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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • duplicate content

    Hello, I had an issue with some pages being listed as duplicate content in my weekly Moz report. I've since discussed it with my web dev team and we decided to stop the pages from being crawled. The web dev team added this coding to the pages <meta name='robots' content='max-image-preview:large, noindex dofollow' />, but the Moz report is still reporting the pages as duplicate content. Note from the developer "So as far as I can see we've added robots to prevent the issue but maybe there is some subtle change that's needed here. You could check in Google Search Console to see how its seeing this content or you could ask Moz why they are still reporting this and see if we've missed something?" Any help much appreciated!

    | rj_dale

  • navigation site crawl page rank local seo

    I have a client that is a national brand with 400+ local brick and mortar businesses. Like any site, you navigate to “find a location” and then click on the business location closest to you. I’m going to call these local businesses “subsites”. When you’re on the subsite, the global navigation goes away, and the new subsite navigation replaces it. The subsite navigation does not link back up to the main global navigation (except for the homepage when you click on logo).
    I’ll try to give you a simple visual: Structure of global navigation: (high volume KW) volume KW) volume KW)
    Once you go to the subsite of Dallas, TX, the navigation changes to: (same service as above but localized) (same service as above but localized) (same service as above but localized) I told my client that because the subsite does not link back up to the national pages of the site, the page rank does not get to recirculate through the website. Once the page rank is passed down to the subsites, it just recirculates within the subsite like it is its own little website on a website.
    I believe this is causing a lot of problems with the ranking of the national pages because there are 400+ subsites (with 15 service pages = ~6,000 pages) that don’t let the pagerank flow back up to the main global navigation, recirculating the PR throughout the website.
    It is a big ask for the client to change their website navigation without proof that this is happening. So that is what I’m looking for. Has anyone had this problem before or can point me to something to show to my client that we need to keep that global navigation on the subsites?

    | RiseSEO

  • authority redirect 302

    Hi, I have the opportunity to acquire a domain of a company that is closing in a similar industry who currently have a decent Authority - 51DA, 5,752 Linking Domains. I cannot do anything with the new business yet but if I acquire the domain the existing website will turn off. If I crawl the existing site and 302 redirect all pages to a holding page on said domain, will that preserve authority while I start the new business and build the new website and like-for-like pages?

    | Ant-Scarborough

  • 301 redirect page rank

    I have a blog which is ranking well for certain terms, and would like to repurpose it to better explain these terms it is ranking for, including updating the url to the new term the blog will be about. The plan being to 301 redirect the old url to new. In the past, I've done this with other pages, and have actually lost much of the rankings that I had earned on the original URL. What is your take on this? Maybe repurpose blog, but maintain original URL just to be on the safe side? Thanks

    | CitimarineMoz

  • Dear Moz community, We are a directory website and have lots and lots of UTM. This is crucial as we want to measure visits through Google analytics. Moz as a tool is fantastic because through a site crawl it can spot all our duplicate pages. Needless to say, due to the amount of UTM's on different pages, we have lots of duplicate pages flagged up. I ideal solution is still having the analytics capabilities of the UTM, but not affecting our SEO where search engines will realise it is not a duplicate page - we're aware it is the same page we just want to track the source! Your help is greatly appreciated! Thanks,

    | Eric_S

  • All pages are secure on my website now. Some of my pages listed on Google are now and some are Which format should I use and why?  (with www or without?) I want to give Google a new site map URL in the Google search console? Yes I know both URLs go to the same page.

    | Audio-Bible

  • A page on our WordPress powered website has had an error message thrown up in GSC to say it is included in the sitemap but set to 'noindex'. The page has also been removed from Google's search results. Page is Looking at the page code, plus using Screaming Frog and Ahrefs crawlers, the page is very clearly still set to 'index'. The SEO plugin we use has not been changed to 'noindex' the page. I have asked for it to be reindexed via GSC but I'm concerned why Google thinks this page was asked to be noindexed. Can anyone help with this one? Has anyone seen this before, been hit with this recently, got any advice...?

