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  • How do you visualize a website structure in terms of (categories of) pages and interlinking. I use such visuals for discussing what you are actually doing now and what can be improved. I have made visuals I few times myself (basically making boxes representing categories of pages and lines representing internal links), but I found that I soon ran into a scheme of huge proportions and needed more paper and more time. Appreciate your thoughts!

    Web Design | | NewBuilder

  • How does everyone use the mozMetrics (mozRank, mozTrust, Domain Authority, Page Authority) with their clients?  Do they ask you what these metrics mean and if so how do you explain it to them?

    Moz Pro | | caseyhen

  • What's the benefits of choosing an mvc framework such as codeigniter or cakephp over wordpress? Wordpress has so many plugins, and a universally known UI for customers, it just saves a ton of time. However, a lot of the 'big guys' like SEOmoz and Distilled(?) use Cakephp and other mvc frameworks so it has me wondering what the benefits are...... anyone?

    Web Design | | DonnieCooper

  • I have seen many solutions and tried most of them.  But when serving multiple companies the amount of passwords one has gets astounding.  It is hard to find a way to securely store them, but also have the convienence of looking them up. What solutions do you recommend?

    Technical SEO | | MarloSchneider

  • Don't take that question too serious but all answers are welcome 😉 Answer to all:
    "Gentlemen, I see you did you best - at least I hope so! But after all I suppose I am stuck here to go on reading the SEOmoz blog if I can't sqeeze more secrets from you!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | petrakraft

  • Hello, I recently launched my new site (Nov.  25, 2011) but still have the old site live because I still need old customer data from the old admin for customer service issues and I cannot delete the old front-end without deleting the old back-end!. I am seeing a lot of referrals coming from the old site IP address with many backlinks to the new site but dont know if this is actually hurting the new site due to duplicate content, ect .. Any input would be greatly aaaaaapreciated 😉 Thanks in advance, Byron-

    Technical SEO | | k9byron

  • Do you consider the guidelines from when setting up a new website? As far as I know they don't influence rankings ... What is your opinion about that topix?

    Technical SEO | | petrakraft

  • There has been several debates on the topic of the geo location of hosting provider and the impact on SEO and rankings. As a best practice, it is recommended to host in the same country you are targeting but are there any studies available that confirms the web hosting providers location influences rankings?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ninjamarketer

  • Most of my work now involves converting older websites to CMS-based sites (in Wordpress) and I'm wondering about best practices here. If I create a "dev" or "sandbox" directory for my development work how do I keep the pages from being indexed while I am working on the new site? Can I "noindex" a directory? What do I do with the old html files when the new site goes live? I'm assuming I will do a 301 redirect from to the new, and also on all of the inner pages that have equivalent pages in the new site. But there will be a lot of old files left that have no equal in the new site. Do I just delete these, or noindex nofollw them?

    Technical SEO | | bvalentine

  • I have recently optimised a set of images for a client of ours: I'm looking through all the PA of these newly optimised images, and have varying PA {from SEOmoz toolbar} I understand that internal linking will pass link juice, and obviously external links will add to the overall PA. I have several pages with a PA of 36: { Fairly deep pages} Yet they have no external or internal links going to them. My question is "How can a page gain any authority when it has no visible links pointing at it?" Obviously there must be a link pointing at it {internally} as Google wouldn't have crawled the page right? Also lets say all the keywords are of equal competitiveness would the keywords with highest PA rank higher than those on O PA pages. Many Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | Yozzer

  • Having been a member of SEOmoz Pro tools for only a couple of months, I'm now at a point where there are certain issues with our recently overhauled site: On my latest "Open Site Explorer Report" I am seeing a number of external links going to the HTTP://  and a number pointing at HTTP:// This only appears when I pull the report from the Root Domain. If I pull a report from the Sub-domain all URL's are the same. Does this matter too much? Would best practice be to put a rel=canonical on the Non www ? Thanks for any help in advance Sean

    Technical SEO | | Yozzer

  • Can anyone suggest the best way to track the effectiveness of internal linking on a website? Thanks!

