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  • Bing is crawling our site, but not indexing it, and we cannot figure out why -- plus it's being indexed fine in Google. Any ideas on what the issue with Bing might be? Here's are some details to let you know what we've already checked/established: We have 4 301’s and the rest of our site checks out We’ve already established our Robots is ok, and that we are fixing our site map/it's in fine shape We do not see anything blocking bingbot access to the site There is no varnish or any load balancers, so nothing on that end that would be blocking the access We also don't see any rules in the apache or the .htaccess config that would be blocking the access

    Technical SEO | | Alex_RevelInteractive

  • ecommerce seo redirect 301 redirect product page

    Hello everyone, I am turning to the community for your advice regarding the optimal management of product pages that are removed after an article is sold. Considering that we operate with unique articles on our site and consequently do not have large quantities in stock, the product pages are intended to be removed once the article is sold. My question is: from an SEO point of view, what would be the most effective strategy to manage these pages? Is it preferable to apply a permanent redirect (301) to the product category, or would it be better to use the status code 410 to indicate that the page has been permanently removed?
    I would appreciate any suggestions or experience you could share on this matter. Thank you in advance for your help.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | filippodanesi

  • seo

    Hello, we have been link-building to the home page for some time now. We believe that we have better on-page SEO than some of our direct competitors. We want to rank for “SEO Agency Cardiff,” but despite building backlinks, building Nap, and writing content marketing, it will not get onto the first page of Google. Despite hundreds of hours spent on it, and all SEO reports saying we are better than some of the companies on there, are there suggestions as to what our agency could be missing? We would be grateful for any SEO advice, as we cant get it onto the first page of Google, despite hundreds of hours, trying get on Google for this keyword "SEO agency Cardiff".

    Link Building | | sarahwalsh

  • Keywords showed volume before but now they say 'no data available'. And this is happening with common words like "prints" - I'm dead certain this keyword should not have 'no data available'.  What's going on? How do I reset or fix this? I only have 12 days left of my trial and I can't even use the feature I need.

    Product Support | | Andresia

  • how to find informative low difficulty keywords. how can I get content ideas? I have lots of content ideas but it's not good search volume on google. I have a kitchen-related affiliate website called

    Keyword Research | | MalikJan

  • I have a boxing gloves keyword kindly tell me how many backlinks required to rank this keyword

    Moz Pro | | saadrazaa12

  • Hey guys I hope everyone is doing well. I am new to SEO world and I want to do local SEO for one of my clients. The issue is I do not know how to do Local SEO at all or where to even start. I would appreciate it if anyone could help me or give me an article or a course to learn how to do it. Main question The thing that I want to do is that, I want my website to show up in top 3 google map results for different locations(which there is one actual location). For example I want to show up for
    online clothing store in new york
    online clothing store in los angeles or... Let's assume that we can ship our product to every other cities. So I hope I could deliver what I mean. I'd appreciate it if you could answer me with practical solutions.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | |

  • I have a huge blog which is connected to a company website. This blog is full with dead links and spam comments. Is it worth to clean up? The website itself ranks very well in search engines. I'm amazed with all de spam that it still ranks. Do you think by removing all de dead links and spam the site will improve ranking in search results?

    On-Page Optimization | | bill369

  • lighthouse

    Hi, Many experts cite the Lighthouse speed as an important factor for search ranking. It's confusing because several top sites have Lighthouse speed of 30-40, yet they rank well. Also, some sites that load quickly have a low Lighthouse speed score (when I test on mobile/desktop they load much quicker than stated by Lighthouse). When we look at other image rich sites (such as Airbnb, John Deere etc) the Lighthouse score can be 30-40. Our site loads quickly on Desktop and Mobile, but the Lighthouse score is similar to Airbnb and so forth. We have many photos similar to photo below, probably 30-40, many of which load async. Should we spend more time optimizing Lighthouse or is it ok? Are large images fine to load async? Thank you, Dave bg_05.jpg

    Reporting & Analytics | | erdev

  • We have about 100 really old blog posts that are nothing more than a short trip review w/ images. Consequently these pages are poor quality. Would best practices be to combine into one "review page" per trip, reducing from 100 to about 10 better pages and implement redirects? Or is having more pages better with less redirects? We only have about 700 pages total. Thanks for any input!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | KarenElaine

  • Hi, I am Kyle. I have a affiliate related website where I update articles that is related to Dental Tools. I want to improve my Website . Any one can guide me that how can I increase it.

