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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • Hi, A redirection chain is usually defined as a page redirecting to another page which itself is another redirection. URL1 ---(301/302)---> URL2 ---(301/302)---> URL3 But what about Javascript redirect? They seem to be a different beast: URL1 ---(301/302)---> URL2 ---(200 then Javascript redirect)---> URL3 From what I know if the javascript redirect is instant Google counts it as a 301 permanent redirection, but I'm still not sure about if this counts as a redirection chain. Most of the tools (such as moz) only see the first redirection. So is that scenario a redirection chain or no?

    | LouisPortier

  • Is there a way to determine which pages of a website are not being indexed by the search engines? I know Google Webmasters has a sitemap area where it tells you how many urls have been submitted and how many are indexed out of those submitted. However, it doesn't necessarily show which urls aren't being indexed.

    | priceseo

  • Hi guys, Something i'd like appreciate any opinion on... We own a local domain but we're expanding overseas. I've purchased as we'd like to drop the 'card' from URL. We can't get The local site has a decent ranking, but obviously, the newly created HQ site doesn't. What's the best way to tie these in (or even ditch the but retain rank? And what's the best way for users to discover the HQ site? Any insight would help, as both sites are kind of different. One has a local member base and the other just sells software so it really depends on the region of search. Cheers!

    | r.moss

  • I've been asked the question of whether if we should nofollow all of our social links, would this be a wise thing to do? I'm not exactly getting a clear answer from search results and thought you guys would be best to ask 🙂 Thanks in advance.

    | JH_OffLimits

  • Bing is crawling our site, but not indexing it, and we cannot figure out why -- plus it's being indexed fine in Google. Any ideas on what the issue with Bing might be? Here's are some details to let you know what we've already checked/established: We have 4 301’s and the rest of our site checks out We’ve already established our Robots is ok, and that we are fixing our site map/it's in fine shape We do not see anything blocking bingbot access to the site There is no varnish or any load balancers, so nothing on that end that would be blocking the access We also don't see any rules in the apache or the .htaccess config that would be blocking the access

    | Alex_RevelInteractive

  • Hi all, We have an accommodation site that asks users only to register when they want to book a room, in the last step. Though this is the ideal situation when you have tons of users, nowadays we are having around 1500 - 2000 per day and making tests we found out that if we ask for a registration (simple, 1 click FB) we mail them all and through a good customer service we are increasing our sales. That is why, we would like to ask users to register right after the home page ie Home/accommodation or and all the rest. I am not sure how can I make to make that content still visible to robots.
    Will the authentication process block google crawling it? Maybe something we can do? We are  not completely sure how to proceed so any tip would be appreciated. Thank you all for answering.


  • Hello, I am facing indexing issues on one of my which is about budget bushcraft knife, Four months have been passed I built my site and published almost 8 articles so far. But i am worried no single keyword ranked on google till yet as I checked through MOZ site explorer. Can anyone guide me on what should I need to do now? Thanks

    | Ewerurt

  • I work on a site that, due to its work policies, does not allow me to use my keywords on a page because of the structure of the page. Will my spam score go up if I enter the word hiddenly? About three to four times?
    This is the page address
    My spam score is 1 . I am afraid that the spam score will go up or Google will penalty me. please help me

    | zacharrivers

  • hi hi i add script faq in my site but doest show in serp and add moudle ithink may be problem in version wordpress  or theme not stable ... my site url is example when i search" خرید گیفت کارت"  my competitor  show faq script but my site doesnt show please help to resolve this problem thanks moz

    | ahmad21aga

  • Hi everyone. I'm new here so apologies if I'm not asking an appropriate question - just let me know! Can anyone help me figure out why my blog ( isn't ranking at all for my name? I've run it through the standard Moz audit tools and it hasn't picked up any major issues. It ranks fine for my name plus " CTO", but doesn't appear anywhere in the top 50 without that qualifier. I realise there are many other 'James Crowley's to compete with but weirdly even my GitHub profile page appears to rank higher ( I moved the domain a while back (18 months+) and I used to rank highly, but it never seems to have recovered (all the standard redirects are in place, and told Google at the time about the move). Any suggestions would be very much appreciated!

