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Support Questions

Have an SEO question? Search our Q&A forum for an answer; if not found, use your Moz Pro subscription to ask our incredible community of SEOs for help!

  • Hi I have my master logins for Moz but just wandering if i can grant a degree of access to employees via their own logins (just 1 person at this stage) since i dont want to share mine (since use for other stuff too) and ideally dont want them to have full admin permission (such as being able to delete campaigns) ? Cheers Dan

    Product Support | | Dan-Lawrence

  • I have a new url, and I'm trying to create a new campaign for it. But in first step when i enter the domain, an error message pops up saying the url is invalid. could you help?

    Product Support | | ALLee

  • Hey guys, Is anyone else having an issue with this? I leave MOZ analytics open all day and it times out after a while. When you refresh your page when it has timed out, it goes into a redirect loop. It also doesnt let you log back in before you first log out (even though your session has already timed out). Not the greatest UX and I thought I should see if anyone else is having the same issue. Let me know your thoughts!

    Product Support | | JoshGaskin

  • Hi Is anyone else seeing a drop in DA across the board ? Has Moz changed the criteria/scoring method ?. I have a client/project that naturally achieved some great links from high authority sites on contextual pages yet the DA has dropped by 2 points in the month or two since, when i would expect it to have gone up or at least stayed the same. In addition the link profile has otherwise improved with an increase in subnets, ips, links, domains etc etc so combined with above would certainly expect a rise in  DA Anyone else experiences similar or someone from Moz can confirm if scoring method changed or possibly not yet discovered these links ? All Best Dan

    Product Support | | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi everyone ! I'm loyal user of moz pro from January 2013. I appreciate that moz what to innovate with Moz Analytics but I think that it's lot of mess ! Activated campaigns become archived, deleted keywords come back ... and lot of time I couldn't access to my account. the worst thing is that I didn't get any answers from support team after weeks ! I was thinking to upgrade my account but this discourages me !

    Product Support | | adamito

  • I have found several issues with Moz Analytics. Wondering if it is only me or am I missing something... 1. I am not able to create branded reports or reports what so ever. I need this functionality like it is advertised.
    2. In Search competition is not working at all. it states "not in top 50" for all keywords witch is not true.
    3. In Crawl diagnostics I get this "Rel Canonical" issue even though the rel canonical tag is in the website. I have send a mail to support but no answer until today. Earlier I did receive a answer on my questions so i guess there is one way of sending questions to the moz team witch is not working.

    Product Support | | auke1810

  • When creating a new campaign. Why is not a valid URL?

    Product Support | | dailycms

  • Maybe this is a dumb question, but why is there no login link/button on the home page now? (See attached image.) Thanks! Paq1Jle

    Product Support | | ScottShrum

  • We applied the tag to our website but Moz still picked up an error in Duplicate Page Content and Duplicate Title for and after the crawl was completed yesterday. From the forum last week, we tried using the rel=”canonical” tag to tell the Moz crawler that the two pages are the same on purpose but it didn't work. Below is how the code looks on our site up until the rel=”canonical” tag  is added:">"> <title>Group Employee Health Benefits | National Insurance Broker</title>
            css/style.css" type="text/css" />
            css/style_index.css" type="text/css" />
            ”” /> Is there something else we can try? Thanks

    Product Support | | Corporate_Synergies

  • One of the key phrases I have associated with my campaign is Las Vegas wedding venues. I have an on-page report card grade D for a page I am optimizing for the long tail key phrase outdoor wedding venues in Las Vegas. Some of the issues I am being asked to fix are:
    1. Broad Keyword Usage in Page Title: Employ the keyword in the page title, preferably as the first words in the element.
    2. Keyword Usage in URL
    3. Appropriate Keyword Usage in H1 Tag Should I disregard these fixes because is running these report as if I am optimizing for Las Vegas wedding venues as oppose to outdoor wedding venues in Las Vegas? All help is appreciated!! Thank you so much 😃

    Product Support | | leslieevarts

  • I included a screenshot of the report. I had a 111 organic visits for last Mondays past week report, this Monday it is telling me I had 0. It's also telling me I have -10 non-branded keywords. I know the organic search visits isn't 0. Also, (this part I'm not sure about) but I don't see how I could have a negative amount of non-branded keywords. I would think it would just stop at 0. Has anyone had something like this happen? Or am I just missing something? Thanks for any help or comments. zK3FbG4.png

