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Category: Reporting & Analytics

Discuss the best ways to report on performance and communicate results to stakeholders.

  • Hi, everyone, have a little dilemma and was hoping to get some advice here. I recently installed a new SSL (3 months ago) to force our URL to start with https://. The site was earlier accessible through https:// and http://  prefix however now I have made it so that all urls are redirected to the correct https:// version.  The problem is that direct traffic has dropped by more than 50% after implementing these changes and I can for the life of me figure out why. Why would the direct traffic drop all of sudden after making these changes? I am starting to suspect that the earlier data was inflated and that Google analytics was counting users coming from a http:// version of the URL to a https:// version of the URL was counted as direct traffic. Could that be it? Any other possible causes? Would really appreciate any guidance on this problem. Thanks

    | nsereke

  • We have 30 sitemaps, one for each language version of our site. About 5000 pages per sitemap.
    To get a better idea on which pages google is not indexing, I thought about quickly generating sitemaps by page cagetories to see if there are any patterns. Any problems if I submit now new additional sitemaps dividing all our pages by product page, considering that the same pages are already in our existing sitemaps we submitted in the search console. So having same URL in more than 1 sitemap would be a problem? As a side note, we observed when adding a sitemap index that google search console in its count of total indexed pages, now counts every page twice since we submitted both the sitemap index and the individual sitemaps, so search console does not recognize in count that sitemaps in sitemaps index are identical to the ones we submitted individually in search console.

    | lcourse

  • In the image I've attached you can see that I have pulled a source/medium > google organic report. I've also made "landing page" my secondary dimension. The first landing page that is showing up is /v3/?slug=fnl, that is this page ( You can see that the page has 230 sessions from Sep 3 - 9 and 17 transactions during that same time frame. The only thing is, that landing page is nowhere to be found in the SERPs. So how is it showing up in this report as having received google organic visitors that converted if it's not even in search? 05OclDp

    | tdastru

  • Hi to all experts, In google search console , I've found that multiple pages get rank for my main query. How can I solve that? aoi59

    | tarahshiiid

  • Hi All, I just found this useful article on Recover/Claim Ownership of a Google Analytics Account , I've seen same question asked by website owners, webmasters very frequently in many forums so I decided to share the article. **No affiliation, sponsorship, nor any partnerships with Thanks

    | Alick300

  • Hi all, Within Google's "Fetch & Render" (found in Google Search Console) is the ability to index certain pages from my website on-demand. Unfortunately, every time I ask Google to index a page, it registers as a bounce in Google Analytics. Also, if it means anything, my website ( is a single-page application, functioning similarly to Google. If you guys know of any solution to this problem, please help! I originally thought that Google would know to block its own Fetch & Render crawler from Google Analytics but that doesn't seem to be the case. Thanks, Austin

    | A_Krauss

  • Hello All, In google analytic I can see traffic from android browser & android webview so android webview is also a browser? Thanks!

    | dhisman

  • Checking our links to our site on GSC and we've dropped from 515 to 324 over night - is this normal?

    | RayflexGroup

  • Hi guys Unfortunately I have to optimize the angular website, but I don't know how google see my website. Seo quacke (seo extension) doesn't get data from this website: and sitemap generation tools just crawl 1 page of this website. why? How find that google really crawl and index angular website?

    | denakalami

  • Hi Mozers, Does Google know time on site, number of page visits, bounce rate, etc. even if Google Analytics is NOT installed? Does it measure all that stuff anyway, and if you install the GA code on your site, that is so that YOU can see those metrics? OR can Google only see those metrics if you install GA on your site? Thanks! Jane

    | CalamityJane77

  • Hi Mozers, in Google Analytics our ads are registering a 10 second page duration and a 90% bounce rate, which is pretty atrocious. My questions are: Organic page duration is 3:15 minutes, and Social + Referral are similar. Yet Pandora is bringing the average time on site way down, to less than a minute. Will those paid ad metrics be factored to the User Behavior and therefore negative affect our overall rankings? In other words does Google now see our page duration as less than a minute? The Pandora rep says that Google Analytics and Pandora have "systemic issues" such that GA is very inaccurate with Pandora metrics. I find that difficult to believe. Any insights here? Thanks all! Jane

    | CalamityJane77

  • if I 301 redirect to go to, how can I track the traffic in Google Analytics that is coming from  I don't think that's a referral traffic, is it?

