Questions created by BobGW
Why personal change coach not ranking for his own name, exact match
The term is tim hallbom The new website is TimHallbom.com I was under the impression that someone could take over rank for their own name. Let me know what we're doing wrong. Thanks.
Link Building | | BobGW0 -
I Use them 100%, but The 5-star review system is archaic
The 5-star review system is archaic. Let me first say that 5-star reviews are a successful part of my eCommerce strategy and also everyone I know that is successful as well. Why are they out of date? When you look at something with a total of 400 four-stars reviws on Amazon, what does that tell you? Almost nothing if you don't read why it was not 5 stars. It could be something Amazon automatically fixes and you don't care about. Thus it's 5 stars. It could be an issue you really care about. It's now more like 3 stars or the real 4 stars. Different products have different types of things that cause less stars, not always obvious, good, or bad. Thus I propose a new system, one that you can read the rating and know what it means. It's called 3-Levels 5-Stars. It would vary per industry. For shoes it would be, like: Walking Shoe Sold Online 1. Matches Fantasy of Style I want: 1-5 2. Logistics Like cost and if it was broken on arrival: 1-5 3. Usability, Usefulness, Durability: 1-5 The goal is for 80% of the people to not have to look any farther than the three-level five-star system. Otherwise, everybody has to read every four-star review to know for sure what's up with that product. Same with 3 stars. 4 and a half stars. Just expand the little 5-star thing the world's got going to include three categories. You could also have a variation statistic for those that don't know that 4 reviews isn't a big enough set not to have variation in outcome, but that's only an extra addition.
Social Media | | BobGW0 -
Link Building where link building is dead. Latest tactics in a land of content.
Hello, What is your latest link building techniques considering manual link building is basically dead, and you should really build good content to drive results. Link building has really become less important. It seems to be much more 10X content now. What would you recommend for basic link building considering this besides the 50 first Links video by Rand, which is excellent. Thanks, Bob
Link Building | | BobGW0 -
Best less expensive graphic design
Hello, We have an Ecommerce store and we need our category buttons to be redone and to shine. Unfortunately, I've tried all my places and none are 10X, though none of them cost very much (like Fiverr, Freelancer) What I would like is some advice on where to go for inexpensive but still very good quality graphics. I'm a good designer, and so far, I can do better graphics than the designers I've found, I just don't have the time as a busy SEO. Please let me know If you have any gems you are willing to share. I'm searching the community colleges as we speak. Thanks.
Web Design | | BobGW2 -
Please share best high quality low cost animation and video production services for less
Hi, Here's what I'm doing: I've got Creative Suite and I'm putting together animations and videos for several websites, finding clips and images and forming what we need. What I need: A video production service to put everything together with their fine 10X or near "touch" without charging me too much since I did all the legwork. I'm asking for a miracle here, I'm asking for almost 10X animation, but where I do the legwork and it doesn't cost very much. Real low budget here, but we're not willing to put out anything low par. Please share any services or advice you know of. Thank you.
Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BobGW0 -
Recommended basic credible SEO on youtube
Hello, I'm teaching a friend SEO and she wants very basic SEO videos on Youtube. I looked for some but there was a lot of incorrect information that some people were giving out. Does any experienced SEOs know of credible, basic SEO videos that the SEOs that make them don't give out backward information. Good quality videos. I will keep looking, but please, if anyone has some gems send them my way. Thanks. Bob
Keyword Research | | BobGW1 -
How do I tackle this 3K term?
Hi, I have launched a very new website and am tackling this term: nlp techniques (3K) with this page It's a 1 year target. I'm developing 100 new processes for the page. I've put up 11 so far. It looks like the top contenders have a lot to offer as far as number of techniques and quality of techniques. They are just honestly dumping their regular training material on as a big area of their website, what I'm doing is developing new innovative techniques from scratch that do the same thing and hopefully more. Let me know what you think I can do to move up the ranks. I can't do outreach for link building since this is a social community.
Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BobGW0 -
What instills branding trust - resources
Hello, If you look at the top keyword in one of our companies, and across the long tail, you'll see one thing. Not better companies for the industry. Not companies with better information. Just Trusted names. Trust Trust Trust. Big guys you can trust and little guys you can trust. So since everything's about branding trust in this niche, how do you revamp a website to instill new trust and thus increase in rank? Resources are always helpful, or direct answers are more than welcome. Thanks.
Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BobGW1 -
Least expensive, correctly done way to hire product descriptions done.
Hello, WHAT WE NEED NOW: We need 300 product descriptions done. We have reached the point where we're hiring this done. How would you recommend we go about this. 200 products will be rewriting the supplier's product descriptions (one sentence each) and filling out a quicktable. There's just nothing to do there, no information anywhere. About 100 products will be where the person writing the description and filling out the table will have to google the product's manufacturer and rewrite the information off of that website in an intelligible, interesting, paragraph that is informative. Would you recommend we hire someone local to come work in our office that specializes in our niche, or are there any GOOD services out there for our case, even if it's just for the first 200. OUR FUTURE PLANS: We'll guess at the top few products and do some 10X work ourselves. No hiring needed there. Once we know the top 50 products we will do some more deep hiring for 10X product descriptions, but that can wait. Thanks.
Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BobGW1 -
Best of the Web Still Prime Backlink Real Estate
Hello, I was doing competitive research and our top competitor has a clean backlink profile that includes the Best Of The Web directory. The top people on this Q&A used to recommend them and DMOZ for the only true good directory links. Is this still true or is Best Of The Web less important now? We only are listed in a small handful of directories, and not anything recent besides DMOZ. Thanks, Bob
Competitive Research | | BobGW2 -
Best inexpensive email outreach program
Hello, What's an inexpensive, easy-to-use email outreach program for link building? Thanks
Link Building | | BobGW0 -
Keyword Research Using K Explorer for Company with No Competitors
Hello, I'm doing keyword research for vapementors.com I'm trying to use Moz's Keyword Explorer to do keyword research for them, but it's tough. They have no real direct competitors. I typed in a lot of related keywords in KE but couldn't find anything real high traffic. So far I have just gave them a list that I extracted from a bunch of KE results, but they rank for most of them already and there wasn't a lot of insight from my list. What do you suggest? Thanks
Moz Bar | | BobGW0 -
Duplicate Content Product Descriptions - Technical List Supplier Gave Us
Hello, Our supplier gives us a small paragraph and a list of technical features for our product descriptions. My concern is duplicate content. Here's what my current plan is: 1. To write as much unique content (rewriting the paragraph and adding to it) as there is words in the technical description list. Half unique content half duplicate content. 2. To reword the technical descriptions (though this is not always possible) 3. To have a custom H1, Title tag and meta description My question is, is the list of technical specifications going to create a duplicate content issue, i.e. how much unique content has to be on the page for the list that is the same across the internet does not hurt us? Or do we need to rewrite every technical list? Thanks.
White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | BobGW0 -
Which backlinks sites to use for full competitive research
Hello, Doing competitive research for really gentle basic link building campaign. Which sites do I need to get a backlink list from besides open site explorer to be most successful? Thanks.
Moz Pro | | BobGW0 -
Becoming an expert at Ecommerce facebook
Hello, I'm looking to coach local business owners on how to run an Ecommerce business. Charging $400/hour Will entail everything someone needs to know to be good at Ecommerce I need to be better at Facebook to do this. What do you suggest to get better at Ecommerce Facebook on a strict budget? Thanks, Bob
Social Media | | BobGW0 -
Link Building vs. Straight Earning Links Discussion
Hello, I'd like to start a discussion on link building outreach techniques vs. just building a good website with good 10X content. I don't like to receive unsolicited emails in my inbox, so why should the people in my industry? Also, I've seen plenty of evidence of 10X content soaring without link building outreach. But link building isn't dead of course, so can you tell me your personal experiences either way and the ethics of what you do? I especially want to hear if you've had luck with just building good websites and being successful based on the content itself, but an open discussion of either side is welcome. Leaning towards just building good websites and letting the Google algo do it's thing. Would love to hear your experiences either way. Thanks.