    Link Building | | rankvizguru

  • HI Team and members We have website related to jobs in Pakistan and we purchased 5 niche edits backlinks to a specific page " MES Jobs 2021" In ahrefs it show only 2 backlinks to that page but in moz 0 backlinks but in actually there are 5 links. Why this happen in moz? We actually love this tool used for Keywords research for jobs in Pakistan find some cool keywords using moz but we facing backlinks issues in it.

    Link Building | | AliHassanbinali

  • Hi I need to check Spamming backlinks and want to remove from my site APK . Please guide someone that how I can remove these spamming links from my site as soon as possible.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SUPERCTER8383

  • A client of mine is linking to a third-party vendor from their main site. The page being linked to loads with a Page Not Found error and then replaces some application content once the Javascript kicks in. This process is not visible to users (the application loads fine for front-end users) but it is being picked up as a 404 error in broken link reports. This link is part of the site skin so it's on every page. Outside of the annoyance of having lots of 404 errors being flagged in a broken link report, does this cause any actual issue?  Eg, do search enginges see that my client is linking to something that is a 404 error, and does that cause them any harm?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | mkleamy

  • I want to increase CTR of my keywords like ptclbill Is any way to increase this.

    Keyword Research | | Salman42552

  • Hello Moz community,
    I am really happy to be here and I start right away with a quite tricky question I'd say. We are running and in March switched platforms to Shopify. All the Redirects etc were done according to standards. Nevertheless, dropped in May (2 months after the switch) for "name a star" and "buy a star" from #1 to the 2nd Page of Google Results after being on #1 for almost 3 consecutive years. We had a similar case with their german website but the german one is back on the top 3 rankings again for all the important keywords. I attached a Screenshot of the Search Console stats
    Any suggestions? yv6pep

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Marcmayo

  • I have a bit of an odd scenario for you. I'm working with a content marketing company based in Sydney, AU**.** Oddly, this web property ranks for almost 4x as many keywordsin the US than the AU. (See attached). It also ranks much more favorably for target keywords in NZ. This is despite having an AU ccTLD, proper geolocation targeting in GSC, and Google My Business and other NAP citations pointing towards an AU address. To add to this geo-targeting issue, the site has absolutely bombed in search visibility over the past year. We are talking more than halving our search exposure. **What's been done: ** Sitemap created and submitted. All versions of GSC created and verified. New site structure for top level landing pages. Redirects okay. Internal link structure okay. Robots.txt and other indexing issues fine. Google My Business fixed (Incorrect NAP previously). No duped content. No known penalties Site crawl - no major issues. html lang changed from "en-US" to "en-AU". Reduced load speed by over 100%. Fixed an issue with Yoast creating duped pages for media files (same title tags on orphaned pages). Currently auditing and working through citations. Removed .js banner causing indexing issues. Removed a sitewide footer link from an external site, sending 20k inbound links w/same anchor. http --> https redirects okay. Title tags structured properly, and targeting well-researched KWs. **Despite these necessary corrections, I haven't seen a blip of life. ** TL;DR, Poor visibility in general, especially over the past year. More favorable rankings in foreign search (not AU). Stumped! H8i2D9u AGBvD3q eM4nwTV

    Local Listings | | Jeff_Baker

  • duplicate content crawl errors seo audit

    Hello, the result of renewed content appeared in the scan results in my Shopify Store. But these products are unique. Why am I getting this error? Can anyone please help to explain why?

    Moz Pro | | gokimedia

  • Hi all, We have an accommodation site that asks users only to register when they want to book a room, in the last step. Though this is the ideal situation when you have tons of users, nowadays we are having around 1500 - 2000 per day and making tests we found out that if we ask for a registration (simple, 1 click FB) we mail them all and through a good customer service we are increasing our sales. That is why, we would like to ask users to register right after the home page ie Home/accommodation or and all the rest. I am not sure how can I make to make that content still visible to robots.
    Will the authentication process block google crawling it? Maybe something we can do? We are  not completely sure how to proceed so any tip would be appreciated. Thank you all for answering.