    | james.crowley

  • one of my websites is showing a constant drop in rankings. Earlier the website was ranking for major keywords like resume writing services etc. I used Ahrefs site audit to find issues. According to Ahrefs there was a huge issue of duplicate pages, which is now resolved by proper canonical tag insertion. The site is built on Angular. Fetch report in Google shows perfect code and Sitemap is also perfect. Manual action reporting in webmaster shows no warning. Please suggest what steps should I take to fix this issue.

    | mayyaa4

  • I have a quick question to ask you guys,
    I have my site ( It used to rank very well for all my target keywords. But recently all keywords dropped massively. I can't seems to find a good reason of this drop. We have not change anything which may have caused such drop.
    Any suggestion or advice to get into the problem. I would appreciate your kind responses.

    | Mustansar

  • Some pages in Search Console have troubles in indexing. Although Google Index says url is on google and indexed , Live test shows something different( image is attached ). My performance has badly been affected(image attached). Anybody knows what the problem is? R5iCT20

    | ehsanamel

  • I've discovered that one of the sites I am working on includes content which also appears on number of other sites. I need to understand exactly how much of the content is duplicated so I can replace it with unique copy. To do this I have tried using tools such as and with mixed results, nothing so far is able to give me a reliable picture of exactly how much of my existing website content is duplicated on 3rd party sites. Any advice welcome!

    | HomeJames

  • As in the title, we have a site with around 40k pages, but around a third of them are showing as "Indexed, not submitted in sitemap" in Google Search Console. We've double-checked the sitemaps we have submitted and the URLs are definitely in the sitemap. Any idea why this might be happening? Example URL with the error: Sitemap it is located on:

    | TTYH

  • Hi,
    I've just inherited a website that I'll be looking after. I've looked in the Search Console in the Crawl errors section and discovered thousands of urls that point to non- existent pages on Desktop. There's 1,128 on Smartphone.
    Some are odd and make no sense. for example: | bdfqgnnl-z3543-qh-i39634-imbbfuceonkqrihpbptd/ | Not sure why these have are occurring but what's the best way to deal with them to improve our SEO? | northeast/ | 404 | 8/29/18 |
    | | 2 | blog/2016/06/27/top-tips-for-getting-started-with-the-new-computing-curriculum/ | 404 | 8/10/18 |
    | | 3 | eastmidlands | 404 | 8/21/18 |
    | | 4 | eastmidlands/partner-schools/pingle-school/ | 404 | 8/27/18 |
    | | 5 | z3540-hyhyxmw-i18967-fr/ | 404 | 8/19/18 |
    | | 6 | northeast/jobs/maths-teacher-4/ | 404 | 8/24/18 |
    | | 7 | qfscmpp-z3539-i967-mw/ | 404 | 8/29/18 |
    | | 8 | manchester/jobs/history-teacher/ | 404 | 8/5/18 |
    | | 9 | eastmidlands/jobs/geography-teacher-4/ | 404 | 8/30/18 |
    | | 10 | resources | 404 | 8/26/18 |
    | | 11 | blog/2016/03/01/world-book-day-how-can-you-get-your-pupils-involved/ | 404 | 8/31/18 |
    | | 12 | onxhtltpudgjhs-z3548-i4967-mnwacunkyaduobb/ | Cheers.
    Thanks in advance,

    | JamesHancocks1

  • ANOTHER mobile first question. Have searched the forum and didn't see something similar. Feel free to passive- aggressively link to an old thread. TL;DR - Some content would just clutter the page on mobile but is worth having on desktop. Will this now be ignored on desktop searches? Long form: We have a few ecommerce websites. We're toying with the idea of placing a lot more text on our collection/category pages. Primarily to try and set the scene for our products and sell the company a bit more effectively. It's also, obviously, an opportunity to include a couple of long tail keywords. Because mobile screens are small (duh) and easily cluttered, we're inclined _not _to display this content on mobile. In this case; will any SEO benefit be lost entirely, even to searchers on desktop? Sorry if I've completely misunderstood mobile-first indexing! Just an in-house marketing manager trying to keep up! cries into keyboard Thanks for your time.

