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  • Unsolved

    refunds subscription

    Re: Request for refund. Hi, I forgot to cancel my subscription before it expired. Currently I don't need this product, it's a lot of money for me and I can't afford it. I would be very grateful if you return the money and help in this difficult situation. Please think about this. I missed the date by one day. I will be very grateful.

    Product Support | | davitlamp
  • Unsolved


    How do i sync my yelp on my Moz Local? #Yelp

    Moz Local | | CTSoftwash

  • ranking ecommerce

    I am working on an e-commerce niche website and I aim to rank higher on Google to drive more traffic to my website. Any suggestions?

    Link Building | | digitalenginehub

  • local seo

    Hi all SEO experts, if a website is brand new, so published in the last 3 months- new domain name and website design. We have rebranded recently, using a new domain as entered new business partnership, there doesn’t seem to be much guidance on this at all, from various SEO websites, so our question is would you delay publishing new blog posts / content marketing as frequently because the company website is brand new? So would SEO’s decrease the frequency of publication of blog posts, because the website is new? Or perhaps it does not matter, and would still post every week as you would if the website has been live for a long time? So, in nutshell, what we are wondering is, is the “Google Sandbox” still in use?

    Local SEO | | Ryan07

  • shopify wordpress canonical

    We have pages on our shopify site example - That we want to put a rel canonical tag on to direct to our wordpress site page - We have links form the wordpress page to the shop page, and over time ahve found that google has ranked the shop pages over the wp pages, which we do not want. So we want to put rel canonical tags on the shop pages to say the wp page is the authority. I hope that makes sense, and I would appreciate your feeback and best solution. Thanks! Is that possible?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | shabbirmoosa

  • content development content optimization

    we run a tourism information website about a region in italy, and each year, during special occasions such as christmas, easter and so on we publish an article with a "what to do on Christmas / Easter / .... in the Langhe" (collecting events, activities, etc.). Is it better to "reuse" the old articles and change only the year in the title and of course the content (providing that we are gonna keep the URL without year), or to publish a new one? thanks!

    Content Development | | Enrico_Cassinelli
  • Unsolved

    moz free moz

    Hello, I was using the free account of your site and now the money has been deducted from my account. This is despite the fact that I did not need this account and had canceled the automatic withdrawal.
    What should I do to get my money back?

    Product Support | | housinosop
  • Unsolved

    domain authority visibility score domain migration

    Hi Moz Peeps, I have a client who has taken over an old domain from a company that existed about 5 years ago. The business has a strong DA in a totally different industry. In any respect, since taking over and managing their SEO it's been close to 3 months, however search visibility continues to remain at zero. Is there anything I should be doing to get the site to be re-indexed again? Thanks

    Local Website Optimization | | RichardNM

  • alt reduntant text redundant text

    I have a problem on page speed insight
    My portal is created on wordpress cms.
    I deleted the alternative text of the image and still, if I put text instead of the image, that problem disappears. It's not something serious, but I like that everything is perfect
    "Image elements have [alt] attributes that are redundant text."

    Content Development | | Adina Laura Matei

  • wordpress technical seo meta data

    Hello! I have a problem. I'm using Rank Math for WordPress. But I can’t configure a basic thing such as <meta name="author" content="" />. I had to insert this code manually using the hook. Does anyone know a normal way to do this markup? Example page: Thank you!

    Technical SEO | | WayneM.
  • Unsolved

    sync google

    My google locations(hours, ect) are not syncing like they did with Yext. Everything is connected.

    Moz Local | | jsopko128

  • homepage homepage seo strategy homepage keyword mapping

    The USA Glitz I search the exact title & keyword but still its not showing though there is no related websites in this term. What can i do ? What kind of strategy needs to follow ? Kindly help me out . Thanks 😢

    On-Page Optimization | | henrichjrr420

  • migration seo ranking

    Hello everyone, I'm currently facing a challenging situation and would greatly appreciate your expertise and guidance. I own a website,, primarily focused on the digital agency niche. About 3 months ago, I created a subfolder,, dedicated to job listings which is a completely different niche. The subfolder has around 120 posts and pages. Unfortunately, since I created the subfolder, the rankings of my main site have been negatively impacted. I was previously ranking #1 for all local digital services keywords, but now, only 2 out of 16 keywords have maintained their positions. Other pages have dropped to positions 30 and beyond. I'm considering a solution and would like your advice: I'm planning to purchase a new domain and migrate the content from to However, I want to ensure a smooth migration without affecting the main domain rankings and losing backlinks from pages. Is moving the subfolder content to a new domain a viable solution? And how can I effectively redirect all pages from the subfolder to the new domain while preserving page ranks and backlinks?
    I wish they did, but GSC doesn't offer a solution to migration content from subfolder to a new domain. 😢 Help a fellow Mozer. Thanks for giving a hand.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | davidifaso

