEO for our primary keywords. Here's an example.... Site topic: Yoga retreats in Costa Rica (we want to attract people who are interested in booking a yoga retreat) Blog Topic: How to extend your visa in Costa Rica (it's related only because it's about Costa Rica and travel, and may help our visitors stay longer) Other Notes: In 4 years, visitors to that blog post have never converted. Blog post bounce rate is 56%, significantly higher than almost any other page Lots of comments on the blog post so visitors to it are engaged and find it very useful To get an accurate reading of interested visitors to the site, i always have to filter entrance visits to this post in my analytics because these users are not an accurate representation of the visitors we're trying to draw. My question: Because I get so much traffic from the blog post, which is about the visa renewal process, will Google consider the website less about yoga and more about visas? If so, will it make it more difficult to rank well for yoga in Costa Rica? Does Google say to itself, "Hey, this website can't be an authority about both yoga and visas in Costa Rica so we're going to consider it a visa site because of all the visits and engagement it gets for that topic." So should I remove the post or just leave it alone? It offers a lot of people valuable information so I would never delete it entirely, but would redirect it somewhere else. Thanks!

    | Cabaretti

  • Hi, I am trying to track a page optimization feature for one of my project, for keyword: property inspections melbourne but i keep getting this below error: "Page Optimization Error There was a problem loading this page. Please make sure the page is loading properly and that our user-agent, rogerbot, is not blocked from accessing this page." I checked robots.txt file, it all looks fine. Not sure what is the problem? Is it a problem with Moz or the website?

    | Abhijay19

  • Hey all, In the latest Moz crawl, certain pages on our website have shown as having 302 redirects for the http to https, but not all. There should be a 301 solution, but wanted to see if anyone had any advice or guidance. Thanks!

    | Julzseo

  • Does the targeted keyword need to be embedded in a longer phrase for the H1 and H2 or is it better to have the keyword by itself?

    | Caffeine_Marketing

  • We manage an e-commerce site. On a category page, there are several funnels to specific products. We moved the category overview content below those funnels to make it easier for users to quickly get to products. Seems more user friendly to me, but could that move of the main content to the lower part of the page be a negative ranking factor?

    | PKI_Niles

  • Hi there, /collections/living-room-furniture/black
    /collections/living-room-furniture/fabric Is that ok to make all the above filter pages canonicalised with their main category /collections/living-room-furniture Also, does it needs to be noindex, follow as well? Note - already removed the content from filter pages, updated meta tags as well. Please advice, thank you

    | williamhuynh

  • Hello, I'm new to this forum so please forgive if this has been discussed before. I have a question about the nofollow meta tag being used at the page level. We have external links within our website's guest blog pages that we do not want followed. I would use a nofollow rel attribute on the link itself, but since we allow the blog to be posted using a wysiwyg-type text editor, that proves to be a little difficult to enforce. I was thinking about using the nofollow meta tag at the page level to handle this, but was a little unsure on how that may affect our own links...such as menu and side-bar links...that are on those pages. I'm not too concerned about those internal links not being followed on those particular blog pages, but I wanted to make sure a nofollow for a link on one page won't have any negative side effects on those same menu links that appear on various other pages without the nofollow meta tag. Would there be any negative side effects to using the nofollow meta tag like that? Thanks in advance for any insight. Best Regards, Ken

    | kens109

  • We have three URLs that have the same content but all three are getting traffic.

    | NanditaKraman

  • Hi, I have a question about the Meta Robots information Accoarding to the Moz bar, our page uses the meta robots noodp and noydir. Our competitor uses
    INDEX,FOLLOW I read that noodp and noydir are dated and not used anymore. Is it wise to use INDEX FOLLOW instead for better SEO? Thanks in advance!

    | AdoBike

  • Working on optimizing my e-commerce website. We have managed to obtain very good ranking on most keywords that we use directing to different products. However, there is one that ranks very low, and Moz alerts that keyword stuffing might be one of the reasons. While I have edited the content to include less of the same keyword on that particular page, the links to different products that contain the same keyword from the same page (accessories and related products) I believe are increasing my count and it seems to be working against me. \ Should I start eliminating some of these links so as to eventually obtain a better ranking? any help would be greatly appreciated.

    | NewVape

  • This topic came up in a discussion I had with a fellow SEO colleague, I don't believe it makes sense to have Hreflang if you don't have a second language but according to my friend they mentioned that it is great if your only targeting one country. Any opinions out in the Moz community?  It seems like overkill to me

    | JonAlonsoCNC

  • Hello there,  I have a wordpress website with a woocommerce plugin. I have 4 landing pages that describe my products and at the end of the pages, I have a CTA to my product page.  is it bad for SEO? my website:


  • Hey everybody. I am working with a handful of medical news websites and some of these sites are rather large. I am noticing/suspecting there is some cannibalism going on here. How do news sites deal with this? Do they noindex the old stuff? Update the old stuff instead of writing a new piece all together? Curious what to do!

    | HashtagHustler

  • I have been targeting one keyword for home page that was ranking between the postilion 6-7 but was never ranking on 1st as there were 2 highly competitive keywords targeted on the same page, I changed the keyword to an internal service page to rank it on 1st, I have optimized the content as well but the home page is still ranking on 11th, how do I get the internal page rank on that keyword

    | GOMO-Gabriel

  • We have brand logos on certain pages that have H1 tags in them - the H1 text being the brand's name, as this is what we'd want the title of the page to be.  The logos are at the top of the page instead of a written title. But is this the best option for SEO? Do search engines value H1 tags in images as highly as a standard H1 tag?Would it be better for SEO to add an alt tag to the logo and add a separate H1 tag on the page that's also the name of the brand?

    | DVLighting

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