
Frequently Asked Questions

  • We recommend completing all fields applicable within the Profile section of Moz Local, learn more about Profile Completeness.
  • You can edit all your business information, including name, address, and phone number, from the Profile tab in Moz Local. Changing your business address may require data cleansing which will take place automatically and can take up to 2 weeks to complete. Once data cleansing is complete and with auto-sync enabled (or once you sync manually) we’ll distribute your new location information to our partner directories.
  • After initial purchase, a location will go through various steps prior to being published with directories. For new locations, please allow around 4 weeks for location data to process. For locations which you have updated, please allow around 2-3 weeks for those to process with directories. You can read more about the publishing process here.
  • This error message indicates we couldn’t match up the details you entered, with a business on our system. The only way to resolve this error is to select the location on the map with the drag and drop pin, or re-enter the original address, and click on the Save button.
  • When you update your address in the Moz Local Profile tab, the tool will automatically do a data cleansing/validation check to ensure that the most optimal address format is entered for maximal acceptance by each of our data partners. If, when you save your address edits, the tool reverts the changes and/or updates the format of your address to something different, this means that our tool’s data cleansing process found a more optimal address format for that location.
  • Images must meet the required image size to be successfully uploaded. Please hover over the tooltip for the photo to check the required image size.
  • A landscape photo is a large panoramic image that is ideally 1640 pixels by 720 pixels. Landscape photos uploaded to Moz Local will be pushed to your connect Facebook page.
  • To sync your locations is to submit your location data to publishers to update on their end. When auto-sync is enabled, updates made to your location profile in Moz are automatically submitted to publishers within 30 minutes of saving your changes. If you opt to disable auto-sync for your location(s) the sync button must be clicked in order for changes to be submitted. When auto-sync is disabled, you will see the option to Sync Now or Start Sync after saving your profile updates, which will allow you to manually submit your profile changes to the directories we work with.
  • Auto-Sync allows you to make and save all changes in your location profile. After 30 minutes, counting from the last saved change, your data will be submitted to the directories.
  • Any phone number you enter into your profile on Moz Local will be pushed to our partners. If you are looking to have a specific tracking number for only one partner, we do not have a way to specify that in the app. Please only enter phone numbers as your primary and/or secondary phone number which you want pushed to all our partners.
  • This new format is intended for machine processing (databases), not for direct viewing by customers, so it might not look exactly like you'd expect. It also will not be displayed in this exact format with our data partners, because each directory has their own data formatting policies.
  • Saving will confirm any changes within the Moz Local Profile. To submit those changes to partner directories you'll need to either sync manually or switch on auto-sync.
  • To designate that your business is open 24 hours, select the timeframe of 12am - 12am in the Opening Hours section of your profile.
  • Facebook does not support the submission of address line 2 via API. This means you will not see the address line 2 from your Moz Local profile added to, or updated on, your connected Facebook page. If you need to have address line 2 included in your business address on Facebook, it is recommended that you do not connect Facebook to Moz Local in order to update that information manually. If you need to disconnect Facebook from Moz Local, you can do so by following the instructions outlined in our guide.
  • If the owner of a Google Business Profile listing makes an update to a data field directly in Google Business Profile after connecting the listing to a Moz Local location profile, Moz Local will not override that update with the data in Moz Local. This applies only to changes made by the owner of the Google Business Profile listing. It is recommended that changes to data fields for your location’s profile be made in Moz Local in order to establish one source of truth.
  • Address line 2 is not a required address field and therefore will not be displayed in the preview of your address on the top left corner of your location profile. You can confirm that line 2 of your address was successfully saved to your location’s data by heading to your Profile.

What's Covered?

In this guide you’ll learn more about your location Profile in Moz Local along with how to update the fields included and an overview of all the supported data fields. You will also learn more about the Auto-Sync feature and the requirements for photos and videos you wish to add to your Profile.

Quick Links

Location Profile Overview

Location of the Profile tab in the Moz Local interface.

From the Profile tab in Moz Local you can review and update the business information provided when you purchased your location. You’ll see prompts throughout the tool to add additional Profile information, like your opening hours and website.

Accuracy and completeness is important when filling in your Profile information as your Moz Local profile information will be treated as the source of truth to distribute out to the local search partner ecosystem and connected platforms, Facebook and Google.

We strongly recommend filling in every applicable field in all sections of the Profile tab. This is the best way to reach 100% Profile Completeness, and help us distribute your location information across the partner network and connected platforms.