    Product Support | | KempRugeLawGroup

  • I want to 1st off say I love the new look of the website, and I was somewhat confused but after reading Rands explanation as to why you guys did make the logical this is to change the brand I am very happy to with the outstanding new layout and wanted to ask you A quick question that if it's a bug I can definitely live with. The point system goes like this would it not be more logical to possibly use either 6 stars or leave the 1st level without a star the only reason I say that is because you get approximately 30 points for simply completing your profile. Something I think should be encouraged as well as celebrated. With that person completing their profile and asking or answering just 20 questions they are now a contributor and will have their star on the board. Please understand this is simply feedback, and it makes it in my opinion easier to gauge the amount of points someone has using the star method. Either way I think you have put a lot of thought to this and I am happy with it either way. I just wanted to know what your opinions were and your thoughts on the star method. Great job with the new site I am extremely impressed. Sincerely, Thomas Level mozPoints Benefits Aspirant 0 - 49 A smile Contributor 50 - 199 A hug from Roger Specialist 200 - 999 Removal of "nofollow" from first custom URL on profile Authority 1,000 - 1,999 A Moz t-shirt Expert 2,000 - 4,999 A Moz swag package Oracle +5,000 Something amazing! |

    Product Support | | BlueprintMarketing
  • Unsolved


    With the new GA4 coming out in 2023, can our Moz accounts connect to the new GA4 property?

    Product Support | | ArttiaCreative

  • I just sent in a chat request, got Eli and asked him how I can get the ranking data for the keywords I put into a campaign now. He sends me a link on how to create a custom report. I went to create a custom report only to realize that the same data pulls into that report as pulls into the ranking report? Does anyone else get superficial amateur subpar support like this? We are currently trialing the platform and contemplating switching from SEMRush and implementing MOZ reports into our custom built API reports for our clients but so far i'm absolutely appalled with the support on here. Not only did it take 3 days to get an answer, I didn't even get the answer to my question. Seems like a bunch of beginners running support?! Thoughts anyone???

    Product Support | | Gorilla_Webtactics

  • The missing campaign is Solaris ( It was the first campaign created in my Moz account. For some reason, it's not appearing in my campaign list. I really don't want that campaign to simply be gone.

    Product Support | | Theron

  • My trial just expired and I had forgotten to cancel.

    Product Support | | a1softwaregroup

  • When I go in to re-activate an account, it doesn't do anything. I've got three active right now, but when I push the Activate button, the loading gif shows, disappeared, but doesn't do anything.

    Product Support | | benmarshall

  • My boss had attended Mozcon 2013 and hadn't heard anything about videos coming out yet? Couldn't find any info on the site pertaining to this. Did anyone catch a release date?

    Product Support | | GoldbergJones

  • I am getting this message: "We are collecting your traffic data now! You should see your traffic metrics here within the next 24 to 48 hours." for more then 3 days now and I'm starting to worry... Is this showing only to me or is a delay on all MOZ accounts?

    Product Support | | SorinaDascalu

  • Dear Moz Community Our weekly Moz crawl diagnostic repoart is showing a significant increase in "Duplicate Page Content" errors for article pages that have unique content, unique file names, unique META title/descriptions, and unique H1 tags. Where could the duplication be coming from? Thanks for your help.

    Product Support | | BoomDialogue69

  • Hello, I try to help Moz community and hope to get 200 mozpoints a day 🙂 When I analyze a profile from a member with more than 200 mozpoints, I see two links to custom URL link : one is added nofollow on a blank image, and one follow with anchor text. But it appears that the tests show that in this case the second link is not taken into account... Why not remove the first link so ? Here is the code: xxx:

    Product Support | | Bigb06

  • I want to be able to change the publish date of automatic reports in my campaigns. One such campaign, which is a client campaign, it's set to run on the 8th after I selected "monthly". However, this doesn't work for me as this client want's to meet each month on between the 2nd and 5th of each month and I have to have this report data. So, I need to run this report on the first. Not the 2nd, not every 4 weeks... on the first. It seems like you guys have a fundamental flaw in the design of this tool, as great as it is. You've set the projects to auto run each month from the date it was added (at least from what I can tell). Provided that's true, then this would explain why the monthly reports won't work on my schedule because their on a weekly schedule instead. We, as clients, should be given the option to schedule when our scanning runs, when our reports get generated, etc. Every company runs their SEO and marketing differently, but the away you've set this up with the lack of options for us, forces us to work around your tools scheduling and not the other way around. Also, out of all of the SEO tools I've tried (quite a few), none have had this limitation. This should be addressed immediately. Thanks, Micha

