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  • I have a section(no. of webpages with content) on my site with display ads. The site is mainly for UK visitors. I want to show ads to UK visitors but not US visitors. Rest of the content will be the same for UK and US. There will just be 1 page with same UrL for US and UK. Hence, no href lang tags are being used.
    Is there any correlation between display ads and SEO? Would not showing ads in US cause any issues for bots or do bots consider display ads and SEO as two completey different aspects. Asking as Google bot crawls from the US.

    Technical SEO | | Kohliharleen

  • markup schema markup structured data product

    Hi, I am working on a site that presents several products with their descriptions and features, but does not include e-commerce functionality, so it does not show prices. I would be interested in understanding how to properly use the Product markup since the Offer field cannot be filled in. What are your experiences or advice on how best to handle this? Do you have advice on different vocabularies to Product? Thank you very much for your help!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | filippodanesi
  • This question is deleted!

  • Unsolved

    crawl error crawl in progress crawl stalled

    The latest crawl on my site was the 4th Jan with a current crawl 'in progress'. How do i cancel this crawl and start a new one? I've been getting keyword ranking etc but no new issues are coming through. Screenshot 2022-05-31 083642.jpg

    Moz Tools | | ClaireU

  • We're seeing a couple of temporary redirects. One for the http pointing to https. Another for /checkout pointing to/checkout/cart. We don't have an internal dev so not sure how to remove these. Would anyone know? I've set up the 301s but they're not overriding and I'm still seeing the issues in the crawl. Thanks in advance for your help!

    Technical SEO | | LASClients
  • Unsolved

    error access denied help

    Hi all,
    I am a bit at my wits end trying to get some acknowledgement from MOZ. Have had no replies, no ticket auto-replies, no updates on any of the messages I have sent via the Moz Help Form on the website. Literally nothing. I wanted to avoid having to post publicly, but does anyone know how to raise a "technical problem" ticket with MOZ? never replies and the Help Form doesn't generate any kind of ticket. From our main office we get an "Access denied" Error (via Cloudflare) specifically for the Moz Community area. This happened to us in February of this year and has been happening again all through May. After testing ourselves with our IT, we determine that MOZ's Cloudflare account has incorrectly blocked the dedicated IP address specific to the internet connection at our head office. This means that none of our Moz User accounts can access anything related to the Community area in our account when working at the studio. We can only do so when working remotely (ie. some other IP address). This is incredibly frustrating, particularly as we've been on a proper paid MOZ account for many years. And I have sent numerous email requests, messages via the Form, etc., and have never heard back from anyone at all. The problem has been on-going for some time and I guess it is my fault because I tried to politely wait a fair amount of time between each follow-up. Only to realize that, actually, I don't think anyone is monitoring or even the Form submissions, or are even looking into the issue for me. Am hoping this message is seen by someone at Moz so they can let me know what is going on please? Guys..... c'mon.....

    Product Support | | DanielDL
  • Unsolved

    refund amount

    I did not know that automatic payments were being made after using the trial version. I just saw money was flowing through my credit card and I urgently canceled my subscription. Request a refund for the amount. As i am learning will use after some time.
    Kindly refund my amount.

    Moz Pro | | NatwarG
  • Unsolved

    api planning

    We have questions regarding our subscription and the plan we are on. We are more interested in Mozscape API and not the features that we have access to currently. Will you let us know how we can change. Is there some one that we can chat with. Thanks,

    API | | PatientPop
  • Unsolved

    redirect 302 308

    Got a looooong list of redirect issues in my crawl for a new client, all reported as 302s but as far as I can see they are all 308s... which is perfectly fine, right, or have I missed a memo? They even confirm the 308 status in the moz detail.

    Moz Pro | | Algorhythm_jT

  • page authority increase da increase pa

    Any one increase DA PA I will do contact my email

    Link Building | | seeoexpert909
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  • Unsolved This question is deleted!


  • seo wordpress

    Hi all, For context, I'm trying to Silo my content more efficiently. I've just moved all content into their own SILO'd categories and removed them from duplicate categories. As such, posts now sit only in 1 category. My question here is: Should my posts be showing in both the parent category and its sub category or just the sub-category? I've currently got this only showing in the sub-categories it's relevant to. For example:
    Post name: Shimano Fishing Rod Review
    Parent Category: Fishing Rods
    Sub Category: Shimano And the post only shows inside the Shimano Category

    On-Page Optimization | | xtrapsp
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  • This question is deleted!


  • How do I fix a 404 redirect chain? I can't seem to find the answer and I'm worried about it effecting my SEO. Any help would be great!