    | Armen-SEO

  • Hi there: I'm seeing a steady decline in organic traffic, but at the same time and increase in pageviews and direct traffic. My site has about 3,000 crawl errors!! Errors are duplicate content, missing description tags, and description too long. Most of these issues are related to events that are being imported from Google calendars via ical and the pages created from these events. Should we block calendar events from being crawled by using the disallow directive in the robots.txt file? Here's the site:

    | BGR

  • Hello Expert, For my ecommerce site every minute I have 500 visitors now when my development team do deployment like minor JS update where site restart not require then what I found is on website (front end) not able to find anything happen that means visitor not event realize page even refresh but in analytic real time it shows minor pageviews down. So can anyone guess here what happen actually in this case as per google? Thanks!

    | micey123

  • I have a bastard of a problem... Google Analytics is incorrectly tracking PPC traffic as SEO which is screwing up all my reporting . I don't care for rankings, I care for actual SEO traffic and I can't be sure that what i am seeing is correct which is driving me nuts. Any ideas?

    | Red_Mud_Rookie

  • Hey everyone, I was just looking at landing pages in Google Analytics, and in addition to just the URL of the landing page, the UTM links are being listed as separate pages. Is this normal? I anticipated seeing the landing page URL and then using the secondary dimension to see source/medium. If this isn't normal, what would I check next?

    | rachelmeyer

  • Hi Guys, We are trying to get google webmaster tools verified for this site: We have implemented the recommended: HTML tag from Search Console which is: Which is installed see: However, verification still failed. We then tried Google Analytics (failed), alternative methods (HTML file upload failed) Google Tag Manager. All failed. I have no idea why this has happened, any ideas? Cheers.

    | jaynamarino

  • Hello Experts, How to set and understand behavior flow in google analytic? I have attached screenshot of my behavior flow  it is showing not set. So how to set? Thanks! MAQnG SQ7QM

    | micey123

  • Hello Guys, In when I search SEL and google gives me option of different different sites and when I click on any one site then that click tracking I need. I have attached the screenshot to understand easily. Is it possible to track such things or possible via server logs etc? TV99h

    | micey123

  • Hi, I have two questions regarding my enterprise website. It is built on the Drupal CMS. First, and in looking at Google Analytics, I'm seeing more than 6k pages listed, but over 5k have received less than 10 page views in six months. In fact, most of them are not really content pages at all. The URLs I'm seeing listed, which to me indicates actual crawlable content in GA, shows pages like this: What is the problem here? Why are these non-pages being indexed as content and why are they showing up in GA? Second question is about my blog and blog best practices. While I know blog content is important for SEO, why is my site blog pagination being indexed as content. For example, these "pages" are showing up in SERPs: What is the best way to fix this? Thanks in advance for your help!

    | jaccardi62

  • Hi all, We launched an updated website around mid-April and have seen a long-term drop in unique page views and sessions since then. Between 25-35%. Page views returned to normal within a month, however. In terms of acquisition, we've not lost referrals or direct traffic, just organic sessions. I haven't seen any significant Google updates except for 'Fred' but that was in March (pre-website update). We did have to do some 301s and fix up an HTML and XML sitemap, etc, post launch – but that's been in place for a while now so shouldn't still have such an effect? We are also struggling with load speed at the moment, working on this at the moment. Didn't think this had a such a significant impact on ranking however. We've lost mostly non-UK traffic, especially USA. We're actually climbing rankings for a lot of new keywords I'm targeting, so I can't see how our SEO has been hampered. Frustratingly, I wasn't using Search Console or Moz Pro before this update, so can't compare much in the way of keyword traffic (I know I feel very silly now). I don't know if it's a reporting issue (I wish it was). I mean we had both GTM and GA tags on the website (I didn't know this until I looked into it) but these were present post website-launch. And I haven't found enough double firing sessions or page views to suggest we used to be getting double figures anyway. Before this, we were ranking brilliantly and getting more organic traffic than ever. All the best,

    | landport

  • Hello All, In Google analytic what is Cohort Analysis? And how to understand it? Can anyone explain me please? Thanks!

    | micey123

  • Hi guys, We have a question. In Google Analytics, there are 2 types of identifying organic searches: through Acquisition and through Default Channel Grouping. On our website, we have some differences between the number of organic sessions. Which one do you think is more relevant? Which one do you use? Many thanks in advance!

    | RIDGID_Europe

  • Hello All, I want to do banner conversion tracking for my ecommerce site. That is at my homepage I display 4 banners with special offers on 4 different products. Now that 4 products are already falls in relevant categories. I did event tracking for banners from where I can know how many clicks I am getting from each banner but My Query is how to know conversion of all 4 banner products because once I create goal that is funnel like 1) home page 2) product page 3) checkout step 4) Thank you page. But problem comes here is if anyone purchase these product from categories that also comes in goal so how to differentiate conversion of products from homepage and category pages? Is there any implementation via enhance ecommerce? Hope you understand my query? If any confusion do let me know. Thanks!