    | d.bird

  • I have a problem , canonical tags present in my web pages,  but still google search console  showing canonical issue for example check this page

    | ParastooDezyani

  • meta data google

    I have seen several posts as to why google may not be using the meta description. The most common reason is that they found other text on the page that is more relevant. While I have seen this to be the case on some, most of the time it is not. Is there any way to alert the google bot that it is taking wrong info that would not be good to the user?

    | RobDalton
  • Unsolved

    structured data breadcrumblist breadcrumbs

    Hello, I would like to update the google search rich results for our website using breadcrumblist structured data. I followed google guidelines on how to get this done and even tested it using the Rich Results test but non of the changes I made show up in google search.
    Is anyone able to provide assistance with this process?

    | GlobalDentalShop

  • wordpress seo duplicate content

    Hi, I keep getting alert for duplicate content. It seems Wordpress is creating it through a /tag Something in the way we've got Wordpress set up?

    | curveballmedia

  • indexation indexed urls

    Over the past 5 months many of our clients are having indexing issues for their blog posts.
    A blog from 5 months ago could be indexed, and a blog from 1 month ago could be indexed but blogs from 4, 3 and 2 months ago aren't indexed. It isn't consistent and there is not commonality across all of these clients that would point to why this is happening. We've checked sitemap, robots, canonical issues, internal linking, combed through Search Console, run Moz reports, run SEM Rush reports (sorry Moz), but can't find anything. We are now manually submitting URLs to be indexed to try and ensure they get into the index. Search console reports for many of the URLs will show that the blog has been fetched and crawled, but not indexed (with no errors). In some cases we find that the blog paginated pages (i.e. blog/page/2 , blog/page/3 , etc.) are getting indexed but not the blogs themselves. There aren't any nofollow tags on the links going to the blogs either. Any ideas? *I've added a screenshot of one of the URL inspection reports from Search Console alt text

    | JohnBracamontes

  • pagination

    Question on Pagination Because we could have /blog/ or /blog/?page=1 as page one would this be the correct way to markup the difference between these two URL? The first page of a sequence could start with either one of these URLs. Clarity around what to do on this first page would be helpful. Example… Would this be the correct way to do this as these two URLs would have the exact content? Internal links would likely link to /blog/ so signal could be muddy. URL:
    <link rel="canonical" href=""> URL:
    <link rel="canonical" href=""> Google is now saying to just use the canonical to the correct paginated URL with page number. You can read that here: But they do not clarify what to do on /blog/?page=1 vs /blog/ as they are the exact same thing. Thanks for your help.

    | jorgensoncompanies

  • moz crawler

    Hi, i need help regarding Moz Can't Crawl Your Site i also share screenshot that Moz was unable to crawl your site on Mar 26, 2022. Our crawler was not able to access the robots.txt file on your site. This often occurs because of a server error from the robots.txt. Although this may have been caused by a temporary outage, we recommend making sure your robots.txt file is accessible and that your network and server are working correctly. Typically errors like this should be investigated and fixed by the site webmaster.
    my robts.txt also ok i checked it
    Here is my website
    just check it please as soon as possibe

    | JasonTorney

  • moz pro url issue shopify

    Hi everyone, I have a question regarding broken URL links on my website. Late last year I move my site from an old platform to Shopify, and now have broken URL links giving out 4xx errors. When I look at Moz Pro>Campaigns>Insights>links, I can see the top broken URL links, however there is a difference if copy & paste URL directly from Moz Pro and by Export CSV file. For example below, If I copy and paste links direct from Moz Pro, it has the “http://” in front as below: But when I export the list of links as an CSV file, the http:// is removed. Another Example below: By copy & paste URL direct from Moz Pro By export CSV file. Which one do I use to enter into the “Redirect From” field in Shopify URL Redirects? Do I need to have the http:// in front of the URL? Or is it not required for redirects to work? Kind Regards, John Wall
    The Hair Hub