  • migration seo ranking

    Hello everyone, I'm currently facing a challenging situation and would greatly appreciate your expertise and guidance. I own a website,, primarily focused on the digital agency niche. About 3 months ago, I created a subfolder,, dedicated to job listings which is a completely different niche. The subfolder has around 120 posts and pages. Unfortunately, since I created the subfolder, the rankings of my main site have been negatively impacted. I was previously ranking #1 for all local digital services keywords, but now, only 2 out of 16 keywords have maintained their positions. Other pages have dropped to positions 30 and beyond. I'm considering a solution and would like your advice: I'm planning to purchase a new domain and migrate the content from to However, I want to ensure a smooth migration without affecting the main domain rankings and losing backlinks from pages. Is moving the subfolder content to a new domain a viable solution? And how can I effectively redirect all pages from the subfolder to the new domain while preserving page ranks and backlinks?
    I wish they did, but GSC doesn't offer a solution to migration content from subfolder to a new domain. 😢 Help a fellow Mozer. Thanks for giving a hand.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | davidifaso

  • ranking issue ranking factors I just published a new article. Keyword is : OneOdio A10 Hybrid Review Before writing the article, I researched that This is Easy keyword. I should rank as soon as I publish the article. After publishing the article my Current rank is #32 Why its not ranking? Any idea

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | NextHeadphone
  • Unsolved

    302 temporary riderect 301 http status image issue

    #302HTTP #temporaryredirect
    Hi everyone, Recently I have faced a crawl issue with my media images on website. For example this page url has 302 HTTP Status and the recommendation is to change it 301. I have read the article on temporary redirections here:
    but its not written here how to redirect in my HTML 1 image url not the landing page.
    Screenshot 2023-12-15 at 11.02.40.png
    I have messaged to MOZ Support but they recommended to go for the MOZ Community!
    Screenshot 2023-12-15 at 11.06.02.png Could you assist me wit this issue please? I can reach HTTML of the necessary page and change what I need for permanent redirection but firstly I need to understand how to do that correctly.

    Technical SEO | | Damian_Ed 0
  • Unsolved

    moz ahrefs semrush

    My domain has a different backlink profile on Moz and different on SEMRush. I don't under whats accurate. my domain is an AI Jobs Portal

    Moz Pro | | mcafeeonline
  • Unsolved

    4xx error 406 code

    I was analyzing the website link, my website is giving me 4xx error. Google search console in not giving such error 27b42282-a5f6-4ad0-956a-91838633d5ad-image.png Any suggestion will be helpful. The site is on wordpress

    Link Explorer | | VS-Gary

  • da da history

    Hi, I just got up today to see that my 2 sites - Site1 and Site2 got dropped from 25 to 23 and from 22 to 16. I am so confused why did this happen, I could not see any spam links and so. Is there any fault that has been detected.

    Link Building | | VS-Gary

  • seo website technical seo

    I have a website that is currently in Polish and I'm interested in ranking it for the same keywords in English. I'm wondering if I need to create entirely new pages for the English version or if there are plugins or other tools that can help me translate and optimize my existing content for English search engines. my website seo factor. Any recommendations or experiences are greatly appreciated!

    Technical SEO | | mohammadrehanseo

  • speed wordpress website speed technical seo

    I'm reaching out for some advice on improving my WordPress website's speed. I'm currently using a free theme for this fusion magazine and aiming for a score of 95+ on Google PageSpeed Insights. I'm aware that premium plugins can significantly enhance performance, but I'm hoping to achieve similar results using primarily free solutions and manual optimizations.

    Technical SEO | | mohammadrehanseo

  • content optimization indexation

    2 months ago, I registered a domain named I had a plan to learn SEO and create a affiliate blog site. In my website I had 3 types of content. Informative Articles Headphone Review articles Product Comparision Review articles Problem is, Google does not index my informative articles. I dont know the reasons. Is there anyone who can take a look and find the issues why google is not indexing my articles? I will be waiting for your reply

    Content Development | | NextHeadphone
  • Unsolved


    Hi Moz Team! I am trying to download the November invoice but it says it is no longer available. Could you please help me to send me the invoice?

    Product Support | | Ecomsur

  • for sale

    Can someone recommend a good path to selling a website with good backlinks? possibily a broker or direct buyer?

    Community | | s360
  • Unsolved

    ads google ads

    I have a basic query but could not find a definite answer on the internet. I am currently running a campaign for the main website of a big education brand and they also have a secondary learning website on subdomain, and I want to add sitelinks of subdomain to the campaign, but I am not sure whether it is allowed or not. The brand I am running ads for is and the secondary website is branded slightly different in a subdomain, so should I add the sitelinks of Compass to the main campaign? Also one more silly question My Max Conversion search campaign gave me this status today. "Learning (composition change): Campaigns have been added to or removed from the bid strategy. Google Ads is now adjusting to optimize bids. 5 days left for learning" What does this mean exactly? And Why does it reenter the learning phase whenever I make a small change?

