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  • Hello sir i noticed that my DA is Dropped From 27 to 26 Of this website What is the reason I don't i try a lot to find a solution but not get . But I notice that in google webmaster tool the domain linking increased every time but on the, not domain added even my DA Dropped. Even When i checked my site on   he shows approx 350 domain with high da and pa. help me i am getting frustrated. Is that Moz is crawling All domain Fairly or not ??

    Link Building | | rishu578

  • keyword rankings

    The Moz Keyword Ranker does not seem to work - it keeps buffering when I add a keyword, Anyone see the same thing?

    Keyword Research | | SmartSimple
  • Unsolved

    spam score white hat

    How can I reduce the spamscore on my website?
    All the activities I did on my website were completely white hat and I did not do any spam jobs, but my spam score is 2%
    This is my site address
    Please help me how can I reduce the spamscore in my account?

    Moz Tools | | serktba

  • I'm new to Moz and SEO. When setting up a new campaign there are some keywords pre-filled. Sometimes there are a lot. Sometimes they are very client-specific rather than for the sector or for a search. Sometimes there are very few poor quality keywords. Should I research keywords so that there are as many as possible relevant keywords when first setting up the campaign or leave it as it is and add keywords later?

    Getting Started | | thepeterlunt

  • My website DA is gradually decreasing while I am updating my website regularly. Please suggest me good method to increase it. Site is Thanks

    Link Building | | james11223
  • This question is deleted!


  • international seo crawling

    Hi, I am working on the SEO of an online gaming platform - a platform that can only be accessed by people in certain countries, where the games and content are legally allowed.
    Example: The games are not allowed in the USA, but they are allowed in Canada. Present Situation:
    Presently when a user from the USA visits the site they get directed to a restricted location page with the following message: RESTRICTED LOCATION
    Due to licensing restrictions, we can't currently offer our services in your location. We're working hard to expand our reach, so stay tuned for updates! Because USA visitors are blocked Google which primarily (but not always) crawls from the USA is also blocked, so the company webpages are not being crawled and indexed. Objective / What we want to achieve: The website will have multiple region and language locations. Some of these will exist as standalone websites and others will exist as folders on the domain. Examples below: [English Canada] [french Canada] [spanish mexico] [portugese brazil] [hindi India] If a user from USA or another restricted location tries to access our site they should not have access but should get a restricted access message.
    However we still want google to be able to access, crawl and index our pages. Can i suggest how do we do this without getting done for cloaking etc? Would this approach be ok? (please see below) We continue to work as the present situation is presently doing, showing visitors from the USA a restricted message.
    However rather than redirecting these visitors to a restricted location page, we just black out the page and show them a floating message as if it were a model window.
    While Googlebot would be allowed to visit and crawl the website. I have also read that it would be good to put paywall schema on each webpage to let Google know that we are not cloaking and its a restricted paid page. All public pages are accessible but only if the visitor is from a location that is not restricted Any feedback and direction that can be given would be greatly appreciated as i am new to this angle of SEO. Sincere thanks,

    International SEO | | MarkCanning
  • This question is deleted!

  • Unsolved

    moz api access token

    Hi, In March we have updated password for MOZ API and used in our application it worked, but currently the updated password is not working and in the MOZ site the old password is shown and its active. We are using Legacy username and password.
    We see that 5 tokens can be added for API, if we add 2 tokens both will be active.
    We are currently using free services. Please help us resolve this issue.

    API | | NickAndrews

  • moz da moz moz dr

    I'm seeking guidance on optimizing the rankings and increasing Moz Domain Authority (DA) and Domain Rating (DR) for my websites, and, especially in light of the recent Google March 2024 Core Update. What strategies and tactics do you recommend for navigating these changes effectively and enhancing the overall visibility and authority of these domains?

    SEO Tactics | | FredericoSeo
  • Unsolved

    no addresss local moz service mobile

    what can i do if i park my mobile van at my residence ?

    Moz Local | | honeypets
  • Unsolved

    rogerbot 503 ideas

    A lot of my Moz duties seem to be setting hundreds of issues to ignore because my site was getting crawled while under maintenance. Why can't Rogerbot take a break after running into a few of these and then try again later? Is there an official code for Temporary Service Unavailability that can smart bots pause crawls so that they are not wasting compute, bandwidth, crawl budget and my time?

    Product Support | | awilliams_kingston
  • Unsolved

    technical seo product support

    We just updated our sites WP YoastSEO plugin one day prior to the Moz weekly crawl. Not sure if our change interrupted our weekly Moz crawl or if it was an issue with Moz. The Moz weekly crawl, weekly email notifications were not received and all Moz campaign reports were not updated. I would like to run a crawl immediately. How can I do so before waiting for the next MOZ crawl?