    | johnwall

  • 403 errors technical seo

    Hi, all! I've been working with a Wordpress site that I inherited that gets little to no organic traffic, despite being content rich, optimized, etc. I know there's something wrong on the backend but can't find a satisfactory culprit. When I emulate googlebot, most pages give me a 403 error. Also, google will not index many urls which makes sense and is a massive headache. All advice appreciated! The site is It is specific to WP Engine, using GES (Global Edge Security) and WPWAF

    | SimpleSearch

  • site crawl technical seo

    Hi there, our website was revamped last year and Moz is unable to crawl the site since then. Could you please check what is the issue? @siteaudits @Crawlinfo

    | helensohdg38

  • url issue urlredirect optimization page rank optimization technical seo

    We are looking to change our blog structure which will help us with the organization of the topics but the url structure will change if we do this. Right now all of the blogs are under a general news blog, which we will be breaking out articles into several blog category topics Current:
    example of current structure
    current site: https://domain/blogs/news/blog article name Proposed Change:
    current site: https://domain/blogs/keyword-name-of-blog-category/blog article name We have ranked #1 for several keywords that we would like to preserve the ranking if we make this switch with 301 redirects. Looking for suggestion on the percentage of chance our ranking will be negatively affected and by how much? Also what everyones recommendation is if we should make this switch or not touch the urls. Your help is appreciated, thanks in advance.

    | theblueprints
  • This question is deleted!


  • Greetings fellow Moz Community, first time asking a question here so kind of excited to be part of the community. I hired an SEO firm about three months ago.  They have arranged high ranking DA guest posts for us as well as many other small low DA links.  None of these links have any kind of a spam score. However for the past two months they have been helping, our website's DA has actually dropped by one point each month. Is this cause for concern?  Any thoughts on how I can trace the drop? On a side-note, out of the 700+ keywords that didn't were ranking in the top 50, about 200 of them now are gone compared to last month.  I don't know if this is related or not, but something looks awry.

    | PhillySEO

  • technical seo canonical duplicate content

    Hi, We've seen recently in Search Console Coverage report that website is generating long path URLs that we actually don't have.
    Here's an example: Does anybody knows what's the issue behind it? Thanks!

    | eUniverse

  • indexation keyword rankings

    Hello everyone, For one of our websites, we have optimized for many keywords. However, it seems that every keyword is indexed on the home page, and thus not ranked properly. This occurs only on one of our many websites. I am wondering if anyone knows the cause of this issue, and how to solve it. Thank you.

    | Ginovdw

  • Hi mozzers, I am running an audit and disabled cookies on our homepage for testing purposes, this pointed to a 404 http response? I tried on other pages and they were loading correctly. I assume this is not normal? Why this is happening?  and could this harm the site's SEO? Thanks!

    | Taysir

  • hello I do white hat SEO on my site and I Don't do any spamy job on my site but my spam score is 1%. 
    please look at my site and tell me what can I do to decrease it to 0. this is my site.

    | zacharrivers
  • This question is deleted!


  • technical seo

    Hi everyone, for some reason lately i have discovered that Google is ranking my inner pages higher than the main subfolder page. --> Target page to be ranked ---> page that is currently ranking Also in the SERP most of the time, it is showing both links in this manner. Thanks in advance.

    | davidboh

  • seo audit domain rankings

    I have a domain for my UAE based project called and however, one of my colleagues suggested going with .ae option.
    Whether if we change the domain like as suggested get earlier results than .com domain or what?\Which domain .com or .ae ranks faster in UAE location if the SEO strategies followed in the same way?

    | 0eup.ombitao

  • meta description

    Hi All I have a metadata issue. My site crawl is coming back with missing descriptions, but all of the pages look like having descriptions <meta property="og:description" content="תפריט BBB כיכר רבין" /> Has anyone ever saw a similar problem and have an idea of what is wrong? Thanks

    | MMTECH1
  • This question is deleted!

    | Dgoad1

  • We are in a bit of a tricky situation since a key top-level page with lots of external links has been selected as a duplicate by Google. We do not have any canonical tag in place. Now this is fine if Google passes the link juice towards the page they have selected as canonical (an identical top-level page)- does anyone know the answer to this question? Due to various reasons, we can't put a canonical tag ourselves at this moment in time. So my question is, does a Google selected canonical work the same way and pass link juice as a user selected canonical? Thanks!

