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  • moz local additional user

    Hello, I use Moz local for clients and would like to give them access to it as well. Is this possible?

    Moz Local | | PeaksAdvertising
  • Unsolved

    keywords keyword density

    I am using MOZ keyword explorer for quite some time. Yesterday I was checking KD for a keyword of my new tech-related website but it showed a different KD every time for the same keyword. The keyword is "NEW JERSEY IT SUPPORT", the first time it showed 29, and 2nd time it showed 33. Why is this happening?

    Keyword Explorer | | beuiakahaha421
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  • Unsolved

    domain authority

    Hello, can someone with API access please check it for me? I am told it is available here: Thank you

    API | | archimede91

  • A new article on Search Engine Journal asks even though anchor Text Ratios are considered important by many SEOs for ranking in Google, are they really something to worry about?

    Link Building | | mary31

  • In the toolbar I see there is a Subdomain section. What is it? What does it mean in SEO?

    Moz Pro | | judieboscopqk78
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  • Hello everyone
    I am not sure about the way Moz rank websites but sometimes I think it's a bit confusing. As an example, it kept changing in 3 days by going up and down. In addition, It is not compatible with my Ahrefs ranking. Would you please tell me which one is more correct and accurate in terms of my website authority?
    It would be my pleasure if you take look at it first. Thank you in advance.

    Link Building | | mkeshavarzmozprodt
  • Unsolved

    charged help

    I forgot to cancel the trial period on time and my card is charged.
    I sent 2 emails to with my account credentials. But I didn't get any reply yet. How can I get my money back?

    Product Support | | Pasindukw

  • I've been seeing a large decline in internal followed links over the past couple of months and am trying to figure out the cause. My developer says there have been no changes to the site that would cause this. Is there a way to find what internal links have been lost?

    Link Explorer | | rgibson100
  • Unsolved

    moz local

    Do listings revert to original state after cancelling Moz Local subscription? I know Yext is a feed that needs to be in place for their listings to show, and when you cancel the subscription, the listings all revert to how they were before you started (if you are lucky). I was told that Moz Local was different by a rep of the underlying platform that Moz white labels. Is this true , or still true? Thanks

    Moz Local | | TroyP

  • Hi: I manage nearly 50 locations. Basically all of the information other than contact information is the same across all locations. Is there a way to manage information across multiple listings? -- Chase

    Moz Local | | chasepattison
  • Unsolved

    keyword rankings reporting

    I'd like to build a report that provides me all of the ranking keywords (tracked and un-tracked) for about 100 specific webpages on the site. I can pull the keywords from Keyword Explorer using the exact page url, but I don't want to have to do that individually for all 100 or so pages.

    Keyword Explorer | | Dave_Hunt

  • One of our clients ran a crawl report via Moz. These are the results. Can you please help us make sense of this? (I am a SCORE volunteer and we are working with a company that is trying to decide on how to proceed with an SEO company but would like to understand the process somewhat so they can make a better decision on who to hire. ) Can someone breakdown the importance missing description- 934 total missing canonical tags- 574 total title too long - 199 total duplicate content 74 total url too long - 63 total missing or invalid h1- 55 total duplicate titles- 21 total redirect chain- 1 total

    Content Development | | ImeuOkou

  • markup schema markup structured data product

    Hi, I am working on a site that presents several products with their descriptions and features, but does not include e-commerce functionality, so it does not show prices. I would be interested in understanding how to properly use the Product markup since the Offer field cannot be filled in. What are your experiences or advice on how best to handle this? Do you have advice on different vocabularies to Product? Thank you very much for your help!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | filippodanesi

  • Is there any benefit or negative impact to including schema for both @type WebPage and NewsArticle on the same page? The websites I work on are editorial news sites. Our CMS automatically outputs WebPage schema to every article we publish. I want my dev to set up auto-generated NewsArticle schema. The are pretty much identical with a few different attributes. I just want to make sure I make the right choice about adding both or removing one.

    Technical SEO | | DJBKBU
  • Unsolved

    not crawling anymore

    Moz is showing old results for site craw issues, the ondemand craw works but I can't fix these issues without knowing what causing them.