    Reporting & Analytics | | RishadShaikh59

  • Saw this article on JC Penny receiving a 'manual adjustment' to drop their rankings by 50+ spots: Curious what you guys think they did wrong, and whether or not you are aware of their SEO firm SearchDex? I mean, was it a simple case of low-quality spam links or was there more to it? Anyone study them in OpenSiteExplorer?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | scanlin

  • Here the setup: Server is hosted inhouse. It got attacked using a DDOS from 20+ IP addresses spoofing in different counries. Our server overloaded and didn't work anymore. URL is registered at GoDaddy. Signed up at Dreamhost.  We pointed DNS to Dreamhost successfully. Attacks kept coming and messed up other sites on the Dreamhost shared server.  We didn't know we were being followed at first. We originally thought they were attacking the IP address on our inhouse server. Dreamhost noticed the attack and put us on a seperate IP and disabled our URL until the attacks 'stopped'. MY QUESTION IS: What do I do if they don't stop? Close shop? 99% of the business is internet driven. This has to be the blackest Blackhat SEO ever.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Francisco_Meza

  • I know that I used to be able to do this, but I can't seem to remember. One of the sites I am working on has had a lot of pages moving around lately.  I am sure some links got lost in the fray that I would like to recover, what is the easiest way to see links going to a domain that are pointing to 404 pages?

    Technical SEO | | MarloSchneider

  • I am currently compiling material for a creative session where I will sit down with our client's PR team and look at ways to maximise SEO value while they do their usual PR work. Apart from obvious link inclusion in the written material (resource box / in-text) what are the other tactics that can be used to help SEO? I am not only thinking about content but also distributiuon and technology / platform as well. My (random) thoughts are around: Talking about specific website locations, features, media Generating curiosity Using existing media contacts and chanels as link opportunities Using interesting and user-friendly yet smantically rich content Use of synonims Referring to related terms and concepts Integrating social media Referring to PR material in blog and social media? (maybe bad idea) Note: I've recently been introduced to platforms such as HARO and MyBlogQuest (by Peter Gregory in this related post and wondering if there is anything else out there that's new and exciting?

    Content Development | | Dan-Petrovic

  • I'm working on a site for a small guest house (  I have created a Google Place page (Bing and Yahoo Local) as well and I have the address in the footer on every page. I have the location (Indian Rocks Beach) at the beginning of most titles tags because that is how people tend to search, e.g. "Indian Rocks Beach vacation rental." In theory I would think that I don't need location in the title tag because Google knows the location, and I could use the real estate for other keywords suchs as "pet friendly" or "beach hotel," etc. But when I look at the SERPS, those ranking highly all seem to have the location at the beginning of the title tag. Thanks. P.S. The site is currently not showing up in Google local search apparently because Google thinks it's a vacation rental agency, which are not allowed in local search. I'm trying to get that fixed.

    On-Page Optimization | | bvalentine

  • Using the .htaccess file how do I rewrite a url from to removing index.php?page= Any help is muchly appreciated

    Technical SEO | | CraigAddyman

  • If I have a facebook widget with live stream embeded on a website. Does the spiders crawl  the text of the live stream as a "content text", in the case of a) the page of the website where the widget is embeded is crawled regularly and the facebook stream is changing rarely b) the page of the website where the widget is embeded is crawled regularly and the facebook stream is changing regularly ?

    Content Development | | petrakraft

  • Do I have to redirect "/" in the domain by default? My root domain is e.g.
    --> I redirect via 301 to Do I have to do that with and, too?

    Technical SEO | | petrakraft

  • Two places capitalization comes into play: (1) on-page use (title, h1, body text, img alt text, etc) (2) external anchor text I didn't think it mattered from Google's point of view for on-page usage (is this correct?) but I notice that OpenSiteExplorer' s 'anchor text distribution' tab shows different counts for the same keyword if it's capitalized in different ways (eg is listed separate from Is that just OSE or does Google treat the keyword/phrase different based on its capitalization, too? And if so, then should I be creating external links to my site with the 'regular' and 'Capitalized' versions of my key phrases?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | scanlin

  • Many of my clients release newsletters and other peices of content qualify as press releases.  I have been wondering if people find that the press release sites such as PRleap or PRweb are useful and worthwhile?  If so, which do you feel is the best? Is there any research on this?  I am planning to record my results from these sites and perhaps make a Youmoz post in the future.