This guide takes you through finding your Profile tab, updating your profile information, resolving 'address could not be located' errors, Profile Completeness, Auto-sync, as well as a breakdown of the data fields available in each Profile tab including: Basic Data, Rich Data, and Photos & Videos.

How to Find Your Location Profile

Single Location - If you manage a single location with Moz Local, you'll see the Profile tab when you log into your Moz Local location.

Multiple Locations - If you manage multiple locations with Moz Local, you will first have to select the location from the left navigation menu, then you can access your locations Profile tab.

  1. Log into your Moz account and click on Manage Locations from the Moz Local tab of the Subscription Summary page
  2. If you manage multiple locations select the location you would like to review or update
  3. If you manage a single location you'll be able to select your Profile tab from the top navigation
  4. You can toggle between the Profile tabs to edit and update your business information.
From the Subscriptions Summary page, select Moz Local and then Manage Locations.
From the Moz Local interface, click locations and then the name of the location you're wanting to update or review.
From the Location view you can select Profile to update your Location's data.

Quick Start Guide

Moz recommends filling in as many fields of your location’s Profile as possible in order to establish a source of truth for all your location data. However, if you’re wondering what you should take care of right away, we’ve got you covered.

The following fields, at minimum, must be filled out in order to ensure submission to all directories:

  • Business Name
  • Business Address
  • Primary Phone
  • Website
  • Business Hours
  • Primary Category

Update Your Location Profile

To update your Moz Local managed business location information, including name, address, and phone number, follow these steps:

  1. Head to the Profile tab in Moz Local and enter your business information
  2. Click on the Save Changes button
  3. If Auto-sync is activated, changes will be submitted to the directory shortly. If not, you can manually trigger a new sync by clicking on the Sync now button

Please note that if you're updating your address in the Moz Local Profile tab, the tool will automatically perform a data cleansing/validation check. This process is in place to ensure that the most accurate address format is entered for maximal acceptance by each of our data partners. If, when you save your address edits, the tool reverts the changes and/or updates the format of your address to something different, this means that our tool’s data cleansing process found a more optimal address format for that location.

Within the Basic Data tab of your Location Profile you can edit your business's basic information.

Unsuccessful Cleansing

If your business address could not be matched up by our system you will see the message: Unsuccessful Cleansing.

If you see this message you will be required to move the pin on the map to your business location manually, or re-enter the original address, and click on the Save button.

Please make sure this location matches up with your business information in Google Business Profile or we may encounter issues connecting to this platform.


  1. Drag and drop the pin to the exact location of your business on the map.
  2. Click on the Save changes button.

If you’re still receiving an Unsuccessful Cleansing error and you’ve verified that the map pin is in the correct location and the address entered is correct, you can check the box stating I have verified the name and address details, the pin is correctly placed on the rooftop and then Save changes.

The unsuccessful cleansing notice will allow you to update your location data.

Profile Completeness

We recommend completing all fields applicable within the Profile section of Moz Local. Some platforms require certain fields to be completed in order to create your listing. For example, some directories may not publish a listing for your location opening hours, or a long and/or short description are missing. If a piece of information is required for a specific directory and you do not fill it in during the purchase process, this will be noted in your Location Profile as an action item.

You can see your profile completeness in your Profile and what we suggest you add to further complete your profile.


From the Profile tab, you can choose to turn on auto-sync using the Auto-sync toggle button. Remember to click on the Save changes button. Once auto-sync is toggled on, any changes you make to your business information, will be automatically submitted to partner directories and platforms within 20-30mins. If auto-sync is not active, the change needs to be synced manually through using the Sync now button.

Use the toggle on the top right to enable auto-sync for your location.

Basic Data

Location Name (mandatory)

Enter your business name. Don’t include keywords, promotions, or anything other that your business name. This is also required for Service Area Businesses (SAB).

Location Identifier

This acts as a store number/identifying code for your location. It is not pushed to directories and is for your use when sorting your locations.

Location Country (mandatory)

We currently support US, Canadian and UK businesses. This field can’t be edited. This is also required for SAB.

Address Line 1 (mandatory)

Enter your business address, you’re required to enter this even if you don’t service customers at your location (SAB.) Include suite numbers on address Line 2.

Address Line 2

Include additional address information, like suite number.

Zip/Postal Code (mandatory)

Enter the zip or postal code for your location. This is also required for SAB.