    Moz Pro | | paulwildweb

  • Hi community, I have moved to a new address and I purchased my Moz Local for that address, but there are some listings still popping up with my old address, what can I do?

    Moz Local | | FBDOORS
  • Unsolved

    api planning

    We have questions regarding our subscription and the plan we are on. We are more interested in Mozscape API and not the features that we have access to currently. Will you let us know how we can change. Is there some one that we can chat with. Thanks,

    API | | PatientPop

  • google knowledge panel answer box

    My organization is lucky enough to have a knowledge panel associated with our brand search: IEEE
    And, I "own" the panel e.g. Google knows that I am associated with the brand and multiple web properties related to it. (IEEE has many hundreds of related websites, and the domain is one of the oldest on the internet.) However, Google consistently displays incorrect information in the panel.
    I have spent much time "suggesting edits" for these data points, with some success over time. But, there are some things that they just won't fix. If you do that search for "ieee" you can see in the panel the Executives datapoint. The two individuals listed there are not executives of the IEEE organization. (IEEE is a professional membership organization with over 400K members around the world.) Those two guys are in fact members of IEEE, but they are not associated with the central organization. The actual principals are listed on the Wikipedia page that Google is using to populate other data points since it is a "trusted source":
    Despite my contacting Google over and over with the correct data, and proffering references to multiple pages that contain that data, including our own organizational pages:
    the Google team the "owns" the Knowledge Panels tells me: "We’ve reviewed your feedback, and unfortunately, the change you want to make to Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers isn’t supported at the moment. There are parts of Google Search that can’t be edited or removed, such as content that is found on publicly available websites, unless that information is inaccurate." I had a couple of messages from actual signed individuals on that team telling me that they could not make such a change, because, in effect, the algorithm was populating the Panel and it was out of their control.
    This seems crazy to me. They are letting incorrect info stand for months at a time, despite a "trusted source" at the organization in question providing the correct data.
    I have had similar experiences with info in Answer Box sections of the SERP, for various other organization-related data points. This is becoming internally awkward, in that members and staff see this incorrect info and come to me to get it corrected. Not to mention that it harms the organization by misrepresenting it. Thoughts? Suggestions? Have others had success in effecting such corrections?

    Research & Trends | | SledDawg

  • thanks to all case are solved now very glad to see the quick response from moz community

    Link Building | | dsfvy565

  • Not a techie here...maybe this is to be expected, but ever since one of my client sites has switched to TLS 1.3, I've had a couple of crawl issues and other hiccups. First, I noticed that I can't use any renders an error message for URLs on the site in question. I wrote to their support desk and they said they haven't updated to 1.3 yet. Bummer, because I loved's functionality, esp. getting bulk reports. Also, my Moz campaign crawls were failing. We are setting up a robots.txt directive to allow rogerbot (and the other bot), and will see if that works. These fails are consistent with the date we switched to 1.3, and some testing confirmed it. Anyone else seeing these types of issues, and can suggest any workarounds, solves, hacks to make my life easier? (including an alternative to have and use screaming frog...not as slick, I'm afraid!) Do you think there was a configuration error with the client's TLS 1.3 upgrade, or maybe they're using a problematic/older version of 1.3?? Thanks -

    Technical SEO | | TimDickey
  • Unsolved


    Hi Moz Team! I am trying to download the November invoice but it says it is no longer available. Could you please help me to send me the invoice?

    Product Support | | Ecomsur
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  • Recently there have been a a couple of pages form my website that ranked well, in top 5 for a couple of days then they disappear suddenly, they are not at all seen in google search results no matter how narrow I search for them. I checked my search console, there seems to be no issues with the page, but when I check google analytics, I do not get any data from that page since the day it disappeared, and it does not even show up on the 'active pages' section no matter I keep the url open in multiple computers.
    Has anyone else faced this issue? is there a solution to it?

    Technical SEO | | JoelssonMedia

  • Hi,
    I started a website related to E-Scotties. I want to ask that how can I increase the PA of my webpage Aaron lal? What technique I should use for this purpose?