    Link Building | | MarloSchneider

  • For a number of reasons I'm confined to having to do a client side redirect for html pages. Am I right in thinking that Google treats zero seconds roughly the same as proper 301 redirects? Anyone have experience with zero second meta refresh redirects, good or bad?

    Technical SEO | | dvansant

  • After completing several months of on-page SEO for my site (one keyphrase per URL) and getting an "A" from SEOmoz on each page, now I'm venturing into PPC AdWords for the first time. From what I've read you pretty much want one landing page per keyword/ad. So if I want to target 100 PPC keywords I need 100 landing pages. And each landing page needs to be SEO'd as if you were doing it for organic search purposes so that your ad has a chance at a high Quality Score (8 to 10). I realize that an ad's QS is 2/3rds driven by its CTR but in the beginning when the ad is new the initial QS assigned seems to be driven more by landing page relevancy and some historical attributes of the AdWords account in which the ad or Campaign is located. My question is: What, if anything, do you do different on a page designed to be a PPC landing page as compared to a regular page you would SEO for organic search benefits? Also, should you do any of the off-page things (external links with relevant anchor text) for PPC landing pages? I'm envisioning landing pages that only exist to receive PPC ad clicks and that will not be linked to from my site directly. Each landing page talks a bit about the keyword the user was searching on and then directs them to the most relevant page(s) within my site. Maybe that's flawed? Thanks for any tips...

    Paid Search Marketing | | scanlin

  • Hey All My question is specfic to a particular website. The category of the website is Kitchen Appliances. The keyword is extremely competitive. The website I am currently optimizing has loads of products and many pages as well. I am constantly building links from industry specific websites for the website as well as composing articles and leading the users back to the website with keyword rich anchor text. I have been doing this for around 3 months and I do not see the website in the first 30 pages of the SERP (for the keyword kitchen appliances - the site is a page rank 2 BTW). No bugs reported as well in Webmaster tools. My next step is to add these articles to the website ( ) with keyword rich metatags as well as content with internal links to my product pages. I also plan on sending traffic to these pages to build the pages link popularity. Do you think I can expect better results for the article pages than my original website product pages or do you think I should continue with the link building activity I was performing originally for the website. regards Ryan

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SEO5Team

  • On average, how long does it takes to recover 80% of the rankings if two high authority domains are combined without chaging any content? I totally understand that each domain is different and search engines can treat them differently but if all the steps are followed to the T what are the chances?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ninjamarketer

  • Hi, I have an issue that can be solve with a canonical tag, but I am not sure yet, we are developing a page full of statistics, like this: But filled with hundreds of stats, so users can come and select only the stats they want to see and share with their friends, so it becomes like a new page with their slected stats: The problems I see on this is: All pages will be have a part of the content from the main page 1) and many of them will be exactly the same, so: duplicate content. My idea was to add the canonical tag of "" to all pages, similar as how Rand does it here: But I am not sure of this solution because the content is not exactly the same, page 2) will only have a part of the content that page 1) has, and in some cases just a very small part. Is the canonical tag useful in this case? Thank you!

    Technical SEO | | andresgmontero

  • Whats the deal with the date at the start of the meta descriptions? I have not really looked into this but I'm guessing its a blog thing? Take this search The beautifully crafted meta description is now being cut short even though its within the character limit and is now only showing 36 characters! Is there a way to remove this? Thanks in advance

    On-Page Optimization | | CraigAddyman

  • I am wanting to get some site links in the serps to increase the size of my "space",  has anyone found a way of getting them? I know google says that its automatic and only generated if they feel it would benifit browsers but there must be a rule of thumb to follow. I was thinking down the line of a tight catagorical system that is implimented throughout the site that is clearly related to the content (how it should be I guess)... Any comments, suggestions welcome