White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | BobGW3 -
1st Ecommerce site got penalized, can we start a 2nd one?
Hello, A client's first site got penalized by Goolge Penguin. It has recovered through cleaning up backlinks, but not to where it was before. It is 2nd and 3rd for several money keywords, but is far less successful than before penalization. We are starting a second site. Here's the important steps to mention The new site shows up first for it's domain name, and it has 30 pages indexed. It shows up NOWHERE for our leading search term. Out other site has a blog post that is 3rd for that search term. We are using new categories and new organization. We are using a different cart solution We are adding all unique content The home pages and some of the product pages are very thorough. We are adding comprehensive products like nothing else in the industry (10X) We plan on adding a very comprehensive blog, but haven't started yet. We've added the top 100 products so far. Our other store has 500. There's a lot of spam in the industry, so sites are slow to rank. Our category descriptions are 500 words Again, all unique content. No major errors in Moz Campaign tools Just a few categories so far, we're going to add many more. Same Google Analytics account as our other site It looks like we should eventually be on page 3 for our major search term. Again, we're nowhere for anything right now. ... Have you seen that Google will not rank a second site because it's from the same company and Google Analytics account, or does Google let you rank 2 sites in the same industry? We are hoping it's just slow to rank. If you can rank 2 sites, what are your best recommendations to help show up? Thanks.
White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | BobGW0 -
Local SEO: How to get local business showing up in Google Local
Hello, We moved to a small town in Council, ID. It's interesting. None of the businesses around here are showing up in Google Local - map, phone number, hours, etc. Nothing. It's all Yelp and stuff. Is there some sort of collective local SEO that has to be done to get Council, ID on the map? It's kind of strange that no businesses show up. I want to help local businesses, but I don't know if Google will even register them. We can get a group of local businesses together if we have to. Let me know what we can do. Thanks.
Local Listings | | BobGW0 -
How to jumpstart a new Ecommerce site
Hello, I've got a new Ecommerce site I'm jumpstarting. It's one of those sites that takes a while to rank for. Here's what we're doing: 1. Creating a beautiful, mobile friendly site. 2. Adding a long detailed home page answering all the questions that people come to our industry keyword results with. 3. Adding detailed, beautiful cateogy pages. 4. Adding detailed, beautiful product pages. 5. Adding beautiful, long About Us & Resource Sites list pages. 6. Offering straight up obvious free shipping and no tax even though that's taking a hit in our industry. 7. We're going after the 2 main informational terms (keyword explorer) in the industry with a vengance - 20X as good as the competition for the main term. 8. We're adding 20-30 pages of articles to help our customers and hit major keyword search terms, although there's not much in our industry. What else would you recommend doing to jumpstart a new Ecommerce site that has difficulty being in the top 50? Thanks.
Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BobGW0 -
Advanced Commerce Category Descriptions and Features - How?
Hello, We are finding that our Ecommerce categories are very important along with our blog and product pages in one niche. How do we deck out a category description so we can have 10X content for that category? For example, if it as "blue running shoes" here's what I have designed so far: A short description at the top that is like two sentences with a "Read More" expansion div that drops down to a menu. The menu is anchor links to BELOW THE PRODUCTS description (rarely read thus the problem) to things like 1. What you should know about blue running shoes 2. Best blue running shoes in this category, a highlight of top product too 3. Features of blue running shoes in this category 4. a table comparison table of the top 5 products 5. FAQ 6. 1 minute video overview of blue running shoes The thing is, I don't think anyone reads the product description in our niche so I won't benefit much from "Time on Site". What can I do to get people to spend time reading my category descriptions and benefit from some "Time on Site" and other similar factors and thus move up above less comprehensive competitors?
Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BobGW0 -
Paypal instead of Merchant's account and will the site still move up?
Hello, Will an Ecommerce site still move up in a niche if it only accepts PayPal and doesn't have a merchant's account on it? Thanks.
Technical SEO | | BobGW0 -
Legalicy of videos used for local SEO
Hello, A client of mine wants to use someone else's video (video of how to train your dog) in his pages for "dog training (His City)" The person who makes the how to train your dog videos sells DVDs and that's how he makes his money if that matters. We want to make sure we're giving the proper credit and doing this OK. What do we need to keep in minds for legalities and respecting the author? Thanks.
Local SEO | | BobGW0 -
How many 7000 word articles before we should launch
We are in a standard wide niche, my website composes so far of one 7000 word article on spiritual awakening. I have 14 more articles sketched, on various related topics, each 5000-15000 words per article, targething main keywords in the niche. I am qualified to tie the whole niche together and draw new meaning but it takes in debth length. The question is how many 5K-15K page articles would you recommend polishing before launching the thing. Everything is launched, hid from the search engines, and I need to know how many articles to publish before I let the search engines look at my site. Looking for the best thing for long term growth. Thanks.
Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BobGW0 -
Top 3 concepts in modern SEO - best resources
Hello, What are the top 3 concepts in modern SEO in your honest opinion, and what are your best sources for learning about them. For example, #1 10X Content This Whiteboard Friday
Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BobGW0 -
Simple question: I wonder if I'm over internally linking?
Hi, What's you guys' policy on how much to internally link. I do it a lot - whenever it makes sense, but hold off if I just linked to the same page in the last paragraph, for instance. Would like to know your thoughts to see if I'm overdoing it. This is for Ecommerce blog posts, category descriptions, and product descriptions if that matters. Thanks.
On-Page Optimization | | BobGW0 -
What should I write about in my blog, doing SEO for Boise, ID, USA
I'm starting the website HonestOakSEO.com It's targeting SEO in Boise, ID, USA I'm doing Ecommerce SEO, service-based SEO, informational SEO, local SEO, mainly on-site SEO, and content Analysis and Advice What should I write about in my blog? I want it to be excellent. Thanks
Local SEO | | BobGW0 -
What would you say is hurting this site, Penguin or Panda?
Would you say this is both Penguin and Panda and no penalty has ever been lifted? What would be your general recommendations for this site? seWnoQm
White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | BobGW0 -
H1 for users or SEO in this case
Hello, A client of mine has an online store with a pre-made cart. In this cart the name below the product in the category pages and the H1 tag on the product pages themselves are the same textbox entry (they have to be the same thing) We want to add two product features to the product name, but this will make the H1 longer and diluted. Let me give you a fictional example, A category page for cross-trainer shoes would have products in it. Below each product it says things like "Nike Sports One Shoes" and "Adidas Action Series Shoes". We want to make it "Nike Sports Shoes size 7 through 12 for running and walking" and "Adidas Action Series Shoes size 5 through 10 for running, walking, and hiking". The reason for the change is that we want users to know about size and one more important feature before they visit the product page in our case to save them time. But this changes the H1 on the product page (a pre-made cart problem) from "Adidas Action Series Shoes" which is the direct search term to "Adidas Action Series Shoes size 5 through 10 for running, walking, and hiking" which is not a direct search term. This dilutes the keyword in the H1 but will save users time. We will put a tag inside the H1 just so you know, so that we can bold the name of the product to still be seen clearly, I hope that's not an HTML SEO problem. **What do you think, for users with diluted SEO or better SEO in this case? Our product pages are our most important pages in this industry. Thanks**
Web Design | | BobGW0 -
Google Algorithm non-manual penalty. How do we fix this (quality?) drop?