    Moz Pro | | RankvizTeam

  • url issue urlredirect optimization page rank optimization technical seo

    We are looking to change our blog structure which will help us with the organization of the topics but the url structure will change if we do this. Right now all of the blogs are under a general news blog, which we will be breaking out articles into several blog category topics Current:
    example of current structure
    current site: https://domain/blogs/news/blog article name Proposed Change:
    current site: https://domain/blogs/keyword-name-of-blog-category/blog article name We have ranked #1 for several keywords that we would like to preserve the ranking if we make this switch with 301 redirects. Looking for suggestion on the percentage of chance our ranking will be negatively affected and by how much? Also what everyones recommendation is if we should make this switch or not touch the urls. Your help is appreciated, thanks in advance.

    Technical SEO | | theblueprints

  • what is the best approach to beat my competitor in ranking, suppose my competitor got a backlink from a website like OEM Skin Care that has low DA but related to the same niche, but If i will get a backlink from a site that has 90+ DA like CNN, then which backlink has great impact on SERP Ranking, A- Backlink with LOW DA but same Niche,
    B- Backlink with 90+ DA but different Niche, I need your suggestion before buying a guest post..
    Thanks in advance.

    Moz Pro | | akhter8761

  • moz stopped indexing the links due to some updates? can some one confirm me thanks

    Moz Pro | | 4240930012532370
  • This question is deleted!


  • We have a primary domain We have used subdomains for offering the same site in different languages, like, etc. There are certain language subdomains that have low traffic and are expensive to get translated. We have decided to sunset 3 subdomains that match that criteria. What is the best way of going about removing those subdomains? Should we just redirect from those subdomains to Would that have any negative impact on our primary domain in Google's eye etc.? Anything other than a redirect that we should be considering?

    Technical SEO | | 250mils
  • Unsolved

    site crawl crawl stalled

    In my GreenSeed campaign, the site crawl continues to say "in progress." I can't figure out how to stop it or how to restart the site crawl. Can you please help?

    Moz Pro | | Winger

  • MOZ Local Q&A Forum shows incorrect info for my company

    Moz Local | | frankgazzolo 0
  • Unsolved

    seo page treatment

    Is it possible to monitor on page changes with Moz? Let's say the description of product x is changed, I would know somehow. It could be title, image, meta desc, etc.

    Product Support | | Displetech

  • google analytics

    My company is building a new website with a new web development company. Our old website development company hosted our Google Analytics account on their account (this was done 13+ years ago, probably a good idea then, but we definitely would've done it differently knowing what we know now). I've been researching how we could move our GA property to a new account owned by us, but according to this article: "There are some circumstances in which you cannot move a property:
    -> The source account and the destination account are not in the same Google Marketing Platform organization. Contact an organization admin to make sure both accounts belong to the same organization." In our case, the source account and the destination account do not belong to the same organization. I may just have to accept that we are losing 13+ years of historical data about our website, and if that's the case, oh well. But, if anyone has an idea how we can export/import our GA data to our new analytics account, I would greatly appreciate it.

    Reporting & Analytics | | GreatLegalMarketing

  • Hello, Mozzers!
    I noticed something peculiar in the robots.txt used by one of my clients: Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php What would be the purpose of allowing a search engine to crawl this file?
    Is it OK? Should I do something about it?
    Everything else on /wp-admin/ is disallowed.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Technical SEO | | AndyKubrin

  • Hi there, You’re probably aware of Google’s upcoming algorithm update, which includes Core Web Vitals as a ranking factor and will now be released throughout summer 2021. With this announcement, it’s important that modern SEOs prioritize steps to ensure their site’s are user-(and search engine-)friendly. To help you get ahead of this, I’m super excited to announce our Performance Metrics beta – available for Pro customers on all plans, up to 6,000 pages per Campaign per month.
 You can check it out here. In the beta, you can streamline your technical audit workflows and analyze thousands of URLs of your choosing for Core Web Vitals and other performance metrics. You can also: Analyze performance on an ad-hoc basis, separate from full site audits Report on performance across mobile and desktop, at scale Understand performance in the context of other search data, like Page Authority, other crawl issues, and top pages from traffic See a breakdown of how many pages require fixes, need some improvement, or look good Filter and manipulate your performance data with CSV exports Analyze individual page reports for Core Web Vitals and additional performance metrics. Deep-dive into the opportunities on how to fix issues Receive powerful prioritization recommendations We have a list of features and functionality on our roadmap, but we'd love to hear your thoughts! Go check it out, analyze your important pages for performance, and comment below! Got questions? I’m also here to help. Also make sure to check out other helpful resources, like our Help Hub documentation, Learn Center content, announcement blog post, or our webinar “Make Core Web Vitals Your Competitive Advantage” with Moz’s Senior Search Scientist Tom Capper (recorded live on April 27.).