    | Lewald1

  • disavow spam

    I recieved a huge amount of spamy link (most of them has spam score 100) Currently my disavow link is arround 85.000 lines but at least i have 100.000 more domain which i should add them. All of them are domains and i don't have any backlink in my file. My Problem is that google dosen't accept disavow link which are more than 2MB and showes this message : File too big: Maximum file size is 100,000 lines and 2MB What should i do now?

    | sforoughi

  • reviews ecommerce schema product page

    Hi, I'm looking to introduce historical customer reviews onto our product pages but i want an opinion on whether a product page that's indexed will jump from 0 reviews to possible 30+, what if any problems that could arise from this.. For a bit of background, we've been collecting customer reviews/ratings since 2015 on our internal system. I'm only looking to start using feedback from 2020 onwards. The current set up is that the product page will display the latest 30 reviews, on the same page is a link that will take the user to another page where they can review all the customer feedback. I'm using Google Schema to markup the text to ensure it is firstly understood by google and displays correctly too. So back to my original question. Will an e-commerce product page that currently has no customer reviews that is indexed, been seen differently if when the next time it's crawled its found to have, say 30+ reviews? Are there any implications this way? What's your experience? I look forward to reading your feedback.

  • This question is deleted!


  • Recently my company started consulting for a SaaS company. They're clearly the best known, most trusted company on their area of work and they have the strongest brand, best product and therefore more users than any of their competitors by a big margin. Still, 99% of their traffic comes from branded, despite having 3x more domains, better performance scores and more content. Even using tools such as SimilarWeb for comparing user satisfaction metrics, they seem to have lower bounce rates and more visits per session. Still, they rank for almost nothing that is non branded on Google (they rank extremely well for almost everything on bing and DuckDuckGo). They don't have any obvious issues with crawling or indexation - we've gone to great depths to tick off any issues that could be affecting this. My conclusion is that it's either a penalty or a bug, but GSC is not flagging any manual actions. These are the things we've identified: All the content was moved from to at the end of 2017. 301s were put in place, migration was confirmed on GSC. Everything was done with great care and we couldn't identify any issues with it. Some subdomains of the site, especially support, rank extremely well for all sorts of keywords, even very competitive ones but the www subdomain ranks for almost nothing on Google. The www subdomain has 1,000s of domains pointing to it while the support has only a few 100s. Google is performing delayed rendering attempts on old pages, JS and CSS particularly versions of assets that were live before the migration in 2017, including the old homepage. Again, the redirects have been in place for 3 years. Search Console frequently showing old HTML (at least a year old) in cache despite a recent crawl date and a current 301. Search Console frequently processing old HTML (at least a year old) when reporting on schema. Search Console is sometimes selecting pages from the old domain as the canonical of a URL of an existing page of the current domain, despite a long-standing 301 and the canonicals being well configured for 3 years now. Has anyone experienced anything similar in the past? We've been doing an analysis of old SEO practices, link profile, disavow... nothing points to black hat practices and at this point we're wondering if it's just Google doing a terrible job with this particular domain.

    | oline123

  • We have 2 variations of domains. www and non-www
    Both can be seen by users and have been linked to on press releases, but only the www one has data on Google Search Console.
    In the case, what is the best practice for us?

    | aaaannieee

  • Hi all. Should you use rel sponsored on internal links? Here is the scenario: a company accepts money from one of their partners to place a prominent link on their home page. That link goes to an internal page on the company's website that contains information about that partner's service. If this was an external link that the partner was paying for, then you would obviously use rel="sponsored" but since this is a link that goes from to, it seems odd to qualify that link in this way. Does this change if the link contains a "sponsored" label in the text (not in the rel qualifier)? Does this change if this link looks more like an ad (i.e. a banner image) vs. regular text (i.e. a link in a paragraph)? Thanks for any and all guidance or examples you can share!