    | micey123

  • When I look through all our clients, a few are receiving the majority of their traffic from (other). [ Acquisition > Channels > (Other) ]. The only option in (other) is "website" or "offline", whatever that may be. And even weirder, the avg session duration is 0:00. Any idea what this may be?

    | W2GITeam

  • Hey Everyone, So our site was hacked which created a large amount of irrelevant URLs on our domain; resulting in thousands of 404 errors and pages coming up for searches unrelated to our brand. The question is now that the issues have been resolved (and site re-submitted) would it be quicker (and more ideal) to redirect important 404 errors that see traffic, have links…etc. although not relevant or just let everything 404 out? We’re not as concerned with offering a relevant user experience because these are not in our demographic but want to avoid these pages convoluting our analytics as well as issues that might arise from Google thinking these topics do apply. Any help or insight would be very appreciated. Please let us know if you have any questions, concerns or we could provide further details that might help. Looking forward to hearing from all of you! Thanks in advance. Best,

    | Ben-R

  • Hi all, I own a webshop and believe my Google Analytics is not showing true data. At the moment when a user pays for their basket, they are redirected to an external secure payment page from my PSP, then after they have paid they are redirected back to my website. How is this visitor being counted?  As the PSP-URL is a different site I assume this would be treated as an exit? Can I setup FILTERS to INCLUDE this URL so GA doesn't think its an external page or is there a better way? Thanks

    | darrenbooy

  • I have a client who wants us to use StatCounter rather than Google Analytics to measure the traffic to their website. I realize that GA needs cookies to work that misses 15%+ visitors. StatCounter showed that my client's website had 150% more traffic than GA showed. Looking for an opinion.  thanks!

    | jgodwin

  • Hi all, We've seen a sudden drop in index status on GSC from 19,000 to 12,000. Rankings, referring domains, organic traffic etc. have not changed. However, we have implemented a huge number of redirects and done a site migration from http to https in the past year. Could this have an effect? Thanks!

    | SMVSEO

  • Hello, I'm currently tracking contact form submissions any time a user clicks 'Submit' on a pop-up form. Once the form is submitted, the URL of the page remains the same (there is no /thank-you page or such like), hence needing to fire the Event based on a click. Problem is, even if the form is not actually submitted and a user just clicks the Submit button without filling in the fields, the Event will still fire. I know there is a way to ensure the Event ONLY fires when the form is actually submitted for real, but I don't know how to implement that in GTM. Any help most appreciated 🙂 Cheers, Gill.

    | Cannetastic

  • Hello, Google Analytics has a lot of keywords which are tagged as "Not Provided" So how can i uncover what these are? Otherwise how do i know which organic keywords are doing well or not?

    | Riz_Khan

  • i do marketing for a business software site where we have hundreds of clients and each account has on avg 100 users. I am having a very challenging time to attempting to figure out the real number of unique traffic that our site receives. **(what's creating the issue is that we have thousands of user accounts where our users log-in via our site to access our app/platform). Would love help with this! Christian

    | Sundance_Kidd

  • I have a single product website running in a one page layout
    my web have some internal pages such as, terms and conditions, policies and so on.
    But in order to get a better ranking I decided to create a blog in the website, but my IT team told me that we can do it but in a subdomain.
    The main domain use cakephp with a configuration oriented to security ( we had bad experiences with normal cms or ecommerces) So the structure of the website will this one for the ecommerce for the blog So my questions are:
    How is going to affect my seo?
    Is there any difference betwen mystore/ vs
    Wich is the best option for Google Analitycs / Search Console a single property or 2 properties? If you know some post or tutorial related with my question will be appreciated Thanks Guys

    | Roman-Delcarmen

  • I've got a client that gets a considerable amount of traffic that: Enters on an interior page (that we are running properly tagged ads for on various platforms) Bounces Has a browser of either Android Webview or Safari (in-app) which I believe indicates the website is being viewed within a mobile app Has no referrer data: (direct) / (none) We've tested several scenarios (Facebook app, Gmail app, etc.) and ruled them out. Anyone know what this might be? Thanks in advance!!

    | SarahLK

  • Hey guys. I love the new update of GA. Looks so clean. So, of course, I was excited to see how my landing pages were doing. I went to behavior, all content, all pages. And I noticed it's only showing me 19 pages out of the 93 I have indexed. And none of the top ones at all! Can't find them anywhere in GA! Anyone seen this before? Thank you so much

    | Meier

  • Hi all - We want to create a membership program so that they can get more great stuff from us and offers, deals, etc. but only if they qualify to be a member via a purchase for example. The question is we want to move only some of our content (c.30%) behind the membership curtain - will be a mix of SEO value content. There are few questions/ concerns I am hoping you the SEO community can help me with: How can i ensure Google continues to index it without getting penalized. If i tell google bot to index but not allow Google and other sites to see the membership content will that create a penalty? Is that considered a form of cloaking? How can i prevent having to reveal 3 pages a day under Google's First Click Free set-up. I suppose i want my cake and eat it and i suspect the answer is well  i cant. Any help or insights that can help me make this decision better is gratefully accepted.