Hi, See attached image. We received a non-manual penalty on March 22, 2015. I don't think we ever came out of it. We have moved up due to the Penguin update, but we should (by DA PA) be up on the first page for tons of stuff and most keyword are lower than their true strength. What kind of quality errors could be causing this? I assume it was a quality update. I am working on the errors, but don't see anything that would be so severe as to be penalized. What errors/quality problems am I looking for? We have tons of unique content. Good backlinks. Good design. Good user experience except for some products. Again, what am I looking for? Thanks. non-manual-penalty.png
White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | BobGW0 -
Exact match .org Ecommerce: Reason why internal page is ranking over home page
Hello, We have a new store where an internal category page (our biggest category) is moving up ahead of the home page. What could be the reason for this? It's an exact match .org. Over-optimization? Something else? It happened both when I didn't optimize the home page title tag and when I did for the main keyword, i.e. mainkeyword | mainkeyword.org, or just mainkeyword.org Home Page. Both didn't help with this. We have very few backlinks. Thanks
Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BobGW0 -
Ecommerce web design read more toggle vs menu link on home page and product pages
Hello, We have an Ecommerce store. We have a lot of content on the home page and product pages and we are going back and forth between which one to use between a toggle "Read More" "Show Less" toggle for each section and a anchor linked menu. We have long product pages We're thinking a read more toggle is more appropriate for category descriptions so that they can go at the top of the category and not take up space. But the read more toggle with lots of content scrolls the page down and doesn't scroll it back up when you hit "show less" We're leaning towards a linked menu for the home pages and product pages for this reason, but an accordion type set of toggles would look nicer. What do you recommend, and how have you set up your read more toggles if they have lots of info so that they are not confusing? Are there other options? ' Not looking for code (I can do that) I'm looking for ideas on the cleanest home page, category pages, and product pages when they have tons and tons of textual content. Wanting to trim it up and make it look compact and neat! Thanks!
Web Design | | BobGW0 -
Best and easiest Google Depersonalization method
Hello, Moz hasn't written anything about depersonalization for years. This article has methods, but I don't know if they are valid anymore. What's an easy, effective way to depersonalize Google search these days? I would just log out of Google, but that shows different ranking results than Moz's rank tracker for one of our main keywords, so I don't know if that method is correct. Thanks
Algorithm Updates | | BobGW0 -
How long you've seen it take to rank in small niche
Hello, How long do you see small niche sites taking to rank where they should be for their strength? Our last site took at least 6 months. Our current site's home page for our main term is stuck at around the 40th page and not moving. It's an exact match domain so it should be on at least page 2. We have one site in the industry already that carries similar products but it is much bigger with a much wider scope of products. It took a while to rank too. Our only backlinks I'm working on are Google & Youtube (and DMOZ), we have a facebook fan page. Our site is nicer than the site in position #1. Working on making as many pages as possible 10X content. Thank You, Bob
Algorithm Updates | | BobGW0 -
Do you see sites with unfixable Penguin penalties?
Hello, We have a site with 2 Penguin update penalties (drops in traffic) and one quality penalty (another drop in traffic) all years ago, both just drops in rankings and not messages in Google Console. Now that Penguin is hard coded, do you find that some sites never recover even with a beautiful disavow and cleanup? We've added content and still have some quality errors, though I thought they were minor. This client used to have doorway sites and paid links, but now is squeaky clean with a disavow done a month ago though most of the cleanup was done by deletion of the doorways and paid links 9 months ago. Is this a quality problem or is our site permanently gone? Let me know what information you need. Looking for people with a lot of experience with other sites and Penguin. Thanks.
White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | BobGW2 -
Ecommerce promotion: How many blog posts per week minimum for fast launch
Hello, We're trying to jumpstart our new Ecommerce site with a blog. We just launched and have 4 thorough blog posts which I'm working to refine to 10X content. Trying to make all content 10X. As you know, it's not easy. Our niche has little to no content written by competitors. We are hoping to get to about $5000/month sales with this site. How many blog posts should we launch a week (10X content) in order to take advantage of boosting our results in the rankings as fast as possible. Does it usually take 6 months? I know the more the better, but consider we only have so many resources, so I'm trying to decide if one 10X piece a week is enough, or 2 or 3. Thanks.