    Technical SEO | |

  • ranking homepage sub-pages not ranking

    Hey Community! I am facing an ranking issue, I am trying to rank on multiple quires with my sub-pages. The issue is homepage is ranking on every single query. Even the homepage's content is not relevant to that query! I have made sure to remove any sort of content relevancy from homepage which i trying to rank with my sub-pages. Business/Website Details: We are a recruitment agency based Pakistan providing manpower around the globe and other recruiting services. We are targeting each country with a sub-page. Even after I have done some necessary things but still there is not effect on rankings. Let me share some examples: Query: recruitment agency for gulf in pakistan Home Page Showing
    1.jpg Page i want to ranking:
    2.jpg This issue is not only with this page, it's appearing on multiple quires but I think it should clear the issue I am facing. Now: Any Possible Solutions to this technical or ranking error. Backlinks on this query don't matter because you can check the other search results don't have any backlink data on them. Please share some quick thoughts on-page content. Even I make a page that have the word recruiting/recruitment in it google will automatically rank homepage and not the page i want! Thanks in advance for help 🙂

    SEO Tactics | | xShams

  • Hello, I have a website that I have worked hard in developing and have tried to create useful content, however I am getting an 80% bounce rate. Can anyone give me some feedback as to why this might be? The website is Let me know your thoughts - thanks!

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | nadylime

  • google my business local listings

    We are trying to verify our Google My Business listing, however, the current unverified listing is using an old address we no longer have access to. The only option for verification is through the mail. We tried requesting an edit but it didn’t go through. Would the best option be to create a new one and try to have the old (unverified) listing removed? Any insight would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

    Local Listings | | Ben-R

  • how can improve Da of my site Renovlies behang ant theme depend on to increase da

    Link Building | | Ewerurt

  • Hello, I am facing indexing issues on one of my which is about budget bushcraft knife, Four months have been passed I built my site and published almost 8 articles so far. But i am worried no single keyword ranked on google till yet as I checked through MOZ site explorer. Can anyone guide me on what should I need to do now? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | Ewerurt

  • Hello, How Moz can help me in finding less competitive keywords for a site based on omega masticating juicer. I had tried other tools but i am not satisfied with it. Kindly tell me the process to find it. Thanks.

    Keyword Research | | romanjames

  • My site name is bestmedtour .it's in English. I also want to have the Arabic version of the site. If I translate it with Google Translate, is it possible that the Arabic version of the site will be penalized?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | aalinlandacc

  • I work on a site that, due to its work policies, does not allow me to use my keywords on a page because of the structure of the page. Will my spam score go up if I enter the word hiddenly? About three to four times?
    This is the page address
    My spam score is 1 . I am afraid that the spam score will go up or Google will penalty me. please help me

    Technical SEO | | zacharrivers

  • Hello Mozzzzzzzzzzz I'm currently working on the new link structure for our website. We currently organize our content in sub folder =Main category
    = = Sub category
    = = =Specialty
    = = =  Product main name
    = = = ==Product specific name
    = = = == =Manufacturer Each of them has some potential strong KW and I will be happy to use it on the URL. URL are more than 50 kw long when I use all This are very niche item for which people may refer to them through different names (potential folders) My current concerns will be Should we make long url respecting the structure (Main category)/(Sub category)/(Specialty)/(Product main name)/(Product specific name)/(maufacturer) Should I combine some like (Main category)/(Sub category)/(Specialty)/(Product main name)/(Product specific name)-(maufacturer) Should I keep them simple /(product_main name) Should I keep the main  folders just to display the articles belonging to this category (Main category)/(Sub category)/(Specialty)/(Product main name) and then keep the product under a sub folder only? Any other idea?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | floaumet

  • How long does it take my links to  get indexed by Google? Also Is it possible to get my links indexed faster?

    Link Building | | EugeneMot

  • Hello guys I would need your help for the schema markup for a medical product. We have companies 'medical' pages and their own products. We need the best people (like you :p) to confirm the markup implementation we should go for. Question 1 Should we list the product with the markup medicalentity Should we list the products with the markup products Should we add them as List or as items owns **Question 2 ** Why do have issue with og:property type marked as unspecified type

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | floaumet

  • Have Do-follow backlinks and No-Follow backlinks same value to increase Domain Authority in Moz? Recently, I have created 290 profile backlinks which was do-follow. But from yesterday I have seen all backlinks are no-follow now according to the decision of sites' owners. My site's DA has already increased up to 35. Will this DA fall gradually from now? Apart from it, if I have created same backlinks for my another site; will my DA be 35? Please try to clarify it. My site is: Thanks. Waiting for your valuable answer from Moz official.

    Link Explorer | | darrellpc
  • Solved


    Re: Title Too Long - Seo importance 521bf443-0c95-46f7-b358-e8568a947a9e-image.png #titletoolong, #longtitlepages

    Moz Tools | | BeckersBestShoes

  • My business is located at, and I am wanting several sites to link to it.
    I am only interested in home page at this point, and we are using HTTPS for our site. Which one of these should I have other sites link to (Please provide complete justification): (my root domain) I really appreciate your help!