City/Suburb (mandatory)

Enter the city or suburb for your location. This is also required for SAB.

I don’t serve customers at my location address

SAB can select this option and we won’t distribute your business address to platforms and directories.

Categories (mandatory)

Select up to five categories relevant to your business. The first category is the main and most important category. We use this to determine which attributes are available for your business under the Attributes tab. It’s recommended that you make sure you have added the categories you want before you connect to Google.

You can adjust your categories after you purchase your location, please note this may change the attributes available to you.

We have a unique category tree that matches what most platforms support, we recommend selecting the closest matching category to your business type. If you're not able to

Phone (mandatory)

Enter your local business phone number. This is also required for SAB. If you would like to add call tracking, please use the Add Tracking Info field.

Add Tracking Info (Call Tracking)

Click Add Tracking Info to add call tracking for your business. Call tracking (i.e. specific phone numbers for tracking calls) is meant to help track calls originating from click-to-call on different directories. Please note: call tracking is currently only supported for Google, Facebook, and Bing.

Mobile Phone

Enter the mobile phone number for your business, if applicable.


Enter the fax number for your business, if applicable.


Enter your website, for example We don’t recommend using tracking codes directly in the website field as some partners don’t support them. If you would like to track traffic via UTM code, please use the Add Tracking Info field.

Add Tracking Info

Click Add Tracking Info to add UTM parameters to the end of your location's URL noted in the Website field. UTM parameters (i.e. tracking codes) are meant to help track traffic from different directories. Please note: UTM parameters are currently only supported for Google, Facebook, and Bing.

Screenshot of Moz Local Basic Data section with website and UTM parameters fields.


Enter your business email address.

Opening Hours

Enter the opening hours for your location. We’ll merge the times to show a store closure throughout the day. So, if your business is open from 8am - 1pm, and 2pm - 7pm add two times for the same day and we’ll merge these. For example, if you are closed from 12:00-13:00 on weekdays you can enter

Mon-Fri 8:00-12:00

Mon-Fri 13:00-17:00

Use the drop-downs provided to enter your office hours.

If you'd like to designate that your location is open 24 hours, select the time frame of 12am - 12am.

For 24 hour businesses, enter 12am to 12am as the opening hours.

Special Opening Hours

You can update your holiday opening hours in your Profile tab and we’ll send this out to our partner network. Please update this at least seven days in advance to ensure updates can be made.

More Hours

Depending on the primary category selected for your location, you may have the option to enter More hours for your business. These hours are submitted to Google and can be used to indicate hours for support services like delivery, takeout, drive through, pickup, etc.


Keywords count towards your profile completeness. These are not keywords for SEO, rather directory keywords, they may include brands you carry or particular services.

Short description

This is a great opportunity to describe your business. We recommend you enter both short and long descriptions as some directories use one or the other.

Long description

This is a great opportunity to describe your business. We recommend you add both short and long descriptions to your Moz Local profile as some directories use one or the other.

Google will accept long descriptions if they are under 750 characters. If your long descriptions is over 750 characters they will use the short description.


This is a required for German & Austrian businesses, other business locations can ignore this field. It doesn’t count towards your profile completeness.


You can label your locations to create groups if needed. These are not pushed to directories and are for your use when sorting and filtering your locations.

Rich Data

Social Profile

You can add your social profiles, if the platform supports this field it’ll be shown on that listing. This is not the same as connecting your Google and Facebook profile.


Attributes help describe your business to customers. The more information you provide, the more new customers you will attract. Attributes vary according to the first category of your location and are pulled from Google. The first category you added to your profile determines attributes available to your business.

Payment Options

What payment options are accepted at the location? Help your customers plan their visit.


Your customers might be searching for specific manufacturers and retail brands. Let them know what the location offers.


Let your customers know in which languages they may be served at the location.


Inform your customers about the services provided at the location.

This is a free text field which allows a business to add any services they wish to let their clients know about. This field is a lot more flexible than Attributes, which are fairly limited and determined by the primary category selected in Moz Local. Services are pushed to the following directories: Google Business Profile, HotFrog and USinfo.

Photos & Videos


Don’t enter photos, just your business logo. Accepted formats are .jpg or .png files and the logo cannot have a transparent background. The maximum file size is 5MB with a recommended picture ratio of 1:1.