Link Building | | BobGW1 -
Best Resources for taking Facebook and Google Plus to the next level
Hello, I'm doing some research on Facebook and Google Plus. I have more experience with Facebook. I'm going to do my own research, but what do you guys think is the best articles or videos for taking Facebook and Google Plus to the next level? My goals are to engage and promote for Ecommerce and Informational sites. Low budget. Thanks, Bob
Branding | | BobGW1 -
Feedback to what to offer to my clients on my SEO website - local to Boise ID
Hi, I'm targeting Boise, Idaho and building an SEO consulting website. Right now I only offer 3 things because that's what I have experience in: 1. On-site SEO 2. Content Audit 3. Start a company from scratch. Ecommerce, Service, or Informational I know #3 involves all SEO, so it will be challenging, but 1-3 is what I've been doing for 10 years. What feedback do you have as far as 1-3 being my 3 offers, and is $200/hour fair? I work off quotes by estimating my time at $200/hour. Thanks.
Local SEO | | BobGW1 -
Whether this is a good informational keyword (for ads)
Hello, Learning about informational keywords. Is Nikola Tesla (300K-1M) a good informational keyword considering I'd only be (at the highest) on the 2nd page? There's no ads and I'm competing against big players, but the 2nd page has opportunities for ranking. I've been studying this guy a long time. Don't know if it's will bring ad revenue. What about chemtrails (118k-300k)
Moz Pro | | BobGW0 -
Size of a term to make money off of ad based informational site
Hello, I am used to estimating how much money is possible to make out of ranking for Ecommerce terms. Higher price products have a lower conversion rate (cheap items are opposite) so you can look at the keyword size in keyword explorer and estimate pretty well (roughly). My question is, how many times bigger does an ad based (informational) keyword need to be to get similar profit? This is just an estimate. For example, does a term need to be 5? 10? times bigger on average (volume) as an informational keyword to make the same amount of profit (roughly of course)? I realize there are many factors here but you must have some way you think of it? Can you give me some general guidelines?
Moz Pro | | BobGW0 -
Ecommerce: How to do best product content piece - include competitors?
Hello, A client runs an Ecommerce store. Doing a "best running shoes" type piece of content in our industry. I (the SEO) want to be 10X better than the first listing and be honest and fit intent by including all "running shoes" from all internet suppliers (including nofollow links). It's about 8-10 names. We could list us first when we carry a product. like 6 other site's products 4 of ours, listing who carries the product with our site listed first if we do. We have some of the best. The meta description and top of the article would be like. We analyzed 23+ sites and made some hard conclusions.... But wait, one of the owners doesn't want to list competitor site names even if they are nofollow or even just text. She only wants to include items from our store. I would have to rename the content "Our Top 5 products" and it would be a mismatch in intent and keywords for "best running shoes" and just be for our customers. What is the most proper SEO thing to do to attack "best running shoes" (if appropriate)keeping in mind long terms sales? The owner wants to hear your suggestions as well. And is a "best" keyword sometimes competition? Thanks.
Keyword Research | | BobGW1 -
Having trouble choosing a domain for my new project
Hello, I'm starting an informational website. The topics that will be covered will be conspiracy theory orgone spiritual awakening kundalini Ancient Knowledge. and related topics The problem is that a lot of people coming in on conspiracy theory topics might not like a domain like trulyawake.com, yet that's what I lean to. I want it to be clever. Eventually there will be products and ads. Looking for a way to tie everything together. Thank you.
Keyword Research | | BobGW0 -
Please critique inexperienced keyword research strategy
Hello, Here's how I'm gathering keywords for my new website. I'm using a hrefs to gather (through looking at 50 competitors) many top content topics in the industry. I will make a list of hot keywords. Then I'm going to look at keyword planner and Google and add to the list. What else can I do? Tips/Articles/Videos welcome.