    | MSGroup

  • redirecting domain redirect former site

    Is it best to redirect an old website to a new website page by page to like pages or just the entire site all at once to the home page of the new site? I do have about 10 good pages on the site that are worth directing to corresponding pages on the new site. Just trying to figure out what is going to preserve the most link juice. Thanks for the help!

    | photoseo1

  • Hi, Hope you guys are doing well! I need help from experts, I have a query that "Does google allows SEO for websites related to crypto currency ?" If yes, what is best way to do SEO for crypto currency website ?

    | JessicaThompson

  • What is your favorite tool for getting a report of URLs that are not cached/indexed in Google & Bing for an entire site? Basically I want a list of URLs not cached in Google and a seperate list for Bing. Thanks, Mark

    | elephantseo

  • We need help to figure out what seems to be an error in our sitemap.
    We have submitted the sitemap to BING and the sitemap includes 1,2 million pages that should be crawled.  After initial submission, Bing says in the dashboard that 1,2 million pages have been submitted.  Then always after 2-4 days the number drops to either 500.000 pages or like now 250.000 pages.   Why is that?  is there an error in our sitemap and BING in excluding pages, and it lowers the submitted number after going through them and discovering the error ?.   We need to figure this out and fix so that BING can crawl and index all our 1,2 million pages.   See the screenshot showing the BING dashboard.   
    We are also having issues with google but we can't figure out what is going on. Here are the sitemaps: and here: Your website is qqp6gj

    | IMSvintagephotos

  • Hi, Dealing with both my duplicated titles and meta descriptions i'm wondering if there's a "quick" win I could potentially implement asap. A bit of background:
    Say I've 4 pages structured that way: for the US the UK for France For Germany At the moment, both my page titles and meta-descriptions are duplicated all over the place for product A.
    Title is reading "Product A - company name"
    MD is a bit better, being translated in all 3 languages (En, Fr, DE). Therefore being the same for the US and for the UK. Ideally, I would get unique page titles and MD all over the place. However, due to time and resource constraints, I can't make it happen overnight. So my questions are pretty simple:
    1. Can I create a rule for page titles to be "Product A - country - company name" or similar? Would that be enough to make the page titles unique? Is there any value doing so?
    2. Can I "localize" duplicate MD by simply naming the country? I assume it is not enough in this case as all the rest would be copy/pasted. Ideally speaking, both my page titles and MD would be completely unique but I can't afford doing so in the short term. Thanks!

    | GhillC

  • duplicate content canonical 301 redirect

    Hi there
    Moz flagged the following content issues, the page has duplicate content and missing canonical tags.
    What is the best solution to do? Industrial Flooring » IRL Group Ltd Industrial Flooring » IRL Group Ltd Industrial Flooring » IRL Group Ltd

    | Kingagogomarketing

  • duplicate content subdirectory directories

    Hi there and thank you in advance for your help! I'm seeking guidance on how to structure a resources directory (white papers, webinars, etc.) while avoiding duplicate content penalties. If you go to /resources on our site, there is filter function. If you filter for webinars, the URL becomes /resources/?type=webinar We didn't want that dynamic URL to be the primary URL for webinars, so we created a new page with the URL /resources/webinar that lists all of our webinars and includes a featured webinar up top. However, the same webinar titles now appear on the /resources page and the /resources/webinar page. Will that cause duplicate content issues? P.S. Not sure if it matters, but we also changed the URLs for the individual resource pages to include the resource type. For example, one of our webinar URLs is /resources/webinar/forecasting-your-revenue Thank you!

    | SAIM_Marketing

  • My client currently has a main website on a url and an eCommerce site on a subdomain. The eCommerce site is currently not mobile friendly, has images that are too small and are problematic - and I believe it negates some of the SEO work we do for them. I had to turn off Google Shopping ads because the quality score was so low. That being said, they are rebuilding a shopping cart on a new platform that will be mobile friendly BUT the images are going to be tiny until they slowly replace images over several months. Would you keep the shopping cart on a subdomain, or make it part of the main website URL? Can it negatively impact the progress we have made on the main site SEO.