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CraigAddyman

  • Hi everyone, Thanks to what seems to be a recent(ish) algo change in Google, some of our more targeted deeper pages are ranking for search terms where before only our homepage would rank. This is of course great however I am a little worried that some of the page titles of our internal pages are a little short, for example our main departments (we are an ecommerce store) are titles 'Department Name | Liberty Games' so for example 'Pool Tables | Liberty Games'. I have heard varying reports on what to do with the title tag, I have heard to keep the most relevant keywords to the left of the tag, which we have done, I have also heard that shorter is better. I am just a bit concerned that our tags are looking a little stumpy in the serps alongside other results which are longer (although admittedly a bit keyword stuffed). So (eventually) my question is, will short titles harm my click-through rate ? but are shorter titles better for SEO ? If longer is better are there any recommendations about what I could add to these titles that could potentially help click-throughs and natural rankings ? Many thanks, Stuart

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | stukerr

  • How can I check whether my website is accessible on mobile phones? Is there a tool that allows you to check if your website is opening on different mobiles? Also, is it better to have a dedicated website for mobiles or the original developed in a manner that it appears ok on mobiles as well? Cheers!

    Web Design | | RishadShaikh59

  • A very active news website has a very active blog as a sub-domain. For all good SEO reasons, they want to transfer the blog from a subdomain to a subcategory. Now, the issue is this blog is very active, updated daily and lots of people comment on it. So how should the website go about making this change while causing minimal seo loss and ensuring that the commenting process remains active and on going. A detailed answer would be much appreciated! Thanks! I cam accross this blog post that guides on how to change a subcategory to a subdomain: Any words on this would also be appreciated!

    Technical SEO | | RishadShaikh59

  • I have a client who already has rankings in the US & internationally. The site is broken down like this: (main site with USA & International Rankings) Each folder has it's own sitmap & relative content for it's respective country. I am reading in google webmaster tools > site config > settings, the option under 'Learn More': "If you don't want your site associated with any location, select Unlisted." If I want to keep my client's international rankings the way it currently is on, do NOT geo target to United States? So I select unlisted, right? Would I use geo targeting on the,,, and so on?

    International SEO | | Francisco_Meza

  • Hi Everyone, This is my first post in this new Q & A section!! This interface looks great!! Now onto the question.... We have in English that has 50,000+ URLs. We are in the process of building a new site targeting German users. The German site ( will be a mirror of the English site at launch as we want to give a full experience to people visiting the .de domain. However, not all pages will be localized as we can't support that. We are planning on localizing the core sets of pages (~500) and leaving the rest in English. Post launch, we will have additional milestones to localize the remaining pages until the entire site is localized (converted to German). Is this the correct way to go? Will this cause duplicate content issue?
    Will adding "rel=canonical" tag on these pages solve the purpose? Thanks for the help!

    International SEO | | Amjath

  • Have you had success with any particular methodologies that you'd recommend?

    Branding | | randfish

  • We have several large Ecommerce sites with hundreds of links on each page. I have been trying to think of ways to focus our internal linking to increase certain pages relevancy. My thought was to put nofollow in the main navigation (since there are hundreds of links there controlled by dropdowns) and only follow the links on each page for the products we are selling and promoting (15-20 links). I would still be using a sitemap that includes the links. Is this a terrible idea? if a link is nofollowed in the main navigation does that still count as the one mention for google if it points to the same page that a normal link points too that is in the content of the page? since all of the main navigation is the same on every page of the website would it be good to only put nofollow on the subpages/subsections and leave the home page navigation alone (that would allow the spiders to crawl all of those links on the home page but not crawl those same links on the subsections where I could then focus the linking).

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | bigtimeseo

  • Hey guys, We have been link building and optimizing our website since the beginning of June 2010. Around August-September 2010, our site appeared on second page for the keywords we were targeting for around a week. They then dropped off the radar - although we could still see our website as #1 when searching for our company name, domain name, etc. So we figured we had been put into the 'google sandbox' sort of thing. That was fine, we dealt with that. Then in December 2010, we appeared on the first page for our keywords and maintained first page rankings, even moving up the top 10 for just over a month. On January 13th 2011, we disappeared from Google for all of the keywords we were targeting, we don't even come up in the top pages for company name search. Although we do come up when searching for our domain name in Google and we are being cached regularly. Before we dropped off the rankings in January, we did make some semi-major changes to our site, changing meta description, changing content around, adding a disclaimer to our pages with click tracking parameters (this is when SEOmoz prompted us that our disclaimer pages were duplicate content) so we added the disclaimer URL to our robots.txt so Google couldn't access it, we made the disclaimer an onclick link instead of href, we added nofollow to the link and also told Google to ignore these parameters in Google Webmaster Central. We have fixed the duplicate content side of things now, we have continued to link build and we have been adding content regularly. Do you think the duplicate content (for over 13,000 pages) could have triggered a loss in rankings? Or do you think it's something else? We index pages meta description and some subpages page titles and descriptions. We also fixed up HTML errors signaled in Google Webmaster Central and SEOmoz. The only other reason I think we could have been penalized, is due to having a link exchange script on our site, where people could add our link to their site and add theirs to ours, but we applied the nofollow attribute to those outbound links. Any information that will help me get our rankings back would be greatly appreciated!