    Link Building | | udaipabla
  • Unsolved

    moz local

    Hello, I have a client that I want to do local SEO for. They have two locations, both cities in Tennessee. To do this, would I just start two separate locations in Moz Local? Or would that cause a problem, making them look like separate "entities" in directories?

    Moz Local | | ljudy

  • hi hi i add script faq in my site but doest show in serp and add moudle ithink may be problem in version wordpress  or theme not stable ... my site url is example when i search" خرید گیفت کارت"  my competitor  show faq script but my site doesnt show please help to resolve this problem thanks moz

    Technical SEO | | ahmad21aga

  • hi, i would like to create my own website, but I am confused either to choose cpanel hosting or managed wordpress

    Web Design | | alan-shultis

  • hi, i would like to include my kws in the URL and they are under 50 characters. is there anything in the algo that tells engines to give more importance to homepage?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | alan-shultis

  • Hi everyone. I'm new here so apologies if I'm not asking an appropriate question - just let me know! Can anyone help me figure out why my blog ( isn't ranking at all for my name? I've run it through the standard Moz audit tools and it hasn't picked up any major issues. It ranks fine for my name plus " CTO", but doesn't appear anywhere in the top 50 without that qualifier. I realise there are many other 'James Crowley's to compete with but weirdly even my GitHub profile page appears to rank higher ( I moved the domain a while back (18 months+) and I used to rank highly, but it never seems to have recovered (all the standard redirects are in place, and told Google at the time about the move). Any suggestions would be very much appreciated!

    Technical SEO | | james.crowley

  • What should and what shouldn't go in the sitemap? In particular, pages like subscribe to our newsletter/ unsubscribe to our newsletter? Is there really any benefit in highlighting those pages to the SEs? Thanks for any advice/ anecdotes 🙂

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Fubra

  • Hi there, I recently realised that the citations and directories i was building used the same content than the one on my website. I know this is not best practice. I will for sure make sure it doesn't happen in the future, but I am affraid of the ones i built in the past. How much do you think this would affect my rankings, and do you think this is a priority to go through my citations and directories to modify it?

    Link Building | | H.M.N.

  • Hi I tried to add an analytics script. Google Tag Assistant recognizes the script that was added properly, but I don't receive any data in Analytics. I also have tried to implement the Analytics script with the Monsterinsights plugin, the code is well recognized by Google Tag Assistant, but I don't receive any data in Analytics. What is going wrong here? Website: Thanks for your advice! BmRUkFJ

    Reporting & Analytics | | conversal

  • In looking at one of our competitors in Moz today, I noticed in their linking domains report showed a link with a DA of 97. According to Moz this is a follow link as well. Should I be using links to take advantage of their high domain? I was under the impression that links were not considered backlinks. fRT2j5cRtXo3ARPq9

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | misterfla

  • Since September 13 sites have linked to our real estate website. MOZ domain authority of these sites ranks from 45-83. MOZ page authority ranges from 25-36. Six of these links were created in the last 3 weeks. The remainder have been live since Late September/October. Our domain authority has only increased from 18 to 19 since September. Our site has only 805 linking domains. Why has the increase in domain authority been so little? I have read that domain authority it algorithmic and that improving up to 25 is not too difficult. A few notes about the incoming links: -11 of the 13 do not rank for any keywords, 1 ranks for 20 keywords and one ranks for 1 keyword. 
    -One has 12 inbound links, three have 1 inbound links and the remaining 11 have no inbound links. 
    -One has 4 linking domains, three have one linking domains and the reaming 11 having no linking domains. 
    -7 of the 13 are listing in Google Search Console. The remaining 7 are not.
    -Only 3 of the 13 are shown as MOZ linking domains to our website.
    -Website traffic has increased somewhat since link building began. 
    -There has was initially some improvement in ranking but that has dropped off. From the metrics above, does anything sound deficient about these links? Is the fact that they are not being picked up by MOZ a negative sign or is it just an indication that MOZ's link index is rather incomplete? How about the fact that the links are not indicated in Google Search Console? Any insight would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, 

    Moz Pro | | Kingalan1

  • Hi All, I know that the sitemaps.xml URL must be findable but what about the sitemaps/pageinstructions.xml URL? Can we safely noindex the sitemaps/pageinstructions.xml URL? Thanks! Yael

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | yaelslater

  • I am trying to figure out how much traffic goes to a particular page on a website. How would I go about finding this?

    Moz Bar | | jbcorcoran

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