    Product Support | | Multiverse-Media-Group

  • I've had my MOZ account for a while and have just dealt with this issue for a while now but it is really getting annyoing. My Google Analytics account will not stay connected. Eveery time I refresh a page or click to a different page, I get a notification that reads "Our connection to your Google Analytics account was lost. Don't worry, you won't lose any data. Please reauthorize now." I click the link to reauthorize and it says it was successful, But then as soon as I refresh the page or click to a new page withing Moz Pro, the message appears again. I've tried the fixes listed in all the other questions about this issue Follow this link This page displays the current OAuth tokens you are using. Once you reach the page, simply press the revoke button (illustrated on this screenshot: for services that you are not using right now, as well as your current Moz token. Once you are done with that, simply go back to your campaign settings, disconnect your GA profile and reconnect (I recommend you use a fresh incognito window). And they do not work. Please help me solve this very annyoing issue!

    Product Support | | mr_w

  • I'm at a loss here as I've just discovered (after running my new account for about a month) that the white label of reporting is incomplete and you didn't even warn me. I just saw an email delivered from the custom report section. I went through and set it up including custom logo so everything would be white labeled and even checked everywhere else in the preview to ensure that nothing about Moz showed up. This I was greeted this morning with a bunch of reports for multiple campaigns going to multiple clients and in all cases the email was branded as Moz. It's from a Moz email, has a Moz header and footer, and even has links for managing moz email preferences as well as Moz's privacy policy. I'd love to know who thought this was white label? Seriously, this is absurdly ridiculous. Is there a fix? Micha

    Product Support | | Multiverse-Media-Group

  • Hi I need to submit my monthly reports to my clients this week but they have all come through devoid of most data ! I did submit a support request ticket to help@ yesterday but no reply yet, i appreciate you may well be very busy if this has happened for everyone Pls advise update asap so i know what to tell my clients ? Out of interest any other MOzzers out there having the same monthly reporting problem ? (i.e. no or little data) ? Many Thanks Dan

    Product Support | | Dan-Lawrence

  • Anyone else receiving several duplicate Moz Weekly Rankings Report today? I think I have received about 15-20 email duplicate reports on my weekly rankings. David

    Product Support | | David-E-Carey

  • Hello, when trying to access the site crawl to be able to analyze our page, the following error appears: **Moz was unable to crawl your site on Nov 15, 2017. **Our crawler was banned by a page on your site, either through your robots.txt, the X-Robots-Tag HTTP header, or the meta robots tag. Update these tags to allow your page and the rest of your site to be crawled. If this error is found on any page on your site, it prevents our crawler (and some search engines) from crawling the rest of your site. Typically errors like this should be investigated and fixed by the site webmaster. Can help us? Thanks!

    Product Support | | Mandiram

  • It used to be that I received just one weekly report per campaign when using MozPro. Over the last couple of weeks/month (since creating MozAnalytics reports) I've started to receive 2 reports for the same campaign...with no different whatsoever, apart from the time that they have been sent. I've been back into the old MozPro campaigns and deleted any automated reports that were being generated there, and so now I should have just one weekly MozAnalytics report from each campaign. Has anyone had this problem before and do they know how to fix it? Getting really annoying, especially with 13 campaigns resulting in 26 emails! Thanks

    Product Support | | bricktech

  • Hi, I'm trying to add as a campaign in my Moz account but I keep being told the URL is invalid. The site is active on the Internet and I have Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics access so I'm confused why Moz is struggling to connect. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

    Product Support | | Web-Incite

  • Where is the link to go back to Moz Pro?

    Product Support | | poiuytrez

  • I can only pull by week at the moment.  When will it be possible to pull custom date ranges?

    Product Support | | webbmason

  • Hi, Like the new look of Moz. I got an automated email the other day saying someone had responded to a question we asked on Moz. However, when opening the email, it really held Outlook 2010 up. So slow that it crashed Outlook a couple of times. When trying to forward the email to a colleague, I got the 'Contacting \\img_users' dialogue box, which just stood there for ages, and eventually I had to give up and force Outlook to quit. Please see attached screenshot. Looking at the URL Outlook was trying to reach indicates it's trying to load up the avatar of the person who responded. Which would look nice I admit, but don't really need it in the email if it's going to cause Outlook to crash. There is an 'image not found' icon next to the post, so that's why I assume Outlook is searching for that image. It's almost as if the image is incorrectly referencing a local source (network drive) which it can never find. Perhaps there is a missing http:// prefix before the image in the tag? Anyway, was curious to know if anyone else has this problem, or if anyone at Moz can check this out (update template?) Regards, Rich M6AY0GQ

    Product Support | | STL

  • Describe your question in detail. The more information you give, the better! It helps give context for a great answer.