    Technical SEO | | bigtimeseo

  • Hello I am looking for a tool to help me to submit websites in directories, something like the yooda tool. This tool seems good no? do you offer something similar at seomoz? or where could I find some similar tools and in which languages is it available?

    Moz Pro | | bigtimeseo

  • Hello there, I am after some specific guidance on how to rank well for the keyword ‘Translation Services’. I have managed to get the site to page 2 of google UK for this key term. The difficulty is I seem to have run out of steam now on how to get higher rankings. After spending a considerable amount of time creating content and gaining links I managed to get the site from around page 15 on google uk to page 4 then to page 2. That’s where it seems to have stopped. I (think I) have got the onsite SEO pretty well nailed. I have got some good linkable content (, and have plans to produce a more. Experience working within the language industry tells me that a top 3 position on page 1 for this keyword can very lucrative so my main focus of SEO is to rank well for this key phrase. There is a very good chance you reply will simply be get more (better) links and if it is that’s fine but is there anything else I can do? Am I missing a very obvious trick anywhere? Looking forward to your reply.

    Moz Pro | | bigtimeseo

  • Hi Guys I'm not sure which section this one belongs in as I didn't see a section for domains/tlds. I wanted an opinion on the future of .co domains. We own a gift company (, as well as a gift recommendation site (, and invested in a few gift occasion .co domains (, etc). This was partly because they were cheap and easy to come by, but also with a hope that they soon gain some public recognition. My question therefore is whether anyone within SEOMOZ has an opinion on whether .co will be widely accepted, whether they will (as google claims) be treated as a non-country specific url, and early success stories you know of, and finally whether the recent news from Overstock to rebrand as ( is the kick start that .co need. I realize that is more than one question

    Algorithm Updates | | bigtimeseo

  • I haven't seen any consistent information regarding DCMI tags for organic SEO in a couple of years. Webmaster Tools obviously has a rich set of instructions for microdata.  Has there been any updated testing on DCMI or information above the whisper/rumor stage on whether engines will be using Dublin?   As a final point, would it be worth going back to static pages that haven't been touched in a couple of years and updating them with microdata?  It seems a natural for retail sites and maybe some others, but what about content heavy pages?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jimmyseo

  • Hi If the same content is placed on different URL's for the purposes of providing information on different channels (i.e mobiles), or has been translated into a different language (but is still the same content), do the serach engines still count this as duplicate content and will a canonical URL have to be tagged in these instances? Thanks in advance for your assistance.

    Technical SEO | | jimmyseo

  • Hi. I'm a long time ecommerce guy and starting a third business. The main site URL is the name of the new business but I also purchased a .com URL that is our #1 keyword to target. So I need to know the best strategy to use the keyword url for helping with getting a top ranking for that keyword. I'm curious if I can or should build out the keyword URL site for the search engines and use a 301 redirect. Can you get top ranking for a site that just redirects? Anyway, I guess you get my question. This keyword gets a ton of perfectly targeted traffic so seems like a goldmine if I work it right. Thanks very much.

    On-Page Optimization | | jimmyseo

  • Is there a quick and easy way to see how competitive local search terms are?  I am looking at helping my clients show up on the local search results.  Some times all I have to do is claim a listing and they move right to the top.  Sometimes I claim a listing and nothing happens so I get links and I get reviews and it takes awhile.  I want to be able to put an accurate price point on the service I am offering.  I have looked at the search volume and it hasn't been the best indicator because some industries are more competitve than others.  Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

    Image & Video Optimization | | jimmyseo

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