    | Adrian-phipps

  • I'm creating a filter for internal IP addresses and the client has sent me this: 2001:db8:85a3:8d3:1319:8a2e:370:7348 Does this mean it is not a fixed IP address? I have only ever seen IP addresses in this format: Can anyone shed any light?

    | muzzmoz

  • Hi. all, is content website. our search traffic always shows a dip on weekend (friday to sunday), anyone has idea why it is like this?  and is there a solution to this? or this is a just normal? Thank you.

    | melvinwu

  • Hello All, For my ecommerce site approx more than 30k products I have. In Google Analytic approx daily for few products approx 10-15 products bounce rate show 300%, 200%, 150%, 140%, 125% how? and what is the solution? Product page daily change. Thanks!

    | Johny12345

  • I had removed /en from end of each page (   become Could it be the reason of losing keyword rankings and sessions?

    | Jason225

  • hello there, While Adding My website in Google Analytics,It is not Showing India Country in list. What i can do to add My account in it?? Have requested Google, But Got No response.any body can help please . Thanx in advance,

    | iepl5

  • Recently a client of mine had a new site developed and had changed their domain, so the old URL is now redirecting to the new URL. They want to be able to track referral traffic in the analytics so we can decipher how much direct traffic is coming in from people typing in the old URL. Is this possible and if so, can I have a guide in doing so? Thanks!

    | DigMS

  • Any, and I mean ANY suggestions would be Great and Welcome, Good and Bad. Have a Good site, with what I believe good content, and just stuck at the same level for over 6 months. Please and Thank you for taking a few minute of time out of your day on this. Joe

    | surecreteproucts

  • Ok, this is a long winded one. We're going to spell out what we've seen, then give a few questions to answer below, so please bear with us! We have websites with products listed on them and are looking for guidance on whether to use rel=canonical or some version of No Index for our filtered product listing pages. We work with a couple different website providers and have seen both strategies used. Right now, one of our web providers uses No Index, No Follow tags and Moz alerted us to the high frequency of these tags. We want to make sure our internal linking structure is sound and we are worried that blocking these filtered pages is keeping our product pages from being as relevant as they could be. We've seen recommendations to use No Index, Follow tags instead, but our other web provider uses a different method altogether. Another vendor uses a rel=canonical strategy which we've also seen when researching Nike and Amazon's sites. Because these are industry leading sites, we're wondering if we should get rid of the No Index tags completely and switch to the canonical strategy for our internal links. On that same provider's sites, we've found rel=canonical tags used after the first page of our product listings, and we've seen recommendations to use rel=prev and rel=next instead. With all that being said, we have three questions: 1)Which strategy (rel=canonical vs. No Index) do you recommend as being optimal for website crawlers and boosting our site relevance? 2)If we should be using some version of No Index, should we use Follow or No Follow? 2)Depending on the product, we have multiple pages of products for each category. Should we use rel=prev & rel=next instead of rel=canonical among the pages after page one? Thanks in advance!

    | Leithmarketing

  • My new website went live on 13th April and the organic traffic levels increased by 110%, staying at that level for 3 weeks. Then exactly 3 weeks later the organic traffic halved again, going back to the same level as the old site. Has anyone seen this happen before or worked out why?! Thanks Viki P2R76O9

    | TWB

  • In the past month, I've received referrals from, coming from both Ireland and Germany - it made me a bit suspicious as I haven't seen before and I can't find much online about it. I'm a little reluctant to click through to the website in case it is suspicious... Does anyone know anything about this and should I be concerned? Thanks!

    | RayflexGroup

  • I choose the overwrite option but it keeps adding the costs to the existing costs. When i select that radio button and click done, that option does not appear on the summary screen. That section next to Import Behavior is blank.

    | JGB555

  • For the purposes of this question our ecommerce site url is Our TLD is We have, following advice from Yslow, Pagespeed and others, moved our static content to a subdomain - We have Google Analytics and Enhance Ecommerce installed, fired from GTM. The cookieDomain setting in GTM is 'auto' At present cookies are being attached to our static resources. What changes do I need to make to to prevent this happening? Many thanks Julian

    | jdeb

  • Hi, How to implement event tracking after form validation using tag manager? Thanks

    | Alick300

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