    Technical SEO | | sammecooper

  • keywords keyword density keyword stuffing

    Hello, I would like to know if the selection of individual keywords(that are not primary, secondary or tertiary) are important for SEO regardless of the relevancy to the page topic. I am wondering how much of a contribution a non-P1/P2/P3 can make in terms of SEO? For example it is a product page and I have built my content with P1,P2&P3 based only on the product and its properties itself. Do you think that a content gap for the page could be the production process of that product? So even if it is a product and its properties page, I can add 2 sentences about the production, so that I can drive more traffic by including these 2 informative sentences.? EXAMPLE:
    So lets' say my topic is "hair types" (P1) and my subtopics are "Straight," "wavy," and "curly"(P2s) which I used as subtitles. But throughout the page, I am planning to add some relevant but not-directly-relevant keywords here and there since they have high metrics and volumes. For example a potential sentence I can add: "innovative hair products these days can offer amazing results for the desired hair types". It is not specifically about "hair types" but I am using the keyword "innovative hair products" (good metrics keyword) which may help for the traffic... Another potential not-so-direct sentence can be: "For all hair types, the hair damages are common: heat damage, chemical damage and mechanical damage". Would adding this extra sentence where I am not specifically talking about "hair types" (my topic) but "hair damages" and damage examples (off-topic high metric keywords) help me to drive traffic to my website? And how much of an impact would it be?

    Keyword Research | | Siir

  • Can anyone recommend a tool for generating/comparing hashtags for LinkedIn? Other than Inlytics

    Social Media | | Boasty
  • Unsolved


    Hello, We noticed that MOZ tried to charge our credit card, while we are on Trial period until today. We decided to cancel the subscription (until our budget grows and come back). The tool is great, but it currently is too expensive for our business. We enjoyed the trial period and will surely come back when our business can afford it!! Thanks!

    Getting Started | | intenseed

  • Curious if anyone else is having this problem. I have, for example, a page that is listed in Search Console as having a CLS of .44 - it is listed as a "CLS issue." The same page rendered in LightHouse shows 0 for field data CLS and 0.02 for lab data (both in the "green"). It has been over a month since I made updates to the page to improve CLS. I tried to submit a validation in Search Console, but "validation failed." I'm not sure what else to fix on the page when LightHouse data shows it as in the green! I have the same issue with other pages as well.

    Technical SEO | | LivDetrick
  • Unsolved

    redirect former site

    Hello, After 2 months of starting a new service with a new domain name and a rather flat curve, I decided to invest in auditing tools. To my surprise, when analyzing links with 'Link Explorer', I got the following warning : "You entered the URL which redirects to Click here to analyze instead."... So I understand I bought a domain name that was previously in use, 8 years ago. And logically, when they moved from to, the former site owners set a (probably 401) redirect between their former name and their new one. Probably that in the last 8 years they dropped since I was able to buy the domain name last year. I can't understand the warning I'm receiving. since I thought this redirect would become inactive when they dropped the domain name. On the contrary, if I analyze the backlinks to I can indeed see : [no anchor text] 3 2 0 --
    redirect More Info
    Date first seen - Date lost - Link target
    2016-09-05 - N/A - So my question is : where is this warning coming from ? I performed some nslookup and dig on my domain and their's just to find out that every thing seems to look normal. Meanwhile, if I type "crapahute" in Google (and most other search engines), my site arrives in 12th page (!), and if I type "", the site "" appears first. Thank you for those reading up to that point ! Any hint on what could cause this ? Should I change of domain name ? Thank you !

    Link Explorer | | x_all

  • I'm working on a new website and attempting to make it as efficient as possible. I've put it through a few scanners and have a few concerns. Is it true that having long titles is beneficial? My contact page, for example, is just titled contact, while my FAQ page is simply titled commonly asked questions. What about meta descriptions for each page? Do they still serve a purpose nowadays? Because my site title is a graphic header, having a big text title doesn't really suit with the style, the H1 tag is missing on a few pages. Is there any way to get around this?

    Content Development | | markellw9

  • designoptimizations cta html css

    We are a casino affiliations company, our website has a lot of the same casino offers. So is it beneficial to put the content over the casino offers, then do a CSS flex, reverse wrap, so the HTML has the page content first, but the visual of the page displays the casinos first and the content after? or just the usual i.e image the HTML as content first, and CSS makes offers come first?

