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Category: Product Support

Find expert assistance to help you troubleshoot technical issues with the Moz tools.

  • I want to refund the subscription purchase process and return the money back

    | ResearchTrainingAcademy

  • MOZ is only crawling two pages of my site even though there are links on the homepage, and the robot.txt file allows for crawling.  Our site address is

    | hrparts

  • I've sent a couple of emails.   I know everyone there is busy. But I'd like to cancel my MozPro subscription and not sure how to go about it. Troy

    | TroyRiegle

  • I sent an email a few minutes ago to but don't know if that is a usable address or not. I would prefer an answer from a Moz staffer. Thanks,

    | RobertFisher

  • Hello, Is it possible to cancel my Moz pro account for a few months without loosing the data and then reopen it a few months from now. Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hello, In the site crawl report we have a few pages that are status 430 - but that's not a valid HTTP status code. What does this mean / refer to? If I visit the URL from the report I get a 404 response code, is this a bug in the site crawl report? Thanks, Ian.

    | ianatkins

  • i was just trying to check a keyword difficulty but when i put my kw the difficulty and priority is showing like this (  -  ). can any one help? thanks

    | ayybeedee

  • I have written MOZ several times requesting account cancellation procedures but they don't seem interested in responding. I pre-paid my account in October 2019, paying for one year until October 2020. I would like to cancel my account and get a refund of the pro-rated unused amount. After not getting a response, I searched for a corporate phone number for MOZ. No phone number can be found. I am somewhat concerned as legitimate companies have phone numbers. Can someone advise me as to how to get my refund? Also, I subscribe to MOZ local. I need to know of canceling MOZ pro will inadvertently cancel MOZ local. Thanks, 

    | Kingalan1

  • Hi, We got billed twice in the month of Jan 2020. Billed on Jan 3rd and Jan 23rd. Can you please check why we got charged twice in the month of Jan 2020. Looking forward to hear from you ASAP.

    | iNurtureGalileo

  • Hi MOZs, A few months ago we were updating our website and used a staging site to do so. Soon after we realized that it was indexed by G and shown in Search so we removed it to be indexed. The staging site has since not been visible in search except for 2 links that I just found out about today. My question is how to remove the staging site URLs being shown in MOZ as crawl issues or remove completely? I want to do this because the digital reports are connected to MOZ and it shows there are currently more than 400x 4xx errors which are all because of the staging URLs. I already marked to ignore the issues but they are still showing in. Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks

    | Strausberg

  • Describe your question in detail. The more information you give, the better! It helps give context for a great answer.

    | Vizergy

  • Hi, I was wondering what will happen if I resume an archived campaign again. Will I lose any information by first archiving the campaign and resume it after.

    | OlafvR

  • Hi. I forgot to cancel the Moz Pro plan after using the free one and it automatically charged me $258.41. So I would like to request a refund. My email is

    | haileytran

  • Hi I would like to ask why was my card Charge when i didnt opt in to go to moz pro after the 30 day trial. I tried your service after a few days and didnt check again. Then today i i noticed theres a charge on my card for moz pro $179? This is the last email i received about my trial ending and i i didnt subscribe to moz pro.

    | ShoutoutDigitalPerth

  • Hi! We need help reorganizing our campaigns.

    | monkeylearn

  • Hi Team, I'm Abhinay Penta, I used moz a month back with free subscription and never returned back to the website since then but I've been charged 179 USD(244.07 CAD) without any notification or reminder on 22nd September 2019. _I tried reaching you over phone,  but no contact number is available on web, I request for the refund, since I'm not going use your services anymore and would like to cancel my subscription permanently. _ _ Regards, Abhinay Penta_

    | Abhinbite

  • Hi there, This is specifically for the Moz support team, on one of my SEO campaigns the Ranking dashboard shows that there 19 keywords moved up - but - the PDF shos that 32 keywords have moved up. Why the discrepancy, please?

    | jasongmcmahon

  • Yesterday, we uploaded a new campaign but it appears it has 0% of visibility and no keywords ranking. What might be the problem? The website has a domain authority of 39 and 500 visits in the last week. But according to the Moz campaign they don't even rank for the name.

    | alessandrai

  • my account is automatically paid from your side, I don't want to upgrade to the pro version, hope to refund me $ 179, this money is very important to me, hope you help me,  have sent a support request to my email address but I have yet to receive a reply

    | hoangnguyen249

  • I have three Google analytics accounts linked. I can see all properties from these accounts. I want to unlink two Google analytics accounts so that they dont reflect in the Moz account. How can this be done ?

    | vernon123

  • I didn't recognise it before, and subscribed your service for two months already. Therefore, I unsubscribed immediately, but it already billed me for two month service. As you can check and see, I should have not use or even login for month, would you waive the latest bill and cut my service immediately? sorry for any inconvenience caused, thanks!

    | CalvinC

  • If we cancel my free trial subscription on moz before 30 days use will have any charge pay

    | abhitherock

  • I just sent in a chat request, got Eli and asked him how I can get the ranking data for the keywords I put into a campaign now. He sends me a link on how to create a custom report. I went to create a custom report only to realize that the same data pulls into that report as pulls into the ranking report? Does anyone else get superficial amateur subpar support like this? We are currently trialing the platform and contemplating switching from SEMRush and implementing MOZ reports into our custom built API reports for our clients but so far i'm absolutely appalled with the support on here. Not only did it take 3 days to get an answer, I didn't even get the answer to my question. Seems like a bunch of beginners running support?! Thoughts anyone???