Keyword Research | | BobGW0 -
Best SEO Strategist to hire for 4-5K
Hello, We want to get a top notch company to look at us for 4-5K. We don't need SEO, we've got plenty of motion through the press and word of mouth, but if an all around agency was to give good advice I could get him some time with our CEO. How do I get the best for only 4-5K, we may continue with services or it may just be a one time thing. Who should I contact? Bob
Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BobGW0 -
Traffic going down in all sites in a niche
Hello, A client has three Ecommerce sites in a niche. Because of competition and a (possibly) non manual penalty due to doorways and paid links (though I think it's mainly competition too) our traffic is going down. What are the keys to increasing traffic at this point. Feel free to include tricks that cost money. A Hrefs (I love Moz though!) has some neat content tricks. Please give me the best tricks in the industry to increase traffic. We're adding content to the main site of the three and maybe that's what to focus on, but we're having trouble driving serious traffic with the content. We need serious traffic. We are experts in our field and capable of almost anything as far as information goes in our field. Thanks.
White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | BobGW0 -
Paid Link/Doorway Disavow - disavowing the links between 2 sites in the same company.
Hello, Three of our client's sites are having difficulty because of past doorway/paid link activity, which we're doing the final cleanup on with a disavow. There are links between the sites. Should we disavow all the links between the sites? Thank you.
White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | BobGW0 -
How to get more Facebook likes
Hello, We're doing a $5/day like campaign with our cover photo on this Facebook page. What tips do you have in getting more likes, we're only getting like 2 a day. We need lots. Themes: Healing with alternative healing methodologies (orgonite - healing devices, MMS - a powerful supplement) Helping wolves Helping bees I know we're an interesting niche and hard to advise. Here's our site. What tips do you have, just for Facebook?
Branding | | BobGW0 -
Advice on how to improve our Facebook movement
Hello, We recently launched our facebook page found here. Our website is here. We give away 30% of our products and we donate to help bees, wolves, and people discovering themselves. I am wondering how, without spending too much money (we have some money) or for free to improve our Facebook campaign. We sell orgonite, art-like devices that absorb negative electromagnetic waves and help heal people with health conditions. We also are soon launching a little known powerful mineral supplement campaign (MMS - Master Mineral Supplement) to help people with cancer in return for donations if and only if it helps a lot. Our budget for that post is $100. Let me know how we can, for free or little money, improve what we're doing. Any advice is appreciated. We're trying to do a lot of good for the community. Thank you.
Branding | | BobGW0 -
Tips on speeding up disavow process and still doing it right
Hello, I'm doing a 10-step disavow check using this article, this word document, and this corresponding spreadsheet template. Doing a disavow for a non-manual penguin penalty (paid links, doorway sites) It's taking a long time. Can you give me some pointers of how to speed things up? I want to do it right but I need to know how I can do it faster. Like tricks on domains to automatically disavow, what not to check, whatever tips you have. I'm using Cognitive SEO and manual checking. I'd like to avoid pricy tools. I'm on a mac. Thanks!
Moz Pro | | BobGW0 -
.org EMD - worth it or should we go with a lesser keyworded .com
Hello, A client of mine really wants to go with a 3 keyword EMD .org kw1kw2kw3.org The other option is to buy a non EMD .com with 2 of the keywords in it. I am leaning towards the .com, I don't think .org's are very professional, and EMDs seem to be going out of style, but please give your honest opinion now and what will happen in the coming years. Thanks
Branding | | BobGW0 -
Whether to disavow fettish sites
Hello, In one niche, all competitors have fettish backlinks. Some of these sites have related products on them, some are just information, but some border on porn sites. I'm wondering which if not all of these I should disavow. There's quite a few. We're doing a non-manual penguin recovery based on link building like paid links, unnatural anchor text and doorway sites. Thanks.
White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | BobGW0