Squared Logo

We recommend entering a square business logo, rather than a photo. This will get pushed to your connected Facebook account's 'profile picture'. Accepted formats are .jpg or .png files and the logo cannot have a transparent background. The maximum file size is 5MB with a recommended picture ratio of 1:1.


Upload your photos here, no logos. Accepted formats are .jpg or .png files with a minimum file size of 480 x 480 pixels and a maximum of 5mb. Please note: for some directories, the number of photos to be published may be limited. You can reorder your photos by dragging and dropping them within the tool.

Landscape Photo

Landscape photos uploaded to Moz Local will be pushed to your connected Facebook account's 'cover photo'. We recommend adding your landscape and other photos to Moz Local before connecting your profile to Facebook. Please upload only one landscape photo. Accepted formats are .jpg and .png files with a minimum height of 480 pixels. You can upload any photo and crop it to a 16:9 ratio.


Enter the video URL and description.

Profile Suggestions

Profile Suggestions in your Moz Local Profile are based on data we find on your existing online listings. This feature allows you to quickly add and update your Profile with information found elsewhere on the internet. You can choose to accept suggestions or dismiss them.

If you have empty fields in your Moz Local profile that are filled in on existing directory listings, we will pull those into your Profile Suggestions to review. We will also note suggestions for fields that are filled in differently than your Moz Local profile to make it easy to update those elements.

Please note: You are not required to accept any profile suggestions. These are suggestions based on what is seen elsewhere on the internet in regards to your business. If they are not applicable or you do not wish to add them to your Moz Local profile, you can dismiss or ignore them.

The following Profile fields may be pulled into the Suggestions tab for review:

  • Short Description
  • Long Description
  • Email
  • Fax
  • Imprint
  • Opening Hours
  • Opening Hours Notes
  • Special Opening Hours
  • Phone
  • Attributes
  • Website

How Do I Know If I Have Profile Suggestions?

There are a few places you can see if you have Profile Suggestions to review.

If you are managing multiple locations in Moz Local, you can sort your Locations view by Profile Suggestions, click the Profile Suggestions Icon, or click the Profile Suggestions link on the top left.

A red dot beside the Profile Suggestions link indicates you have new profile suggestions to review for your locations. The web page icon in the profile suggestions columns indicates this location has suggestions to review.

If you are only managing one Moz Local location or you are viewing the details of a specific managed location, you can view Profile Suggestions in the Profile tab. If suggestions are available for review, there will be a green dot visible.

A green dot on the suggestions tab in a location profile indicates there are suggestions to review.

How Do I Accept A Profile Suggestion?

When reviewing the Profile Suggestions we’ve populated for your location, you can accept any that you’d like added to your Profile by clicking the plus (+) beside them and then Confirm.

It is important to make sure that you review all the suggestions noted prior to clicking Confirm. Any suggestions that are not added to your Profile will be dismissed and cleared out once your selections are confirmed. If Profile Suggestions are dismissed, you will not be able to add those later via the Suggestions tab - they will need to be added manually via your Profile tab.

The suggestions tab in your location's profile will outline all the suggestions we've found. Click the plus sign to add them to your profile.
  1. The Field in your Profile we found data for and for which we are making suggestions for your review.
  2. What is currently listed in your Moz Local Profile. Not Filled In indicates this field is currently blank in your Profile.
  3. The data we’ve found to suggest and where we found it - the icon beside each suggestion designates on which directory this info was found.
  4. Click the plus (+) beside a suggestion to add this to your Profile.
  5. A green check indicates you’ve selected this data to add to your Profile.
  6. In the Update section we will note what information you’re adding to your Profile. No suggestions selected indicates you have not chosen to add any of the suggestions for this field to your profile.
  7. If you no longer want to add a suggestion to your Profile, click the x.
  8. When you’re ready, click Confirm to have your selections added to your Profile.

How Do I Ignore A Profile Suggestion?

When reviewing the Profile Suggestions we’ve populated for your location, if you find that you do not want to apply one or more to your location, you can ignore those suggestions by not clicking the plus (+) beside the suggestion. Only values noted in the Update column will be updated in your Profile once Confirm is clicked. All unselected suggestions will be cleared out.

If you do not wish to accept any of the suggestions provided, but want them cleared from your Suggestions tab, click Confirm without any suggestions selected. This will clear out all pending suggestions and they will be considered ignored. Your Profile will remain as is.

You can dismiss all suggestions by not adding any to the update column and clicking confirm.

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