    Paid Search Marketing | | rauoff
  • Unsolved

    moz local

    I noticed you can use placeholders in your business descriptions in MOZ Local such as |city|, |name|, etc. How do you effectively use these and how do they work on the directories? Thanks!

    Moz Local | | dollarpesa
  • Unsolved


    Good afternoon. I tried connecting free access to api to retrieve DA data. After several requests to the api I got a message: "Your monthly row limit reached" Can you tell me what this error is related to? Or Moz doesn't have free api access anymore?

    API | | Dima124dsfg
  • Unsolved

    refund trial

    Hi guys I forgot to cancellation my  subscription before the trail expired. I am currently at a very nascent stage and do not require the product and can't afford it as well. I would really appreciate if you can refund the money and help me. Kindly consider.  I missed the date by one day. I will be really grateful!

    Getting Started | | Arthursd4

  • apple

    CMS is shuffling our ranking on daily basis for our website: , which is annoying. Almost on daily basis, in evening

    Technical SEO | | bryanvalentin
  • Unsolved

    placeholders localseo

    I noticed you can use placeholders in your business descriptions in MOZ Local such as |city|, |name|, etc. How do you effectively use these and how do they work on the directories? Thanks!

    Moz Local | | jettapro

  • redirecting domain seo tactic

    Hi Moz Community! I was just trying to set up our global site and got this message: "Redirect detected
    We have detected that the domain redirects to We do not recommend tracking a redirect URL. Would you like to track for this campaign instead?"
    6358703c-d8ef-4c0a-83a9-c948d370d743-image.png What's interesting is when you go to the site,, it shows our domain in the URL bar. Is this done for performance and masks the hosting provider domain? I haven't talked to website developers about this yet, but my main question is...Does this have any SEO ramification? Thanks so much,

    SEO Tactics | | Padmagandhini
  • Unsolved

    wordpress weglot

    Good day to you all, Does anyone have experience of the errors being pulled up by Moz about the utility of the weglot plugin on Wordpress? Moz is pulling up URLs such as: These are classified under "redirect issues" and 99% of the pages are with the ?wg-choose parameter in the URL. Is this having an actual negative impact on my search or is it something more Moz related being highlighted. Any advice be appreciated and a resolution .. Im thinking I could exclude this parameter.

    Moz Pro | | alwaysbeseen

  • seo


    Local SEO | | zlbvasgabc

  • content marketing lead form wordpress

    Hello Moz Community, I've been running a blog ( www[dot]arrify[dot]com ) for a while, focused on Salesforce. I'm looking to enhance my lead-generation efforts through my blog content. I would appreciate insights and strategies on the following: SEO Best Practices: How can I optimize my blog posts for better search engine visibility to attract more potential leads? Content Engagement: What types of content (e.g., infographics, videos, in-depth guides) have been most effective for engaging readers and encouraging them to provide their contact information? CTA Placement: Where is the most effective placement for calls-to-action within a blog post to maximize lead capture without detracting from user experience? Lead Capture Forms: Are there any recommended practices for designing lead capture forms that encourage sign-ups? Any specific examples or case studies would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help!

    Content Development | | Kritikgarg

  • seo on page optimization

    i use mid-quality pic and... but my site speed is low
    any suggestion?
    my site is:

    On-Page Optimization | | zlbvasgabc

  • seo domain authority page authority

    i work on my site fore 2 mounth and i still cant increase my DA
    how can i increase that?
    its my site:

    SEO Tactics | | zlbvasgabc
  • Unsolved


    I wanted to contact I started my 30 day trial to test service.
    After 2-3 days totally forgot about it. I remembered about when i received invoice saying they're gonna charge me.
    I immediately wrote email to them that I do not want this service. I forgot and only put credit card data because i was required to. And would like a refund since it was 2-3 hours after bill. Unfortunately sending messages via their contact form is not an option. There is no confirmation on my email they received message nor return message from them.

    Moz Pro | | GrzegorzZ
  • Unsolved


    I was doing keyword research about glamour makeup and suddenly moz stopped updating KD. I tried many solutions but issue not fixed.

    Keyword Explorer | | muqadaserozgaar
  • Unsolved

    da moz

    how increase da with url redirec google

    Link Explorer | | atzwcpl915
  • Unsolved

    suggestions adding suggestions wont save suggestions

    I have suggestions in my dashboard but when i click them add them and try and save, it says error please try again

    Moz Local | | marktmccabe

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