    Product Support | | dctomten
  • Unsolved

    seo scripts

    Does Moz offer sales scripts to sell SEO services?

    Getting Started | | SeanMontes

  • I help manage a large website with over 20M backlinks and I want to find all of the broken ones. What would be the most efficient way to go about this besides exporting and checking each backlink's reponse code? Thank you in advance!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | StevenLevine

  • markup schema markup structured data product

    Hi, I am working on a site that presents several products with their descriptions and features, but does not include e-commerce functionality, so it does not show prices. I would be interested in understanding how to properly use the Product markup since the Offer field cannot be filled in. What are your experiences or advice on how best to handle this? Do you have advice on different vocabularies to Product? Thank you very much for your help!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | filippodanesi

  • markup schema markup structured data product

    Hi, I am working on a site that presents several products with their descriptions and features, but does not include e-commerce functionality, so it does not show prices. I would be interested in understanding how to properly use the Product markup since the Offer field cannot be filled in. What are your experiences or advice on how best to handle this? Do you have advice on different vocabularies to Product? Thank you very much for your help!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | filippodanesi

  • markup schema markup structured data product

    Hi, I am working on a site that presents several products with their descriptions and features, but does not include e-commerce functionality, so it does not show prices. I would be interested in understanding how to properly use the Product markup since the Offer field cannot be filled in. What are your experiences or advice on how best to handle this? Do you have advice on different vocabularies to Product? Thank you very much for your help!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | filippodanesi

  • markup schema markup structured data product

    Hi, I am working on a site that presents several products with their descriptions and features, but does not include e-commerce functionality, so it does not show prices. I would be interested in understanding how to properly use the Product markup since the Offer field cannot be filled in. What are your experiences or advice on how best to handle this? Do you have advice on different vocabularies to Product? Thank you very much for your help!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | filippodanesi

  • markup schema markup structured data product

    Hi, I am working on a site that presents several products with their descriptions and features, but does not include e-commerce functionality, so it does not show prices. I would be interested in understanding how to properly use the Product markup since the Offer field cannot be filled in. What are your experiences or advice on how best to handle this? Do you have advice on different vocabularies to Product? Thank you very much for your help!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | filippodanesi

  • I have seen redirect links from google but not sure how to create one. Please guide if anyone knows the answer. Example:

    Link Building | | Melissacarter

  • After a site audit, I find out that my website don't have a robot.txt. Does it hurt my website rankings? One more thing, when I type, it automatically redirect to the homepage. Please help!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | binhlai

  • Hey guys, Can't for the life of me decide which color pallet to use for this logo, so please let me know your thoughts! The logo is for a website that specialises in Instagram social media marketing - So without further ado... Green, Blue or Blue with Red Heart? Thoughts, feedback and anything else you want to add! DBFnY

    Branding | | camille1

  • Hi, A redirection chain is usually defined as a page redirecting to another page which itself is another redirection. URL1 ---(301/302)---> URL2 ---(301/302)---> URL3 But what about Javascript redirect? They seem to be a different beast: URL1 ---(301/302)---> URL2 ---(200 then Javascript redirect)---> URL3 From what I know if the javascript redirect is instant Google counts it as a 301 permanent redirection, but I'm still not sure about if this counts as a redirection chain. Most of the tools (such as moz) only see the first redirection. So is that scenario a redirection chain or no?

    Technical SEO | | LouisPortier
  • Unsolved

    crawl performance

    I'm looking to do a 1-off Performance Metrics analysis across dozens of pages on a single website - a prospective client. I thought it would be part of the On-Demand Crawl.

    Moz Tools | | amandacash85896

  • Hello, All, In April, two months ago, we caught a hack on a client's website. It created about 40 pages in what looked to be a black hat link tactic. We removed the pages, resubmitted the sitemap.xml (it reprocessed) and ran it through screaming frog to confirm all the pages were gone, but the forty pages still show up in the search results for a site search. We have both the www. and non www. version of sites claimed and set a preference. Nothing is awry with the robots.text. We're not really sure what to do to resolve it. We asked Google to recrawl (fetch) the site. I'm not sure what's going on with it. The website's name is The site search bringing up the pages from the hack is below. Any ideas?

    On-Page Optimization | | Cazarin-Interactive

  • Even after a good year or so, my site does not rank in the top 10 ( for "Intensive Driving School Milton Keynes", and is nowhere for "Driving School Milton Keynes". Do you think the domain name is being penalised, or do you think there are other factors that contribute to the poor performance.