    Moz News | | ChiarynMiranda

  • We have a news aggregator site that has 2 types of pages: First Type:
    Category pages like economic, sports or political news and we intend to do SEO on these category pages to get organic traffic. These pages have pagination and show the latest and most viewed news on the corresponding category. Second Type:
    News headlines from other sites are displayed on the category pages. The user will be directed to that news page on the main site by clicking on a link. These links are outgoing links and we redirect them by JavaScript (not 301).
    In fact these are our websites articles that just have titles (linked to destination) and meta descriptions (reads from news RSS). Question:
    Should we have to nofollow/noindex the second type of links? In fact, since the crawl budget of websites is limited, isn't it better to spend this budget on the pages we have invested in (first type)?

    Technical SEO | | undaranfahujakia
  • Unsolved

    title tags

    where can I view all the pages of the website crawled to see all the page urls, page titles and descriptions all in one single view not one page at a time? for example when using screaming frog you can scan a site and it will make a list of all pages urls, titles and descriptions that you can export. Thanks.

    Getting Started | | peterbriss
  • Unsolved

    knowldege base

    Hi, I am looking to add a knowledgebase to our website. I would like it to be indexed by google to help with SEO. Does anyone know of a good knowledge base add on that works well with SEO. I have zoho knowledgebase, but I am not sure if would work well with SEO. Thanks !

    Web Design | | OrionPower

  • seo tactics mobile first indexing ecommerce

    When arranging content on a shop category page I place a descriptive optimized opening paragraph of text above products. On desktop this shows both the opening text and the products above the fold (visible here - also shown on the screen grab below). The text may well be ignored by most visitors (who will likely be drawn straight to product images) but it still serves a purpose. dekstop.png When it comes to smaller mobile screens I have started to disable the opening paragraph of text (above the products) and instead place a copy of it below the products, (screen grab below). This keeps the optimized text on the page, but it means that mobile users instantly see products rather than having to scroll past text that they may see as inconvenient. mobile.png I'm conscious of the fact that Google indexes mobile content first, and it also doesn't like duplicate content. I therefore have three questions relating to this: Will moving the optimized text content below all the products to the bottom of the page devalue it (I understand important content should be as near to the top of page as possible)? Although the optimized paragraph of text only displays once on desktop (at the top of the page) and once on mobile (at the bottom of the page) it is actually visible twice in the source code - does this count as duplication, and could it therefore hurt the performance of the page in SERPs? If this practice does cause issues, is there an ideal way to optimize content on pages (especially shop category pages) that doesn't require mobile users to scroll through text before seeing products? Lastly, on topic optimized landing pages that feature product promotions such as this one - - I wonder if it is best to lead with an optimized text introduction above product images, or better to place the products right at the top of the page for immediate impact, then follow this with the content/article/blog post? Many thanks for any advice offered.

    On-Page Optimization | | JCN-SBWD

  • there are customized pages on the client's site, they contain brand pages related to Samsung, iPhone, ZTE, LG, Motorola, and HTC Mobile phones.
    For Example:
    Should I recommend them to change the URL structure. ?

    On-Page Optimization | | dietsuave

  • does silo structure has a positive point on Google Ranking or not, and what is the importance of internal linking, how google see the internal linking content as compared to less internal linking, I'm trying an experiment I do a lot of internal backlinking in Website Unionwell as compared to Website B (which has apparently less internal Links) so with your experience in SEO field which site will get traffic rapidly.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | saimkhanna

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