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How To Focus Your SEO Strategy: A Quick Guide for Businesses New to Online Optimization
Annaleis Montgomery

How To Focus Your SEO Strategy: A Quick Guide for Businesses New to Online Optimization

With businesses making the move to serve their customers primarily online and the footfall of customers in physical stores dropping dramatically, the value of SEO has been rediscovered. This post will offer a guide to businesses looking to enhance their organic reach and traffic, by providing some SEO solutions to issues they might be experiencing.

Visualizing Speed Metrics to Improve SEO, UX, & Revenue
Sam Marsden

Visualizing Speed Metrics to Improve SEO, UX, & Revenue

With increasing benefits to SEO, UX, and customer loyalty that inevitably translates to revenue, there are more reasons than ever to both focus on site speed and become adept at communicating its value to devs and stakeholders. Sam Marsden takes us point-by-point through how Google understands speed metrics, the best ways to access and visualize that data, and why it all matters.