    | jerrico1

  • speed wordpress website speed technical seo

    I'm reaching out for some advice on improving my WordPress website's speed. I'm currently using a free theme for this fusion magazine and aiming for a score of 95+ on Google PageSpeed Insights. I'm aware that premium plugins can significantly enhance performance, but I'm hoping to achieve similar results using primarily free solutions and manual optimizations.

    | mohammadrehanseo

  • This is not something I have ever seen before. The site is still indexed if I search for it directly, but not in top 100 rankings for keywords even though sub-pages are ranking for the given keyword. Changes I have made recently include site transfer to wordpress, force redirect http to https removal of www by redirect and adding new property instance in Google Search Console. I have checked htaccess file and sitemap and all seem fine. ideas? Site:

    | HappyApple84

  • Hi, I added canonicals last two days, and made a tiny change is our meta titles. (adding a secondary keyword). Now my ave. position and visibility has dropped very much. Can it be canonicals or is it the keywords? Can canonicals affect the website so quickly? My other question is can it be temporarily so should I wait more? how long? I should mention that our website content is not really good and I'm working on it. When I added meta tags we had a big jump in our ranking and then we stopped getting better,. But now we are going down! Can it be the content? Sorry I know that it is actually all, but i do not know which one matters more and do not understand why it happened immediately after adding canonicals. Our website is: Appreciate your advice.

    | PSI.Account

  • Hi Experts, I have follow backlinks from a domain for 6 months, but its not apear in Links to Your Site tools (search console) that domain has 302k indexed pages in google! Could you please explain me why google not showing this type of backlinks?

    | denakalami

  • seo page treatment page rank google rankings

    Hi, We are an escort directory with 10 years history. We have multiple locations within the following countries, UK, USA, AUS. Although many of our locations (towns and cities) index on page one of Google, just as many do not. Can anyone give us a clue as to why this may be?

    | ZuricoDrexia

  • Hi, I have a category page I want to rank. This page has 24 different products quite similar but not exactly the same.
    I want to use canonical tag in any product to the parent category. 
    Is this a right use of the canonical? 
    Category page I'm talking about is : Finger bits If I understand how to use canonical tags I can improve all my category pages. thanks marco

    | amastone

  • #index redirect
    RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]{3,9}\ /index.html\ HTTP/
    RewriteRule ^index.html$ [R=301,L]
    RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} .html
    RewriteRule ^(.*).html$ /$1 [R=301,L] hi anyone please help I use this code but now getting 404 error. please help. homepage and service.html page is working, but the rest pages like about.html, servicearea.html, and contact.html is not working showing 404 error. and also when you type this URL. it automatically remove the .HTML extension and shows 404 error, the pages name in root directory is same. these pages work like and why? i also remove this code again but still same issue.

    | roynguyen

  • technical seo ecommerce indexation crawl product page

    Hello! We are an online marketplace that submitted our sitemap through Google Search Console 2 weeks ago. Although the sitemap has been submitted successfully, out of ~10000 links (we have ~10000 product pages), we only have 25 that have been indexed. I've attached images of the reasons given for not indexing the platform. gsc-dashboard-1 gsc-dashboard-2 How would we go about fixing this?

    | fbcosta

  • canonical indexing serps canonical duplicate url issue

    My client's CMS uses an internal linking structure that includes index.php at the end of the URLs. The site also works using SEO-friendly URLs without index.php, so the SEO tool identified a duplicate content issue. Their marketing team thought the pages with index.php would have better link equity and rank higher, so they added a canonical ref tag, making the index.php version of the pages the canonical page. As a result, the site dropped in the rankings by a LOT and has not recovered in the last 3-months. It appears that Google had automatically selected the SEO-friendly URLs as the canonical page, and by switching, it re-indexed the entire site. The question we have is, should they change it back? Or will this cause the site to be reindexed again, resulting in an even lower ranking?