    Product Support | | Vizergy

  • I’ve been using Moz (and SEOMoz) for almost 3 years.  During that time, I’ve found them to be very engaged; however, during the last several months, I’ve found a shift in this philosophy—which is a bit disheartening: SEOMoz used to have a very simple contact-us page that listed an email to the help desk as well as the office.  Now, they have the locations of the two Moz offices, with no phone numbers or emails. Moz’s help hub, used to have a form that could be completed when you were having issues.  Now, there is only a list of community-managed resources to access. The only way you can find the way to contact their help desk is if something breaks & the website gives you an email  However, this email account seems to get overloaded quite often and you will get a “Delivery Response Failed” message because their inbox is full. Does anyone know how to get a hold of Moz directly?  I'm having some issues accessing Moz Analytics and really need help from their support team.

    Product Support | | TopFloor

  • Another possibly dumb question... I ran a full SERP analysis report and had it emailed to me, but in the email there's no link to the report. I logged back into Moz, but I can't find the report anywhere. Thanks! BiDFIvG

    Product Support | | ScottShrum

  • _Can someone help explain this error and the best fix for it. The host says the script maybe looking for an SSL but that made low/no sense. Your input it greatly appreciated. 4XX status codes (i.e., a 404 Not Found error) are shown when the client requests a page that cannot be accessed. This is usually the result of a bad or broken link. These issues should be kept to a minimum if possible. Make sure no internal links on your site are broken. For external links to your site, try contacting the linking site's owner and asking them to fix or update the link. _

    Product Support | | janee

  • I recently redesigned my 2 websites.  Both are large 80+ page sites with unique text on every page, no keyword stuffing and generally using all the proper SEO techniques ( I hired a professional w/ 10 years experience).  My pages rank for the targeted terms, but MOZ reports say "Not in the Top 50".  I had friends run "Clean Searches" from the west coast and we were ranking.  Prior to the redesign, I used MOZ and the reports were very accurate.  Should I reset my MOZ account or what?

    Product Support | | KevnJr

  • I have just begun setting up Moz Analytics for some of my clients. It lets me add 5 client's sites to a single account but I can't find anywhere to create an additional user/login for a specific account that way I can give access to each client only to their campaign. Is this not possible and if not something you plan on integrating in the near future?

    Product Support | | Carlson

  • How do I access billing chat, your page says there is one but it is difficult to find. This is urgent.

    Product Support | | Thommas

  • Since you switched from SEOMoz to Moz, every time I access the site (no matter if I close the browser or not) I am asked to login again, even though I am selecting the "Remember Me" option. Can you please fix that? PS: Same thing happens with OSE.

    Product Support | | FedeEinhorn

  • I keep getting an error when using the page optimization tool - Moz staff replied when I used the chatbot and said that they're receiving a 500 error from my server and to whitelist pagella however my server is not blocking anything. I don't know how to fix this issue any ideas? I've attached a picture of the error message I'm receiving for reference. zzwUlt0

    Product Support | | GogoBusinessAviation

  • If you work for an Agency and build a strong profile here at SEOMOZ, what happens if I leave and get a new opportunity but my profile is tied to my last business? How do I transfer all the hard work I've done being involved and gaining those super awesome MOZPOINTS to my new spot? The old agency can just swoop in and the new guy will benefit from my work in the community. Is there anyway to safeguard your name.

    Product Support | | ColinWhite

  • I like this site, I really do, which is why I visit multiple times a day.  But I grow weary of these premium sites that require me to log in multiple times a day.  This morning I was simultaneously working at,, and, and all three log me out at every turn.  Argh!!!  What's worse is that some MOZ pages think I'm logged in and others don't.  I don't fully understand the logic behind the curtain, so I wander from page to page trying to get the login in sync.  Why can't these sites work like where I can stay logged in for days and weeks?  To top it off, LastPass rolled out a new release that broke auto-login.  All this logging in is getting in the way of me getting anything done.

    Product Support | | ChristopherGlaeser

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