Usage Data

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When making a call to the Usage Data endpoint, the total value may not include rows returned in the last hour of making the call.
  • Yes, the weighted endpoints are included in this total. For example, if you were to make a call of limit: 1 to the link intersect endpoint, this would be counted as 5 rows consumed in your Usage Data.
  • You can access your API Dashboard via Within the dashboard you can monitor your API usage.

What's Covered?

In this guide you’ll learn more about making API calls to the Usage Data endpoint for the Links API V2.

This documentation specifies information for Moz Links API V2. V1 of the Links API does not include a Usage Data endpoint.

What is this endpoint for?

Use this endpoint to keep track of your API usage. The endpoint returns the number of rows consumed so far in the current billing period. The count returned might not reflect rows consumed in the last hour. The count returned reflects rows consumed by requests to both the v1 (Moz Links API) and v2 Links APIs.

Quick Links

Getting Started

Before making calls to the Usage Data endpoint, be sure you are set up with an API token within your Moz Account.

For information regarding authentication, please see our Overview & Authentication guide.

All requests and responses are structured in JSON.

Endpoint Location

When requesting usage data from Links V2, be sure to use the following endpoint


Request Syntax

    "start": "string",
    "end": "string"

Please note: this request can be made without specifying a time frame with the following syntax


Example JSON Request

    "start": "18374",
    "end": "1635466367"

Example JSON Request - No Parameters


Request Parameters

“start” - The start of the time period to get usage data for, represented in Unix time (seconds since 00:00:00 UTC, 1 January 1970). This must be less than 'end'. Note that this should be an integer, passed as a string. The default time is the start of the current month.

  • Type: string

“end” - The end of the time period to get usage data for, represented in Unix time (seconds since 00:00:00 UTC, 1 January 1970). Note that this should be an integer, passed as a string. This must be greater than 'start'. The default is the current time.

  • Type: string

Response Syntax

    "rows_consumed": number

Example JSON Response

   "rows_consumed": 64

Response Elements

"rows_consumed" - The number of rows consumed in the time period specified. The count returned might not reflect rows consumed in the last hour. (If no time period is specified, the results returned will reflect rows consumed so far in the current billing period.)

  • Type: string


See the Common Errors section for errors that are common to all endpoints.

Example HTTP Request

POST /v2/usage_data
Content-Length: [length of request payload in bytes]
User-Agent: [user agent string]
Authorization: Basic [credentials]
    "start": "0",
    "end": "1635466367"

Example cURL Request

curl -d '{“start”: “1569888000”, “end”: “1635724799”}' -X POST -u 'access_id:secret_key'

Example Python Request

import requests

auth = (access_id, secret_key)
url = “”
data = “””{
        "start": "0",
      "end": "1635466367"
request =, data=data, auth=auth)

Example HTTP Request - No Parameters

POST /v2/usage_data
Content-Length: [length of request payload in bytes]
User-Agent: [user agent string]
Authorization: Basic [credentials]

Example cURL Request - No Parameters

curl -d '{}' -X POST -u 'access_id:secret_key'

Example Python Request - No Parameters

import requests
auth = (access_id, secret_key)
url = “”
data = ”{}”
request =, data=data, auth=auth)

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