    | TienB24

  • wordpress

    good morning I have a wordpress site I have activated the multisite, currently the site has a domain authority of 8, when I publish a post, it is indexed quite quickly, if I publish a post in a language other than the /es ​​subdomain it takes 24 hours why? If the author domain is the same, why does the employee take longer to be indexed on Google? Thank you

    | alainscilly77

  • site name international seo cctlds

    We are currently experiencing issues with our subdomain SiteName. Our parent company root domain is a Japanese language site, but we have an English subdomain that is for the United States primarily, and nearly rest of world for organic traffic. Our issue is that we have followed the guidelines here: There was a large post on here with many responses including Googlers with issues others were having, but it has since been removed. Here is the code in place on our homepage: <script
    type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "",
    "@type": "WebSite",
    "name": "Mescius Developer Tools",
    "alternateName": ["Mescius, inc.", ""],
    "url": "" }
    </script> Unfortunately this is what is appearing in the SERP. It is using the Japanese equivalent of our parent company. Screenshot 2024-02-23 at 3.37.55 PM.png Even though the relationship between root and subdomain should not be causing this, it seems like something is impacting this incorrect SiteName, and it is impacting CTR for the subdomain. Has anyone else experienced this and found a fix?

    | Evan_Wright

  • i have seen some 301 redirects on my site  billsonline, can anyone please explain the difference between backlinks and 301 redirects,  i have read some articles where the writer was stating  that  301 are not good for website.

    | aliho

  • I have been doing everything right that I could possibly do on my blog, tracking down and deleting broken links, writing for endless other publications to build my link profile, having an easy to read site with regularly updated content. Despite this, my DA has gone down by two. It's infuriating and I don't know why this is happening - does anyone have any ideas?

    | AmyAed

  • I've noticed that some of our URLs have recently dropped completely out of Google's index. When carrying out a URL inspection in GSC, it comes up with 'Crawled, currently not indexed'. Strangely, I've also noticed that under referring page it says 'None detected', which is definitely not the case. I wonder if it could be something to do with the following? - It seems to be a bug affecting quite a few people. Here are a few examples of the URLs that have gone missing: Any help here would be massively appreciated!

    | iHasco

  • Hello , Everyone I have my own  website crawlmyline we are doing seo from last 2 years but didn't do any spammy work on my my site .Still I won't able to stop the spam score and now my website has 28 % spam score according to the moz.I have taken subscription of moz pro but still i can't understand the process. Can anyone please tell me how to decrease the spam score of website ?

    | kuldeep_chauhan

  • loss of ranking

    For few weeks ago my website is constantly decreasing in search position. I lost keywords and is gooooing down.
    Although it is well rated on several on page and off page seo verification software that I have tried.
    I checked Google search console and Analytics and found no major problems. However… from one day to another it keeps going down.
    I also checked what the main competitors are doing and they are not doing well, at all.
    The main competitor actually has a creepy website. Totally devoid of onpage or offpage SEO but with an enormous number of backlinks. And of a very bad quality, which should disqualify it, still…
    Few weeks ago I changed something.
    In the pages I had H1, 4xH2, no H3 and an H4 without content.
    An unnatural H tag structure.
    Now I have H1, H2, H3, 3xH4, with the coherent information.
    Theoretically, Google should have been “happy” or I’m missing something. I use a SAAS platform.
    I just found out that they made changes to the keywords (tags).
    I am selling toner cartridges for printers.
    The tags are printer models and generate a url in which they have the products.
    Ex. goes to the products for that printer model.
    The question is… should I make tag canonical?
    Is it possible for products to loose so much in Google search?