    On-Page Optimization | | JoelssonMedia

  • seo 4xx error 4xx error error fix error

    Hello! I have a new blog that is only 1 month old and I already have over 3000 4xx errors which I've never had on my previous blogs. I ran a crawl on my site and it's showing as my social media links as being indexed as pages. For example, my blog post link is:
    My site is then creating a link like the below:
    But these are not real pages and I have no idea how they got created. I then paid someone to index the links because I was advised by Moz, but it's still not working. All the errors are the same, it's indexing my Twitter account and my Pinterest. Can someone please help, I'm really at a loss with it.

    Technical SEO | | thebloggersi

  • seo gmb googlebusiness googlebusinessprofile

    Hi all! I have a question. I have a client who is a lawyer and has a personal listing ( The listing has around 70 reviews. However, they also have a listing for their office which is Nowlan Law ( This one only has 28 reviews. That said, the client wants to change the name of the Steve Caya listing with the great reviews to Nowlan Law so the firm can benefit from the greater number of positive reviews. Everything I see discourages it. Thoughts? Goal is to benefit from Nowlan Law's reviews.

    Community | | simplydonetech
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  • Unsolved

    schema markup schema local seo technical seo

    Hello! I've been having a hard time finding an answer to this specific question so I figured I'd drop it here. I always add custom LocalBusiness markup to clients' homepages, but sometimes the client's website provider will include their own automated LocalBusiness markup. The codes I create often include more information. Assuming the website provider is unwilling to remove their markup, is it a bad idea to include my code as well? It seems like it could potentially be read as spammy by Google. Do the pros of having more detailed markup outweigh that potential negative impact?

    Local Website Optimization | | GoogleAlgoServant
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  • Unsolved

    crawl error

    Hi Moz crawler keep failing on my site with the error showing : Our crawler was banned by a page on your site, either through your robots.txt, the X-Robots-Tag HTTP header, or the meta robots tag. I'm not sure what am I missing out.. this is my robots.txt.. i don't think Im missing anything else.. can the support team help ?

    Moz Pro | | teikh

  • How can a Facebook page get domain authority of 96, page authority of 59 and have 50million linking domains? I come across websites that feature crappy video clips in serp features in google searches, the website.
    It's surely black hat tactics. How do they get away with this? The website has zero content beyond light brochureware.
    Screenshot 2021-07-23 at 06.59.45.png

    Link Building | | DavidLandManager
  • Unsolved

    crawl errors 403 errors url issue fix error help

    A bit at a loss here. I ran a URL crawl report at the end of January on a website( ). There were no major critical issues at the time. No updates were made on the website (that I'm aware of), but after running another crawl on March 14, the report was short about 90 pages on the site and suddenly had a ton of 403 errors. I ran a crawl again on March 15 to check if there was perhaps a discrepancy, and the report crawled even fewer pages and had completely different results again. Is there a reason the results are differing from report to report? Is there something about the reports that I'm not understanding or is there a serious issue within the website that needs to be addressed? Jan. 28 results:
    Screen Shot 2022-03-16 at 3.00.52 PM.png March 14 results:
    Screen Shot 2022-03-15 at 10.31.22 AM.png March 15 results:
    Screen Shot 2022-03-15 at 4.06.42 PM.png

    Reporting & Analytics | | OliviaKantyka

  • For our product page, we want to be able to show the pricing in the local currency of the visitor. I discussed this with our web developer and he said that we can create country-specific pages, so one for UK, Australia, etc. I am afraid that this solution might hurt our SEO as Google might see this as duplicated content. What are your thoughts about this? The website runs on WordPress.

    Technical SEO | | Maggie.Casas
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  • It's installed, I can see links etc as highlighted - but it won' t let me "sign in". This 20 second video explains: Suggestions? Or shall I just ignore? Paul Barrs

    Moz Bar | | PaulBarrs

  • moz pro url issue shopify

    Hi everyone, I have a question regarding broken URL links on my website. Late last year I move my site from an old platform to Shopify, and now have broken URL links giving out 4xx errors. When I look at Moz Pro>Campaigns>Insights>links, I can see the top broken URL links, however there is a difference if copy & paste URL directly from Moz Pro and by Export CSV file. For example below, If I copy and paste links direct from Moz Pro, it has the “http://” in front as below: But when I export the list of links as an CSV file, the http:// is removed. Another Example below: By copy & paste URL direct from Moz Pro By export CSV file. Which one do I use to enter into the “Redirect From” field in Shopify URL Redirects? Do I need to have the http:// in front of the URL? Or is it not required for redirects to work? Kind Regards, John Wall
    The Hair Hub