    On-Page Optimization | | Buffalo-Mobile

  • Hi, Before I started with my current employer (a national B2B company), someone set them up with a Google My Business page that has resulted in the home office appearing as a local search result. As a result, our competitors have a much more professional national Knowledge Graph sidebar complete with logo, Wikipedia blurb, social links, etc. displayed while we have a local result with reviews, images, and Google Map location. Since we are a B2B business with a national presence, I am trying to transition from the local to broader company Knowledge Graph result, but I'm struggling to find information on the best steps to remove the local result. While the reviews are improving, this is a service-based business with a B2C element when it comes to end users, so historical reviews have been unkind -- to the point that I'd like to make the transition to a national presence not only to better reflect the entire region we serve, but also to remove as much review visibility as possible. The only option in Google My Business I've seen so far is to report the business as being closed, which, of course, it is not. I know a big Step 1 is to get a new Wikipedia page for the business created. (The company is legitimately deserving of one. I'm still trying to find the most effective approach to tackling this without violating Wikipedia policies. ) Outside of that step, however, is there any sort of process someone can recommend for tackling this local-to-nation Google transition? Thanks, Andrew

    Reviews and Ratings | | Andrew_In_Search_of_Answers

  • Hi I'm working on an SEO campaign in relation to vacuum cleaners. I'm working on some outreach and as we focus on B2B I'm finding it difficult to find blogs which are B2B focused. We would ideally want customers who are buying a number of vacuums for their business - but it could be any industry. Instead of B2B blogs, I have gone with the angle of cleaning/organising blogs, with lots of followers on social. However, does anyone know of any good B2B blogs they could recommend? I'm looking for something written by facilities/buildings managers - if blogs like this exist 🙂 Thank you

    Branding | | BeckyKey

  • Hello Let s' say i am working for a multiservice company , sort of general contractor. We have a website using company name . I ve been asked  to make a new website owned by the same company but specific to the multisites multitechnic maintenance activity , which has beeger clients with specific needs seo wise, is it better to call the seconde site or to give a brand to the activity and call it  let's say  (by myccompany ) I would go for the second solution to avoid confusion in the the serp ? is it good to reuse the brand  in domains ? ( small company ) I hope my question is clear 😄 I  l listen to any advice , tks !

    Keyword Research | | volmo

  • Hi Guys, I want to identify whether organic landing pages in Google Analytics month on month (over 6 month period) have increased or decreased in traffic and whether the traffic trend is positive or negative. See attachment of the data. In total there are 500 pages, so it's just not feasible to review each organic chart for each organic landing page to view the trend. I’m sure there is some way to view this in Google Analytics, but just not sure how. Any suggestions? Cheers. 0Bnv85G.jpg

    Reporting & Analytics | | spyaccounts14

  • Hello, I'd like to start a discussion on link building outreach techniques vs. just building a good website with good 10X content. I don't like to receive unsolicited emails in my inbox, so why should the people in my industry? Also, I've seen plenty of evidence of 10X content soaring without link building outreach. But link building isn't dead of course, so can you tell me your personal experiences either way and the ethics of what you do? I especially want to hear if you've had luck with just building good websites and being successful based on the content itself, but an open discussion of either side is welcome. Leaning towards just building good websites and letting the Google algo do it's thing. Would love to hear your experiences either way. Thanks.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | BobGW

  • Hi Guys, Just wondering what would be better in this instance: finding an old post (with good authority) and getting a link from that old article or creating a brand new article and adding the link to that. Finding an old post (with good authority) and getting a link from that old article Creating a brand new article and adding the link to that. Both naturally link out to the page you want a link too. To me, number 1 as the page already has authority but then again number 2 since Google might place some weight to recency. Any thoughts? Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | spyaccounts14

  • Hi all, We have noticed recently soft 404s are increasing day by day; which are landing on our custom 404 page created a month back. Other 404 pages are NOT landing on custom 404 page. Does this custom 404 page hurting us by causing an increase in soft 404s? Our CMS is WordPress. Thanks

    Web Design | | vtmoz

  • Hi!
    I'm dealing with a big client who's site has a big (approx. 39 000) duplication of the "same" page (same content) but each page has a different URL. The duplicated page is a "become a member"-page.
    I've checked the backlinks in Google Search Console and there are no sites linking to any of the duplicated pages.
    The developers have no clue where or how the pages came to be duplicated, but my guess is that every time a new customer sets up an account the page becomes duplicated. The customer want us to just remove the pages and sort out the duplication, but removing the pages might cause a big drop in back links/traffic and what not. I would much rather redirect the duplicated pages to the original page, but given that there are 39 000 pages it might mess with the site speed. Looking for ideas and suggestions of what the next step should be, remove or redirect.
    Thanks so much!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jennisprints

  • Hello, all! I have a client who's Fortune 500 - has all the good "stuff" that is associated with pulling in proper info into the knowledge graph/company information box - Wikipedia, strong citations, etc., but the card is showing the wrong company type! Has anyone had experience with influencing this via Schema or anything else clever? Note that the correct company type is referenced in all the usual spots. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SimpleSearch

  • I thought I knew what it meant but am finding instances where the value in the column, "Linking Root Domains" is greater than the value in the column, "External Links?" Thanks!