    | Matthew_Edgar

  • the crawl request of my company site: has dropped nearly over 95%, from daily 6463599 requests to 476493 requests at 12:00am on 9th, Oct (GMT+8). This dramatic dropping trend not only showed in our GSC crawl stats report but also our company's own log report. We have no idea what’s going on. We want to know whether there is an update of google about crawlling, or is this the issue of our own site? If something is wrong with our site, in what aspects would you recommend us to check, analyze and accordingly optimize?

    | DHgate_2014

  • Hi All, I have a client who operates in multiple countries with the sub directory structure. In AU for their main brand name .com site still ranks in the first position but /au ranks for most of the other terms. Current we have a 301 redirect in place for .com for anyone accessing the site from AU to /au. This is only for home pages as other .com pages don't rank in Australia. Just wondering what implication this can have on our SEO campaign. Cheers
    Thank you for your expertise and insights in advance.

    | SSP21

  • I use Yoast as SEO for my new Wordpress website, however I couldn't get the sitemaps with Yoast as it was giving me error 404, and regardless of what I tried, it wasn't working. So I then got the All In One SEO while still having Yoast installed, I easily got the AIO sitemaps and then submitted them successfully to the Google search console. My question is that now I got the sitemaps on Google, since I'd rather use Yoast, If I want to delete AIO, will the sidemaps given to Google become invalid? There is no point keeping both SEO plugins active right? Thank You

    | iamzain16

  • Hey guys, Recently (approx 1 month ago) did a migration from the version of our site to .com/en. We've been doing a migration every few months to get everything under our .com. Previous migrations haven't had any problems at all, and hreflang tags detected correctly. For this new UK migration (that was done 1 month ago) google is saying that it doesn't detect any hreflang tags. We place our hreflang tags in our sitemap and so far we haven't had any problems with it. Here's the sitemap: Any thoughts on what could be happening? I really appreciate your input and help 🙌

    | mooj

  • We are not sure that page does matter or not for google ranking as I am working for this keyword "flower delivery in Bangalore" from last few months and I saw some website's google first page who have low page speed but still ranking so I am really worried about my page that has also low page speed. will my Bangalore page rank on google the first page if the speed is low and kindly suggest me more tips for the ranking best factors which really works in 2020 and one more thing that domain authority really matters in this year? as I also saw some websites with low domain authority and ranking on google's first page. Home page: Flowerportal Bangalore page: focus Keyword is: Flower delivery in Bangalore, send flowers to Bangalore

    | vidi3423

  • I have a problem and i have a question on that. Many important keywords and long tail keywords are ranking with the home page url.
    How can i enrich the home page content without having a bad result and should i try to make the google spider send to more specific page?

    | mazzamz

  • I have a section(no. of webpages with content) on my site with display ads. The site is mainly for UK visitors. I want to show ads to UK visitors but not US visitors. Rest of the content will be the same for UK and US. There will just be 1 page with same UrL for US and UK. Hence, no href lang tags are being used.
    Is there any correlation between display ads and SEO? Would not showing ads in US cause any issues for bots or do bots consider display ads and SEO as two completey different aspects. Asking as Google bot crawls from the US.

    | Kohliharleen

  • Hey all! Someone I work with recently redirected one of their site pages via Squarespace. They used Squarespace-provided code to make a 301 redirect. Following this, the primary keywords for the page that was redirect to have dropped pretty significantly. Any Squarespace pros out there who can help me figure out what's going on?

    | kelseyworsham

  • Regarding backlinks, I'm wondering which is more advantageous for domain authority and Google reputation: Option 1: More backlinks including a lot of spammy links Option 2: Fewer backlinks but only reliable, non-spam links I've researched this topic around the web a bit and understand that the answer is somewhere in the middle, but given my site's specific backlink volume, the answer might lean one way or the other. For context, my site has a spam score of 2%, and when I did a quick backlink audit, roughly 20% are ones I want to disavow. However, I don't want to eliminate so many backlinks that my DA goes down. As always, we are working to build quality backlinks, but I'm interested in whether eliminating 20% of backlinks will hurt my DA. Thank you!

    | LianaLewis
  • This question is deleted!


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