    | Dan_Tala

  • google http https indexation crawl

    Whole website moved to https://www. HTTP/2 version 3 years ago. When we review log files, it is clear that - for the home page - GoogleBot continues to only access via HTTP/1.1 protocol Robots file is correct (simply allowing all and referring to https://www. sitemap Sitemap is referencing https://www. pages including homepage Hosting provider has confirmed server is correctly configured to support HTTP/2 and provided evidence of accessing via HTTP/2 working 301 redirects set up for non-secure and non-www versions of website all to https://www. version Not using a CDN or proxy GSC reports home page as correctly indexed (with https://www. version canonicalised) but does still have the non-secure version of website as the referring page in the Discovery section. GSC also reports homepage as being crawled every day or so. Totally understand it can take time to update index, but we are at a complete loss to understand why GoogleBot continues to only go through HTTP/1.1 version not 2 Possibly related issue - and of course what is causing concern - is that new pages of site seem to index and perform well in SERP ... except home page. This never makes it to page 1 (other than for brand name) despite rating multiples higher in terms of content, speed etc than other pages which still get indexed in preference to home page. Any thoughts, further tests, ideas, direction or anything will be much appreciated!

    | AKCAC

  • Hi Guys, Got a site I am working with on the Wix platform. However site audit tools such as Screaming Frog, Ryte and even Moz's onpage crawler show the pages having no content, despite them having 200 words+. Fetching the site as Google clearly shows the rendered page with content, however when I look at the Google cached pages, they also show just blank pages. I have had issues with nofollow, noindex on here, but it shows the meta tags correct, just 0 content. What would you look to diagnose? I am guessing some rogue JS but why wasn't this picked up on the "fetch as Google".

    | nezona

  • seo tactics

    Our brand is called The Queen's Lace. Based on Search Console, more people search for it by "Queens Lace" than "The Queen's Lace". Any suggestions on how I can improve SEO on "Queens Lace"? Search Console (last 28 days) "the queen's lace": 206 impressions, 60.7% CTR, 1.1 avg position "queens lace": 518 impressions, 46.3% CTR, 2.2 avg position Note: our domain is and I use a redirect from Thanks,

    | pmk0
  • Unsolved This question is deleted!


  • Absolutely no idea what is going on. All of our category / subcategory and other support pages are indexed and cached as normal, but suddenly none of our product pages are cached, and all of the product / offer schema snippets have been dropped from the serps as well (price, review count, average rating etc). When I inspect a product detail page url in GSC, I am either getting errors or it is returned as a soft 404. There have been no recent changes to our website that are obvious culprits. When I request indexing, it works fine for non-product pages, but generates the "Something went wrong
    If the issue persists, try again in a few hours" message for any product page submitted. We are not SEO novices. This is an Angular 7 site with a Universal version launched back in October (new site, same domain), and until this strange issue cropped up we'd enjoyed steady improvement of rankings and GSC technical issues. Has anyone seen anything like this? We are seeing rapid deterioration in rankings overnight for all product detail pages due to this issue. A term / page combination that ranked for over a decade in the top 10 lost 10 places overnight... There's just no obvious culprit. Using chrome dev tools to view as googlebot, everything is kosher. No weird redirects, no errors, returns 200 and page loads. Thank You

    | jamestown

  • ga4 indexing

    When my website Custom Made Casino switched from universal analytics to GA, i have noticed that now in the behavior section it is showing 2 versions of my homepage which I feel may be impacting seo. It is showing the main url which we use for everything, , and it is showing This was never the case with universal. Does anyone know if this is a problem and if so, how do i fix it so that our proper homepage is what is indexed?

    | CustomMadeCasino

  • seo canonical canonical duplicate

    Hey all, We have two brands one bigger and one smaller that are on 2 different domains. We are wanting to repost some of the articles from the smaller brand to the bigger brand and what was a bit of curve ball, our SEO agency advised us NOT to put a rel: canonical on the reposted articles on the bigger brands site. This is counter to what i'm used to and just wanted to confirm with the gurus out there if this is good advice or bad advice. Thanks 🙂

    | Redooo

  • wordpress technical seo meta data

    Hello! I have a problem. I'm using Rank Math for WordPress. But I can’t configure a basic thing such as <meta name="author" content="" />. I had to insert this code manually using the hook. Does anyone know a normal way to do this markup? Example page: Thank you!

    | WayneM.

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