    Moz Bar | | Edward_Sturm

  • keywords keyword density keyword stuffing

    Hello, I would like to know if the selection of individual keywords(that are not primary, secondary or tertiary) are important for SEO regardless of the relevancy to the page topic. I am wondering how much of a contribution a non-P1/P2/P3 can make in terms of SEO? For example it is a product page and I have built my content with P1,P2&P3 based only on the product and its properties itself. Do you think that a content gap for the page could be the production process of that product? So even if it is a product and its properties page, I can add 2 sentences about the production, so that I can drive more traffic by including these 2 informative sentences.? EXAMPLE:
    So lets' say my topic is "hair types" (P1) and my subtopics are "Straight," "wavy," and "curly"(P2s) which I used as subtitles. But throughout the page, I am planning to add some relevant but not-directly-relevant keywords here and there since they have high metrics and volumes. For example a potential sentence I can add: "innovative hair products these days can offer amazing results for the desired hair types". It is not specifically about "hair types" but I am using the keyword "innovative hair products" (good metrics keyword) which may help for the traffic... Another potential not-so-direct sentence can be: "For all hair types, the hair damages are common: heat damage, chemical damage and mechanical damage". Would adding this extra sentence where I am not specifically talking about "hair types" (my topic) but "hair damages" and damage examples (off-topic high metric keywords) help me to drive traffic to my website? And how much of an impact would it be?

    Keyword Research | | Siir

  • reports reporting seo tactics seo 101

    Hi all - I've joined a small startup as their first marketing hire and I am strategizing, planning, and executing all work. I need to get to 3-4 reports I focus on per channel so I can still be relatively effective across multiple channels. What are 3-4 reports I should be laser-focused on in Moz that will help me ID opportunities/threats and be able to identify best actions from.

    Digital Marketing | | AndrewAeqium

  • My website is,it is a E-commerce Portal and Moz shows a spam score of 8,may i know why my site spam score is high and how can i reduce it,after all it is a dubai store portal.

    Link Building | | offilery

  • I have lot of website few of them are really big sites. i want to know Why moz is not indexing link from 21 march any body knows please let me. is there some kind of maintenance going on

    Link Explorer | | Arenapile321

  • I have a small health & fitness blog, and my Google search traffic suddenly dropped 60% around August 1 (I've attempted to link an image). My rank has dropped for 86 keywords. I have no manual penalty, so I'm guessing I was affected by the algorithm change. My technical skills are VERY limited. I've tried to find answers on my own, but every time I try to "fix" something, I only seem to make it worse. I do seem to have some structural/performance issues with my site (e.g., lots of 404 errors from uninstalled plugins and unwanted permalinks). I asked my server for assistance (I used managed Wordpress hosting), and they said they couldn't help. As you can imagine, this is quite devastating, and I have no clue where to go from here. I don't know if I'm allowed to link to my site here, but it's mommyrunsit dot com. Any assistance is greatly appreciated. Thanks. Sharon 0lPu4wY

    Reporting & Analytics | | RoniFaida

  • organic seo

    Hi, we are slightly baffled. We have amazing backlinks and good on-site SEO, yet we don’t rank on the first page for our main keyword, “SEO Cardiff.” Now we can't understand why we are not on page one of Google for this keyword? Can someone have a look at our site and tell us why? We think we have better backlinks than some of our direct competitors that rank for this term.

    SEO Tactics | | sarahwalsh

  • onpage

    This is a question for the organic SEO experts, once you added the main keyword that you want to rank for in the homepage title, meta title plus meta description, perhaps once or twice in the text on the homepage. How often do you then write it in the content marketing, say blog posts, we want to rank higher on Google for "SEO agencies Cardiff" however if you mention this in the blog posts too much say once a week, this could lead to over optimisation issues?

    On-Page Optimization | | sarahwalsh

  • When I enter my domain in the free analysis tool, I get a "bummer, no data found". I am certain whatever is causing that to happen is causing other SEO problems

    Getting Started | | verdet3232

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