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Category: SEO Tactics

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  • seo rankings spam plagiarism duplicate content

    Can someone provides insights on a de-indexing example? I have gone through the depths of Google lack of support and requesting duplicate content flags, so no avail. Here's the scenario: Client had a competing SEO provider try to earn his business. In doing so, he copied word for word our blog that we have been producing content on over the last 5 years. He also integrated Google reviews in the structured data on this new URL. Well, fast forward 1-2 months later, our rankings started to drop. We found this 100% plagiarized site is taking away from our keyword rankings on GMB, and is no and Google search, and our site GMB is now only displaying on a branded name search as well as our search traffic has dropped. I have identified the plagiarized, duplicated content, being tied to our GMB as well, as the source of the problem. Well, I finally obtain ed control of the plagarized domain and shut down the hosted, and forwarded the URL to our URL. Well, Google still has the HTTS version of the site indexed. And it is in my professional opinion, that since the site is still indexed and is associated with the physician GMB that was ranking for our target keyword and no longer does, that this is the barrier to ranking again. Since its the HTTPS version, it is not forwarded to our domain. Its a 504 error but is still ranking in the google index. The hosting and SSL was canceled circa December 10th. I have been waiting for Google to de-index this site, therefore allowing our primary site to climb the rankings and GMB rankings once again. But it has been 6 weeks and Google is still indexing this spam site. I am incredibly frustrated with google support (as a google partner) and disappointed that this spam site is still indexed. Again, my conclusion that when this SPAM site is de-indexed, we will return back to #1. But when? and at this point, ever? Highlighted below is the spam site. Any suggestions? Capture.PNG

    | WebMarkets
  • Unsolved

    local ranking factors landing pages local seo tactics

    We operate in multiple cities, and for a number of years, have (mostly successfully) targeted each city with its own landing page. But lately Im seeing these pages drop in rankings, If I ignored SEO tactics, and designed the site based on what I think would be most useful/helpful to people viewing the website, I would not have any location landing pages. I would have one strong page (eg, probably the home page), that says "and we operate in the following locations..." and then list them off. The thing is, I dont really think these location specific landing pages have ever offered any real value to someone searching, other than just making it clear that we operate in their area (which doesn't need a landing page to make that clear). They're basically variations of each other, key word adjusted for the location - done for the purpose of ranking locally. I mean, that sounds like spam. But all the research says that I need landing pages for each location. My question: What would happen if I built one new page, and listed all the locations clearly on that page, and then 301 redirect the existing location landing pages to the new, single page. Would I fall of the cliff?

    | blitzna101

  • shopify ecommerce seo tactics

    Hi Moz folks, would love your thoughts on benefits of Shopify collection pages v blog posts for ranking secondary shopping keywords not suitable for existing shop pages - all help gratefully received, we are going down a rabbit hole on this one and need some sanity! So, we’re updating our site which already has a reasonable seo foundation and are looking to rank better for key shopping search keywords in our space (d2c sports nutrition). My question is should we prioritise store collection pages (category pages in Shopify terms) or blog posts for some of the main keywords not already covered by our core in-store collections/categories? Priority keywords already covered are things like protein powders, protein bars, energy drinks, etc. As context, we have a small product catalogue (10 products) and for easy navigation on site have these grouped into 7 collections/categories in the main menu and available from the homepage. All are quality high volume and high intent shopping keywords for our business. The secondary terms we are now looking to add content for are things like marathon nutrition, vegan sports nutrition, etc so now ​need to choose if we create product collection pages for these, or use blog posts to do the work. The advantage of collections, we believe, is that Google is likely to prioritise these in search. The disadvantage from a UX point of view is that more categories in store could make our simple and clear product range (10 products only) look complex or repetitive. Conversely, a blog post removes any UX confusion with too many categories, but we have a conversion rate issue with our blog. It performs well in search, but conversions are poor. We have addressed this with a new keyword targeting strategy and blog customisation, but we have yet to test this so while in theory it should work well, we do not know for certain. In summary: we want to rank key shopping keywords beyond our core ones we have - would you advise we use blog posts or product collection pages? All help gratefully received - thanks! Warren

    | WP33
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