    | Gorilla_Webtactics

  • If I were to remove Google Analytics completely, what would happen with my Moz campaign?  What wouldn't I be able to see or use? I ask this on the back of the recent changes to EU 'cookie law'.  It's getting to the point now where GA will no longer be a viable option unless you want to rely on consent from those awful cookie popup notices - the ones everyone hates and just clicks on to see the content.

    | robandsarahgillespie

  • I had to get the free trial to complete a course that i was doing, but i really dont have money to pay, and want to cancel it. How do i do that? I saw anothers questions about cancelling, they say "go to account and billing then click in cancel subscription" or anything like that, but dont have anything here! Take a look at my print about "account and billing" page: Please, help me.

    | udacity-tuisfr

  • Well I entered my cc info to try MOZ out. Havent used it so I forgot to cancel my subscription. They have since billed me for a month. I wanted to know if it is possible to get my money back?

    | Bryton

  • Hi, I have used free trial and I forgot to cancel it, and was charged $179. I need help cancelling the account and getting a refund, as i really need the money for rent.

    | eddiae

  • I signed up for a free trial and had to add my card details. Now Moz just took money from my account without permissions. This is a warning to everyone signing up for trial. I want my money back!!! This is not right.

    | cjhswe81

  • How do I delete, duplicate comments in The Moz Q&A Forum?

    | jasongmcmahon

  • Cannot currently download notifications at present.

    | GrouchyKids

  • We are translating content into Russian and Chinese on our website, the number of errors are increasing mainly around URL too long, each time we create  a page with a Chinese or Russian url. If you click on the link below for a Chinese content page: You will notice the url displayed by the browser is actually not very long, is there a way for MOZ not to see it as it appears above? Below is a page in Russian Any help will be much appreciated.

    | mariedetitomount

  • I am the owner of the Moz account, but want to give a colleague the rights to add and delete users. How can I do this?

    | remkostrik

  • I do not want to continue the Moz pro services anymore. So if I cancel my Moz subscription now, Is it possible to download previous data?

    | promodirect

  • Hi , What Credit Card Processors does Moz use?  Do they use ?

    | stuartcanvas

  • Dear Moz team, I have subscribed for 1 month free Moz trial account. It was free but to subscribe this account I need to put my credit card details. Now I tried to delete my credit card details from the account but there is no option to delete. Why? Please delete my credit card details from Priya Sharma

    | Nobody1556241562683

  • Hi, I have used free trial and I forgot to cancel it, and was charged $179. I need help cancelling the account and getting a refund. For now i'm unable to use this great tool..

    | HoxtonCapital

  • Why moz keeps logging me out? It's annoying that I have to keep putting my credentials after checking the "remember me" checkbox.

    | sekamoving

  • Hi, I had two email addresses with Moz accounts, and I thought the free trial had been cancelled on the other ( I just got billed today. Can this charge be refunded for this account? Thank you for your help!

    | thenumberfour

  • Hi,I was testing out the medium pro features but was not aware that I had passed the 30day trial period and there was no notification or email sent to me informing me that. It was shocking to have been billed such a huge amount. Is it possible to get a refund? You can check my activity log which will be inactive.

    | Aquasips

  • I like this site, I really do, which is why I visit multiple times a day.  But I grow weary of these premium sites that require me to log in multiple times a day.  This morning I was simultaneously working at,, and, and all three log me out at every turn.  Argh!!!  What's worse is that some MOZ pages think I'm logged in and others don't.  I don't fully understand the logic behind the curtain, so I wander from page to page trying to get the login in sync.  Why can't these sites work like where I can stay logged in for days and weeks?  To top it off, LastPass rolled out a new release that broke auto-login.  All this logging in is getting in the way of me getting anything done.

    | ChristopherGlaeser

  • For several years month after month MOZ crawl reports 5xx errors on many pages. Almost every time all the pages work fine as fa as i could see. Google webmaster tools does not notice any errors. Could anyone explain how to fix this situation? Should i get a refund from MOZ?

    | Elchanan

  • Hi, If we merge two sites say, one with DA 35 and another 20 what will be resulting DA of the merged site? Secondly, will the result vary based on which Domain is kept and which one is 301ed? ps :- all content is transferred from one to another using 301. Regards,

    | Praveenshah1

  • Hello, I have built a new website and the subpages web address are new. I haven't made a redirect yet but I am about to do it. How do I continue keeping track of my ranking evolution in moz. Do I need to indicate the new web address ? or once the redirect will be done will moz continue the tracking of my keywords showing the old web address but tracking the new address ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Today I have subscribed for 30 days free trial and some amount has been deducted from my credit card. Please tell me why it has been deducted?

    | iamSILeadership

  • Sorry... I entered the card number by mistake.. So I want my money back. _Again I'm so sorry. _

    | godkjpotat

  • I've used PIA and expressvpn before without any problems. Today I got nordvpn and when I try to access my campaigns and link explorer but the connection is being refused while I can access billing and the forum section. I don't have this problem anywhere else atm so I think this might not be a problem from my side but rather from these specific sections. Edit: Any idea what's going on?

    | Isildur

  • good morning i would like to close my account because i cant understand it and i don't have time to learn it

    | Fardous

  • I don't need subscription anymore and i'm already quite my subscription now i want to refund my money. How to return my money?

    | beeresearcher

  • I posted a question with links to a website. That question now appears in google search when I search for that website, which I don't want. Can I delete the question I posted on Moz?

    | LavM

  • Hi For one of our clients search traffic has stopped tracking and there are no error msgs. For the same client, when you save the report to pdf format, it appears as per below?

    | Nikki959

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