    Technical SEO | | johnwall
  • Unsolved

    google analytics moz pro error

    Hi, I followed all steps on below Solve a Lost GA Connection multiple times but I keep getting the message "Our connection to your Google Analytics account was lost. Don't worry, you won't lose any data. Please follow the steps in our guide to reconnect.
    " I am on the free trial and would obviously like to connect to GA to see how everything is working. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    Moz Pro | | silvansoeters

  • I have a site that has 2,50,000 pages and I want to redirect to another domain. Is it good practice for SEO and google?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MuhammadQasimAttari
  • Unsolved

    labels keywords upload

    Hi, I would like to update all my keyword labels via a .csv upload, however, when I try to upload the keyword file with the updated labels, I'm advised I don't have enough keywords left for the import. Am I using the correct upload tool or is there a way around this, please?

    Keyword Research | | Rich-H

  • site name international seo cctlds

    We are currently experiencing issues with our subdomain SiteName. Our parent company root domain is a Japanese language site, but we have an English subdomain that is for the United States primarily, and nearly rest of world for organic traffic. Our issue is that we have followed the guidelines here: There was a large post on here with many responses including Googlers with issues others were having, but it has since been removed. Here is the code in place on our homepage: <script
    type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "",
    "@type": "WebSite",
    "name": "Mescius Developer Tools",
    "alternateName": ["Mescius, inc.", ""],
    "url": "" }
    </script> Unfortunately this is what is appearing in the SERP. It is using the Japanese equivalent of our parent company. Screenshot 2024-02-23 at 3.37.55 PM.png Even though the relationship between root and subdomain should not be causing this, it seems like something is impacting this incorrect SiteName, and it is impacting CTR for the subdomain. Has anyone else experienced this and found a fix?

    Technical SEO | | Evan_Wright

  • google knowledge panel answer box

    My organization is lucky enough to have a knowledge panel associated with our brand search: IEEE
    And, I "own" the panel e.g. Google knows that I am associated with the brand and multiple web properties related to it. (IEEE has many hundreds of related websites, and the domain is one of the oldest on the internet.) However, Google consistently displays incorrect information in the panel.
    I have spent much time "suggesting edits" for these data points, with some success over time. But, there are some things that they just won't fix. If you do that search for "ieee" you can see in the panel the Executives datapoint. The two individuals listed there are not executives of the IEEE organization. (IEEE is a professional membership organization with over 400K members around the world.) Those two guys are in fact members of IEEE, but they are not associated with the central organization. The actual principals are listed on the Wikipedia page that Google is using to populate other data points since it is a "trusted source":
    Despite my contacting Google over and over with the correct data, and proffering references to multiple pages that contain that data, including our own organizational pages:
    the Google team the "owns" the Knowledge Panels tells me: "We’ve reviewed your feedback, and unfortunately, the change you want to make to Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers isn’t supported at the moment. There are parts of Google Search that can’t be edited or removed, such as content that is found on publicly available websites, unless that information is inaccurate." I had a couple of messages from actual signed individuals on that team telling me that they could not make such a change, because, in effect, the algorithm was populating the Panel and it was out of their control.
    This seems crazy to me. They are letting incorrect info stand for months at a time, despite a "trusted source" at the organization in question providing the correct data.
    I have had similar experiences with info in Answer Box sections of the SERP, for various other organization-related data points. This is becoming internally awkward, in that members and staff see this incorrect info and come to me to get it corrected. Not to mention that it harms the organization by misrepresenting it. Thoughts? Suggestions? Have others had success in effecting such corrections?

    Research & Trends | | SledDawg
  • Unsolved


    Hi Moz Team! I am trying to download the November invoice but it says it is no longer available. Could you please help me to send me the invoice?

    Product Support | | Ecomsur
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  • This question is deleted!


  • url issue urlredirect optimization page rank optimization technical seo

    We are looking to change our blog structure which will help us with the organization of the topics but the url structure will change if we do this. Right now all of the blogs are under a general news blog, which we will be breaking out articles into several blog category topics Current:
    example of current structure
    current site: https://domain/blogs/news/blog article name Proposed Change:
    current site: https://domain/blogs/keyword-name-of-blog-category/blog article name We have ranked #1 for several keywords that we would like to preserve the ranking if we make this switch with 301 redirects. Looking for suggestion on the percentage of chance our ranking will be negatively affected and by how much? Also what everyones recommendation is if we should make this switch or not touch the urls. Your help is appreciated, thanks in advance.

    Technical SEO | | theblueprints
  • This question is deleted!


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